utils.py 9.8 KB

  1. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Type, TypeVar, Union
  2. import torch
  3. from aphrodite.attention import AttentionMetadata, AttentionMetadataBuilder
  4. from aphrodite.common.utils import async_tensor_h2d, make_tensor_with_pad
  5. # Error string(s) for encoder/decoder
  6. # unsupported attention scenarios
  7. STR_NOT_IMPL_ENC_DEC_ROCM_HIP = ("ROCm/HIP is not currently supported "
  8. "with encoder/decoder models.")
  9. PAD_SLOT_ID = -1
  11. from aphrodite.task_handler.model_runner import ModelInputForGPUBuilder
  12. def is_block_tables_empty(block_tables: Union[None, Dict]):
  13. """
  14. Check if block_tables is None or a dictionary with all None values.
  15. """
  16. if block_tables is None:
  17. return True
  18. if isinstance(block_tables, dict) and all(
  19. value is None for value in block_tables.values()):
  20. return True
  21. return False
  22. def compute_slot_mapping_start_idx(is_prompt: bool, query_len: int,
  23. context_len: int, sliding_window: int,
  24. use_v2_block_manager: bool):
  25. """
  26. Compute the start index of slot mapping.
  27. """
  28. start_idx = 0
  29. if is_prompt and sliding_window is not None:
  30. assert use_v2_block_manager or context_len == 0, (
  31. "Prefix caching is currently not supported with "
  32. "sliding window attention in V1 block manager")
  33. # When prefill, we use it to not write slots to kv cache
  34. # to save memory.
  35. start_idx = max(0, query_len - sliding_window)
  36. return start_idx
  37. def compute_slot_mapping(is_profile_run: bool, slot_mapping: List[int],
  38. seq_id: int, seq_len: int, context_len: int,
  39. start_idx: int, block_size: int,
  40. block_tables: Dict[int, List[int]]):
  41. """
  42. Compute slot mapping.
  43. """
  44. if is_profile_run:
  45. # During memory profiling, the block tables are not
  46. # initialized yet. In this case, we just use a dummy
  47. # slot mapping.
  48. # In embeddings, the block tables are {seq_id: None}.
  49. slot_mapping.extend([PAD_SLOT_ID] * seq_len)
  50. return
  51. # Mask the [0, start_idx) tokens of the prompt with
  52. # PAD_SLOT_ID, where start_idx is max(0, seq_len -
  53. # sliding_window). For example, if the prompt len is 10,
  54. # sliding window is 8, and block size is 4, the first two
  55. # tokens are masked and the slot mapping will be
  56. # [-1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1].
  57. block_table = block_tables[seq_id]
  58. slot_mapping.extend([PAD_SLOT_ID] * max(0, start_idx - context_len))
  59. for i in range(max(start_idx, context_len), seq_len):
  60. block_number = block_table[i // block_size]
  61. block_offset = i % block_size
  62. slot = block_number * block_size + block_offset
  63. slot_mapping.append(slot)
  64. TAttentionMetadata = TypeVar("TAttentionMetadata", bound='AttentionMetadata')
  65. class CommonMetadataBuilder(AttentionMetadataBuilder[TAttentionMetadata]):
  66. _metadata_cls: Type[TAttentionMetadata]
  67. def __init__(self, input_builder: "ModelInputForGPUBuilder"):
  68. self.slot_mapping: List[int] = []
  69. self.prefill_seq_lens: List[int] = []
  70. self.context_lens: List[int] = []
  71. self.block_tables: List[List[int]] = []
  72. self.curr_seq_lens: List[int] = []
  73. self.num_prefills = 0
  74. self.num_prefill_tokens = 0
  75. self.num_decode_tokens = 0
  76. self.input_builder = input_builder
  77. self.runner = input_builder.runner
  78. self.sliding_window = input_builder.sliding_window
  79. self.block_size = input_builder.block_size
  80. self.use_v2_block_manager = (
  81. input_builder.scheduler_config.use_v2_block_manager)
  82. def _add_seq_group(
  83. self, inter_data: "ModelInputForGPUBuilder.InterDataForSeqGroup",
  84. chunked_prefill_enabled: bool):
  85. is_prompt = inter_data.is_prompt
  86. block_tables = inter_data.block_tables
  87. computed_block_nums = inter_data.computed_block_nums
  88. for (seq_id, token_len, seq_len, curr_seq_len, query_len, context_len,
  89. curr_sliding_window_block) in zip(
  90. inter_data.seq_ids, [len(t) for t in inter_data.input_tokens],
  91. inter_data.orig_seq_lens, inter_data.seq_lens,
  92. inter_data.query_lens, inter_data.context_lens,
  93. inter_data.curr_sliding_window_blocks):
  94. self.context_lens.append(context_len)
  95. if is_prompt:
  96. self.num_prefills += 1
  97. self.num_prefill_tokens += token_len
  98. self.prefill_seq_lens.append(seq_len)
  99. else:
  100. assert query_len == 1, (
  101. "seq_len: {}, context_len: {}, query_len: {}".format(
  102. seq_len, context_len, query_len))
  103. self.num_decode_tokens += query_len
  104. self.curr_seq_lens.append(curr_seq_len)
  105. # Compute block table.
