/* * File: iframeResizer.contentWindow.js * Desc: Include this file in any page being loaded into an iframe * to force the iframe to resize to the content size. * Requires: iframeResizer.js on host page. * Author: David J. Bradshaw - dave@bradshaw.net * Contributor: Jure Mav - jure.mav@gmail.com */ ;(function() { 'use strict'; var autoResize = true, base = 10, bodyBackground = '', bodyMargin = 0, bodyMarginStr = '', bodyPadding = '', calculateWidth = false, doubleEventList = {'resize':1,'click':1}, eventCancelTimer = 128, height = 1, firstRun = true, heightCalcModeDefault = 'offset', heightCalcMode = heightCalcModeDefault, initLock = true, initMsg = '', inPageLinks = {}, interval = 32, logging = false, msgID = '[iFrameSizer]', //Must match host page msg ID msgIdLen = msgID.length, myID = '', publicMethods = false, resetRequiredMethods = {max:1,scroll:1,bodyScroll:1,documentElementScroll:1}, targetOriginDefault = '*', target = window.parent, tolerance = 0, triggerLocked = false, triggerLockedTimer = null, width = 1; function addEventListener(el,evt,func){ if ('addEventListener' in window){ el.addEventListener(evt,func, false); } else if ('attachEvent' in window){ //IE el.attachEvent('on'+evt,func); } } function formatLogMsg(msg){ return msgID + '[' + myID + ']' + ' ' + msg; } function log(msg){ if (logging && ('object' === typeof window.console)){ console.log(formatLogMsg(msg)); } } function warn(msg){ if ('object' === typeof window.console){ console.warn(formatLogMsg(msg)); } } function init(){ log('Initialising iFrame'); readData(); setMargin(); setBodyStyle('background',bodyBackground); setBodyStyle('padding',bodyPadding); injectClearFixIntoBodyElement(); checkHeightMode(); stopInfiniteResizingOfIFrame(); setupPublicMethods(); startEventListeners(); inPageLinks = setupInPageLinks(); sendSize('init','Init message from host page'); } function readData(){ var data = initMsg.substr(msgIdLen).split(':'); function strBool(str){ return 'true' === str ? true : false; } myID = data[0]; bodyMargin = (undefined !== data[1]) ? Number(data[1]) : bodyMargin; //For V1 compatibility calculateWidth = (undefined !== data[2]) ? strBool(data[2]) : calculateWidth; logging = (undefined !== data[3]) ? strBool(data[3]) : logging; interval = (undefined !== data[4]) ? Number(data[4]) : interval; publicMethods = (undefined !== data[5]) ? strBool(data[5]) : publicMethods; autoResize = (undefined !== data[6]) ? strBool(data[6]) : autoResize; bodyMarginStr = data[7]; heightCalcMode = (undefined !== data[8]) ? data[8] : heightCalcMode; bodyBackground = data[9]; bodyPadding = data[10]; tolerance = (undefined !== data[11]) ? Number(data[11]) : tolerance; inPageLinks.enable = (undefined !== data[12]) ? strBool(data[12]): false; } function chkCSS(attr,value){ if (-1 !== value.indexOf('-')){ warn('Negative CSS value ignored for '+attr); value=''; } return value; } function setBodyStyle(attr,value){ if ((undefined !== value) && ('' !== value) && ('null' !== value)){ document.body.style[attr] = value; log('Body '+attr+' set to "'+value+'"'); } } function setMargin(){ //If called via V1 script, convert bodyMargin from int to str if (undefined === bodyMarginStr){ bodyMarginStr = bodyMargin+'px'; } chkCSS('margin',bodyMarginStr); setBodyStyle('margin',bodyMarginStr); } function stopInfiniteResizingOfIFrame(){ document.documentElement.style.height = ''; document.body.style.height = ''; log('HTML & body height set to "auto"'); } function addTriggerEvent(options){ function addListener(eventName){ addEventListener(window,eventName,function(e){ sendSize(options.eventName,options.eventType); }); } if(options.eventNames && Array.prototype.map){ options.eventName = options.eventNames[0]; options.eventNames.map(addListener); } else { addListener(options.eventName); } log('Added event listener: ' + options.eventType); } function initEventListeners(){ addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Animation Start', eventNames: ['animationstart','webkitAnimationStart'] }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Animation Iteration', eventNames: ['animationiteration','webkitAnimationIteration'] }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Animation End', eventNames: ['animationend','webkitAnimationEnd'] }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Device