bitsandbytes.py 19 KB

  1. import torch
  2. from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
  3. from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, TypeVar, NamedTuple
  4. from contextlib import suppress
  5. from aphrodite.modeling.layers.linear import (LinearMethodBase,
  6. set_weight_attrs)
  7. from aphrodite.quantization.base_config import (QuantizationConfig)
  8. from aphrodite.modeling.layers.linear import (ColumnParallelLinear,
  9. QKVParallelLinear,
  10. RowParallelLinear)
  11. HAS_QUANTS = False
  12. with suppress(ImportError):
  13. from aphrodite._quant_C import quant_ops as ops
  14. HAS_QUANTS = True
  15. class BitsandBytesConfig(QuantizationConfig):
  16. """Config class for BitsandBytes.
  17. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.07339
  18. """
  19. def __init__(
  20. self,
  21. weight_bits: int,
  22. group_size: int,
  23. zero_point: bool,
  24. from_float: bool,
  25. quant_mode: str, # llm_int8, smoothquant, weight_only
  26. ) -> None:
  27. if not HAS_QUANTS:
  28. raise ImportError("Could not find the quantization kernels.")
  29. self.weight_bits = weight_bits
  30. self.group_size = group_size
  31. self.zero_point = zero_point
  32. self.from_float = from_float
  33. self.quant_mode = quant_mode
  34. if quant_mode == "weight_only" and self.weight_bits != 4:
  35. raise ValueError(
  36. "Currently, only 4-bit weight quantization is supported for "
  37. f"BNB weight_only, but got {self.weight_bits} bits.")
  38. if quant_mode in ["llm_int8", "smoothquant"] and self.weight_bits != 8:
  39. raise ValueError(
  40. "Currently, only 8-bit weight quantization is supported for "
  41. "BNB llm_int8 or smoothquant, "
  42. f"but got {self.weight_bits} bits.")
  43. self.pack_factor = 32 // self.weight_bits
  44. def __repr__(self) -> str:
  45. return (f"BitsandBytesConfig(weight_bits={self.weight_bits}, "
  46. f"group_size={self.group_size}, "
  47. f"zero_point={self.zero_point}, "
  48. f"from_float={self.from_float}, "
  49. f"quant_mode={self.quant_mode})")
  50. def get_name(self) -> str:
  51. return "bitsandbytes"
  52. def get_supported_act_dtypes(self) -> List[torch.dtype]:
  53. return [torch.half, torch.bfloat16]
  54. def get_min_capability(self) -> int:
  55. # The BitsandBytes kernel only supports Ampere or newer GPUs.
  56. return 75
  57. def merge_weight(self) -> bool:
  58. return True
  59. def rope_style(self) -> Optional[bool]:
  60. return None
  61. def quant_vocab(self) -> List[bool]:
  62. return [False, False]
  63. def support_fused_moe(self) -> bool:
  64. return False
  65. @staticmethod
  66. def get_config_filenames() -> List[str]:
  67. return [
  68. "quant_config.json",
  69. "quantize_config.json",
  70. ]
  71. @classmethod
  72. def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "BitsandBytesConfig":
  73. weight_bits = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["w_bit", "bits"])
  74. group_size = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["q_group_size", "group_size"])
  75. zero_point = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["zero_point"])
  76. try:
  77. from_float = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["from_float"])
  78. except Exception:
  79. from_float = False
  80. try:
  81. quant_mode = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["quant_mode"])
  82. except Exception:
  83. quant_mode = "weight_only"
  84. return cls(weight_bits, group_size, zero_point, from_float, quant_mode)
  85. def get_linear_method(self) -> "BNBLinearMethod":
  86. return BNBLinearMethod(self)
  87. def get_scaled_act_names(self) -> List[str]:
  88. return ["gelu", "gelu_fast", "gelu_new", "gelu_pytorch_tanh"]
  89. class BNBLinearMethod(LinearMethodBase):
  90. """Linear method for BitsandBytes.
  91. Args:
  92. quant_config: The BitsandBytes quantization config.
  93. """
  94. def __init__(self, quant_config: BitsandBytesConfig):
  95. self.quant_config = quant_config
  96. def create_weights(self, layer: torch.nn.Module,
  97. input_size_per_partition: int,
  98. output_partition_sizes: List[int], input_size: int,
  99. output_size: int, params_dtype: torch.dtype,
  100. **extra_weight_attrs):
  101. if self.quant_config.quant_mode == "weight_only" and \
  102. input_size_per_partition % self.quant_config.group_size != 0:
  103. raise ValueError(
  104. "The input size is not aligned with the quantized "
  105. "weight shape. This can be caused by too large "
  106. "tensor parallel size.")
