# Sample workflow for building and deploying a VitePress site to GitHub Pages # name: Deploy VitePress site to Pages on: # Runs on pushes targeting the `main` branch. Change this to `master` if you're # using the `master` branch as the default branch. push: branches: [main] # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages permissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write # Allow only one concurrent deployment, skipping runs queued between the run in-progress and latest queued. # However, do NOT cancel in-progress runs as we want to allow these production deployments to complete. concurrency: group: pages cancel-in-progress: false # jobs: # Build job build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Setup pnpm uses: pnpm/action-setup@v3 with: package_json_file: docs/package.json version: 9 - name: Setup Node uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20 cache-dependency-path: docs/pnpm-lock.yaml cache: pnpm - name: Setup Pages uses: actions/configure-pages@v4 - name: Install Dependencies and Build shell: bash run: | cd docs pnpm install --frozen-lockfile pnpm run build - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3 with: path: docs/.vitepress/dist # Deployment job deploy: environment: name: github-pages url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Deploy steps: - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages id: deployment uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4