@@ -1,60 +1,101 @@
import { assert, expect} from 'chai'
import {suite, test} from 'mocha'
-import * as plugin from '../plugin'
+import {CommentChars} from '../plugin_interfaces'
+import * as removeRegex from '../remove_regexes'
+import * as findAttr from '../find_attributes'
+import * as createAttr from '../create_attributes'
suite('Plugin Tests', function () {
// //: JS, TS, C/ C++/ C#, Java, GO, Rust, Scala, Swift, J#, Dlang single line comment
- const commentChar1 = {frontComment: '//', endComment: ''}
+ const commentChar1: CommentChars = {frontComment: '//', endComment: ''}
// #: Python, Ruby, powershell, Julia, R, prolog, Crystal, Dockerfile, Diff single line comment
- const commentChar2 = { frontComment: '#', endComment: '' }
+ const commentChar2: CommentChars = { frontComment: '#', endComment: '' }
// /* */: C++, CSS single line comment
- const commentChar3 = { frontComment: '--', endComment: '' }
+ const commentChar3: CommentChars = { frontComment: '--', endComment: '' }
// <!-- -->: HTML, PHP, Markdown, Vue single line comment
- const commentChar4 = { frontComment: '%', endComment: '' }
+ const commentChar4: CommentChars = { frontComment: '%', endComment: '' }
// --: SQL, Haskell single line comment
- const commentChar5 = { frontComment: ';', endComment: '' }
+ const commentChar5: CommentChars = { frontComment: ';', endComment: '' }
// %: LaTex single line comment
- const commentChar6 = { frontComment: '/*', endComment: '*/' }
+ const commentChar6: CommentChars = { frontComment: '/*', endComment: '*/' }
// ;: clojure single line comment
- const commentChar7 = { frontComment: '<!--', endComment: '-->' }
+ const commentChar7: CommentChars = { frontComment: '<!--', endComment: '-->' }
/* eslint-disable prefer-const*/
- const commentCharArr = [commentChar1, commentChar2, commentChar3, commentChar4, commentChar5, commentChar6,
- commentChar7]
+ const commentCharArr: CommentChars[] = [commentChar1, commentChar2, commentChar3, commentChar4, commentChar5,
+ commentChar6, commentChar7]
+ // Global function used for #findNumFlagVal and #removeNumFlag
+ function getRandomInt(max: number): number {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max))
+ }
suite('Find comment regex in string -> #findCommentChar', function () {
test('String w/o comment regex', function () {
// error example
const err = 'Invalid line comment. Please use single line comment for howdoi.'
- plugin.findCommentChar('howdoi query')
+ findAttr.findCommentChar('howdoi query')
test('Comment regex test (w/ space): //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
for (let commentChar of commentCharArr) {
let commentedQuery = commentChar.frontComment + ' howdoi query ' + commentChar.endComment
- assert.deepEqual(plugin.findCommentChar(commentedQuery), commentChar)
+ assert.deepEqual(findAttr.findCommentChar(commentedQuery), commentChar)
test('Comment regex test (w/o space): //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
for (let commentChar of commentCharArr) {
let commentedQuery = commentChar.frontComment + 'howdoi query' + commentChar.endComment
- assert.deepEqual(plugin.findCommentChar(commentedQuery), commentChar)
+ assert.deepEqual(findAttr.findCommentChar(commentedQuery), commentChar)
+ suite('Find the Num Flag value from the user command -> #findNumFlagVal', function () {
+ test('error examples', function () {
+ const err = 'Invalid num flag value'
+ expect(function(){
+ findAttr.findNumFlagVal('query -n')
+ }).to.throw(err)
+ expect(function(){
+ findAttr.findNumFlagVal('query -nzl')
+ }).to.throw(err)
+ })
+ test('testing default num 3', function () {
+ assert.equal(findAttr.findNumFlagVal('query -n3'), 3)
+ assert.equal(findAttr.findNumFlagVal('query -n 3'), 3)
+ })
+ test('testing non-default numbers', function () {
+ const maxNum = 25
+ for (let i = 0; i < maxNum; i++) {
+ const randomNum = getRandomInt(maxNum)
+ const query1 = 'query -n' + String(randomNum)
