123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128 |
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import xentropy_cuda_lib
- if "all_gather_into_tensor" not in dir(torch.distributed):
- torch.distributed.all_gather_into_tensor = torch.distributed._all_gather_base
- class SoftmaxCrossEntropyLossFn(torch.autograd.Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, logits, labels, smoothing=0.0, ignored_index=-100, inplace_backward=False,
- process_group=None):
- """
- logits: (batch, vocab_size)
- labels: (batch,)
- If process_group is not None, we're doing Tensor Parallel: each process is responsible for
- one part of the vocab. The loss needs to be aggregated across processes.
- """
- batch, vocab_size = logits.shape
- assert labels.shape == (batch,)
- world_size = 1 if process_group is None else torch.distributed.get_world_size(process_group)
- ctx.total_classes = world_size * vocab_size
- if world_size == 1:
- losses, lse = xentropy_cuda_lib.forward(logits, labels, smoothing)
- losses.masked_fill_(labels==ignored_index, 0)
- labels_local = labels
- else:
- rank = torch.distributed.get_rank(process_group)
- vocab_start_index, vocab_end_index = rank * vocab_size, (rank + 1) * vocab_size
- labels_mask = (labels < vocab_start_index) | (labels >= vocab_end_index)
- ignored_mask = labels == ignored_index
- labels_local = torch.where(ignored_mask, labels, labels - vocab_start_index)
- losses, lse_local = xentropy_cuda_lib.forward(logits, labels_local, smoothing,
- world_size * vocab_size)
- assert lse_local.shape == (batch,)
- assert losses.shape == (batch,)
- losses.masked_fill_(ignored_mask, 0)
- lse_allgather = torch.empty(world_size, batch, dtype=lse_local.dtype,
- device=lse_local.device)
- torch.distributed.all_gather_into_tensor(lse_allgather, lse_local.contiguous(),
- group=process_group)
- handle_losses = torch.distributed.all_reduce(
- losses, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, group=process_group, async_op=True
- )
- lse = torch.logsumexp(lse_allgather, dim=0)
- rank_per_sample = torch.div(labels, vocab_size, rounding_mode='floor')
- lse_local = lse_allgather[rank_per_sample,
- torch.arange(batch, device=lse_allgather.device)]
- handle_losses.wait()
- if smoothing == 0.0:
- losses += lse - lse_local
- else:
- losses += ((1 - smoothing) * (lse - lse_local)
- + smoothing * (lse - lse_allgather.sum(dim=0)))
- losses.masked_fill_(ignored_mask, 0)
- ctx.save_for_backward(logits, lse, labels_local)
- ctx.smoothing = smoothing
- ctx.ignored_index = ignored_index
- ctx.inplace_backward = inplace_backward
- return losses
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, grad_loss):
- logits, lse, labels = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_loss = grad_loss.contiguous()
- grad_loss.masked_fill_(labels==ctx.ignored_index, 0)
- grad_logits = xentropy_cuda_lib.backward(grad_loss, logits, lse, labels,
- ctx.smoothing, ctx.inplace_backward,
- ctx.total_classes)
- return grad_logits, None, None, None, None, None, None
- class CrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, ignore_index=-100, reduction='mean', label_smoothing=0.0,
- inplace_backward=False):
- super().__init__()
- if reduction not in ['mean', 'none']:
- raise NotImplementedError("Only support reduction = 'mean' or 'none'")
- self.ignore_index = ignore_index
- self.reduction = reduction
- self.label_smoothing = label_smoothing
- self.inplace_backward = inplace_backward
- def forward(self, input, target, process_group=None):
- assert input.is_cuda and target.is_cuda
- loss = SoftmaxCrossEntropyLossFn.apply(
- input, target, self.label_smoothing, self.ignore_index, self.inplace_backward,
- process_group
- )
- if self.reduction == 'mean':
- return loss.sum() / (target != self.ignore_index).sum()
- else:
- return loss