#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017 Xiaomi, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import copy import json from flask import render_template, abort, request, url_for, redirect, g from flask_babel import gettext import time import datetime from rrd import app from rrd.model.screen import DashboardScreen from rrd.model.graph import DashboardGraph from rrd import consts from rrd.utils.graph_urls import generate_graph_urls from rrd import config @app.route("/screen", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_screens(): top_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_by_pid(pid='0') or [] top_screens = sorted(top_screens, key=lambda x:x.name) return render_template("screen/index.html", **locals()) @app.route("/screen//delete") def dash_screen_delete(sid): screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no such screen") DashboardScreen.remove(sid) return redirect("/screen") @app.route("/screen//edit", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_screen_edit(sid): screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no such screen") if request.method == "POST": screen_name = request.form.get("screen_name").strip() screen.update(name=screen_name) return redirect("/screen/%s" %screen.id) else: return render_template("screen/edit.html", **locals()) @app.route("/screen//clone", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_screen_clone(sid): screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no such screen") if request.method == "POST": screen_name = request.form.get("screen_name").strip() with_graph = request.form.get("with_graph") new_s = DashboardScreen.add(screen.pid, screen_name) if not new_s: abort(404, gettext("screen create fail")) if with_graph: old_graphs = DashboardGraph.gets_by_screen_id(sid) for o in old_graphs: DashboardGraph.add(o.title, o.hosts, o.counters, new_s.id, o.timespan, o.graph_type, o.method, o.position) return redirect("/screen/%s" %new_s.id) else: return render_template("screen/clone.html", **locals()) @app.route("/graph//delete") def dash_graph_delete(gid): graph = DashboardGraph.get(gid) if not graph: abort(404, "no such graph") DashboardGraph.remove(gid) return redirect("/screen/" + graph.screen_id) @app.route("/screen/") def dash_screen(sid): start = request.args.get("start") end = request.args.get("end") top_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_by_pid(pid=0) top_screens = sorted(top_screens, key=lambda x:x.name) screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no screen") if str(screen.pid) == '0': sub_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_by_pid(pid=sid) sub_screens = sorted(sub_screens, key=lambda x:x.name) return render_template("screen/top_screen.html", **locals()) pscreen = DashboardScreen.get(screen.pid) sub_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_by_pid(pid=screen.pid) sub_screens = sorted(sub_screens, key=lambda x:x.name) graphs = DashboardGraph.gets_by_screen_id(screen.id) all_graphs = [] for graph in graphs: all_graphs.extend(generate_graph_urls(graph, start, end) or []) all_graphs = sorted(all_graphs, key=lambda x: (x.position, x.id)) return render_template("screen/screen.html", **locals()) @app.route("/screen/embed/") def dash_screen_embed(sid): start = request.args.get("start") end = request.args.get("end") screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no screen") if screen.pid == '0': abort(404, "top screen") graphs = DashboardGraph.gets_by_screen_id(screen.id) all_graphs = [] for graph in graphs: all_graphs.extend(generate_graph_urls(graph, start, end) or []) all_graphs = sorted(all_graphs, key=lambda x: (x.position, x.id)) return render_template("screen/screen_embed.html", **locals()) @app.route("/screen/add", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_screen_add(): if request.method == "POST": name = request.form.get("screen_name").strip() pid = request.form.get("pid", '0') screen = DashboardScreen.add(pid, name) return redirect("/screen/%s" % screen.id) else: pid = request.args.get("pid", '0') try: screen = DashboardScreen.get(pid) except: screen = None return render_template("screen/add.html", **locals()) @app.route("/screen//graph", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_graph_add(sid): all_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_all() top_screens = [x for x in all_screens if x.pid == '0'] children = [] for t in top_screens: children.append([x for x in all_screens if x.pid == t.id]) screen = DashboardScreen.get(sid) if not screen: abort(404, "no screen") pscreen = DashboardScreen.get(screen.pid) if request.method == "POST": title = request.form.get("title").strip() hosts = request.form.get("hosts", "").strip() hosts = hosts and hosts.split("\n") or [] hosts = [x.strip() for x in hosts] counters = request.form.get("counters", "").strip() counters = counters and counters.split("\n") or [] counters = [x.strip() for x in counters] timespan = int(request.form.get("timespan", 3600)) graph_type = request.form.get("graph_type", 'h') method = request.form.get("method", '').upper() position = int(request.form.get("position", 0)) graph = DashboardGraph.add(title, hosts, counters, sid, timespan, graph_type, method, position) return redirect("/screen/%s" % sid) else: gid = request.args.get("gid") graph = gid and DashboardGraph.get(gid) return render_template("screen/graph_add.html", config=config, **locals()) @app.route("/graph//edit", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_graph_edit(gid): error = "" graph = DashboardGraph.get(gid) if not graph: abort(404, "no graph") all_screens = DashboardScreen.gets_all() top_screens = [x for x in all_screens if x.pid == '0'] children = [] for t in top_screens: children.append([x for x in all_screens if x.pid == t.id]) screen = DashboardScreen.get(graph.screen_id) if not screen: abort(404, "no screen") pscreen = DashboardScreen.get(screen.pid) if request.method == "POST": ajax = request.form.get("ajax", "") screen_id = request.form.get("screen_id") title = request.form.get("title", "").strip() hosts = request.form.get("hosts", "").strip() hosts = hosts and hosts.split("\n") or [] hosts = [x.strip() for x in hosts] counters = request.form.get("counters", "").strip() counters = counters and counters.split("\n") or [] counters = [x.strip() for x in counters] timespan = request.form.get("timespan", 3600) graph_type = request.form.get("graph_type", 'h') method = request.form.get("method", '').upper() position = request.form.get("position", 0) graph = graph.update(title, hosts, counters, screen_id, timespan, graph_type, method, position) error = gettext("edit successful") if not ajax: return render_template("screen/graph_edit.html", config=config, **locals()) else: return "ok" else: ajax = request.args.get("ajax", "") return render_template("screen/graph_edit.html", **locals()) @app.route("/graph/multi_edit", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def dash_graph_multi_edit(): ret = { "ok": False, "msg": "", "data": [], } if request.method == "POST": d = request.data try: jdata = json.loads(d) except ValueError: jdata = None if not jdata: return json.dumps({ "ok": False, "msg": "no_data_post", }) rows = [] for x in jdata: rows.append({"id": x["id"], "hosts": x["endpoints"], "counters": x["counters"]}) DashboardGraph.update_multi(rows) return json.dumps({ "ok": True, "msg": "", }) elif request.method == "GET": sid = request.args.get("sid") if not sid or not DashboardScreen.get(sid): ret["msg"] = "no_screen" return json.dumps(ret) ret["ok"] = True graphs = DashboardGraph.gets_by_screen_id(sid) ret['data'] = [{"id": x.id, "title": x.title, "endpoints":x.hosts, "counters":x.counters} for x in graphs] return json.dumps(ret)