/* * Copyright (c) 2024 by PygmalionAI team. * Copyright (c) 2024 by FlashInfer team. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef APHRODITE_SAMPLING_CUH_ #define APHRODITE_SAMPLING_CUH_ #include #include #include #include #include "math.cuh" #include "utils.cuh" #include "vec_dtypes.cuh" namespace aphrodite { namespace sampling { using namespace cub; #define DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, ...) \ if (deterministic) { \ constexpr bool DETERMINISTIC = true; \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } else { \ constexpr bool DETERMINISTIC = false; \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } constexpr BlockScanAlgorithm SCAN_ALGO = BLOCK_SCAN_WARP_SCANS; constexpr BlockReduceAlgorithm REDUCE_ALGO = BLOCK_REDUCE_WARP_REDUCTIONS; #if (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ * 10000 + __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ * 100 >= 120100) #define APHRODITE_CUB_SUBTRACTLEFT_DEFINED #endif template struct Pair { T value; int count; __device__ Pair operator+(const Pair& other) const { return {value + other.value, count + other.count}; } __device__ Pair& operator+=(const Pair& other) { value += other.value; count += other.count; return *this; } }; struct BoolDiffOp { __device__ __forceinline__ bool operator()(const bool& lhs, const bool& rhs) const { return lhs != rhs; } }; template struct SamplingTempStorage { union { T deterministic_scan[BLOCK_THREADS / 32]; typename BlockScan::TempStorage scan; typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce; typename BlockReduce, BLOCK_THREADS, REDUCE_ALGORITHM>::TempStorage reduce_pair; typename BlockAdjacentDifference::TempStorage adj_diff; } block_prim; struct { int32_t sampled_id; union { T value; Pair pair; T max_p; } block_aggregate; } data; }; /*! * \brief Deterministic inclusive scan implementation, use Belloch scan * algorithm. \note This implementation is slower than the cub::BlockScan, but * it is deterministic. */ template __device__ __forceinline__ void DeterministicInclusiveSum( const T* in_data, T* out_data, SamplingTempStorage* temp_storage) { T* smem_prefix_sum = temp_storage->block_prim.deterministic_scan; T thread_data[VEC_SIZE]; T thread_sum = 0; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VEC_SIZE; ++i) { thread_sum += in_data[i]; thread_data[i] = thread_sum; } T thread_exclusive_prefix_sum = thread_sum; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t offset = 1; offset < 32; offset *= 2) { T tmp = __shfl_up_sync(0xffffffff, thread_exclusive_prefix_sum, offset); if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == 0) { thread_exclusive_prefix_sum += tmp; } } T warp_sum = __shfl_sync(0xffffffff, thread_exclusive_prefix_sum, threadIdx.x | 0xffffffff); if (threadIdx.x % 32 == 31) { thread_exclusive_prefix_sum = 0; } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t offset = 16; offset >= 1; offset /= 2) { T tmp = __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, thread_exclusive_prefix_sum, offset); if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == 0) { thread_exclusive_prefix_sum = tmp + thread_exclusive_prefix_sum; } if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == offset) { thread_exclusive_prefix_sum = tmp; } } smem_prefix_sum[threadIdx.x / 32] = warp_sum; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x < 32) { T warp_exclusive_prefix_sum = (threadIdx.x < BLOCK_THREADS / 32) ? smem_prefix_sum[threadIdx.x] : 0; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t offset = 1; offset < 32; offset *= 2) { T tmp = __shfl_up_sync(0xffffffff, warp_exclusive_prefix_sum, offset); if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == 0) { warp_exclusive_prefix_sum += tmp; } } if (threadIdx.x % 32 == 31) { warp_exclusive_prefix_sum = 0; } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t offset = 16; offset >= 1; offset /= 2) { T tmp = __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, warp_exclusive_prefix_sum, offset); if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == 0) { warp_exclusive_prefix_sum = tmp + warp_exclusive_prefix_sum; } if ((threadIdx.x + 1) % (offset * 2) == offset) { warp_exclusive_prefix_sum = tmp; } } if (threadIdx.x < BLOCK_THREADS / 32) { smem_prefix_sum[threadIdx.x] = warp_exclusive_prefix_sum; } } __syncthreads(); #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VEC_SIZE; ++i) { out_data[i] = smem_prefix_sum[threadIdx.x / 32] + thread_exclusive_prefix_sum + thread_data[i]; } } template __device__ __forceinline__ void DeviceSamplingFromProb( uint32_t i, uint32_t d, T threshold, T u, vec_t prob_vec, T& aggregate, SamplingTempStorage* temp_storage) { const uint32_t tx = threadIdx.x; T prob_greater_than_threshold[VEC_SIZE]; T inclusive_cdf[VEC_SIZE]; bool greater_than_u[VEC_SIZE], valid[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { prob_greater_than_threshold[j] = (prob_vec[j] > threshold) ? prob_vec[j] : T(0); valid[j] = prob_vec[j] > threshold && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d; } T aggregate_local = BlockReduce( temp_storage->block_prim.reduce) .Sum(prob_greater_than_threshold); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage->data.block_aggregate.value = aggregate_local; } __syncthreads(); aggregate_local = temp_storage->data.block_aggregate.value; if (aggregate + aggregate_local > u) { if constexpr (DETERMINISTIC) { DeterministicInclusiveSum( prob_greater_than_threshold, inclusive_cdf, temp_storage); } else { BlockScan(temp_storage->block_prim.scan) .InclusiveSum(prob_greater_than_threshold, inclusive_cdf); __syncthreads(); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { greater_than_u[j] = inclusive_cdf[j] + aggregate > u; } bool greater_than_u_diff[VEC_SIZE]; #ifdef APHRODITE_CUB_SUBTRACTLEFT_DEFINED BlockAdjacentDifference( temp_storage->block_prim.adj_diff) .SubtractLeft(greater_than_u, greater_than_u_diff, BoolDiffOp()); #else BlockAdjacentDifference( temp_storage->block_prim.adj_diff) .FlagHeads(greater_than_u_diff, greater_than_u, BoolDiffOp(), 0); #endif __syncthreads(); #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { if (greater_than_u_diff[j] && valid[j]) { if constexpr (DETERMINISTIC) { temp_storage->data.sampled_id = (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j; } else { // cub's block scan result might not be monotonic, so we need to find // the first element atomicMin(&(temp_storage->data.sampled_id), (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j); } } } __syncthreads(); } aggregate += aggregate_local; } template __global__ void SamplingFromProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* uniform_samples, IdType* output, IdType* row_indices, uint32_t d) { const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; const uint32_t row_idx = row_indices == nullptr ? bx : row_indices[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>(smem_sampling); temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); vec_t probs_vec; DType aggregate(0); float u = uniform_samples[bx]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } DeviceSamplingFromProb( i, d, DType(0), u, probs_vec, aggregate, &temp_storage); if (float(aggregate) > u) { break; } } output[bx] = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; } template __global__ void TopKSamplingFromProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* uniform_samples, IdType* output, bool* success, IdType* top_k_arr, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_top_k_rounds) { const uint32_t batch_size = gridDim.x; const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; uint32_t k = top_k_arr == nullptr ? top_k_val : top_k_arr[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>(smem_sampling); vec_t probs_vec; DType aggregate; DType q = DType(1); DType pivot = DType(0); IdType sampled_id; for (uint32_t round = 0; round < max_top_k_rounds; ++round) { temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); DType u = uniform_samples[round * batch_size + bx] * q; aggregate = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DeviceSamplingFromProb( i, d, pivot, u, probs_vec, aggregate, &temp_storage); if (aggregate > u) { break; } } __syncthreads(); sampled_id = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; pivot = max(pivot, probs[bx * d + sampled_id]); Pair aggregate_gt_pivot{DType(0), 0}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } Pair probs_gt_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_gt_pivot[j] = {(probs_vec[j] > pivot) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0), (probs_vec[j] > pivot && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d)}; } aggregate_gt_pivot += BlockReduce, BLOCK_THREADS, REDUCE_ALGORITHM>( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce_pair) .Sum(probs_gt_pivot); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair = aggregate_gt_pivot; } __syncthreads(); } q = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.value; if (temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.count < k) { break; } } __syncthreads(); if (tx == 0) { output[bx] = sampled_id; if (temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.count >= k) { // failed to sample within MAX_TOP_P_ROUNDS if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = false; } } else { if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = true; } } } } template __global__ void TopPSamplingFromProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* uniform_samples, IdType* output, bool* success, IdType* row_indices, float* top_p_arr, float top_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_top_p_rounds) { const uint32_t batch_size = gridDim.x; const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; float top_p = (top_p_arr == nullptr) ? top_p_val : top_p_arr[bx]; const uint32_t row_idx = row_indices == nullptr ? bx : row_indices[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>(smem_sampling); vec_t probs_vec; DType aggregate; DType q = DType(1); DType pivot = DType(0); IdType sampled_id; for (uint32_t round = 0; round < max_top_p_rounds; ++round) { temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); DType u = uniform_samples[round * batch_size + bx] * q; aggregate = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DeviceSamplingFromProb( i, d, pivot, u, probs_vec, aggregate, &temp_storage); if (aggregate > u) { break; } } __syncthreads(); sampled_id = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; pivot = max(pivot, probs[row_idx * d + sampled_id]); DType aggregate_gt_pivot = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DType probs_gt_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_gt_pivot[j] = (probs_vec[j] > pivot) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0); } aggregate_gt_pivot += BlockReduce(temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Sum(probs_gt_pivot); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value = aggregate_gt_pivot; } __syncthreads(); } q = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value; if (float(q) < top_p) { break; } } __syncthreads(); if (tx == 0) { output[bx] = sampled_id; if (float(q) >= top_p) { // failed to sample within MAX_TOP_P_ROUNDS if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = false; } } else { if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = true; } } } } template __global__ void MinPSamplingFromProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* uniform_samples, DType* min_p_arr, IdType* output, bool* success, float min_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_min_p_rounds) { const uint32_t batch_size = gridDim.x; const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; DType p = (min_p_arr == nullptr) ? min_p_val : min_p_arr[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>(smem_sampling); vec_t probs_vec; DType aggregate; DType q = DType(1); DType pivot = DType(0); DType max_p = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DType probs_[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_[j] = probs_vec[j]; } max_p = max( max_p, BlockReduce(temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(probs_, cub::Max())); __syncthreads(); } if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.max_p = max_p; } __syncthreads(); DType scaled_p = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.max_p * p; IdType sampled_id; for (uint32_t round = 0; round < max_min_p_rounds; ++round) { temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); DType u = uniform_samples[round * batch_size + bx] * q; aggregate = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DeviceSamplingFromProb( i, d, pivot, u, probs_vec, aggregate, &temp_storage); if (aggregate > u) { break; } } __syncthreads(); sampled_id = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; pivot = max(pivot, probs[bx * d + sampled_id]); if (pivot >= scaled_p) { break; } DType aggregate_gt_pivot = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DType probs_gt_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_gt_pivot[j] = (probs_vec[j] > pivot) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0); } aggregate_gt_pivot += BlockReduce(temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Sum(probs_gt_pivot); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value = aggregate_gt_pivot; } __syncthreads(); } q = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value; } __syncthreads(); if (tx == 0) { output[bx] = sampled_id; if (pivot < scaled_p) { // failed to sample within MAX_ROUNDS if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = false; } } else { if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = true; } } } } template __global__ void TopKTopPSamplingFromProbKernel( DType* probs, DType* uniform_samples, IdType* top_k_arr, DType* top_p_arr, IdType* output, bool* success, IdType top_k_val, DType top_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_rounds) { const uint32_t batch_size = gridDim.x; const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; IdType k = top_k_arr == nullptr ? top_k_val : top_k_arr[bx]; DType p = top_p_arr == nullptr ? top_p_val : top_p_arr[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>(smem_sampling); vec_t probs_vec; DType aggregate; DType q = DType(1); DType pivot = DType(0); IdType sampled_id; for (uint32_t round = 0; round < max_rounds; ++round) { temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); DType u = uniform_samples[round * batch_size + bx] * q; aggregate = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } DeviceSamplingFromProb( i, d, pivot, u, probs_vec, aggregate, &temp_storage); if (aggregate > u) { break; } } __syncthreads(); sampled_id = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; pivot = max(pivot, probs[bx * d + sampled_id]); Pair aggregate_gt_pivot{DType(0), 0}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + bx * d + (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE); } Pair probs_gt_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_gt_pivot[j] = {(probs_vec[j] > pivot) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0), (probs_vec[j] > pivot && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d)}; } aggregate_gt_pivot += BlockReduce, BLOCK_THREADS, REDUCE_ALGORITHM>( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce_pair) .Sum(probs_gt_pivot); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair = aggregate_gt_pivot; } __syncthreads(); } q = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.value; if (temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.count < k && float(q) < p) { break; } } __syncthreads(); if (tx == 0) { output[bx] = sampled_id; if (temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair.count >= k || float(q) >= p) { // failed to sample within MAX_TOP_P_ROUNDS if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = false; } } else { if (success != nullptr) { success[bx] = true; } } } } template cudaError_t SamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* output, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t d, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); IdType* row_indices_placeholder = nullptr; void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &output, &row_indices_placeholder, &d}; const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = SamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t ParallelSamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* output, IdType* row_indices, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t d, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &output, &row_indices, &d}; const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = SamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t TopKSamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* output, bool* success, T* top_k_arr, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_top_k_rounds, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &output, &success, &top_k_arr, &top_k_val, &d, &max_top_k_rounds}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = TopKSamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t TopPSamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* output, bool* success, T* top_p_arr, uint32_t batch_size, T top_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_top_p_rounds, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); IdType* row_indices_placeholder = nullptr; void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &output, &success, &row_indices_placeholder, &top_p_arr, &top_p_val, &d, &max_top_p_rounds}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = TopPSamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t MinPSamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, T* min_p_arr, IdType* output, bool* success, uint32_t batch_size, float min_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_rounds, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &min_p_arr, &output, &success, &min_p_val, &d, &max_rounds}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = MinPSamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t TopKTopPSamplingFromProb(T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* top_k_arr, T* top_p_arr, IdType* output, bool* success, uint32_t batch_size, IdType top_k_val, T top_p_val, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_rounds, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &uniform_samples, &top_k_arr, &top_p_arr, &output, &success, &top_k_val, &top_p_val, &d, &max_rounds}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = TopKTopPSamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } template struct RenormTempStorage { union { typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce; typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce_int; typename BlockReduce, BLOCK_THREADS, REDUCE_ALGORITHM>::TempStorage reduce_pair; } block_prim; struct { T max_val; T min_val; union { T value; int count; Pair pair; } block_aggregate; } data; }; template __global__ void TopPRenormProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* renormed_prob, DType* top_p_arr, float top_p_val, uint32_t d) { const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; const uint32_t row_idx = bx; float p = top_p_arr == nullptr ? top_p_val : top_p_arr[bx]; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(RenormTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_renorm[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>( smem_renorm); temp_storage.data.max_val = DType(0); vec_t probs_vec; DType probs_greater_than_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; // pivot initialized to 0 DType threadlocal_max_val = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_greater_than_pivot[j] = probs_vec[j]; } threadlocal_max_val = max(threadlocal_max_val, BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(probs_greater_than_pivot, cub::Max())); __syncthreads(); } if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.max_val = threadlocal_max_val; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_max_val = temp_storage.data.max_val; float low = 0, high = threadlocal_max_val; DType min_gt_low, max_le_high; DType sum_low(1); // f(x) = sum(probs[probs > x]), f(x) is non-increasing // min_gt_low = min{p \in probs | p > low}, max_le_high = max{p \in probs | p // <= high} loop invariant: // - f(low) >= p, f(high) < p // - f(low) > f(min_gt_low) >= f(max_le_high) == f(high) // stopping condition // - f(low) >= p, f(min_gt_low) == f(max_le_high) == f(high) < p do { DType threadlocal_sum(0); float mid = (low + high) / 2; min_gt_low = high; max_le_high = low; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_greater_than_pivot[j] = (probs_vec[j] > mid) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0); if (probs_vec[j] > low && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { min_gt_low = min(min_gt_low, probs_vec[j]); } if (probs_vec[j] <= high && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { max_le_high = max(max_le_high, probs_vec[j]); } } threadlocal_sum += BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Sum(probs_greater_than_pivot); __syncthreads(); } min_gt_low = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(min_gt_low, cub::Min()); __syncthreads(); max_le_high = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(max_le_high, cub::Max()); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value = threadlocal_sum; temp_storage.data.min_val = min_gt_low; temp_storage.data.max_val = max_le_high; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_sum = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value; min_gt_low = temp_storage.data.min_val; max_le_high = temp_storage.data.max_val; if (threadlocal_sum >= p) { low = mid; sum_low = float(threadlocal_sum); } else { high = min(mid, max_le_high); } } while (min_gt_low != max_le_high); DType normalizer = math::ptx_rcp(max(sum_low, 1e-8)); // normalize for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_vec[j] = (probs_vec[j] > low) ? probs_vec[j] * normalizer : DType(0); } if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.store(renormed_prob + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } } } template __global__ void TopKMaskLogitsKernel(DType* logits, DType* masked_logits, IdType* top_k_arr, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d) { const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; const uint32_t row_idx = bx; uint32_t k = top_k_arr == nullptr ? top_k_val : top_k_arr[bx]; float pivot = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); vec_t logits_vec; if (k < d) { extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(RenormTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_renorm[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>( smem_renorm); DType logits_greater_than_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; // pivot initialized to 0 DType threadlocal_max_val = DType(-std::numeric_limits::infinity()), threadlocal_min_val = DType(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { logits_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { logits_vec.load(logits + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { logits_greater_than_pivot[j] = logits_vec[j]; } threadlocal_max_val = max(threadlocal_max_val, BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(logits_greater_than_pivot, cub::Max())); __syncthreads(); threadlocal_min_val = min(threadlocal_min_val, BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(logits_greater_than_pivot, cub::Min())); __syncthreads(); } if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.max_val = threadlocal_max_val; temp_storage.data.min_val = threadlocal_min_val; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_max_val = temp_storage.data.max_val; threadlocal_min_val = temp_storage.data.min_val; float low = threadlocal_min_val - 1, high = threadlocal_max_val; DType min_gt_low, max_le_high; // f(x) = len(nonzero(probs > x)), f(x) is non-increasing // min_gt_low = min{p \in probs | p > low}, max_le_high = max{p \in probs | // p <= high} loop invariant: // - f(low) >= k, f(high) < k // - f(low) > f(min_gt_low) >= f(max_le_high) == f(high) // stopping condition: min_gt_low == max_le_high // - f(low) >= k, f(min_gt_low) == f(max_le_high) == f(high) < k do { int threadlocal_count_sum = 0; int probs_greater_than_pivot_count[VEC_SIZE]; // pivot initialized to 0 float mid = (low + high) / 2; min_gt_low = high; max_le_high = low; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { logits_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { logits_vec.load(logits + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_greater_than_pivot_count[j] = logits_vec[j] > mid && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d; if (logits_vec[j] > low && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { min_gt_low = min(min_gt_low, logits_vec[j]); } if (logits_vec[j] <= high && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { max_le_high = max(max_le_high, logits_vec[j]); } } threadlocal_count_sum += BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce_int) .Sum(probs_greater_than_pivot_count); __syncthreads(); } min_gt_low = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(min_gt_low, cub::Min()); __syncthreads(); max_le_high = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(max_le_high, cub::Max()); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.count = threadlocal_count_sum; temp_storage.data.min_val = min_gt_low; temp_storage.data.max_val = max_le_high; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_count_sum = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.count; min_gt_low = temp_storage.data.min_val; max_le_high = temp_storage.data.max_val; if (threadlocal_count_sum >= k) { low = mid; } else { high = min(mid, max_le_high); } } while (min_gt_low != max_le_high); pivot = low; } // masking for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { logits_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { logits_vec.load(logits + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { logits_vec[j] = (logits_vec[j] > pivot) ? logits_vec[j] : DType(-std::numeric_limits::infinity()); } if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { logits_vec.store(masked_logits + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } } } template __global__ void TopKRenormProbKernel(DType* probs, DType* renormed_prob, IdType* top_k_arr, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d) { const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; const uint32_t row_idx = bx; uint32_t k = top_k_arr == nullptr ? top_k_val : top_k_arr[bx]; float pivot = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(), normalizer = 1; vec_t probs_vec; if (k < d) { extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(RenormTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_renorm[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast&>( smem_renorm); temp_storage.data.max_val = DType(0); DType probs_greater_than_pivot[VEC_SIZE]; // pivot initialized to 0 DType threadlocal_max_val = DType(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_greater_than_pivot[j] = probs_vec[j]; } threadlocal_max_val = max(threadlocal_max_val, BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(probs_greater_than_pivot, cub::Max())); __syncthreads(); } if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.max_val = threadlocal_max_val; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_max_val = temp_storage.data.max_val; float low = 0, high = threadlocal_max_val; DType min_gt_low, max_le_high; DType sum_low(1); // f(x) = len(nonzero(probs > x)), f(x) is non-increasing // min_gt_low = min{p \in probs | p > low}, max_le_high = max{p \in probs | // p <= high} loop invariant: // - f(low) >= k, f(high) < k // - f(low) > f(min_gt_low) >= f(max_le_high) == f(high) // stopping condition: min_gt_low == max_le_high // - f(low) >= k, f(min_gt_low) == f(max_le_high) == f(high) < k do { Pair threadlocal_sum{DType(0), 0}; Pair probs_greater_than_pivot_pair[VEC_SIZE]; // pivot initialized to 0 float mid = (low + high) / 2; min_gt_low = high; max_le_high = low; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_greater_than_pivot_pair[j] = { (probs_vec[j] > mid) ? probs_vec[j] : DType(0), (probs_vec[j] > mid && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d)}; if (probs_vec[j] > low && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { min_gt_low = min(min_gt_low, probs_vec[j]); } if (probs_vec[j] <= high && (i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE + j < d) { max_le_high = max(max_le_high, probs_vec[j]); } } threadlocal_sum += BlockReduce, BLOCK_THREADS, REDUCE_ALGORITHM>( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce_pair) .Sum(probs_greater_than_pivot_pair); __syncthreads(); } min_gt_low = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(min_gt_low, cub::Min()); __syncthreads(); max_le_high = BlockReduce( temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Reduce(max_le_high, cub::Max()); if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair = threadlocal_sum; temp_storage.data.min_val = min_gt_low; temp_storage.data.max_val = max_le_high; } __syncthreads(); threadlocal_sum = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.pair; min_gt_low = temp_storage.data.min_val; max_le_high = temp_storage.data.max_val; if (threadlocal_sum.count >= k) { low = mid; sum_low = float(threadlocal_sum.value); } else { high = min(mid, max_le_high); } } while (min_gt_low != max_le_high); normalizer = math::ptx_rcp(max(sum_low, 1e-8)); pivot = low; } // normalize for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { probs_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.load(probs + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { probs_vec[j] = (probs_vec[j] > pivot) ? probs_vec[j] * normalizer : DType(0); } if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { probs_vec.store(renormed_prob + row_idx * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } } } template cudaError_t TopPRenormProb(DType* probs, DType* renormed_prob, DType* top_p_arr, uint32_t batch_size, float top_p_val, uint32_t d, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { const uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(DType), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(RenormTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &renormed_prob, &top_p_arr, &top_p_val, &d}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE(vec_size, VEC_SIZE, { auto kernel = TopPRenormProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL( cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); }); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t TopKRenormProb(DType* probs, DType* renormed_prob, IdType* top_k_arr, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { const uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(DType), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(RenormTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&probs, &renormed_prob, &top_k_arr, &top_k_val, &d}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE(vec_size, VEC_SIZE, { auto kernel = TopKRenormProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL( cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); }); return cudaSuccess; } template cudaError_t TopKMaskLogits(DType* logits, DType* masked_logits, IdType* top_k_arr, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t top_k_val, uint32_t d, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { const uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(DType), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(RenormTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); void* args[] = {&logits, &masked_logits, &top_k_arr, &top_k_val, &d}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE(vec_size, VEC_SIZE, { auto kernel = TopKMaskLogitsKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL( cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); }); return cudaSuccess; } template __global__ void