@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Apollo Helm Chart
-[Apollo](https://github.com/ctripcorp/apollo) is a reliable configuration management system.
-## 1. Introduction
-The apollo-service and apollo-portal charts create deployments for apollo-configservice, apollo-adminservice and apollo-portal, which utilize the kubernetes native service discovery.
-## 2. Prerequisites
-- Kubernetes 1.10+
-- Helm 3
-## 3. Add Apollo Helm Chart Repository
-$ helm repo add apollo https://www.apolloconfig.com/charts
-$ helm search repo apollo
-## 4. Deployments of apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice
-### 4.1 Install
-apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice should be installed per environment, so it is suggested to indicate environment in the release name, e.g. `apollo-service-dev`
-$ helm install apollo-service-dev \
- --set configdb.host= \
- --set configdb.userName=apollo \
- --set configdb.password=apollo \
- --set configdb.service.enabled=true \
- --set configService.replicaCount=1 \
- --set adminService.replicaCount=1 \
- -n your-namespace \
- apollo/apollo-service
-Or customize it with values.yaml
-$ helm install apollo-service-dev -f values.yaml -n your-namespace apollo/apollo-service
-### 4.2 Uninstall
-To uninstall/delete the `apollo-service-dev` deployment:
-$ helm uninstall -n your-namespace apollo-service-dev
-### 4.3 Configuration
-The following table lists the configurable parameters of the apollo-service chart and their default values.
-| Parameter | Description | Default |
-| `configdb.host` | The host for apollo config db | `nil` |
-| `configdb.port` | The port for apollo config db | `3306` |
-| `configdb.dbName` | The database name for apollo config db | `ApolloConfigDB` |
-| `configdb.userName` | The user name for apollo config db | `nil` |
-| `configdb.password` | The password for apollo config db | `nil` |
-| `configdb.connectionStringProperties` | The connection string properties for apollo config db | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
-| `configdb.service.enabled` | Whether to create a Kubernetes Service for `configdb.host` or not. Set it to `true` if `configdb.host` is an endpoint outside of the kubernetes cluster | `false` |
-| `configdb.service.fullNameOverride` | Override the service name for apollo config db | `nil` |
-| `configdb.service.port` | The port for the service of apollo config db | `3306` |
-| `configdb.service.type` | The service type of apollo config db: `ClusterIP` or `ExternalName`. If the host is a DNS name, please specify `ExternalName` as the service type, e.g. xxx.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com | `ClusterIP` |
-| `configService.fullNameOverride` | Override the deployment name for apollo-configservice | `nil` |
-| `configService.replicaCount` | Replica count of apollo-configservice | `2` |
-| `configService.containerPort` | Container port of apollo-configservice | `8080` |
-| `configService.image.repository` | Image repository of apollo-configservice | `apolloconfig/apollo-configservice` |
-| `configService.image.tag` | Image tag of apollo-configservice, e.g. `1.8.0`, leave it to `nil` to use the default version | `nil` |
-| `configService.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy of apollo-configservice | `IfNotPresent` |
-| `configService.imagePullSecrets` | Image pull secrets of apollo-configservice | `[]` |
-| `configService.service.fullNameOverride` | Override the service name for apollo-configservice | `nil` |
-| `configService.service.port` | The port for the service of apollo-configservice | `8080` |
-| `configService.service.targetPort` | The target port for the service of apollo-configservice | `8080` |
-| `configService.service.type` | The service type of apollo-configservice | `ClusterIP` |
-| `configService.ingress.enabled` | Whether to enable the ingress for config-service or not | `false` |
-| `configService.ingress.annotations` | The annotations of the ingress for config-service | `{}` |
-| `configService.ingress.hosts.host` | The host of the ingress for config-service | `nil` |
-| `configService.ingress.hosts.paths` | The paths of the ingress for config-service | `[]` |
-| `configService.ingress.tls` | The tls definition of the ingress for config-service | `[]` |
-| `configService.liveness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of liveness probe | `100` |
-| `configService.liveness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of liveness probe | `10` |
-| `configService.readiness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of readiness probe | `30` |
-| `configService.readiness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of readiness probe | `5` |
-| `configService.config.profiles` | specify the spring profiles to activate | `github,kubernetes` |
-| `configService.config.configServiceUrlOverride` | Override `apollo.config-service.url`: config service url to be accessed by apollo-client | `nil` |
-| `configService.config.adminServiceUrlOverride` | Override `apollo.admin-service.url`: admin service url to be accessed by apollo-portal | `nil` |
-| `configService.config.contextPath` | specify the context path, e.g. `/apollo`, then users could access config service via `http://{config_service_address}/apollo` | `nil` |
