@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
-import hashlib
-import datetime
-from rrd.store import dashboard_db_conn as db_conn
-from rrd.store import graph_db_conn
+import json
+import requests
+from rrd.config import API_ADDR
class DashboardGraph(object):
def __init__(self, id, title, hosts, counters, screen_id,
@@ -25,81 +23,93 @@ class DashboardGraph(object):
def gets_by_screen_id(cls, screen_id):
- cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, title, hosts, counters, screen_id,
- timespan, graph_type, method, position
- from dashboard_graph where screen_id=%s order by position''', (screen_id,))
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- cursor and cursor.close()
- ret = []
- for row in rows:
- args = list(row)
- args[2] = args[2].split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- args[3] = args[3].split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- ret.append(cls(*args))
- return ret
+ r = requests.get(API_ADDR + "/dashboard/graphs/screen/%s" %(screen_id,))
+ if r.status_code != 200:
+ return
+ j = r.json()
+ return [cls(*[x["graph_id"], x["title"], x["endpoints"], x["counters"], \
+ x["screen_id"], x["timespan"], x["graph_type"], x["method"], x["position"]]) for x in j]
def get(cls, id):
- cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, title, hosts, counters, screen_id,
- timespan, graph_type, method, position
- from dashboard_graph where id=%s''', (id,))
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cursor and cursor.close()
- if row:
- args = list(row)
- args[2] = args[2].split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- args[3] = args[3].split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- return cls(*args)
+ r = requests.get(API_ADDR + "/dashboard/graph/%s" %(id,))
+ if r.status_code != 200:
+ return
+ x = r.json()
+ return x and cls(*[x["graph_id"], x["title"], x["endpoints"], x["counters"], \
+ x["screen_id"], x["timespan"], x["graph_type"], x["method"], x["position"]])
def add(cls, title, hosts, counters, screen_id,
timespan=3600, graph_type='h', method='', position=0):
- cursor = db_conn.execute('''insert into dashboard_graph (title, hosts, counters, screen_id,
- timespan, graph_type, method, position)
- values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
- (title, ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(hosts) or "", ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(counters) or "", screen_id,
- timespan, graph_type, method, position))
- id_ = cursor.lastrowid
- db_conn.execute('''update dashboard_graph set position=%s where id=%s''', (id_, id_))
- db_conn.commit()
- cursor and cursor.close()
- return cls.get(id_)
+ d = {
+ "screen_id": screen_id,
+ "title": title,
+ "endpoints": hosts,
+ "counters": counters,
+ "timespan": timespan,
+ "graph_type": graph_type,
+ "method": method,
+ "position": position,
+ "falcon_tags": "",
+ }
+ h = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
+ r = requests.post(API_ADDR + "/dashboard/graph", data = json.dumps(d), headers =h )
+ if r.status_code != 200:
+ return
+ j = r.json()
+ graph_id = j and j.get("id")
+ return graph_id and cls.get(graph_id)
def remove(cls, id):
- db_conn.execute('''delete from dashboard_graph where id=%s''', (id,))
- db_conn.commit()
+ r = requests.delete(API_ADDR + "/dashboard/graph/%s" %(id,))
+ if r.status_code != 200:
+ return
+ return r.json()
def update(self, title=None, hosts=None, counters=None, screen_id=None,
timespan=None, graph_type=None, method=None, position=None):
title = self.title if title is None else title
hosts = self.hosts if hosts is None else hosts
- hosts = hosts and ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(hosts) or ""
counters = self.counters if counters is None else counters
- counters = counters and ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(counters) or ""
screen_id = screen_id or self.screen_id
timespan = timespan or self.timespan
graph_type = graph_type or self.graph_type
method = method if method is not None else self.method
position = position or self.position
- db_conn.execute('''update dashboard_graph set title=%s, hosts=%s, counters=%s, screen_id=%s,
- timespan=%s, graph_type=%s, method=%s, position=%s where id=%s''',
- (title, hosts, counters, screen_id, timespan, graph_type, method, position, self.id))
- db_conn.commit()
- return DashboardGraph.get(self.id)
+ d = {
+ "screen_id": screen_id,
+ "title": title,
+ "endpoints": hosts,
+ "counters": counters,
+ "timespan": timespan,
+ "graph_type": graph_type,
+ "method": method,
+ "position": position,
+ "falcon_tags": "",
+ }
+ h = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
+ r = requests.put(API_ADDR + "/dashboard/graph/%s" %(self.id,), data = json.dumps(d), headers =h )
+ if r.status_code != 200:
+ return
+ j = r.json()
+ graph_id = j and j.get("id")
+ return graph_id and cls.get(graph_id)
def update_multi(cls, rows):
for x in rows:
id = x["id"]
hosts = x["hosts"] or []
counters = x["counters"] or []
- db_conn.execute('''update dashboard_graph set hosts=%s, counters=%s where id=%s''',
- (ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(hosts) or "", ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(counters) or "", id))
- db_conn.commit()
+ grh = cls.get(id)
+ grh and grh.update(hosts=hosts, counters=counters)
@@ -118,54 +128,3 @@ CREATE TABLE `dashboard_graph` (
KEY `idx_sid` (`screen_id`)
-class TmpGraph(object):
- def __init__(self, id, endpoints, counters, time_):
- self.id = str(id)
- self.endpoints = endpoints or []
- self.endpoints = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in self.endpoints])
- self.counters = counters or []
- self.counters = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in self.counters])
- self.time_ = time_
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<TmpGraph id=%s, endpoints=%s, counters=%s>" %(self.id, self.endpoints, self.counters)
- __str__ = __repr__
- @classmethod
- def get(cls, id):
- cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, endpoints, counters, time_ from tmp_graph where id=%s''', (id,))
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cursor and cursor.close()
- if row:
- id, endpoints, counters, time_ = row
- endpoint_list = endpoints and endpoints.split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- counter_list = counters and counters.split(ENDPOINT_DELIMITER) or []
- return cls(id, endpoint_list, counter_list, time_)
- else:
- return None
- @classmethod
- def add(cls, endpoints, counters):
- es = endpoints and ENDPOINT_DELIMITER.join(sorted(endpoints)) or ""
- cs = counters and COUNTER_DELIMITER.join(sorted(counters)) or ""
- ck = hashlib.md5("%s:%s" %(es.encode("utf8"), cs.encode("utf8"))).hexdigest()
- cursor = db_conn.execute('''insert ignore into tmp_graph (endpoints, counters, ck) values(%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id),time_=%s''',
- (es, cs, ck, datetime.datetime.now()))
- id_ = cursor.lastrowid
- db_conn.commit()
- cursor and cursor.close()
- return id_
-CREATE TABLE `tmp_graph` (
-`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
-`endpoints` varchar(10240) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-`counters` varchar(10240) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-`ck` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
-PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
-UNIQUE KEY `idx_ck` (`ck`)