vdisk пре 2 година

+ 1 - 1

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ spring:
               - openid
             # client-secret 是在 oidc 提供者处配置的客户端密码, 用于登录 provider
             # 从安全角度考虑更推荐使用环境变量来配置, 环境变量的命名规则为: 将配置项的 key 当中的 点(.)、横杠(-)替换为下划线(_), 然后将所有字母改为大写, spring boot 会自动处理符合此规则的环境变量
-            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.registration-name.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_NAME_VDISK_CLIENT_SECRET (REGISTRATION_NAME 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
+            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<fill-in-the-registration-name-here>.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE>_CLIENT_SECRET (<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE> 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
             client-secret: d43c91c0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
           # registration-name-client 是 oidc 客户端的名称, 任意字符均可, client_credentials 类型的 registration 为选填项, 可以不配置

+ 2 - 2

@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ spring:
               - openid
             # client-secret is the client password configured at the oidc provider, used to log in to the provider
             # From the security point of view, it is recommended to use environment variables, which should be named as follows: dot(.), crossbar(-) The naming rule for environment variables is: replace the dot (.) and the crossbar (-) in the key of the configuration item with an underscore (_), then change all letters to uppercase, spring boot will automatically process environment variables that match this rule
-            # For example, spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.registration-name.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_NAME_ VDISK_CLIENT_SECRET (REGISTRATION_NAME can be replaced with the name of a custom oidc client)
+            # For example, spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<fill-in-the-registration-name-here>.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE>_CLIENT_SECRET (<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE> can be replaced with the name of a custom oidc client)
             client-secret: d43c91c0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ spring:
               - openid
             # client-secret is the client password configured at the oidc provider, used to log in to the provider
             # From the security point of view, it is recommended to use environment variables, which should be named as follows: dot(.), crossbar(-) The naming rule for environment variables is: replace the dot (.) and the crossbar (-) in the key of the configuration item with an underscore (_), then change all letters to uppercase, spring boot will automatically process environment variables that match this rule
-            # For example, spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.registration-name.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_NAME_ VDISK_CLIENT_SECRET (REGISTRATION_NAME can be replaced with the name of a custom oidc client)
+            # For example, spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<fill-in-the-registration-name-here>.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE>_CLIENT_SECRET (<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE> can be replaced with the name of a custom oidc client)
             client-secret: d43c91c0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
           # registration-name-client is the name of the oidc client, any character is allowed, registration of client_credentials type is optional, can not be configured

+ 2 - 2

@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ spring:
               - openid
             # client-secret 是在 oidc 提供者处配置的客户端密码, 用于登录 provider
             # 从安全角度考虑更推荐使用环境变量来配置, 环境变量的命名规则为: 将配置项的 key 当中的 点(.)、横杠(-)替换为下划线(_), 然后将所有字母改为大写, spring boot 会自动处理符合此规则的环境变量
-            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.registration-name.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_NAME_VDISK_CLIENT_SECRET (REGISTRATION_NAME 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
+            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<fill-in-the-registration-name-here>.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE>_CLIENT_SECRET (<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE> 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
             client-secret: d43c91c0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ spring:
               - openid
             # client-secret 是在 oidc 提供者处配置的客户端密码, 用于登录 provider
             # 从安全角度考虑更推荐使用环境变量来配置, 环境变量的命名规则为: 将配置项的 key 当中的 点(.)、横杠(-)替换为下划线(_), 然后将所有字母改为大写, spring boot 会自动处理符合此规则的环境变量
-            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.registration-name.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_NAME_VDISK_CLIENT_SECRET (REGISTRATION_NAME 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
+            # 例如 spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<fill-in-the-registration-name-here>.client-secret -> SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE>_CLIENT_SECRET (<FILL_IN_THE_REGISTRATION_NAME_HERE> 可以替换为自定义的 oidc 客户端的名称)
             client-secret: d43c91c0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
           # registration-name-client 是 oidc 客户端的名称, 任意字符均可, client_credentials 类型的 registration 为选填项, 可以不配置