-| `configService.env` | Environment variables passed to the container, e.g. <br />`JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k` | `{}` |
-| `configService.strategy` | The deployment strategy of apollo-configservice | `{}` |
-| `configService.resources` | The resources definition of apollo-configservice | `{}` |
-| `configService.nodeSelector` | The node selector definition of apollo-configservice | `{}` |
-| `configService.tolerations` | The tolerations definition of apollo-configservice | `[]` |
-| `configService.affinity` | The affinity definition of apollo-configservice | `{}` |
-| `adminService.fullNameOverride` | Override the deployment name for apollo-adminservice | `nil` |
-| `adminService.replicaCount` | Replica count of apollo-adminservice | `2` |
-| `adminService.containerPort` | Container port of apollo-adminservice | `8090` |
-| `adminService.image.repository` | Image repository of apollo-adminservice | `apolloconfig/apollo-adminservice` |
-| `adminService.image.tag` | Image tag of apollo-adminservice, e.g. `1.8.0`, leave it to `nil` to use the default version | `nil` |
-| `adminService.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy of apollo-adminservice | `IfNotPresent` |
-| `adminService.imagePullSecrets` | Image pull secrets of apollo-adminservice | `[]` |
-| `adminService.service.fullNameOverride` | Override the service name for apollo-adminservice | `nil` |
-| `adminService.service.port` | The port for the service of apollo-adminservice | `8090` |
-| `adminService.service.targetPort` | The target port for the service of apollo-adminservice | `8090` |
-| `adminService.service.type` | The service type of apollo-adminservice | `ClusterIP` |
-| `adminService.ingress.enabled` | Whether to enable the ingress for admin-service or not | `false` |
-| `adminService.ingress.annotations` | The annotations of the ingress for admin-service | `{}` |
-| `adminService.ingress.hosts.host` | The host of the ingress for admin-service | `nil` |
-| `adminService.ingress.hosts.paths` | The paths of the ingress for admin-service | `[]` |
-| `adminService.ingress.tls` | The tls definition of the ingress for admin-service | `[]` |
-| `adminService.liveness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of liveness probe | `100` |
-| `adminService.liveness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of liveness probe | `10` |
-| `adminService.readiness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of readiness probe | `30` |
-| `adminService.readiness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of readiness probe | `5` |
-| `adminService.config.profiles` | specify the spring profiles to activate | `github,kubernetes` |
-| `adminService.config.contextPath` | specify the context path, e.g. `/apollo`, then users could access admin service via `http://{admin_service_address}/apollo` | `nil` |
-| `adminService.env` | Environment variables passed to the container, e.g. <br />`JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k` | `{}` |
-| `adminService.strategy` | The deployment strategy of apollo-adminservice | `{}` |
-| `adminService.resources` | The resources definition of apollo-adminservice | `{}` |
-| `adminService.nodeSelector` | The node selector definition of apollo-adminservice | `{}` |
-| `adminService.tolerations` | The tolerations definition of apollo-adminservice | `[]` |
-| `adminService.affinity` | The affinity definition of apollo-adminservice | `{}` |
-### 4.4 Sample
-1. ConfigDB host is an IP outside of kubernetes cluster
- host:
- dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
- service:
- enabled: true
-2. ConfigDB host is a dns name outside of kubernetes cluster
- host: xxx.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com
- dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
- service:
- enabled: true
- type: ExternalName
-3. ConfigDB host is a kubernetes service
- host: apollodb-mysql.mysql
- dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
-4. Expose config service as Ingress with custom path `/config`
-# use /config as root, should specify configService.config.contextPath as /config
- config:
- contextPath: /config
- ingress:
- enabled: true
- hosts:
- - paths:
- - /config
-5. Expose admin service as Ingress with custom path `/admin`
-# use /admin as root, should specify adminService.config.contextPath as /admin
- config:
- contextPath: /admin
- ingress:
- enabled: true
- hosts:
- - paths:
- - /admin
-## 5. Deployments of apollo-portal
-### 5.1 Install
-To install the apollo-portal chart with the release name `apollo-portal`:
-$ helm install apollo-portal \
- --set portaldb.host= \
- --set portaldb.userName=apollo \
- --set portaldb.password=apollo \
- --set portaldb.service.enabled=true \
- --set config.envs="dev\,pro" \
- --set config.metaServers.dev=http://apollo-service-dev-apollo-configservice:8080 \
- --set config.metaServers.pro=http://apollo-service-pro-apollo-configservice:8080 \
- --set replicaCount=1 \
- -n your-namespace \
- apollo/apollo-portal
-Or customize it with values.yaml
-$ helm install apollo-portal -f values.yaml -n your-namespace apollo/apollo-portal
-### 5.2 Uninstallation
-To uninstall/delete the `apollo-portal` deployment:
-$ helm uninstall -n your-namespace apollo-portal
-### 5.3 Configuration
-The following table lists the configurable parameters of the apollo-portal chart and their default values.
