123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300 |
- import os
- import time
- from collections import defaultdict
- from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
- import msgspec
- from loguru import logger
- from aphrodite.common.config import ParallelConfig
- from aphrodite.common.sequence import ExecuteModelRequest, IntermediateTensors
- from aphrodite.common.utils import get_ip, is_hip, is_xpu
- from aphrodite.executor.msgspec_utils import decode_hook, encode_hook
- from aphrodite.platforms import current_platform
- from aphrodite.worker.worker_base import WorkerWrapperBase
- try:
- import ray
- from ray._private.state import available_resources_per_node
- from ray.util import placement_group_table
- from ray.util.placement_group import PlacementGroup
- class RayWorkerWrapper(WorkerWrapperBase):
- """Ray wrapper for aphrodite.worker.Worker, allowing Worker to be
- lazliy initialized after Ray sets CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # Since the compiled DAG runs a main execution
- # in a different thread that calls cuda.set_device.
- # The flag indicates is set_device is called on
- # that thread.
- self.compiled_dag_cuda_device_set = False
- self.input_decoder = msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(ExecuteModelRequest,
- dec_hook=decode_hook)
- self.output_encoder = msgspec.msgpack.Encoder(enc_hook=encode_hook)
- def get_node_ip(self) -> str:
- return get_ip()
- def get_node_and_gpu_ids(self) -> Tuple[str, List[int]]:
- node_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id()
- gpu_ids = ray.get_gpu_ids()
- return node_id, gpu_ids
- def execute_model_spmd(
- self, req_or_tuple: Union[bytes,
- Tuple[bytes,
- Optional[IntermediateTensors]]]
- ) -> bytes:
- """Execute model in SPMD fashion: used only when SPMD worker and
- compiled DAG are both enabled.
- Args:
- req_or_tuple: A request or a tuple containing the
- request and intermediate tensors. Intermediate tensors are
- None unless if it is provided because it is > 0 pipeline
- stage. The request is serialized by msgspec.
- """
- if isinstance(req_or_tuple, bytes):
- serialized_req, intermediate_tensors = req_or_tuple, None
- else:
- serialized_req, intermediate_tensors = req_or_tuple
- execute_model_req = self.input_decoder.decode(serialized_req)
- # TODO: This is needed right now because Ray DAG executes
- # on a background thread, so we need to reset torch's current
- # device.
- import torch
- if not self.compiled_dag_cuda_device_set:
- torch.cuda.set_device(self.worker.device)
- self.compiled_dag_cuda_device_set = True
- output = self.worker._execute_model_spmd(execute_model_req,
- intermediate_tensors)
- # Pipeline model request and output to the next pipeline stage
- if isinstance(output, IntermediateTensors):
- output = serialized_req, output
- else:
- output = self.output_encoder.encode(output)
- return output
- def override_env_vars(self, vars: Dict[str, str]):
- os.environ.update(vars)
- ray_import_err = None
- except ImportError as e:
- ray = None # type: ignore
- ray_import_err = e
- RayWorkerWrapper = None # type: ignore
- def ray_is_available() -> bool:
- """Returns True if Ray is available."""
- return ray is not None
- def assert_ray_available():
- """Raise an exception if Ray is not available."""
- if ray is None:
- raise ValueError("Failed to import Ray, please install Ray with "
- "`pip install ray`.") from ray_import_err
- def _verify_bundles(placement_group: "PlacementGroup",
- parallel_config: ParallelConfig, device_str: str):
- """Verify a given placement group has bundles located in the right place.
- There are 2 rules.
- - Warn if all tensor parallel workers cannot fit in a single node.
- - Fail if driver node is not included in a placement group.
- """
- assert ray.is_initialized(), (
- "Ray is not initialized although distributed-executor-backend is ray.")
- pg_data = placement_group_table(placement_group)
- # bundle_idx -> node_id
- bundle_to_node_ids = pg_data["bundles_to_node_id"]
- # bundle_idx -> bundle (e.g., {"GPU": 1})
- bundles = pg_data["bundles"]
- # node_id -> List of bundle (e.g., {"GPU": 1})
- node_id_to_bundle: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, float]]] = defaultdict(list)
- for bundle_idx, node_id in bundle_to_node_ids.items():
- node_id_to_bundle[node_id].append(bundles[bundle_idx])
- driver_node_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id()
- if driver_node_id not in node_id_to_bundle:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"driver node id {driver_node_id} is not included in a placement "
- f"group {placement_group.id}. Node id -> bundles "
- f"{node_id_to_bundle}. "
- "You don't have enough GPUs available in a current node. Check "
- "`ray status` to see if you have available GPUs in a node "
- f"{driver_node_id} before starting an vLLM engine.")
- for node_id, bundles in node_id_to_bundle.items():
- if len(bundles) < parallel_config.tensor_parallel_size:
- logger.warning(
- f"tensor_parallel_size={parallel_config.tensor_parallel_size} "
- f"is bigger than a reserved number of {device_str}s "
- f"({len(bundles)} {device_str}s) in a node {node_id}. "
- "Tensor parallel workers can be spread out to 2+ nodes which "
- "can degrade the performance unless you have fast interconnect "
- "across nodes, like Infiniband. To resolve this issue, make "
- "sure you have more than "
- f"than {parallel_config.tensor_parallel_size} GPUs available "
- "at each node.")
- def _wait_until_pg_ready(current_placement_group: "PlacementGroup"):
- """Wait until a placement group is ready.
- It prints the informative log messages if the placement group is
- not created within time.