+ const query2 = 'query -n ' + String(randomNum)
+ if (randomNum === 0) {
+ const err = 'Invalid num flag value'
+ expect(function(){
+ findAttr.findNumFlagVal(query1)
+ }).to.throw(err)
+ }
+ else {
+ assert.equal(findAttr.findNumFlagVal(query1), randomNum)
+ assert.equal(findAttr.findNumFlagVal(query2), randomNum)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
suite('Removal of comment character from user command -> #removeCommentChar', function () {
test('Removal of front and front/back comment char (w/ space): //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
for (let commentChar of commentCharArr) {
let commentedQuery = commentChar.frontComment + ' howdoi query ' + commentChar.endComment
- assert.equal(plugin.removeCommentChar(commentedQuery, commentChar), 'howdoi query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeCommentChar(commentedQuery, commentChar), 'howdoi query')
test('Removal of front and front/back comment char (w/o space): //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
for (let commentChar of commentCharArr) {
let commentedQuery = commentChar.frontComment + 'howdoi query' + commentChar.endComment
- assert.equal(plugin.removeCommentChar(commentedQuery, commentChar), 'howdoi query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeCommentChar(commentedQuery, commentChar), 'howdoi query')
@@ -62,30 +103,47 @@ suite('Plugin Tests', function () {
suite('Removal of howdoi prefix test -> #removeHowdoiPrefix', function () {
test('Normal Query', function () {
// Normal Query
- assert.equal(plugin.removeHowdoiPrefix('howdoi query'), 'query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeHowdoiPrefix('howdoi query'), 'query')
test('Query with whitespace', function () {
// Query with whitespace
- assert.equal(plugin.removeHowdoiPrefix(' howdoi query '), 'query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeHowdoiPrefix(' howdoi query '), 'query')
test('Query without howdoi prefix', function () {
// Query without howdoi prefix
const err = 'Place "howdoi" in front of query'
- plugin.removeHowdoiPrefix('query')
+ removeRegex.removeHowdoiPrefix('query')
test('Query without howdoi prefix and whitespace', function () {
// Query without howdoi prefix and whitespace
const err = 'Place "howdoi" in front of query'
- plugin.removeHowdoiPrefix(' query ')
+ removeRegex.removeHowdoiPrefix(' query ')
- suite('Add comment character to a string -> #addComment', function () {
- test('Add comment with front & front/back char to string: //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
+ suite('Remove the Num Flag and value from the user command -> #removeNumFlag', function () {
+ test('testing default num 3', function () {
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeNumFlag('query -n3'), 'query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeNumFlag('query -n 3'), 'query')
+ })
+ test('testing non-default numbers', function () {
+ const maxNum = 25
+ for (let i = 0; i < maxNum; i++) {
+ const randomNum = getRandomInt(maxNum)
+ const query1 = 'query -n' + String(randomNum)
+ const query2 = 'query -n ' + String(randomNum)
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeNumFlag(query1), 'query')
+ assert.equal(removeRegex.removeNumFlag(query2), 'query')
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ suite('Create comment character to a string -> #createComment', function () {
+ test('Creare comment with front & front/back char to string: //, #, --, %, ;, /* */, <!-- -->', function () {
let testString = ''
for (let commentChar of commentCharArr) {
if (commentChar.frontComment && (commentChar.endComment !== '')) {
@@ -94,7 +152,7 @@ suite('Plugin Tests', function () {
else {
testString = commentChar.frontComment + ' howdoi query'
- assert.equal(plugin.addComment('howdoi query', commentChar), testString)
+ assert.equal(createAttr.createComment('howdoi query', commentChar), testString)