  107. output_size_per_partition = sum(output_partition_sizes)
  108. if self.quant_config.quant_mode == "weight_only" and \
  109. output_size_per_partition % self.quant_config.pack_factor != 0:
  110. raise ValueError(
  111. "The output size is not aligned with the quantized "
  112. "weight shape. This can be caused by too large "
  113. "tensor parallel size.")
  114. if self.quant_config.quant_mode == "weight_only" and \
  115. not self.quant_config.from_float:
  116. qweight = Parameter(
  117. torch.empty(
  118. input_size_per_partition,
  119. output_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.pack_factor,
  120. dtype=torch.int32,
  121. ),
  122. requires_grad=False,
  123. )
  124. set_weight_attrs(
  125. qweight, {
  126. "input_dim": 0,
  127. "output_dim": 1,
  128. "packed_dim": 1,
  129. "pack_factor": self.quant_config.pack_factor,
  130. })
  131. qzeros = Parameter(
  132. torch.empty(
  133. input_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.group_size,
  134. output_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.pack_factor,
  135. dtype=torch.int32,
  136. ),
  137. requires_grad=False,
  138. )
  139. set_weight_attrs(
  140. qzeros, {
  141. "input_dim": 0,
  142. "output_dim": 1,
  143. "packed_dim": 1,
  144. "pack_factor": self.quant_config.pack_factor,
  145. })
  146. scales = Parameter(
  147. torch.empty(
  148. input_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.group_size,
  149. output_size_per_partition,
  150. dtype=params_dtype,
  151. ),
  152. requires_grad=False,
  153. )
  154. set_weight_attrs(scales, {
  155. "input_dim": 0,
  156. "output_dim": 1,
  157. })
  158. layer.register_parameter("qweight", qweight)
  159. set_weight_attrs(qweight, extra_weight_attrs)
  160. layer.register_parameter("qzeros", qzeros)
  161. set_weight_attrs(qzeros, extra_weight_attrs)
  162. layer.register_parameter("scales", scales)
  163. set_weight_attrs(scales, extra_weight_attrs)
  164. else:
  165. weight = Parameter(torch.empty(output_size_per_partition,
  166. input_size_per_partition,
  167. dtype=params_dtype),
  168. requires_grad=False)
  169. set_weight_attrs(weight, {"input_dim": 1, "output_dim": 0})
  170. layer.register_parameter("weight", weight)
  171. set_weight_attrs(weight, extra_weight_attrs)
  172. def apply_weights(self,
  173. layer: torch.nn.Module,
  174. x: torch.Tensor,
  175. bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
  176. if self.quant_config.quant_mode == "weight_only":
  177. qweight = layer.qweight.data
  178. scales_zeros = layer.scales_zeros.data
  179. pack_factor = self.quant_config.pack_factor
  180. out_shape = (x.shape[:-1] + (qweight.shape[-1] * pack_factor, ))
  181. reshaped_x = x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1])
  182. out = ops.autoquant_s4_f16_gemm(reshaped_x, qweight, scales_zeros)
  183. if bias is not None:
  184. out = out + bias
  185. return out.reshape(out_shape)
  186. else:
  187. weight = layer.weights
  188. state = layer.state
  189. if weight.CB is not None:
  190. state.CB = weight.CB
  191. state.SCB = weight.SCB
  192. weight.CB = None
  193. weight.SCB = None
  194. import bitsandbytes as bnb
  195. out = bnb.matmul(x, weight, bias=bias, state=state)
  196. if not state.has_fp16_weights and \
  197. state.CB is not None and state.CxB is not None:
  198. # we converted 8-bit row major to turing/ampere format
  199. # in the first inference pass
  200. # we no longer need the row-major weight
  201. del state.CB
  202. weight.data = state.CxB
  203. return out
  204. def apply_moe_weights(self, w1: Dict[str,
  205. torch.Tensor], w2: Dict[str,
  206. torch.Tensor],
  207. x: torch.Tensor, gating_output: torch.Tensor,
  208. topk: int, renormalize: bool) -> torch.Tensor:
  209. raise NotImplementedError
  210. T = TypeVar("T", bound="torch.nn.Module")
  211. class QParams(NamedTuple):
  212. """A class to hold the quantization parameters."""
  213. scales: torch.Tensor
  214. zero_points: Optional[torch.Tensor]
  215. @torch.no_grad()
  216. def cal_qparams_per_group_minmax(w: torch.Tensor,
  217. n_bits: int = 4,
  218. group_size: int = 128):
  219. """Calculate quantization parameters for each group using min and max
  220. values."""
  221. outc, inc = w.shape
  222. assert inc >= group_size, \
  223. 'Input channels should be greater than or equal to group_size.'
  224. assert inc % group_size == 0, \
  225. 'Input channels should be divisible by group_size.'
