@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
package graph
import (
- "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
- "regexp"
- "strings"
- "fmt"
- log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
- h "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/helper"
- m "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/model/graph"
- u "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/utils"
- cmodel "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/common/model"
- "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/hashmap"
+ "fmt"
+ log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
+ "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/hashmap"
+ "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
+ cmodel "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/common/model"
+ h "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/helper"
+ m "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/model/graph"
+ u "github.com/open-falcon/falcon-plus/modules/api/app/utils"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
type APIGrafanaMainQueryInputs struct {
- Limit int `json:"limit" form:"limit"`
- Query string `json:"query" form:"query"`
+ Limit int `json:"limit" form:"limit"`
+ Query string `json:"query" form:"query"`
type APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs struct {
- Expandable bool `json:"expandable"`
- Text string `json:"text"`
+ Expandable bool `json:"expandable"`
+ Text string `json:"text"`
//for return a host list for api test
-func repsonseDefault(limit int) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs){
- result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
- //for get right table name
- enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
- enps := []m.Endpoint{}
- db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Limit(limit).Scan(&enps)
- for _, h := range enps {
- result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Expandable: true,
- Text: h.Endpoint,
- })
- }
- return
+func repsonseDefault(limit int) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs) {
+ result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
+ //for get right table name
+ enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
+ enps := []m.Endpoint{}
+ db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Limit(limit).Scan(&enps)
+ for _, h := range enps {
+ result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Expandable: true,
+ Text: h.Endpoint,
+ })
+ }
+ return
//for find host list & grafana template searching, regexp support
-func responseHostsRegexp(limit int, regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs){
- result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
- //for get right table name
- enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
- enps := []m.Endpoint{}
- db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Where("endpoint regexp ?", regexpKey).Limit(limit).Scan(&enps)
- for _, h := range enps {
- result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Expandable: true,
- Text: h.Endpoint,
- })
- }
- return
+func responseHostsRegexp(limit int, regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs) {
+ result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
+ //for get right table name
+ enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
+ enps := []m.Endpoint{}
+ db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Where("endpoint regexp ?", regexpKey).Limit(limit).Scan(&enps)
+ for _, h := range enps {
+ result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Expandable: true,
+ Text: h.Endpoint,
+ })
+ }
+ return
//for resolve mixed query with endpoint & counter of query string
-func cutEndpointCounterHelp(regexpKey string)(hosts []string, counter string){
- r, _ := regexp.Compile("^{?([^#}]+)}?#(.+)")
- matchedList := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(regexpKey, 1)
- if len(matchedList) != 0 {
- if len(matchedList[0]) > 1 {
- //get hosts
- hostsTmp := matchedList[0][1]
- counterTmp := matchedList[0][2]
- hosts = strings.Split(hostsTmp, ",")
- counter = strings.Replace(counterTmp, "#", "\\.", -1)
- }
- }else{
- log.Errorf("grafana query inputs error: %v", regexpKey)
- }
- return
+func cutEndpointCounterHelp(regexpKey string) (hosts []string, counter string) {
+ r, _ := regexp.Compile("^{?([^#}]+)}?#(.+)")
+ matchedList := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(regexpKey, 1)
+ if len(matchedList) != 0 {
+ if len(matchedList[0]) > 1 {
+ //get hosts
+ hostsTmp := matchedList[0][1]
+ counterTmp := matchedList[0][2]
+ hosts = strings.Split(hostsTmp, ",")
+ counter = strings.Replace(counterTmp, "#", "\\.", -1)
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.Errorf("grafana query inputs error: %v", regexpKey)
+ }
+ return
func expandableChecking(counter string, counterSearchKeyWord string) (expsub string, needexp bool) {
- re := regexp.MustCompile("(\\.\\+|\\.\\*)\\s*$")
- counterSearchKeyWord = re.ReplaceAllString(counterSearchKeyWord, "")
- counterSearchKeyWord = strings.Replace(counterSearchKeyWord, "\\.", ".", -1)
- expCheck := strings.Replace(counter, counterSearchKeyWord, "", -1)
- if expCheck == "" {
- needexp = false
- expsub = expCheck
- } else {
- needexp = true
- re = regexp.MustCompile("^\\.")