Orientation Change', eventName: 'deviceorientation' }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Transition End', eventNames: ['transitionend','webkitTransitionEnd','MSTransitionEnd','oTransitionEnd','otransitionend'] }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Window Clicked', eventName: 'click' }); //addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Window Mouse Down', eventName: 'mousedown' }); //addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Window Mouse Up', eventName: 'mouseup' }); addTriggerEvent({ eventType: 'Window Resized', eventName: 'resize' }); } function checkHeightMode(){ if (heightCalcModeDefault !== heightCalcMode){ if (!(heightCalcMode in getHeight)){ warn(heightCalcMode + ' is not a valid option for heightCalculationMethod.'); heightCalcMode='bodyScroll'; } log('Height calculation method set to "'+heightCalcMode+'"'); } } function startEventListeners(){ if ( true === autoResize ) { initEventListeners(); setupMutationObserver(); } else { log('Auto Resize disabled'); } } function injectClearFixIntoBodyElement(){ var clearFix = document.createElement('div'); clearFix.style.clear = 'both'; clearFix.style.display = 'block'; //Guard against this having been globally redefined in CSS. document.body.appendChild(clearFix); } function setupInPageLinks(){ function getPagePosition (){ return { x: (window.pageXOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageXOffset : document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop }; } function getElementPosition(el){ var elPosition = el.getBoundingClientRect(), pagePosition = getPagePosition(); return { x: parseInt(elPosition.left,10) + parseInt(pagePosition.x,10), y: parseInt(elPosition.top,10) + parseInt(pagePosition.y,10) }; } function findTarget(location){ var hash = location.split("#")[1] || ""; var hashData = decodeURIComponent(hash); function jumpToTarget(target){ var jumpPosition = getElementPosition(target); log('Moving to in page link (#'+hash+') at x: '+jumpPosition.x+' y: '+jumpPosition.y); sendMsg(jumpPosition.y, jumpPosition.x, 'scrollToOffset'); // X&Y reversed at sendMsg uses height/width } var target = document.getElementById(hashData) || document.getElementsByName(hashData)[0]; if (target){ jumpToTarget(target); } else { log('In page link (#' + hash + ') not found in iFrame, so sending to parent'); sendMsg(0,0,'inPageLink','#'+hash); } } function checkLocationHash(){ if ('' !== location.hash && '#' !== location.hash){ findTarget(location.href); } } function bindAnchors(){ function setupLink(el){ function linkClicked(e){ e.preventDefault(); /*jshint validthis:true */ findTarget(this.getAttribute('href')); } if ('#' !== el.getAttribute('href')){ addEventListener(el,'click',linkClicked); } } Array.prototype.forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href^="#"]' ), setupLink ); } function bindLocationHash(){ addEventListener(window,'hashchange',checkLocationHash); } function initCheck(){ //check if page loaded with location hash after init resize setTimeout(checkLocationHash,eventCancelTimer); } function enableInPageLinks(){ if(Array.prototype.forEach && document.querySelectorAll){ log('Setting up location.hash handlers'); bindAnchors(); bindLocationHash(); initCheck(); } else { warn('In page linking not fully supported in this browser! (See README.md for IE8 workaround)'); } } if(inPageLinks.enable){ enableInPageLinks(); } else { log('In page linking not enabled'); } return { findTarget:findTarget }; } function setupPublicMethods(){ if (publicMethods) { log('Enable public methods'); window.parentIFrame = { close: function closeF(){ sendSize('close','parentIFrame.close()', 0, 0); }, getId: function getIdF(){ return myID; }, moveToAnchor: function moveToAnchorF(hash){ inPageLinks.findTarget(hash); }, reset: function resetF(){ resetIFrame('parentIFrame.reset'); }, scrollTo: function scrollToF(x,y){ sendMsg(y,x,'scrollTo'); // X&Y reversed at sendMsg uses height/width }, scrollToOffset: function scrollToF(x,y){ sendMsg(y,x,'scrollToOffset'); // X&Y reversed at sendMsg uses height/width }, sendMessage: function sendMessageF(msg,targetOrigin){ sendMsg(0,0,'message',JSON.stringify(msg),targetOrigin); }, setHeightCalculationMethod: function setHeightCalculationMethodF(heightCalculationMethod){ heightCalcMode = heightCalculationMethod; checkHeightMode(); }, setTargetOrigin: function setTargetOriginF(targetOrigin){ log('Set targetOrigin: '+targetOrigin); targetOriginDefault = targetOrigin; }, size: function sizeF(customHeight, customWidth){ var valString = ''+(customHeight?customHeight:'')+(customWidth?','+customWidth:''); lockTrigger(); sendSize('size','parentIFrame.size('+valString+')', customHeight, customWidth); } }; } } function initInterval(){ if ( 0 !