  226. w_group_wise = w.reshape(outc, -1, group_size)
  227. w_min = w_group_wise.min(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]
  228. w_max = w_group_wise.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]
  229. q_max = 2**n_bits - 1
  230. q_min = 0
  231. scales = (w_max - w_min)
  232. scales = scales.clamp_(min=1e-5).div_(q_max)
  233. # zero_points = (-w_min / scales).round().clamp(q_min, q_max)
  234. zero_points = (-torch.round(w_min / scales)).clamp_(q_min, q_max)
  235. return QParams(scales=scales, zero_points=zero_points)
  236. def convert_s4(qw: torch.Tensor,
  237. qz: torch.Tensor,
  238. s: torch.Tensor,
  239. group_size: int = 128):
  240. assert qw.is_contiguous()
  241. assert qz.is_contiguous()
  242. assert s.is_contiguous()
  243. _qw = torch.zeros_like(qw)
  244. _sz = torch.zeros_like(s, dtype=torch.int32) # half2
  245. _ws = torch.zeros_like(s)
  246. ops.autoquant_convert_s4_k_m8(_qw, _sz, _ws, qw, s, qz,
  247. qw.size(-1) * 8, qw.size(0), group_size)
  248. return _qw, _sz
  249. def tp_m_s4(x: torch.Tensor, tp: int = 1):
  250. return x.view(x.size(0) // 32, tp, -1, 128).permute(0, 2, 3,
  251. 1).contiguous()
  252. def quant(weight: torch.Tensor,
  253. qparams: Optional[QParams] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
  254. """Perform fake quantization on the given weight tensor.
  255. Args:
  256. weight (torch.Tensor): The weight tensor with shape
  257. (out_features, in_features).
  258. qparams (Optional[QParams]): A namedtuple containing 'scales'
  259. and 'zero_points'.
  260. Returns:
  261. torch.Tensor: The fake quantized weight tensor.
  262. """
  263. if qparams is None:
  264. qparams = cal_qparams_per_group_minmax(weight)
  265. scales = qparams.scales
  266. zero_points = qparams.zero_points
  267. out_c, in_c = weight.shape
  268. # Reshape the weights if using per_group quantization
  269. # per tensor scales shape: [1]
  270. # per channel scales shape: [out_c, 1]
  271. # per group scales shape: [out_c, in_c//group_size, 1]
  272. if len(scales.shape) > 2:
  273. # scales shape: [out_c, in_c//group_size, 1]
  274. weight = weight.reshape(out_c, scales.shape[1], -1)
  275. if zero_points is None:
  276. real_qweight = (weight / scales).round()
  277. else:
  278. real_qweight = ((weight + (scales * zero_points)) / scales).round()
  279. if len(scales.shape) > 2:
  280. real_qweight = real_qweight.reshape(out_c, in_c)
  281. return real_qweight.to(torch.int32)
  282. # core quantization method (simulated quantization)
  283. def quantize_tensor(
  284. weight,
  285. n_bits=4,
  286. group_size=128,
  287. ):
  288. pack_num = 32 // n_bits
  289. pack_order = [0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7]
  290. org_weight_shape = weight.shape
  291. out_features = org_weight_shape[0]
  292. in_features = org_weight_shape[1]
  293. qparams = cal_qparams_per_group_minmax(weight, n_bits)
  294. i32_w = quant(weight, qparams)
  295. i32_w = i32_w.t().contiguous()
  296. w_pack_oc = out_features // (32 // n_bits)
  297. w_inc = in_features
  298. pack_int_w = torch.zeros((w_inc, w_pack_oc),
  299. dtype=torch.int32,
  300. device=weight.device)
  301. for col in range(pack_int_w.shape[1]):
  302. for i in range(pack_num):
  303. pack_int_w_col = i32_w[:, col * pack_num + pack_order[i]]
  304. pack_int_w[:, col] |= pack_int_w_col << (i * n_bits)
  305. qweight = pack_int_w
  306. scales = qparams.scales.squeeze(-1).t().contiguous()
  307. if qparams.zero_points is not None:
  308. zeros = qparams.zero_points.to(torch.int32)
  309. zeros = zeros.squeeze(-1).t().contiguous()
  310. z_inc = in_features // group_size
  311. z_oc = out_features // (32 // n_bits)
  312. pack_int_zeros = torch.zeros((z_inc, z_oc),
  313. dtype=torch.int32,
  314. device=weight.device)
  315. for col in range(pack_int_zeros.shape[1]):
  316. for i in range(pack_num):
  317. qzero_col = zeros[:, col * pack_num + pack_order[i]]
  318. pack_int_zeros[:, col] |= qzero_col << (i * n_bits)
  319. qzeros = pack_int_zeros
  320. return qweight, scales, qzeros
  321. def replace_quant_params(model,
  322. quant_config,
  323. modules_to_not_convert="lm_head"):
  324. """
  325. modules_to_not_convert (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `lm_head`):
  326. Name of the module to not convert in `Linear8bitLt`.
  327. In practice we keep the `lm_head` in full precision
  328. for numerical stability reasons.