- expsubArr := strings.Split(re.ReplaceAllString(expCheck, ""), ".")
- switch len(expsubArr) {
- case 0:
- expsub = ""
- case 1:
- expsub = expsubArr[0]
- needexp = false
- default:
- expsub = expsubArr[0]
- needexp = true
- }
- }
- return
+ re := regexp.MustCompile("(\\.\\+|\\.\\*)\\s*$")
+ counterSearchKeyWord = re.ReplaceAllString(counterSearchKeyWord, "")
+ counterSearchKeyWord = strings.Replace(counterSearchKeyWord, "\\.", ".", -1)
+ expCheck := strings.Replace(counter, counterSearchKeyWord, "", -1)
+ if expCheck == "" {
+ needexp = false
+ expsub = expCheck
+ } else {
+ needexp = true
+ re = regexp.MustCompile("^\\.")
+ expsubArr := strings.Split(re.ReplaceAllString(expCheck, ""), ".")
+ switch len(expsubArr) {
+ case 0:
+ expsub = ""
+ case 1:
+ expsub = expsubArr[0]
+ needexp = false
+ default:
+ expsub = expsubArr[0]
+ needexp = true
+ }
+ }
+ return
/* add additional items (ex. $ & %)
@@ -104,167 +104,167 @@ func expandableChecking(counter string, counterSearchKeyWord string) (expsub str
% means a wirecard string.
also clean defecate metrics
-func addAddItionalItems(items []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs, regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs){
- flag := false
- mapset := hashmap.New()
- for _, i := range items {
- if (!i.Expandable) {
- flag = true
- }
- if val, exist := mapset.Get(i.Text); exist {
- if (val != i.Expandable && i.Expandable) {
- mapset.Put(i.Text, i.Expandable)
- }
- } else {
- mapset.Put(i.Text, i.Expandable)
- }
- }
- result = make([]APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs, mapset.Size())
- for idx, ctmp := range mapset.Keys(){
- c := ctmp.(string)
- val, _ := mapset.Get(c)
- result[idx] = APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Text: c,
- Expandable: val.(bool),
- }
- }
- if (flag) {
- result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Text: "$",
- Expandable: false,
- })
- }
- if (len(strings.Split(regexpKey, "\\.")) > 0) {
- result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Text: "%",
- Expandable: false,
- })
- }
- return
+func addAddItionalItems(items []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs, regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs) {
+ flag := false
+ mapset := hashmap.New()
+ for _, i := range items {
+ if !i.Expandable {
+ flag = true
+ }
+ if val, exist := mapset.Get(i.Text); exist {
+ if val != i.Expandable && i.Expandable {
+ mapset.Put(i.Text, i.Expandable)
+ }
+ } else {
+ mapset.Put(i.Text, i.Expandable)
+ }
+ }
+ result = make([]APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs, mapset.Size())
+ for idx, ctmp := range mapset.Keys() {
+ c := ctmp.(string)
+ val, _ := mapset.Get(c)
+ result[idx] = APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Text: c,
+ Expandable: val.(bool),
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Text: "$",
+ Expandable: false,
+ })
+ }
+ if len(strings.Split(regexpKey, "\\.")) > 0 {
+ result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Text: "%",
+ Expandable: false,
+ })
+ }
+ return
-func findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts []string) ([]int64){
- //for get right table name
- enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
- enps := []m.Endpoint{}
- hostStr, _ := u.ArrStringsToString(hosts)
- log.Debugf("hostStr: %v", hostStr)
- log.Debugf("endpoint in (%s)", hostStr)
- db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint in (%s)", hostStr)).Scan(&enps)
- hostIds := make([]int64, len(enps))
- for indx, h := range enps {
- hostIds[indx] = int64(h.ID)
- }
- return hostIds
