import torch import math from .utils import DEBUG def attention_backward_core_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, use_exp2 ): if DEBUG: print() print("attention_backward_core_ref_impl") print("do:", do, do.shape) print("q:", q, q.shape) print("k:", k, k.shape) print("v:", v, v.shape) print("o:", o, o.shape) # is a bad number print("softmax_lse:", softmax_lse, softmax_lse.shape) print("sm_scale:", sm_scale) print("causal:", causal) print("use_exp2:", use_exp2) # cast to float32 do = q = k = v = o = softmax_lse = # recompute attention_scores. Make sure it matches the forward impl. i.e. It use float32 attention_scores = torch.matmul(, k.transpose(-2, -1).to(torch.float32)) if DEBUG: print("attention_scores:", attention_scores, attention_scores.shape) # scale scores attention_scaled_scores = sm_scale * attention_scores if DEBUG: print("attention_scaled_scores:", attention_scaled_scores, attention_scaled_scores.shape) # Apply causal mask if necessary if causal: L_q, L_k = q.shape[1], k.shape[1] row_idx = torch.arange(L_q, device=q.device).unsqueeze(1) col_idx = torch.arange(L_k, device=q.device).unsqueeze(0) col_offset = L_q-L_k causal_mask = row_idx >= (col_offset + col_idx) if DEBUG: print("causal_mask:", causal_mask) # set -inf to places the causal mask is false attention_scaled_scores = attention_scaled_scores.masked_fill( torch.logical_not(causal_mask.unsqueeze(0)), float('-inf') ) if DEBUG: print("attention_scaled_scores after causal:", attention_scaled_scores, attention_scaled_scores.shape) # compute probabilities using softmax_lse if use_exp2: RCP_LN = 1 / math.log(2) attention_scaled_scores_base2 = attention_scaled_scores * RCP_LN softmax_lse_base2 = softmax_lse * RCP_LN softmax_lse_3d = softmax_lse_base2.unsqueeze(-1) p = torch.exp2(attention_scaled_scores_base2 - softmax_lse_3d) else: softmax_lse_3d = softmax_lse.unsqueeze(-1) p = torch.exp(attention_scaled_scores - softmax_lse_3d) if DEBUG: print("softmax_lse_3d:", softmax_lse_3d, softmax_lse_3d.shape) print("p:", p, p.shape) # compute gradient wrt v dv = torch.matmul(p.transpose(-2, -1), if DEBUG: print("dv:", dv, dv.shape) # compute dp dp = torch.matmul(do, v.transpose(-2, -1)) if DEBUG: print("dp:", dp, dp.shape) # calculate ds using dp if True: delta = torch.sum(o * do, axis=-1).to(torch.float32) # what OAI kernel uses delta_3d = delta.unsqueeze(-1) else: delta = torch.sum(p * dp, axis=-1) # what the math says you should use delta_3d = delta.unsqueeze(-1) if DEBUG: print("delta_3d:", delta_3d, delta_3d.shape) ds = (p * (dp - delta_3d)) * sm_scale if DEBUG: print("ds:", ds, ds.shape) # compute gradient wrt k dk = torch.matmul(ds.transpose(-2, -1), if DEBUG: print("dk:", dk, dk.shape) # compute gradient wrt q dq = torch.matmul(ds, if DEBUG: print("dq:", dq, dq.shape) # cast back to original dtype dq = dk = dv = # remove d dim with size 1 delta = delta_3d.squeeze(-1) if DEBUG: print("attention_backward_core_ref_impl output") print("dq:", dq, dq.shape) print("dk:", dk, dk.shape) print("dv:", dv, dv.shape) print("delta:", delta, delta.shape) return dq, dk, dv, delta def attention_varlen_backward_pytorch_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, layout, cu_seqlens_q, cu_seqlens_k, max_seqlen_q, max_seqlen_k, use_exp2, ): # Ensure the layout is 'thd' if layout != 'thd': raise ValueError(f"Unsupported layout {layout}. Expected 'thd'.") batch_size = cu_seqlens_q.shape[0] - 1 num_heads = q.shape[1] head_dim = q.shape[2] # Pre-allocate outputs total_L_q = q.shape[0] total_L_k = k.shape[0] dq = torch.zeros_like(q) dk = torch.zeros_like(k) dv = torch.zeros_like(v) # delta has the same shape as softmax_lse: [total_L_q, num_heads] delta = torch.zeros((total_L_q, num_heads), dtype=torch.float32, device=o.device) for i in range(batch_size): # Get the start and end indices for the current sequence start_q = cu_seqlens_q[i].item() end_q = cu_seqlens_q[i + 1].item() start_k = cu_seqlens_k[i].item() end_k = cu_seqlens_k[i + 1].item() # Extract