123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- [build-system]
- requires = [
- "ninja",
- "packaging",
- "setuptools",
- "torch >= 2.2.0",
- "wheel",
- ]
- build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
- [tool.ruff]
- # Allow lines to be as long as 80.
- line-length = 80
- [tool.ruff.lint]
- select = [
- # pycodestyle
- "E",
- # Pyflakes
- "F",
- # pyupgrade
- # "UP",
- # flake8-bugbear
- "B",
- # flake8-simplify
- "SIM",
- # isort
- # "I",
- ]
- ignore = [
- # wildcard imports
- "F405", "F403",
- # lambda expression assignment
- "E731",
- # .strip() with multi-character strings
- "B005",
- # Loop control variable not used within loop body
- "B007",
- ]
- [tool.mypy]
- python_version = "3.8"
- ignore_missing_imports = true
- files = "aphrodite"
- # TODO: Include the code from Megatron and HuggingFace.
- exclude = "aphrodite/modeling/megatron/|aphrodite/modeling/models/|aphrodite/endpoints/kobold/klite.embd"
- [tool.codespell]
- ignore-words-list = "dout, te, indicies"
- skip = "./aphrodite/endpoints/kobold/klite.embd"