1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041 |
- # @package _global_
- defaults:
- - /experiment/owt/gpt2m-flash.yaml
- - override /model/gpt2model: gpt2-large
- # TD [2022-08-03] Surprisingly it's faster to use the ZeRO optimizer than just AdamW.
- # Still, fairscale is even faster and uses less memory.
- # I think it's because Pytorch is using ZeRO stage 1 and fairscale is using ZeRO stage 2?
- # However, fairscale has issues with saving checkpoint (either OOM or very
- # slow since it goes through the CPU?). Fairscale says Pytorch ZeRO is the
- # upstream version of OSS
- # https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairscale/issues/937
- # Pytorch ZeRO as also very slow for saving checkpoints due to
- # consolidate_state_dict(), but I've fixed it to save separate checkpoint per GPU.
- - override /optimizer: adamw-zero
- # FusedAdam doesn't seem to speed things up here, time per global step
- # (i.e. batch size 512) on 8 A100s is around 2056ms for both AdamW and FusedAdam.
- # This could be because each GPU is only doing the optimizer step for 1 /
- # world_size of the parameters.
- # Maybe the bottleneck here is the NCCL call to exchange parameters (ZeRO).
- # - override /optimizer: adamw-apex-zero
- # Can enable mlp_chekcpoint_lvl to fit batch_size 16 on A100 40GB
- # model:
- # config:
- # # mlp_checkpoint_lvl: ${eval:"[1] * 18 + [2] * 18"}
- # mlp_checkpoint_lvl: 1
- datamodule:
- # batch_size: 16
- batch_size: ${eval:"4 if ${train.gpu_mem} < 24 else (8 if ${train.gpu_mem} < 40 else (16 if ${train.gpu_mem} < 80 else 32))"}
- trainer:
- # strategy: null
- # strategy: ${eval:"None if ${trainer.devices} == 1 else 'ddp_sharded'"}
- strategy:
- _target_: src.utils.ddp_zero1.DDPStrategyZero1
- find_unused_parameters: False
- gradient_as_bucket_view: True
- # TD [2022-08-03] Deepspeed makes the ppl curve go wild
- # strategy: deepspeed_stage_1