Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. Apollo 2.2.0 ------------------ * [Fix the problem of inconsistent length of appId column]( * [Bump springcloud springboot version to solve cve problems]( * [rename mysql-connector-java to mysql-connector-j]( * [Bump springboot version from 2.7.8 to 2.7.9]( * [[Multi-Database Support] Without Reliance on globally_quoted_identifiers Variable]( * [[Multi-Database Support] Without Reliance on boolean integer compare]( * [[Multi-Database Support] package postgre h2 dependency]( * [[Multi-Database Support] Optimize table case]( * [Fix OIDC logout unnecessary redirect]( * [[Multi-Database Support] Introduce h2 postgre profile properties to let user config database config]( * [[Multi-Database Support] Optimize column define case sensitivity]( * [[Multi-Database Support][pg] Where clause need escape, otherwise will request postgre use lowwer case]( * [Misc dependency updates]( * [Fix the problem that the deletion failure of the system rights management page does not prompt]( * [Fix the issue of the system permission management page retrieving non-existent users]( * [Add release history cleaning function]( * [[Multi-Database Support][pg] Make JdbcUserDetailsManager compat with postgre]( * [refactor(apollo logging): Simplify the default log path to `/opt/logs`]( * [Add a configuration config-service.cache.key.ignore-case to control whether the cache key is case-sensitive]( * [feat: check port use by another process or not when startup]( * [Bump springboot version from 2.7.9 to 2.7.11]( * [[Multi-Database Support][h2] Support run on h2]( * [Fix the issue that env special case handling is missing in some case]( * [Fix the issue that namespace content being cleared when identical content is pasted into the namespace]( * [feat(openapi): allow user create app via openapi]( * [Support grayscale feature for non-properties namespaces]( ------------------ All issues and pull requests are [here](