== interval ){ log('setInterval: '+interval+'ms'); setInterval(function(){ sendSize('interval','setInterval: '+interval); },Math.abs(interval)); } } function setupInjectElementLoadListners(mutations){ function addLoadListener(element){ if (element.height === undefined || element.width === undefined || 0 === element.height || 0 === element.width){ log('Attach listerner to '+element.src); addEventListener(element,'load', function imageLoaded(){ sendSize('imageLoad','Image loaded'); }); } } mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'src'){ addLoadListener(mutation.target); } else if (mutation.type === 'childList'){ var images = mutation.target.querySelectorAll('img'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(images,function (image) { addLoadListener(image); }); } }); } function setupMutationObserver(){ var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; function createMutationObserver(){ var target = document.querySelector('body'), config = { attributes : true, attributeOldValue : false, characterData : true, characterDataOldValue : false, childList : true, subtree : true }, observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { sendSize('mutationObserver','mutationObserver: ' + mutations[0].target + ' ' + mutations[0].type); setupInjectElementLoadListners(mutations); //Deal with WebKit asyncing image loading when tags are injected into the page }); log('Enable MutationObserver'); observer.observe(target, config); } if (MutationObserver){ if (0 > interval) { initInterval(); } else { createMutationObserver(); } } else { warn('MutationObserver not supported in this browser!'); initInterval(); } } // document.documentElement.offsetHeight is not reliable, so // we have to jump through hoops to get a better value. function getBodyOffsetHeight(){ function getComputedBodyStyle(prop) { function convertUnitsToPxForIE8(value) { var PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/i; if (PIXEL.test(value)) { return parseInt(value,base); } var style = el.style.left, runtimeStyle = el.runtimeStyle.left; el.runtimeStyle.left = el.currentStyle.left; el.style.left = value || 0; value = el.style.pixelLeft; el.style.left = style; el.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; return value; } var el = document.body, retVal = 0; if (('defaultView' in document) && ('getComputedStyle' in document.defaultView)) { retVal = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null); retVal = (null !== retVal) ? retVal[prop] : 0; } else {//IE8 retVal = convertUnitsToPxForIE8(el.currentStyle[prop]); } return parseInt(retVal,base); } return document.body.offsetHeight + getComputedBodyStyle('marginTop') + getComputedBodyStyle('marginBottom'); } function getBodyScrollHeight(){ return document.body.scrollHeight; } function getDEOffsetHeight(){ return document.documentElement.offsetHeight; } function getDEScrollHeight(){ return document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } //From https://github.com/guardian/iframe-messenger function getLowestElementHeight() { var allElements = document.querySelectorAll('body *'), allElementsLength = allElements.length, maxBottomVal = 0, timer = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < allElementsLength; i++) { if (allElements[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom > maxBottomVal) { maxBottomVal = allElements[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom; } } timer = new Date().getTime() - timer; log('Parsed '+allElementsLength+' HTML elements'); log('LowestElement bottom position calculated in ' + timer + 'ms'); return maxBottomVal; } function getAllHeights(){ return [ getBodyOffsetHeight(), getBodyScrollHeight(), getDEOffsetHeight(), getDEScrollHeight() ]; } function getMaxHeight(){ return Math.max.apply(null,getAllHeights()); } function getMinHeight(){ return Math.min.apply(null,getAllHeights()); } function