+func findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts []string) []int64 {
+ //for get right table name
+ enpsHelp := m.Endpoint{}
+ enps := []m.Endpoint{}
+ hostStr, _ := u.ArrStringsToString(hosts)
+ log.Debugf("hostStr: %v", hostStr)
+ log.Debugf("endpoint in (%s)", hostStr)
+ db.Graph.Table(enpsHelp.TableName()).Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint in (%s)", hostStr)).Scan(&enps)
+ hostIds := make([]int64, len(enps))
+ for indx, h := range enps {
+ hostIds[indx] = int64(h.ID)
+ }
+ return hostIds
//for reture counter list of endpoints
-func responseCounterRegexp(regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs){
- result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
- hosts, counter := cutEndpointCounterHelp(regexpKey)
- if len(hosts) == 0 || counter == ""{
- return
- }
- hostIds := findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts)
- //if not any endpoint matched
- if(len(hostIds) == 0){
- return
- }
- idConcact, _ := u.ArrInt64ToString(hostIds)
- //for get right table name
- countHelp := m.EndpointCounter{}
- counters := []m.EndpointCounter{}
- db.Graph.Table(countHelp.TableName()).Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter regexp '%s'", idConcact, counter)).Scan(&counters)
- //if not any counter matched
- if(len(counters) == 0){
- return
- }
- for _, c := range counters {
- expsub, needexp := expandableChecking(c.Counter, counter)
- result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
- Text: expsub,
- Expandable: needexp,
- })
- }
- result = addAddItionalItems(result, regexpKey)
- return
+func responseCounterRegexp(regexpKey string) (result []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs) {
+ result = []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
+ hosts, counter := cutEndpointCounterHelp(regexpKey)
+ if len(hosts) == 0 || counter == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ hostIds := findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts)
+ //if not any endpoint matched
+ if len(hostIds) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ idConcact, _ := u.ArrInt64ToString(hostIds)
+ //for get right table name
+ countHelp := m.EndpointCounter{}
+ counters := []m.EndpointCounter{}
+ db.Graph.Table(countHelp.TableName()).Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter regexp '%s'", idConcact, counter)).Scan(&counters)
+ //if not any counter matched
+ if len(counters) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ for _, c := range counters {
+ expsub, needexp := expandableChecking(c.Counter, counter)
+ result = append(result, APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{
+ Text: expsub,
+ Expandable: needexp,
+ })
+ }
+ result = addAddItionalItems(result, regexpKey)
+ return
func GrafanaMainQuery(c *gin.Context) {
- inputs := APIGrafanaMainQueryInputs{}
- inputs.Limit = 1000
- inputs.Query = "!N!"
- if err := c.Bind(&inputs); err != nil {
- h.JSONR(c, badstatus, err.Error())
- return
- }
- log.Debugf("got query string: %s", inputs.Query)
- output := []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
- if(inputs.Query == "!N!"){
- output = repsonseDefault(inputs.Limit)
- } else if (!strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#")) {
- output = responseHostsRegexp(inputs.Limit, inputs.Query)
- } else if (strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#") && !strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#select metric")) {
- output = responseCounterRegexp(inputs.Query)
- }
- h.JSONR(c, output)
- return
+ inputs := APIGrafanaMainQueryInputs{}
+ inputs.Limit = 1000
+ inputs.Query = "!N!"
