123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, uic
- from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
- from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt
- import core
- import numpy
- import subprocess as sp
- import sys
- class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
- videoCreated = pyqtSignal()
- progressBarUpdate = pyqtSignal(int)
- progressBarSetText = pyqtSignal(str)
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- QtCore.QObject.__init__(self)
- parent.videoTask.connect(self.createVideo)
- self.core = core.Core()
- @pyqtSlot(str, str, QtGui.QFont, int, int, int, int, tuple, tuple, str, str)
- def createVideo(self, backgroundImage, titleText, titleFont, fontSize, alignment,\
- xOffset, yOffset, textColor, visColor, inputFile, outputFile):
- # print('worker thread id: {}'.format(QtCore.QThread.currentThreadId()))
- def getBackgroundAtIndex(i):
- return self.core.drawBaseImage(
- backgroundFrames[i] if len(backgroundFrames)>0 else '',
- titleText,
- titleFont,
- fontSize,
- alignment,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- textColor,
- visColor)
- progressBarValue = 0
- self.progressBarUpdate.emit(progressBarValue)
- self.progressBarSetText.emit('Loading background image…')
- backgroundFrames = self.core.parseBaseImage(backgroundImage)
- if len(backgroundFrames) < 2:
- # the base image is not a video so we can draw it now
- imBackground = getBackgroundAtIndex(0)
- else:
- # base images will be drawn while drawing the audio bars
- imBackground = None
- self.progressBarSetText.emit('Loading audio file…')
- completeAudioArray = self.core.readAudioFile(inputFile)
- # test if user has libfdk_aac
- encoders = sp.check_output(self.core.FFMPEG_BIN + " -encoders -hide_banner", shell=True)
- if b'libfdk_aac' in encoders:
- acodec = 'libfdk_aac'
- else:
- acodec = 'aac'
- ffmpegCommand = [ self.core.FFMPEG_BIN,
- '-y', # (optional) means overwrite the output file if it already exists.
- '-f', 'rawvideo',
- '-vcodec', 'rawvideo',
- '-s', '1280x720', # size of one frame
- '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24',
- '-r', '30', # frames per second
- '-i', '-', # The input comes from a pipe
- '-an',
- '-i', inputFile,
- '-acodec', acodec, # output audio codec
- '-b:a', "192k",
- '-vcodec', "libx264",
- '-pix_fmt', "yuv420p",
- '-preset', "medium",
- '-f', "mp4"]
- if acodec == 'aac':
- ffmpegCommand.append('-strict')
- ffmpegCommand.append('-2')
- ffmpegCommand.append(outputFile)
- out_pipe = sp.Popen(ffmpegCommand,
- stdin=sp.PIPE,stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stdout)
- smoothConstantDown = 0.08
- smoothConstantUp = 0.8
- lastSpectrum = None
- sampleSize = 1470
- numpy.seterr(divide='ignore')
- bgI = 0
- for i in range(0, len(completeAudioArray), sampleSize):
- # create video for output
- lastSpectrum = self.core.transformData(
- i,
- completeAudioArray,
- sampleSize,
- smoothConstantDown,
- smoothConstantUp,
- lastSpectrum)
- if imBackground != None:
- im = self.core.drawBars(lastSpectrum, imBackground, visColor)
- else:
- im = self.core.drawBars(lastSpectrum, getBackgroundAtIndex(bgI), visColor)
- if bgI < len(backgroundFrames)-1:
- bgI += 1
- # write to out_pipe
- try:
- out_pipe.stdin.write(im.tobytes())
- finally:
- True
- # increase progress bar value
- if progressBarValue + 1 <= (i / len(completeAudioArray)) * 100:
- progressBarValue = numpy.floor((i / len(completeAudioArray)) * 100)
- self.progressBarUpdate.emit(progressBarValue)
- self.progressBarSetText.emit('%s%%' % str(int(progressBarValue)))
- numpy.seterr(all='print')
- out_pipe.stdin.close()
- if out_pipe.stderr is not None:
- print(out_pipe.stderr.read())
- out_pipe.stderr.close()
- # out_pipe.terminate() # don't terminate ffmpeg too early
- out_pipe.wait()
- print("Video file created")
- self.core.deleteTempDir()
- self.progressBarUpdate.emit(100)
- self.progressBarSetText.emit('100%')
- self.videoCreated.emit()