apollo-release-guide.md 5.1 KB

1. Upgrade version

Replace the version number in full under the Apollo project, e.g. 1.9.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.9.1. Be sure to replace the non-version number in the process.

2. Writing Release Reports

Each PR between two versions is recorded in https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/blob/master/CHANGES.md, so you only need to extract it from CHANGES.md to write the release report. Release report reference: https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/releases/tag/v1.8.0

3. Version validation

Version validation consists of three main areas of validation.

  1. Verification of newly introduced code changes, such as new features, bugfixes
  2. Apollo core main process validation, including: configuration release, dynamic push, grayscale push, etc.
  3. upgrade process validation, including: classic deployment mode, docker mode, k8s mode

4. Version release

4.1 Tagging

  1. Pull the latest code from master
    1. git pull origin master
  2. Tag
    1. git tag ${new-version}
  3. Push tag
    1. git push origin tag ${new-version}

4.2 Packages

4.2.1 Pre-checking

Before packaging, check your local environment, mvn -v to make sure the java version is 1.8, e.g. the following output.

mvn -v Apache Maven 3.8.1 (05c21c65bd) Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.8.1/libexec Java version: 1.8.0_301, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_301.jdk/Contents/Home/jre Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.16", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

4.2.2 Packages

In the ${apollo_home}/scripts/ directory, execute.

. /build.sh

If the following error is reported.

zsh: . /build.sh: bad interpreter: /bin/sh^M: no such file or directory

Then you need to execute the following command to convert to unix

brew install dos2unix dos2unix build.sh

4.2.3 Calculating checksum for build packages

To calculate configservice checksum

In the ${apollo_home}/apollo-configservice/target/ directory, execute.

shasum apollo-configservice-${new-version}-github.zip > apollo-configservice-${new-version}-github.zip.sha1

Calculate adminservice checksum

In the ${apollo_home}/apollo-adminservice/target/ directory, execute.

shasum apollo-adminservice-${new-version}-github.zip > apollo-adminservice-${new-version}-github.zip.sha1

Calculate portal checksum

In the ${apollo_home}/apollo-portal/target/ directory, execute.

shasum apollo-portal-${new-version}-github.zip > apollo-portal-${new-version}-github.zip.sha1

4.3 Creating a pre-release

Github create pre-release


Fill out the Release Note & upload the package


4.4 Pre-release Apollo-Client Jar Package

Publish via github workflow.



Note: If you are releasing a SNAPSHOT version, use the default value snapshots. If you are releasing an official version (without SNAPSHOT), you need to change it to releases to make it work.

4.5 Release PMC Polling

Polling is used to allow PMC members to collaborate on verifying the content of a release and preventing problematic releases. The polling takes the form of a thread in Discussions, available at https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/discussions/3899

4.6 Official release of Apollo-Client Jar to repositories

4.7 Release Docker image

4.7.1 Build the image locally and test it

With the package packed in step 4.2, execute in the apollo root directory

mvn docker:build -pl apollo-configservice,apollo-adminservice,apollo-portal

Note: If you get an error, you may need to restart the local docker

4.7.2 Push image to repository

Publish via github workflow.



4.8 Update helm chart

4.8.1 Update the contents of the chart

  1. cd apollo-helm-chart
  2. helm package apollo-portal && helm package apollo-service
  3. mv *.tgz docs
  4. cd docs
  5. helm repo index .

4.8.2 Merging branches into main

Create a pull request to merge the above products into the main branch.

5. Release announcement

Reference: https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/discussions/3740