900-misc.yml 723 B

  1. name: 🎲 Misc/random discussions that do not fit into the above categories.
  2. description: Submit a discussion as you like.
  3. title: "[Misc]: "
  4. labels: ["misc"]
  5. body:
  6. - type: markdown
  7. attributes:
  8. value: >
  9. #### Before submitting an issue, please make sure the issue hasn't been already addressed by searching through [the existing and past issues](https://github.com/PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine/issues?q=is%3Aissue+sort%3Acreated-desc+).
  10. - type: textarea
  11. attributes:
  12. label: Anything you want to discuss about Aphrodite.
  13. description: >
  14. Anything you want to discuss about Aphrodite.
  15. validations:
  16. required: true
  17. - type: markdown
  18. attributes:
  19. value: >
  20. Thanks for contributing 🎉!