getBestHeight(){ return Math.max(getBodyOffsetHeight(),getLowestElementHeight()); } var getHeight = { offset : getBodyOffsetHeight, //Backward compatability bodyOffset : getBodyOffsetHeight, bodyScroll : getBodyScrollHeight, documentElementOffset : getDEOffsetHeight, scroll : getDEScrollHeight, //Backward compatability documentElementScroll : getDEScrollHeight, max : getMaxHeight, min : getMinHeight, grow : getMaxHeight, lowestElement : getBestHeight }; function getWidth(){ return Math.max( document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.body.scrollWidth ); } function sendSize(triggerEvent, triggerEventDesc, customHeight, customWidth){ var currentHeight,currentWidth; function recordTrigger(){ if (!(triggerEvent in {'reset':1,'resetPage':1,'init':1})){ log( 'Trigger event: ' + triggerEventDesc ); } } function resizeIFrame(){ height = currentHeight; width = currentWidth; sendMsg(height,width,triggerEvent); } function isDoubleFiredEvent(){ return triggerLocked && (triggerEvent in doubleEventList); } function isSizeChangeDetected(){ function checkTolarance(a,b){ var retVal = Math.abs(a-b) <= tolerance; return !retVal; } currentHeight = (undefined !== customHeight) ? customHeight : getHeight[heightCalcMode](); currentWidth = (undefined !== customWidth ) ? customWidth : getWidth(); return checkTolarance(height,currentHeight) || (calculateWidth && checkTolarance(width,currentWidth)); } function isForceResizableEvent(){ return !(triggerEvent in {'init':1,'interval':1,'size':1}); } function isForceResizableHeightCalcMode(){ return (heightCalcMode in resetRequiredMethods); } function logIgnored(){ log('No change in size detected'); } function checkDownSizing(){ if (isForceResizableEvent() && isForceResizableHeightCalcMode()){ resetIFrame(triggerEventDesc); } else if (!(triggerEvent in {'interval':1})){ recordTrigger(); logIgnored(); } } if (!isDoubleFiredEvent()){ if (isSizeChangeDetected()){ recordTrigger(); lockTrigger(); resizeIFrame(); } else { checkDownSizing(); } } else { log('Trigger event cancelled: '+triggerEvent); } } function lockTrigger(){ if (!triggerLocked){ triggerLocked = true; log('Trigger event lock on'); } clearTimeout(triggerLockedTimer); triggerLockedTimer = setTimeout(function(){ triggerLocked = false; log('Trigger event lock off'); log('--'); },eventCancelTimer); } function triggerReset(triggerEvent){ height = getHeight[heightCalcMode](); width = getWidth(); sendMsg(height,width,triggerEvent); } function resetIFrame(triggerEventDesc){ var hcm = heightCalcMode; heightCalcMode = heightCalcModeDefault; log('Reset trigger event: ' + triggerEventDesc); lockTrigger(); triggerReset('reset'); heightCalcMode = hcm; } function sendMsg(height,width,triggerEvent,msg,targetOrigin){ function setTargetOrigin(){ if (undefined === targetOrigin){ targetOrigin = targetOriginDefault; } else { log('Message targetOrigin: '+targetOrigin); } } function sendToParent(){ var size = height + ':' + width, message = myID + ':' + size + ':' + triggerEvent + (undefined !== msg ? ':' + msg : ''); log('Sending message to host page (' + message + ')'); target.postMessage( msgID + message, targetOrigin); } setTargetOrigin(); sendToParent(); } function receiver(event) { function isMessageForUs(){ return msgID === (''+event.data).substr(0,msgIdLen); //''+ Protects against non-string messages } function initFromParent(){ initMsg = event.data; target = event.source; init(); firstRun = false; setTimeout(function(){ initLock = false;},eventCancelTimer); } function resetFromParent(){ if (!initLock){ log('Page size reset by host page'); triggerReset('resetPage'); } else { log('Page reset ignored by init'); } } function getMessageType(){ return event.data.split(']')[1]; } function isMiddleTier(){ return ('iFrameResize' in window); } function isInitMsg(){ //test if this message is from a child below us. This is an ugly test, however, updating //the message format would break backwards compatibity. return event.data.split(':')[2] in {'true':1,'false':1}; } if (isMessageForUs()){ if (firstRun && isInitMsg()){ //Check msg ID initFromParent(); } else if ('reset' === getMessageType()){ resetFromParent(); } else if (event.data !== initMsg && !isMiddleTier()){ warn('Unexpected message ('+event.data+')'); } } } addEventListener(window, 'message', receiver); })();