chat_utils.py 10 KB

  1. import codecs
  2. import tempfile
  3. from dataclasses import dataclass
  4. from functools import lru_cache
  5. from pathlib import Path
  6. from typing import (Any, Awaitable, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple,
  7. Union, cast)
  8. import requests
  9. from loguru import logger
  10. # yapf conflicts with isort for this block
  11. # yapf: disable
  12. from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam
  13. from openai.types.chat import (
  14. ChatCompletionContentPartParam as OpenAIChatCompletionContentPartParam)
  15. from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam
  16. from openai.types.chat import (
  17. ChatCompletionMessageParam as OpenAIChatCompletionMessageParam)
  18. # yapf: enable
  19. # pydantic needs the TypedDict from typing_extensions
  20. from pydantic import ConfigDict
  21. from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer
  22. from typing_extensions import Required, TypedDict
  23. from aphrodite.common.config import ModelConfig
  24. from aphrodite.multimodal import MultiModalDataDict
  25. from aphrodite.multimodal.utils import (async_get_and_parse_audio,
  26. async_get_and_parse_image)
  27. from aphrodite.transformers_utils.tokenizer import AnyTokenizer
  28. class AudioURL(TypedDict, total=False):
  29. url: Required[str]
  30. """
  31. Either a URL of the audio or a data URL with base64 encoded audio data.
  32. """
  33. class ChatCompletionContentPartAudioParam(TypedDict, total=False):
  34. audio_url: Required[AudioURL]
  35. type: Required[Literal["audio_url"]]
  36. """The type of the content part."""
  37. class CustomChatCompletionContentPartParam(TypedDict, total=False):
  38. __pydantic_config__ = ConfigDict(extra="allow") # type: ignore
  39. type: Required[str]
  40. """The type of the content part."""
  41. ChatCompletionContentPartParam = Union[OpenAIChatCompletionContentPartParam,
  42. ChatCompletionContentPartAudioParam,
  43. CustomChatCompletionContentPartParam]
  44. class CustomChatCompletionMessageParam(TypedDict, total=False):
  45. """Enables custom roles in the Chat Completion API."""
  46. role: Required[str]
  47. """The role of the message's author."""
  48. content: Union[str, List[ChatCompletionContentPartParam]]
  49. """The contents of the message."""
  50. name: str
  51. """An optional name for the participant.
  52. Provides the model information to differentiate between participants of the
  53. same role.
  54. """
  55. ChatCompletionMessageParam = Union[OpenAIChatCompletionMessageParam,
  56. CustomChatCompletionMessageParam]
  57. # TODO: Make fields ReadOnly once mypy supports it
  58. class ConversationMessage(TypedDict):
  59. role: str
  60. content: str
  61. @dataclass(frozen=True)
  62. class ChatMessageParseResult:
  63. messages: List[ConversationMessage]
  64. mm_futures: List[Awaitable[MultiModalDataDict]]
  65. def load_chat_template(
  66. chat_template: Optional[Union[Path, str]]) -> Optional[str]:
  67. if chat_template is None:
  68. return None
  69. try:
  70. chat_template_str = str(chat_template)
  71. if chat_template_str.startswith(('http')):
  72. response = requests.get(chat_template_str)
  73. temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
  74. temp.write(response.content)
  75. temp.close()
  76. chat_template = temp.name
  77. with open(chat_template, "r") as f:
  78. resolved_chat_template = f.read()
  79. except OSError as e:
  80. if isinstance(chat_template, Path):
  81. raise
  82. JINJA_CHARS = "{}\n"
  83. if not any(c in chat_template for c in JINJA_CHARS):
  84. msg = (f"The supplied chat template ({chat_template}) "
  85. "looks like a file path, but it failed to be "
  86. f"opened. Reason: {e}")
  87. raise ValueError(msg) from e
  88. # If opening a file fails, set chat template to be args to
  89. # ensure we decode so our escape are interpreted correctly
  90. resolved_chat_template = codecs.decode(chat_template, "unicode_escape")
  91. logger.info(f"Using supplied chat template:\n{resolved_chat_template}")
  92. return resolved_chat_template
  93. @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
  94. def _mm_token_str(model_config: ModelConfig, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
  95. modality: Literal["image", "audio"]) -> Optional[str]:
  96. # TODO: Let user specify how to insert image tokens into prompt
  97. # (similar to chat template)
  98. if modality == "image":
  99. model_type = model_config.hf_config.model_type
  100. if model_type == "phi3_v":
  101. # Workaround since this token is not defined in the tokenizer
  102. return "<|image_1|>"
  103. if model_type == "minicpmv":
  104. return "(<image>./</image>)"
  105. if model_type in ("blip-2", "chatglm", "fuyu", "paligemma"):
  106. # These models do not use image tokens in the prompt
  107. return None
  108. if model_type.startswith("llava"):
  109. return tokenizer.decode(model_config.hf_config.image_token_index)
  110. if model_type in ("chameleon", "internvl_chat"):
  111. return "<image>"
  112. raise TypeError(f"Unknown model type: {model_type}")
  113. elif modality == "audio":
  114. raise TypeError("No audio models are supported yet.")