ChainSpeculativeSampling(DType* draft_probs, IdType* draft_token_ids, DType* uniform_samples, DType* target_probs, IdType* output_token_ids, IdType* output_accepted_token_num, IdType* output_emitted_token_num, uint32_t num_speculative_tokens, uint32_t d) { const uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x; const uint32_t row_idx = bx; extern __shared__ __align__( alignof(SamplingTempStorage)) uint8_t smem_sampling[]; auto& temp_storage = reinterpret_cast< SamplingTempStorage&>(smem_sampling); uint32_t pos = num_speculative_tokens; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_speculative_tokens; ++i) { IdType draft_id = draft_token_ids[row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + i]; float q = target_probs[(row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + i) * d + draft_id], p = draft_probs[(row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + i) * d + draft_id]; DType u = uniform_samples[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + i]; if (u * p < q) { // accept the draft models output output_token_ids[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + i] = draft_id; } else { pos = i; break; } } uint32_t emitted_token_num = pos; uint32_t accepted_token_num = pos; for (uint32_t i = pos; i < num_speculative_tokens; ++i) { IdType draft_id = draft_token_ids[row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + i]; float q = target_probs[(row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + i) * d + draft_id], p = draft_probs[(row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + i) * d + draft_id]; DType u = uniform_samples[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + i]; if (u * p < q) { ++accepted_token_num; } } if (tx == 0) { output_accepted_token_num[row_idx] += accepted_token_num; output_emitted_token_num[row_idx] += emitted_token_num; } // sample from relu(target_probs - draft_probs) DType sum_relu_q_minus_p(0); vec_t q_vec, p_vec; DType relu_q_minus_p[VEC_SIZE]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { q_vec.fill(DType(0)); p_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { q_vec.load(target_probs + (row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + pos) * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); if (pos != num_speculative_tokens) { // there is no draft_probs for the bonus token p_vec.load(draft_probs + (row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + pos) * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { relu_q_minus_p[j] = max(q_vec[j] - p_vec[j], DType(0)); } sum_relu_q_minus_p += BlockReduce(temp_storage.block_prim.reduce) .Sum(relu_q_minus_p); __syncthreads(); } if (tx == 0) { temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value = sum_relu_q_minus_p; } // init the first rejected token to (d - 1) temp_storage.data.sampled_id = d - 1; __syncthreads(); sum_relu_q_minus_p = temp_storage.data.block_aggregate.value; DType u = uniform_samples[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + min(pos + 1, num_speculative_tokens)] * sum_relu_q_minus_p; DType aggregate_relu_q_minus_p(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ceil_div(d, BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE); ++i) { q_vec.fill(DType(0)); p_vec.fill(DType(0)); if ((i * BLOCK_THREADS + tx) * VEC_SIZE < d) { q_vec.load(target_probs + (row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + pos) * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); if (pos != num_speculative_tokens) { // there is no draft_probs for the bonus token p_vec.load(draft_probs + (row_idx * num_speculative_tokens + pos) * d + i * BLOCK_THREADS * VEC_SIZE + tx * VEC_SIZE); } } vec_t relu_q_minus_p_vec; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < VEC_SIZE; ++j) { relu_q_minus_p_vec[j] = max(q_vec[j] - p_vec[j], DType(0)); } DeviceSamplingFromProb(i, d, DType(0), u, relu_q_minus_p_vec, aggregate_relu_q_minus_p, &temp_storage); if (aggregate_relu_q_minus_p > u) { break; } } __syncthreads(); // set the first rejected token output_token_ids[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + pos] = temp_storage.data.sampled_id; // move to the next token pos++; // pad remaining tokens with -1 for (; pos < num_speculative_tokens + 1; ++pos) { output_token_ids[row_idx * (num_speculative_tokens + 1) + pos] = -1; } } template cudaError_t ParallelTopPSamplingFromProb( T* probs, T* uniform_samples, IdType* output, bool* success, IdType* row_indices, T* top_p_arr, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t d, uint32_t max_top_p_rounds, bool deterministic, cudaStream_t stream = 0) { constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_THREADS = 1024; const uint32_t vec_size = std::gcd(16 / sizeof(T), d); const uint32_t smem_size = sizeof(SamplingTempStorage); dim3 nblks(batch_size); dim3 nthrs(BLOCK_THREADS); T top_p_placeholder = 0; void* args[] = { &probs, &uniform_samples, &output, &success, &row_indices, &top_p_arr, &top_p_placeholder, &d, &max_top_p_rounds}; DISPATCH_ALIGNED_VEC_SIZE( vec_size, VEC_SIZE, {DISPATCH_DETERMINISTIC(deterministic, DETERMINISTIC, { auto kernel = TopPSamplingFromProbKernel; APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaFuncSetAttribute( kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, smem_size)); APHRODITE_CUDA_CALL(cudaLaunchKernel((void*)kernel, nblks, nthrs, args, smem_size, stream)); })}); return cudaSuccess; } } // namespace sampling } // namespace aphrodite #endif // APHRODITE_SAMPLING_CUH_