- """
- # Wait until PG is ready - this will block until all
- # requested resources are available, and will timeout
- # if they cannot be provisioned.
- placement_group_specs = current_placement_group.bundle_specs
- s = time.time()
- pg_ready_ref = current_placement_group.ready()
- wait_interval = 10
- while time.time() - s < PG_WAIT_TIMEOUT:
- ready, _ = ray.wait([pg_ready_ref], timeout=wait_interval)
- if len(ready) > 0:
- break
- # Exponential backoff for warning print.
- wait_interval *= 2
- logger.info(
- f"Waiting for creating a placement group of specs for "
- f"{int(time.time() - s)} seconds. specs={placement_group_specs}. "
- "Check `ray status` to see if you have enough resources.")
- try:
- ray.get(pg_ready_ref, timeout=0)
- except ray.exceptions.GetTimeoutError:
- raise ValueError(
- "Cannot provide a placement group of "
- f"{placement_group_specs=} within {PG_WAIT_TIMEOUT} seconds. See "
- "`ray status` to make sure the cluster has enough resources."
- ) from None
- def _wait_until_pg_removed(current_placement_group: "PlacementGroup"):
- ray.util.remove_placement_group(current_placement_group)
- s = time.time()
- wait_interval = 10
- while time.time() - s < PG_WAIT_TIMEOUT:
- pg = ray.util.get_current_placement_group()
- if pg is None:
- break
- # Exponential backoff for warning print.
- wait_interval *= 2
- logger.info(
- f"Waiting for removing a placement group of specs for "
- f"{int(time.time() - s)} seconds.")
- time.sleep(wait_interval)
- def initialize_ray_cluster(
- parallel_config: ParallelConfig,
- ray_address: Optional[str] = None,
- ):
- """Initialize the distributed cluster with Ray.
- it will connect to the Ray cluster and create a placement group
- for the workers, which includes the specification of the resources
- for each distributed worker.
- Args:
- parallel_config: The configurations for parallel execution.
- ray_address: The address of the Ray cluster. If None, uses
- the default Ray cluster address.
- """
- assert_ray_available()
- # Connect to a ray cluster.
- if is_hip() or is_xpu():
- ray.init(address=ray_address,
- ignore_reinit_error=True,
- num_gpus=parallel_config.world_size)
- else:
- ray.init(address=ray_address, ignore_reinit_error=True)
- if parallel_config.placement_group:
- # Placement group is already set.
- return
- device_str = "GPU" if not current_platform.is_tpu() else "TPU"
- # Create placement group for worker processes
- current_placement_group = ray.util.get_current_placement_group()
- if current_placement_group:
- # We are in a placement group
- bundles = current_placement_group.bundle_specs
- # Verify that we can use the placement group.
- device_bundles = 0
- for bundle in bundles:
- bundle_devices = bundle.get(device_str, 0)
- if bundle_devices > 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "Placement group bundle cannot have more than 1 "
- f"{device_str}.")
- if bundle_devices:
- device_bundles += 1
- if parallel_config.world_size > device_bundles:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The number of required {device_str}s exceeds the total "
- f"number of available {device_str}s in the placement group."
- f"Required number of devices: {parallel_config.world_size}. "
- f"Total number of devices: {device_bundles}.")
- else:
- num_devices_in_cluster = ray.cluster_resources().get(device_str, 0)
- if parallel_config.world_size > num_devices_in_cluster:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The number of required {device_str}s exceeds the total "
- f"number of available {device_str}s in the placement group.")
- # Create a new placement group
- placement_group_specs: List[Dict[str, float]] = ([{
- device_str: 1.0
- } for _ in range(parallel_config.world_size)])
- # Aphrodite engine is also a worker to execute model with an accelerator
- # so it requires to have the device in a current node. Check if
- # the current node has at least one device.
- current_ip = get_ip()
- current_node_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id()
- current_node_resource = available_resources_per_node()[current_node_id]
- if current_node_resource.get(device_str, 0) < 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Current node has no {device_str} available. "
- f"{current_node_resource=}. Aphrodite engine cannot start "
- f"without {device_str}. Make sure you have at least 1 "
- f"{device_str} available in a node {current_node_id=} "
- f"{current_ip=}.")
- # This way, at least bundle is required to be created in a current
- # node.
- placement_group_specs[0][f"node:{current_ip}"] = 0.001
- # By default, Ray packs resources as much as possible.
- current_placement_group = ray.util.placement_group(
- placement_group_specs, strategy="PACK")
- _wait_until_pg_ready(current_placement_group)
- assert current_placement_group is not None
- _verify_bundles(current_placement_group, parallel_config, device_str)
- # Set the placement group in the parallel config
- parallel_config.placement_group = current_placement_group
- def get_num_tpu_nodes() -> int:
- from ray._private.accelerators import TPUAcceleratorManager
- cluster_resources = ray.cluster_resources()
- total_tpus = int(cluster_resources["TPU"])
- tpus_per_node = TPUAcceleratorManager.get_current_node_num_accelerators()
- assert total_tpus % tpus_per_node == 0
- return total_tpus // tpus_per_node
- def get_num_nodes_in_placement_group() -> int:
- pg_table = ray.util.placement_group_table()
- current_pg = ray.util.get_current_placement_group()
- num_nodes = 0
- if current_pg:
- nodes_in_pg = set()
- for pg_key, pg in pg_table.items():
- if pg_key == current_pg.id.hex():
- for _, node in pg["bundles_to_node_id"].items():
- nodes_in_pg.add(node)
- num_nodes = len(nodes_in_pg)
- return num_nodes