+ if err := c.Bind(&inputs); err != nil {
+ h.JSONR(c, badstatus, err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ log.Debugf("got query string: %s", inputs.Query)
+ output := []APIGrafanaMainQueryOutputs{}
+ if inputs.Query == "!N!" {
+ output = repsonseDefault(inputs.Limit)
+ } else if !strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#") {
+ output = responseHostsRegexp(inputs.Limit, inputs.Query)
+ } else if strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#") && !strings.Contains(inputs.Query, "#select metric") {
+ output = responseCounterRegexp(inputs.Query)
+ }
+ h.JSONR(c, output)
+ return
type APIGrafanaRenderInput struct {
- Target string `json:"target" form:"target" binding:"required"`
- From int64 `json:"from" form:"from" binding:"required"`
- Until int64 `json:"until" form:"until" binding:"required"`
- Format string `json:"format" form:"format"`
- MaxDataPoints int64 `json:"maxDataPoints" form:"maxDataPoints"`
- Step int `json:"step" form:"step"`
- ConsolFun string `json:"consolFun" form:"consolFun"`
+ Target string `json:"target" form:"target" binding:"required"`
+ From int64 `json:"from" form:"from" binding:"required"`
+ Until int64 `json:"until" form:"until" binding:"required"`
+ Format string `json:"format" form:"format"`
+ MaxDataPoints int64 `json:"maxDataPoints" form:"maxDataPoints"`
+ Step int `json:"step" form:"step"`
+ ConsolFun string `json:"consolFun" form:"consolFun"`
func GrafanaRender(c *gin.Context) {
- inputs := APIGrafanaRenderInput{}
- //set default step is 60
- inputs.Step = 60
- inputs.ConsolFun = "AVERAGE"
- if err := c.Bind(&inputs); err != nil {
- h.JSONR(c, badstatus, err.Error())
- return
- }
- hosts, counter := cutEndpointCounterHelp(inputs.Target)
- //clean characters
- log.Println(counter)
- re := regexp.MustCompile("\\\\.\\$\\s*$")
- flag := re.MatchString(counter)
- counter = re.ReplaceAllString(counter, "")
- counter = strings.Replace(counter, "\\.%", ".+", -1)
- ecHelp := m.EndpointCounter{}
- counters := []m.EndpointCounter{}
- log.Println(counter)
- hostIds := findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts)
- if flag {
- db.Graph.Table(ecHelp.TableName()).Select("distinct counter").Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter = '%s'", u.ArrInt64ToStringMust(hostIds), counter)).Scan(&counters)
- } else {
- db.Graph.Table(ecHelp.TableName()).Select("distinct counter").Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter regexp '%s'", u.ArrInt64ToStringMust(hostIds), counter)).Scan(&counters)
- }
- if len(counters) == 0 {
- h.JSONR(c, []interface{}{})
- return
- }
- counterArr := make([]string, len(counters))
- for indx, c := range counters {
- counterArr[indx] = c.Counter
- }
- respList := []*cmodel.GraphQueryResponse{}
- for _, host := range hosts {
- for _, c := range counterArr {
- resp, err := fetchData(host, c, inputs.ConsolFun, inputs.From, inputs.Until, inputs.Step)
- if err != nil {
- log.Debugf("query graph got error with: %v", inputs)
- } else {
- respList = append(respList, resp)
- }
- }
- }
- h.JSONR(c, respList)
- return
+ inputs := APIGrafanaRenderInput{}
+ //set default step is 60
+ inputs.Step = 60
+ inputs.ConsolFun = "AVERAGE"
+ if err := c.Bind(&inputs); err != nil {
+ h.JSONR(c, badstatus, err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ hosts, counter := cutEndpointCounterHelp(inputs.Target)
+ //clean characters
+ log.Println(counter)
+ re := regexp.MustCompile("\\\\.\\$\\s*$")
+ flag := re.MatchString(counter)
+ counter = re.ReplaceAllString(counter, "")
+ counter = strings.Replace(counter, "\\.%", ".+", -1)
+ ecHelp := m.EndpointCounter{}
+ counters := []m.EndpointCounter{}
+ log.Println(counter)
+ hostIds := findEndpointIdByEndpointList(hosts)
+ if flag {
+ db.Graph.Table(ecHelp.TableName()).Select("distinct counter").Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter = '%s'", u.ArrInt64ToStringMust(hostIds), counter)).Scan(&counters)
+ } else {
+ db.Graph.Table(ecHelp.TableName()).Select("distinct counter").Where(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint_id IN (%s) AND counter regexp '%s'", u.ArrInt64ToStringMust(hostIds), counter)).Scan(&counters)
+ }
+ if len(counters) == 0 {
+ h.JSONR(c, []interface{}{})
+ return
+ }
+ counterArr := make([]string, len(counters))
+ for indx, c := range counters {
+ counterArr[indx] = c.Counter
+ }
+ respList := []*cmodel.GraphQueryResponse{}
+ for _, host := range hosts {
+ for _, c := range counterArr {
+ resp, err := fetchData(host, c, inputs.ConsolFun, inputs.From, inputs.Until, inputs.Step)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debugf("query graph got error with: %v", inputs)
+ } else {
+ respList = append(respList, resp)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ h.JSONR(c, respList)
+ return