  106. # TODO: Combine chunked prefill and prefix caching by
  107. # only allowing multiple of block_size chunk size.
  108. # NOTE: This only works for oooooooxxx style attention.
  109. block_table = []
  110. if inter_data.prefix_cache_hit:
  111. block_table = computed_block_nums
  112. elif ((chunked_prefill_enabled or not is_prompt)
  113. and block_tables is not None):
  114. block_table = block_tables[seq_id][-curr_sliding_window_block:]
  115. self.block_tables.append(block_table)
  116. # Compute slot mapping.
  117. is_profile_run = is_block_tables_empty(block_tables)
  118. start_idx = compute_slot_mapping_start_idx(
  119. is_prompt, query_len, context_len, self.sliding_window,
  120. self.use_v2_block_manager)
  121. compute_slot_mapping(is_profile_run, self.slot_mapping, seq_id,
  122. seq_len, context_len, start_idx,
  123. self.block_size, inter_data.block_tables)
  124. def build(self, seq_lens: List[int], query_lens: List[int],
  125. cuda_graph_pad_size: int, batch_size: int):
  126. """Build attention metadata with on-device tensors.
  127. Args:
  128. seq_lens: The maybe padded sequence lengths of the input sequences.
  129. query_lens: The query lengths of the input sequences.
  130. cuda_graph_pad_size: The padding size for cuda graph.
  131. -1 if cuda graph is not used.
  132. batch_size: The maybe padded batch size.
  133. """
  134. for inter_data in self.input_builder.inter_data_list:
  135. self._add_seq_group(inter_data,
  136. self.input_builder.chunked_prefill_enabled)
  137. device = self.runner.device
  138. use_captured_graph = cuda_graph_pad_size != -1
  139. max_query_len = max(query_lens)
  140. max_prefill_seq_len = max(self.prefill_seq_lens, default=0)
  141. max_decode_seq_len = max(self.curr_seq_lens, default=0)
  142. num_decode_tokens = self.num_decode_tokens
  143. if use_captured_graph:
  144. self.slot_mapping.extend([PAD_SLOT_ID] * cuda_graph_pad_size)
  145. self.block_tables.extend([] * cuda_graph_pad_size)
  146. num_decode_tokens = batch_size
  147. # The shape of graph_block_tables is
  148. # [max batch size, max context len // block size].
  149. input_block_tables = self.runner.graph_block_tables[:batch_size]
  150. for i, block_table in enumerate(self.block_tables):
  151. if block_table:
  152. input_block_tables[i, :len(block_table)] = block_table
  153. block_tables = torch.from_numpy(input_block_tables).to(
  154. device, non_blocking=True)
  155. else:
  156. block_tables = make_tensor_with_pad(
  157. self.block_tables,
  158. pad=0,
  159. dtype=torch.int,
  160. device=device,
  161. )
  162. assert max_query_len > 0, "query_lens: {}".format(query_lens)
  163. assert device is not None
  164. context_lens_tensor = async_tensor_h2d(self.context_lens, torch.int,
  165. device, self.runner.pin_memory)
  166. seq_lens_tensor = async_tensor_h2d(seq_lens, torch.int, device,
  167. self.runner.pin_memory)
  168. query_lens_tensor = async_tensor_h2d(query_lens, torch.long, device,
  169. self.runner.pin_memory)
  170. slot_mapping_tensor = async_tensor_h2d(self.slot_mapping, torch.long,
  171. device, self.runner.pin_memory)
  172. query_start_loc = torch.zeros(query_lens_tensor.shape[0] + 1,
  173. dtype=torch.int32,
  174. device=device)
  175. seq_start_loc = torch.zeros(seq_lens_tensor.shape[0] + 1,
  176. dtype=torch.int32,
  177. device=device)
  178. torch.cumsum(seq_lens_tensor,
  179. dim=0,
  180. dtype=seq_start_loc.dtype,
  181. out=seq_start_loc[1:])
  182. torch.cumsum(query_lens_tensor,
  183. dim=0,
  184. dtype=query_start_loc.dtype,
  185. out=query_start_loc[1:])
  186. return self._metadata_cls( # type: ignore
  187. num_prefills=self.num_prefills,
  188. slot_mapping=slot_mapping_tensor,
  189. num_prefill_tokens=self.num_prefill_tokens,
  190. num_decode_tokens=num_decode_tokens,
  191. seq_lens=seq_lens,
  192. seq_lens_tensor=seq_lens_tensor,
  193. max_query_len=max_query_len,
  194. max_prefill_seq_len=max_prefill_seq_len,
  195. max_decode_seq_len=max_decode_seq_len,
  196. query_start_loc=query_start_loc,
  197. seq_start_loc=seq_start_loc,
  198. context_lens_tensor=context_lens_tensor,
  199. block_tables=block_tables,
  200. use_cuda_graph=use_captured_graph,
  201. )