q_i, k_i, v_i, do_i, o_i, softmax_lse_i q_i = q[start_q:end_q, :, :] # [L_q_i, num_heads, head_dim] k_i = k[start_k:end_k, :, :] # [L_k_i, num_heads, head_dim] v_i = v[start_k:end_k, :, :] # [L_k_i, num_heads, head_dim] do_i = do[start_q:end_q, :, :] # [L_q_i, num_heads, head_dim] o_i = o[start_q:end_q, :, :] # [L_q_i, num_heads, head_dim] # softmax_lse has shape [total_L_q, num_heads] softmax_lse_i = softmax_lse[start_q:end_q, :] # [L_q_i, num_heads] softmax_lse_i = softmax_lse_i.transpose(0, 1) # [num_heads, L_q_i] # Permute to [num_heads, L_q_i, head_dim] q_i = q_i.permute(1, 0, 2) k_i = k_i.permute(1, 0, 2) v_i = v_i.permute(1, 0, 2) do_i = do_i.permute(1, 0, 2) o_i = o_i.permute(1, 0, 2) # softmax_lse_i is already in [num_heads, L_q_i] # Call the core backward function for this sequence dq_i, dk_i, dv_i, delta_i = attention_backward_core_ref_impl( do_i, q_i, k_i, v_i, o_i, softmax_lse_i, sm_scale, causal, use_exp2 ) # Convert back to 'thd' layout dq_i = dq_i.permute(1, 0, 2) # [L_q_i, num_heads, head_dim] dk_i = dk_i.permute(1, 0, 2) # [L_k_i, num_heads, head_dim] dv_i = dv_i.permute(1, 0, 2) # [L_k_i, num_heads, head_dim] # Place outputs in pre-allocated tensors dq[start_q:end_q, :, :] = dq_i dk[start_k:end_k, :, :] += dk_i # Accumulate gradients for shared keys dv[start_k:end_k, :, :] += dv_i # Accumulate gradients for shared values # delta_i has shape [num_heads, L_q_i] delta_i = delta_i.transpose(1, 0) # [L_q_i, num_heads] delta[start_q:end_q, :] = delta_i return dq, dk, dv, delta def attention_vanilla_backward_pytorch_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, layout, use_exp2, ): if layout == "bshd": if DEBUG: print() print("Changing layout to bhsd!") do = do.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() q = q.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() k = k.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() v = v.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() o = o.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() elif layout == "bhsd": pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown layout {layout}") # Prepare tensors in [batch_size * num_heads, seq_len, head_dim] format batch_size, num_heads, seq_len_q, head_dim = q.shape seq_len_k = k.shape[2] # Merge batch and heads dimensions do = do.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_q, head_dim) q = q.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_q, head_dim) k = k.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_k, head_dim) v = v.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_k, head_dim) softmax_lse = softmax_lse.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_q) o = o.reshape(batch_size * num_heads, seq_len_q, head_dim) dq, dk, dv, delta = attention_backward_core_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, use_exp2 ) # Reshape outputs back to [batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim] dq = dq.reshape(batch_size, num_heads, seq_len_q, head_dim) dk = dk.reshape(batch_size, num_heads, seq_len_k, head_dim) dv = dv.reshape(batch_size, num_heads, seq_len_k, head_dim) delta = delta.reshape(batch_size, num_heads, seq_len_q) # Go back to original layout if layout == "bshd": if DEBUG: print() print("Changing back to bshd!") dq = dq.transpose(1, 2) dk = dk.transpose(1, 2) dv = dv.transpose(1, 2) elif layout == "bhsd": pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown layout {layout}") return dq, dk, dv, delta def attention_backward_pytorch_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, layout, cu_seqlens_q, cu_seqlens_k, max_seqlen_q, max_seqlen_k, use_exp2 ): if layout == "thd": dq, dk, dv, delta = attention_varlen_backward_pytorch_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, layout, cu_seqlens_q, cu_seqlens_k, max_seqlen_q, max_seqlen_k, use_exp2, ) else: dq, dk, dv, delta = attention_vanilla_backward_pytorch_ref_impl( do, q, k, v, o, softmax_lse, sm_scale, causal, layout, use_exp2, ) return dq, dk, dv, delta