  329. """
  330. if not isinstance(modules_to_not_convert, list):
  331. modules_to_not_convert = [modules_to_not_convert]
  332. for name, module in model.named_children():
  333. if len(list(module.children())) > 0:
  334. replace_quant_params(module, quant_config, modules_to_not_convert)
  335. if isinstance(
  336. module,
  337. (ColumnParallelLinear, QKVParallelLinear, RowParallelLinear)) \
  338. and name not in modules_to_not_convert:
  339. if quant_config.from_float:
  340. module.linear_weights.pop("weight")
  341. param = module._parameters["weight"]
  342. if quant_config.quant_mode in ("llm_int8", "smoothquant"):
  343. import bitsandbytes as bnb
  344. new_value = bnb.nn.Int8Params(param.data,
  345. requires_grad=False,
  346. has_fp16_weights=False)
  347. state = bnb.MatmulLtState()
  348. if quant_config.quant_mode == "smoothquant":
  349. state.threshold = 0.0
  350. else:
  351. state.threshold = 6.0
  352. state.has_fp16_weights = False
  353. state.memory_efficient_backward = False
  354. state.use_pool = True
  355. module._parameters["weight"] = new_value
  356. module.linear_weights["weight"] = new_value
  357. module.linear_weights["state"] = state
  358. set_weight_attrs(
  359. new_value, {
  360. "input_dim": 0,
  361. "output_dim": 1,
  362. "packed_dim": 1,
  363. "pack_factor": quant_config.pack_factor,
  364. })
  365. del param
  366. torch.cuda.empty_cache()
  367. elif quant_config.quant_mode == "weight_only":
  368. data_fp = param.cuda()
  369. _qweight, _scales, _qzeros = quantize_tensor(
  370. data_fp, n_bits=4, group_size=128)
  371. qweight, scales_zeros = convert_s4(_qweight, _qzeros,
  372. _scales)
  373. torch.cuda.synchronize()
  374. param_qweight = Parameter(qweight, requires_grad=False)
  375. param_scales_zeros = Parameter(scales_zeros,
  376. requires_grad=False)
  377. module.register_parameter("qweight", param_qweight)
  378. module.register_parameter("scales_zeros",
  379. param_scales_zeros)
  380. set_weight_attrs(
  381. param_qweight, {
  382. "input_dim": 0,
  383. "output_dim": 1,
  384. "packed_dim": 1,
  385. "pack_factor": quant_config.pack_factor,
  386. })
  387. set_weight_attrs(param_scales_zeros, {
  388. "input_dim": 0,
  389. "output_dim": 1,
  390. })
  391. module.linear_weights["qweight"] = param_qweight
  392. module.linear_weights["scales_zeros"] = param_scales_zeros
  393. del _qzeros
  394. del _scales
  395. del param
  396. delattr(module, "weight")
  397. torch.cuda.empty_cache()
  398. else: # load packed int4 weight
  399. module.linear_weights.pop("qweight")
  400. module.linear_weights.pop("qzeros")
  401. module.linear_weights.pop("scales")
  402. _qweight = module._parameters["qweight"]
  403. _qzeros = module._parameters["qzeros"]
  404. _scales = module._parameters["scales"]
  405. qweight, scales_zeros = convert_s4(_qweight.data, _qzeros.data,
  406. _scales.data)
  407. param_qweight = Parameter(qweight, requires_grad=False)
  408. param_scales_zeros = Parameter(scales_zeros,
  409. requires_grad=False)
  410. del _qweight
  411. del _qzeros
  412. del _scales
  413. delattr(module, "qweight")
  414. delattr(module, "qzeros")
  415. delattr(module, "scales")
  416. module.register_parameter("qweight", param_qweight)
  417. module.register_parameter("scales_zeros", param_scales_zeros)
  418. set_weight_attrs(
  419. param_qweight, {
  420. "input_dim": 0,
  421. "output_dim": 1,
  422. "packed_dim": 1,
  423. "pack_factor": quant_config.pack_factor,
  424. })
  425. set_weight_attrs(param_scales_zeros, {
  426. "input_dim": 0,
  427. "output_dim": 1,
  428. })
  429. module.linear_weights["qweight"] = param_qweight
  430. module.linear_weights["scales_zeros"] = param_scales_zeros
  431. torch.cuda.synchronize()
  432. torch.cuda.empty_cache()