import argparse import torch import triton from flash_attn.flash_attn_triton_amd.utils import ( MetaData, input_helper, varlen_input_helper, ) from flash_attn.flash_attn_triton_amd.interface_torch import attention_prefill, attention_decode ARGS_TO_TORCH_DTYPE = { "fp16": torch.float16, "bf16": torch.bfloat16, "fp32": torch.float32, } FUNCTIONS = { "prefill": attention_prefill, "decode": attention_decode } def get_benchmark_configs(args, varlen=False): """ Returns benchmark configurations based on whether variable-length sequences are used. """ if args.custom_config: hk = args.hq if not else sk = args.sq if not else return [(args.b, args.hq, hk, args.sq, sk)] elif varlen: return [ (2, 16, 4, 1024, 1024), (8, 16, 2, 2048, 2048), (4, 16, 8, 4096, 4096), (2, 16, 4, 8192, 8192), (2, 16, 8, 16384, 16384), (2, 48, 12, 1024, 1024), (2, 48, 24, 2048, 2048), (2, 48, 8, 4096, 4096), (2, 48, 4, 8192, 8192), (2, 48, 2, 16384, 16384), (2, 64, 32, 1024, 1024), (4, 64, 16, 2048, 2048), (4, 64, 8, 4096, 4096), (4, 64, 32, 8192, 8192), (4, 128, 16, 16384, 16384), ] else: return [ (16, 16, 16, 1024, 1024), (8, 16, 16, 2048, 2048), (4, 16, 16, 4096, 4096), (1, 8, 8, 8192, 8192), (1, 2, 2, 16384, 16384), (2, 48, 48, 1024, 1024), (2, 48, 48, 2048, 1024), (1, 8, 8, 4096, 8192), (1, 8, 8, 8192, 4096), (2, 4, 4, 16384, 8192), (2, 8, 8, 1989, 15344), (4, 16, 16, 4097, 163), (2, 16, 16, 8122, 2159), (1, 16, 16, 16281, 7), (2, 48, 48, 1021, 1020), (2, 48, 48, 2001, 2048), (2, 8, 8, 3996, 9639), (2, 8, 8, 8181, 1021), ] def gen_fn_inputs(fn_name, BATCH, HQ, HK, N_CTX_Q, N_CTX_K, D_HEAD, dtype, device, layout, causal): flops_per_matmul = 0 if fn_name.startswith("prefill"): if layout == "thd": q, k, v, input_metadata = varlen_input_helper( BATCH, HQ, HK, N_CTX_Q, N_CTX_K, D_HEAD, dtype, device=device) for i in range(input_metadata.num_contexts): seqlen_q = input_metadata.cu_seqlens_q[i + 1] - input_metadata.cu_seqlens_q[i] seqlen_k = input_metadata.cu_seqlens_k[i + 1] - input_metadata.cu_seqlens_k[i] flops_per_matmul += seqlen_q.item() * seqlen_k.item() * HQ * D_HEAD * 2 else: q, k, v, input_metadata = input_helper( BATCH, HQ, HK, N_CTX_Q, N_CTX_K, D_HEAD, dtype, layout, device=device ) flops_per_matmul = 2.0 * BATCH * HQ * N_CTX_Q * N_CTX_K * D_HEAD if causal: input_metadata.need_causal() o = torch.empty_like(q) input_data = (q, k, v, o, input_metadata) elif fn_name.startswith("decode"): q = torch.randn( [BATCH, N_CTX_Q, HK, HQ // HK, D_HEAD], device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=False, ) k = torch.randn( [BATCH, N_CTX_K, HK, 1, D_HEAD], device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=False, ).expand(-1, -1, -1, HQ // HK, -1) v = torch.randn( [BATCH, N_CTX_K, HK, 1, D_HEAD], device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=False, ).expand(-1, -1, -1, HQ // HK, -1) input_metadata = MetaData(sm_scale=1.3) input_metadata.layout = "bsghd" # Adjust flops calculation if needed flops_per_matmul = 2.0 * BATCH * HQ * N_CTX_Q * N_CTX_K * D_HEAD input_data = (q, k, v, input_metadata) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported benchmark function") return input_data, flops_per_matmul def run_benchmark(args, fn_name, fn, mode): """ Runs the benchmark for the provided function based on the provided arguments. """ print(f"Benchmarking {fn_name} in {mode} mode...") dtype = ARGS_TO_TORCH_DTYPE[args.dtype] head_size = args.d if args.d else 128 causal = args.causal varlen = args.layout == "thd" return_tflops = args.return_tflops line_names = "TFLOPS" if return_tflops else "Time (ms)" # Determine configurations x_vals_list = get_benchmark_configs(args, varlen=varlen) # Setup benchmark configurations configs = [ triton.testing.Benchmark( x_names=["BATCH", "HQ", "HK", "N_CTX_Q", "N_CTX_K"], x_vals=x_vals_list, line_arg="provider", line_vals=["triton"], line_names=[line_names], styles=[("red", "-")], ylabel="ms", plot_name=f"benchmark-{fn_name}-d{head_size}-layout{args.layout}-mode{mode}", args={ "D_HEAD": head_size, "dtype": dtype, "causal": causal, "mode": mode, }, ) ] @triton.testing.perf_report(configs) def bench_function( BATCH, HQ, HK, N_CTX_Q, N_CTX_K, D_HEAD, dtype, causal, mode, provider, device="cuda" ): warmup = 25 rep = 100 flops_per_matmul = 0 # generate function inputs fn_inputs, flops_per_matmul = gen_fn_inputs( fn_name, BATCH, HQ, HK, N_CTX_Q, N_CTX_K, D_HEAD, dtype, device, args.layout, causal ) # define the function to benchmark if mode == "fwd": benchmark_fn = lambda: fn(*fn_inputs) total_flops = 2 * flops_per_matmul elif mode == "bwd": outputs = fn(*fn_inputs) output = outputs[0] grad_output = torch.randn_like(output) benchmark_fn = lambda: output.backward(grad_output, retain_graph=True) total_flops = 2 * flops_per_matmul * 2.5 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported mode. Choose 'fwd' or 'bwd'.") if causal: total_flops *= 0.5 # Run the benchmark ms = triton.testing.do_bench(benchmark_fn, warmup=warmup, rep=rep) if return_tflops: return total_flops / ms * 1e-9 else: return ms".", print_data=True) def supported_layouts(): """ Returns a string describing the supported layouts. """ return ( "bhsd: Q, K, V are individual tensors of [batch, num_heads, seqlen_q/k, head_size]\n" "bshd: Q, K, V are individual tensors of [batch, seqlen_q/k, num_heads, head_size]\n" "thd: Q, K, V are individual tensors of [total_q/k, num_heads, head_size]\n" 'This layout is sometimes called "varlen" or "grouped" layout.' ) def parse_args(): """ Parses command-line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="Benchmark FlashAttention", allow_abbrev=False, ) parser.add_argument("-b", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-hq", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-hk", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-sq", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-sk", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument( "-equal_seqlens", action="store_true", default=False, help="If specified, each context within the thd layout has same seqlen as sq and sk", ) parser.add_argument("-d", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-causal", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-dtype", default="fp16") parser.add_argument("-return_tflops", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-layout", type=str, default="bhsd", help=supported_layouts(), ) parser.add_argument( "-benchmark_fn", type=str, nargs="*", choices=FUNCTIONS.keys(), help="Function(s) to benchmark: prefill, decode, or both", ) parser.add_argument( "-mode", type=str, nargs='*', default=["fwd", "bwd"], choices=["fwd", "bwd"], help="Mode(s) to run: 'fwd' for forward pass, 'bwd' for backward pass", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): """ Main function to run benchmarks. """ args = parse_args() # Validate arguments assert ( args.layout == "thd" or not args.equal_seqlens ), "Equal sequence lengths arg must be used with the thd layout." args.custom_config = False if args.b or args.hq or or args.sq or or args.d: args.custom_config = True assert args.b and args.hq and args.sq and args.d, ( "If custom config is specified, please provide all of batch, " "number of Q heads, Q sequence length, and head size." ) assert args.dtype in ARGS_TO_TORCH_DTYPE, "Only fp16, bf16 and fp32 types currently supported." # determine the functions to benchmark if args.benchmark_fn is None or len(args.benchmark_fn) == 0: bench_fn_list = FUNCTIONS.keys() else: bench_fn_list = args.benchmark_fn # benchmark functions for fn_name in bench_fn_list: if fn_name not in FUNCTIONS: raise ValueError(f"Invalid benchmark function specified: {fn_name}") for mode in args.mode: if fn_name == "decode" and mode == "bwd": print(f"Decode kernel doesnot have a backward pass") continue run_benchmark(args, fn_name, FUNCTIONS[fn_name], mode) if __name__ == "__main__": main()