-| Parameter | Description | Default |
-| `fullNameOverride` | Override the deployment name for apollo-portal | `nil` |
-| `replicaCount` | Replica count of apollo-portal | `2` |
-| `containerPort` | Container port of apollo-portal | `8070` |
-| `image.repository` | Image repository of apollo-portal | `apolloconfig/apollo-portal` |
-| `image.tag` | Image tag of apollo-portal, e.g. `1.8.0`, leave it to `nil` to use the default version | `nil` |
-| `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy of apollo-portal | `IfNotPresent` |
-| `imagePullSecrets` | Image pull secrets of apollo-portal | `[]` |
-| `service.fullNameOverride` | Override the service name for apollo-portal | `nil` |
-| `service.port` | The port for the service of apollo-portal | `8070` |
-| `service.targetPort` | The target port for the service of apollo-portal | `8070` |
-| `service.type` | The service type of apollo-portal | `ClusterIP` |
-| `service.sessionAffinity` | The session affinity for the service of apollo-portal | `ClientIP` |
-| `ingress.enabled` | Whether to enable the ingress or not | `false` |
-| `ingress.annotations` | The annotations of the ingress | `{}` |
-| `ingress.hosts.host` | The host of the ingress | `nil` |
-| `ingress.hosts.paths` | The paths of the ingress | `[]` |
-| `ingress.tls` | The tls definition of the ingress | `[]` |
-| `liveness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of liveness probe | `100` |
-| `liveness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of liveness probe | `10` |
-| `readiness.initialDelaySeconds` | The initial delay seconds of readiness probe | `30` |
-| `readiness.periodSeconds` | The period seconds of readiness probe | `5` |
-| `env` | Environment variables passed to the container, e.g. <br />`JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k` | `{}` |
-| `strategy` | The deployment strategy of apollo-portal | `{}` |
-| `resources` | The resources definition of apollo-portal | `{}` |
-| `nodeSelector` | The node selector definition of apollo-portal | `{}` |
-| `tolerations` | The tolerations definition of apollo-portal | `[]` |
-| `affinity` | The affinity definition of apollo-portal | `{}` |
-| `config.profiles` | specify the spring profiles to activate | `github,auth` |
-| `config.envs` | specify the env names, e.g. dev,pro | `nil` |
-| `config.contextPath` | specify the context path, e.g. `/apollo`, then users could access portal via `http://{portal_address}/apollo` | `nil` |
-| `config.metaServers` | specify the meta servers, e.g.<br />`dev: http://apollo-configservice-dev:8080`<br />`pro: http://apollo-configservice-pro:8080` | `{}` |
-| `config.files` | specify the extra config files for apollo-portal, e.g. application-ldap.yml | `{}` |
-| `portaldb.host` | The host for apollo portal db | `nil` |
-| `portaldb.port` | The port for apollo portal db | `3306` |
-| `portaldb.dbName` | The database name for apollo portal db | `ApolloPortalDB` |
-| `portaldb.userName` | The user name for apollo portal db | `nil` |
-| `portaldb.password` | The password for apollo portal db | `nil` |
-| `portaldb.connectionStringProperties` | The connection string properties for apollo portal db | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
-| `portaldb.service.enabled` | Whether to create a Kubernetes Service for `portaldb.host` or not. Set it to `true` if `portaldb.host` is an endpoint outside of the kubernetes cluster | `false` |
-| `portaldb.service.fullNameOverride` | Override the service name for apollo portal db | `nil` |
-| `portaldb.service.port` | The port for the service of apollo portal db | `3306` |
-| `portaldb.service.type` | The service type of apollo portal db: `ClusterIP` or `ExternalName`. If the host is a DNS name, please specify `ExternalName` as the service type, e.g. xxx.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com | `ClusterIP` |
-### 5.4 Sample
-1. PortalDB host is an IP outside of kubernetes cluster
- host:
- dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
- service:
- enabled: true
-2. PortalDB host is a dns name outside of kubernetes cluster
- host: xxx.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com
- dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
- service:
- enabled: true
- type: ExternalName
-3. PortalDB host is a kubernetes service
- host: apollodb-mysql.mysql
- dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
- userName: someUserName
- password: somePassword
- connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
-4. Specify environments
- envs: dev,pro
- metaServers:
- dev: http://apollo-service-dev-apollo-configservice:8080
- pro: http://apollo-service-pro-apollo-configservice:8080
-5. Expose service as Load Balancer
- type: LoadBalancer
-6. Expose service as Ingress
- enabled: true
- hosts:
- - paths:
- - /
-7. Expose service as Ingress with custom path `/apollo`
-# use /apollo as root, should specify config.contextPath as /apollo
- enabled: true
- hosts:
- - paths:
- - /apollo
- ...
- contextPath: /apollo
- ...
-8. Expose service as Ingress with session affinity
- enabled: true
- annotations:
- kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: "cookie"
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity-mode: "persistent"
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-conditional-samesite-none: "true"
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-expires: "172800"
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-max-age: "172800"
- hosts:
- - host: xxx.somedomain.com # host is required to make session affinity work
- paths:
- - /
-9. Enable LDAP support
- ...
- profiles: github,ldap
- ...
- files:
- application-ldap.yml: |
- spring:
- ldap:
- base: "dc=example,dc=org"
- username: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
- password: "password"
- searchFilter: "(uid={0})"
- urls:
- - "ldap://xxx.somedomain.com:389"
- ldap:
- mapping:
- objectClass: "inetOrgPerson"
- loginId: "uid"
- userDisplayName: "cn"
- email: "mail"