  115. else:
  116. raise TypeError(f"Unknown modality: {modality}")
  117. # TODO: Let user specify how to insert multimodal tokens into prompt
  118. # (similar to chat template)
  119. def _get_full_multimodal_text_prompt(placeholder_token_str: str,
  120. text_prompt: str) -> str:
  121. """Combine multimodal prompts for a multimodal language model"""
  122. # NOTE: For now we assume all model architectures use the same
  123. # placeholder + text prompt format. This may change in the future.
  124. return f"{placeholder_token_str}\n{text_prompt}"
  125. def _parse_chat_message_content_parts(
  126. role: str,
  127. parts: Iterable[ChatCompletionContentPartParam],
  128. model_config: ModelConfig,
  129. tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
  130. ) -> ChatMessageParseResult:
  131. texts: List[str] = []
  132. mm_futures: List[Awaitable[MultiModalDataDict]] = []
  133. modality: Literal["image", "audio"] = "image"
  134. for part in parts:
  135. part_type = part["type"]
  136. if part_type == "text":
  137. text = cast(ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, part)["text"]
  138. texts.append(text)
  139. elif part_type == "image_url":
  140. modality = "image"
  141. if len(mm_futures) > 0:
  142. raise NotImplementedError(
  143. "Multiple multimodal inputs is currently not supported.")
  144. image_url = cast(ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam,
  145. part)["image_url"]
  146. if image_url.get("detail", "auto") != "auto":
  147. logger.warning(
  148. "'image_url.detail' is currently not supported and "
  149. "will be ignored.")
  150. image_future = async_get_and_parse_image(image_url["url"])
  151. mm_futures.append(image_future)
  152. elif part_type == "audio_url":
  153. modality = "audio"
  154. if len(mm_futures) > 0:
  155. raise NotImplementedError(
  156. "Multiple multimodal inputs is currently not supported.")
  157. audio_url = cast(ChatCompletionContentPartAudioParam,
  158. part)["audio_url"]
  159. audio_future = async_get_and_parse_audio(audio_url["url"])
  160. mm_futures.append(audio_future)
  161. else:
  162. raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown part type: {part_type}")
  163. text_prompt = "\n".join(texts)
  164. if mm_futures:
  165. placeholder_token_str = _mm_token_str(model_config, tokenizer,
  166. modality)
  167. if placeholder_token_str is not None:
  168. if placeholder_token_str in text_prompt:
  169. logger.warning(
  170. "Detected multi-modal token string in the text prompt. "
  171. "Skipping prompt formatting.")
  172. else:
  173. text_prompt = _get_full_multimodal_text_prompt(
  174. placeholder_token_str=placeholder_token_str,
  175. text_prompt=text_prompt,
  176. )
  177. messages = [ConversationMessage(role=role, content=text_prompt)]
  178. return ChatMessageParseResult(messages=messages, mm_futures=mm_futures)
  179. def _parse_chat_message_content(
  180. message: ChatCompletionMessageParam,
  181. model_config: ModelConfig,
  182. tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
  183. ) -> ChatMessageParseResult:
  184. role = message["role"]
  185. content = message.get("content")
  186. if content is None:
  187. return ChatMessageParseResult(messages=[], mm_futures=[])
  188. if isinstance(content, str):
  189. messages = [ConversationMessage(role=role, content=content)]
  190. return ChatMessageParseResult(messages=messages, mm_futures=[])
  191. return _parse_chat_message_content_parts(role, content, model_config,
  192. tokenizer)
  193. def parse_chat_messages(
  194. messages: List[ChatCompletionMessageParam],
  195. model_config: ModelConfig,
  196. tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
  197. ) -> Tuple[List[ConversationMessage], List[Awaitable[MultiModalDataDict]]]:
  198. conversation: List[ConversationMessage] = []
  199. mm_futures: List[Awaitable[MultiModalDataDict]] = []
  200. for msg in messages:
  201. parse_result = _parse_chat_message_content(msg, model_config,
  202. tokenizer)
  203. conversation.extend(parse_result.messages)
  204. mm_futures.extend(parse_result.mm_futures)
  205. return conversation, mm_futures
  206. def apply_chat_template(
  207. tokenizer: AnyTokenizer,
  208. conversation: List[ConversationMessage],
  209. chat_template: Optional[str],
  210. *,
  211. tokenize: bool = False, # Different from HF's default
  212. **kwargs: Any,
  213. ) -> Union[str, List[int]]:
  214. if chat_template is None and tokenizer.chat_template is None:
  215. raise ValueError(
  216. "As of transformers v4.44, default chat template is no longer "
  217. "allowed, so you must provide a chat template if the tokenizer "
  218. "does not define one.")
  219. prompt = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
  220. conversation=conversation,
  221. chat_template=chat_template,
  222. tokenize=tokenize,
  223. **kwargs,
  224. )
  225. return prompt