from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Optional, Union # ===================== import region ===================== import torch import torch.distributed as dist from loguru import logger from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup, ReduceOp from aphrodite.distributed.device_communicators.pynccl_wrapper import ( NCCLLibrary, buffer_type, cudaStream_t, ncclComm_t, ncclDataTypeEnum, ncclRedOpTypeEnum, ncclUniqueId) class PyNcclCommunicator: def __init__( self, group: ProcessGroup, device: Union[int, str, torch.device], library_path: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Args: group: the process group to work on. If None, it will use the default process group. device: the device to bind the PyNcclCommunicator to. If None, it will be bind to f"cuda:{local_rank}". library_path: the path to the NCCL library. If None, it will use the default library path. It is the caller's responsibility to make sure each communicator is bind to a unique device. """ assert dist.is_initialized() assert dist.get_backend(group) != dist.Backend.NCCL, ( "PyNcclCommunicator should be attached to a non-NCCL group.") = group # note: this rank is the rank in the group self.rank = dist.get_rank(group) self.world_size = dist.get_world_size(group) # if world_size == 1, no need to create communicator if self.world_size == 1: self.available = False self.disabled = True = None return try: self.nccl = NCCLLibrary(library_path) except Exception: # disable because of missing NCCL library # e.g. in a non-GPU environment self.available = False self.disabled = True = None return self.available = True self.disabled = False logger.debug(f"Aphrodite is using nccl=={self.nccl.ncclGetVersion()}") if self.rank == 0: # get the unique id from NCCL self.unique_id = self.nccl.ncclGetUniqueId() else: # construct an empty unique id self.unique_id = ncclUniqueId() tensor = torch.ByteTensor(list(self.unique_id.internal)) ranks = dist.get_process_group_ranks(group) # arg `src` in `broadcast` is the global rank dist.broadcast(tensor, src=ranks[0], group=group) byte_list = tensor.tolist() for i, byte in enumerate(byte_list): self.unique_id.internal[i] = byte if isinstance(device, int): device = torch.device(f"cuda:{device}") elif isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) # now `device` is a `torch.device` object assert isinstance(device, torch.device) self.device = device # nccl communicator and stream will use this device # `torch.cuda.device` is a context manager that changes the # current cuda device to the specified one with torch.cuda.device(device): self.comm: ncclComm_t = self.nccl.ncclCommInitRank( self.world_size, self.unique_id, self.rank) = torch.cuda.Stream() # A small all_reduce for warmup. data = torch.zeros(1, device=device) self.all_reduce(data) del data # by default it is disabled, e.g. in profiling models and prefill phase. # to use it, use under `with obj.change_state(enable=True)`, usually # when we are using CUDA graph. self.disabled = True def all_reduce(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, op: ReduceOp = ReduceOp.SUM, stream=None): if self.disabled: return # nccl communicator created on a specific device # will only work on tensors on the same device # otherwise it will cause "illegal memory access" assert tensor.device == self.device, ( f"this nccl communicator is created to work on {self.device}, " f"but the input tensor is on {tensor.device}") if stream is None: stream = self.nccl.ncclAllReduce(buffer_type(tensor.data_ptr()), buffer_type(tensor.data_ptr()), tensor.numel(), ncclDataTypeEnum.from_torch(tensor.dtype), ncclRedOpTypeEnum.from_torch(op), self.comm, cudaStream_t(stream.cuda_stream)) def send(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, dst: int, stream=None): if self.disabled: return assert tensor.device == self.device, ( f"this nccl communicator is created to work on {self.device}, " f"but the input tensor is on {tensor.device}") if stream is None: stream = self.nccl.ncclSend(buffer_type(tensor.data_ptr()), tensor.numel(), ncclDataTypeEnum.from_torch(tensor.dtype), dst, self.comm, cudaStream_t(stream.cuda_stream)) def recv(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, src: int, stream=None): if self.disabled: return assert tensor.device == self.device, ( f"this nccl communicator is created to work on {self.device}, " f"but the input tensor is on {tensor.device}") if stream is None: stream = self.nccl.ncclRecv(buffer_type(tensor.data_ptr()), tensor.numel(), ncclDataTypeEnum.from_torch(tensor.dtype), src, self.comm, cudaStream_t(stream.cuda_stream)) @contextmanager def change_state(self, enable: Optional[bool] = None, stream: Optional[torch.cuda.Stream] = None): """ A context manager to change the state of the communicator. """ if enable is None: # guess a default value when not specified enable = self.available if stream is None: stream = old_disable = self.disabled old_stream = = stream self.disabled = not enable yield self.disabled = old_disable = old_stream