#ifndef CPU_TYPES_HPP #define CPU_TYPES_HPP #include #include #ifndef __AVX2__ static_assert(false, "AVX2 must be supported for the current implementation."); #endif namespace vec_op { // FIXME: FP16 is not fully supported in Torch-CPU #define APHRODITE_DISPATCH_CASE_FLOATING_TYPES(...) \ AT_DISPATCH_CASE(at::ScalarType::Float, __VA_ARGS__) \ AT_DISPATCH_CASE(at::ScalarType::BFloat16, __VA_ARGS__) #define APHRODITE_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(TYPE, NAME, ...) \ AT_DISPATCH_SWITCH(TYPE, NAME, APHRODITE_DISPATCH_CASE_FLOATING_TYPES(__VA_ARGS__)) #ifndef CPU_OP_GUARD #define CPU_KERNEL_GUARD_IN(NAME) #define CPU_KERNEL_GUARD_OUT(NAME) #else #define CPU_KERNEL_GUARD_IN(NAME) \ std::cout << #NAME << " invoked." << std::endl; #define CPU_KERNEL_GUARD_OUT(NAME) std::cout << #NAME << " exit." << std::endl; #endif #define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline namespace { template constexpr void unroll_loop_item(std::integer_sequence, F &&f) { (f(std::integral_constant{}), ...); } }; // namespace template >> constexpr void unroll_loop(F &&f) { unroll_loop_item(std::make_integer_sequence{}, std::forward(f)); } template struct Vec { constexpr static int get_elem_num() { return T::VEC_ELEM_NUM; } }; struct FP32Vec8; struct FP32Vec16; #ifdef __AVX512FP16__ struct FP16Vec8 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 8; __m128h reg; explicit FP16Vec8(_Float16 v) : reg(_mm_set1_ph(v)) {} explicit FP16Vec8(const void *ptr) : reg(_mm_loadu_ph(ptr)) {} explicit FP16Vec8(__m128h data) : reg(data) {} FP16Vec8 operator*(const FP16Vec8 &b) const { return FP16Vec8(_mm_mul_ph(reg, b.reg)); } FP16Vec8 operator+(const FP16Vec8 &b) const { return FP16Vec8(_mm_add_ph(reg, b.reg)); } FP16Vec8 operator-(const FP16Vec8 &b) const { return FP16Vec8(_mm_sub_ph(reg, b.reg)); } FP16Vec8 operator/(const FP16Vec8 &b) const { return FP16Vec8(_mm_div_ph(reg, b.reg)); } void save(void *ptr) const { _mm_storeu_ph(ptr, reg); } }; #endif struct BF16Vec8 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 8; __m128i reg; explicit BF16Vec8(const void *ptr) : reg((__m128i)_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)ptr)) {} explicit BF16Vec8(const FP32Vec8 &); void save(void *ptr) const { *reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(ptr) = reg; } }; struct BF16Vec16 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 16; __m256i reg; explicit BF16Vec16(const void *ptr) : reg((__m256i)_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)ptr)) {} explicit BF16Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &); void save(void *ptr) const { *reinterpret_cast<__m256i *>(ptr) = reg; } }; #ifdef __AVX512F__ struct BF16Vec32 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 32; __m512i reg; explicit BF16Vec32(const void *ptr) : reg((__m512i)_mm512_loadu_si512(ptr)) {} explicit BF16Vec32(__m512i data) : reg(data) {} explicit BF16Vec32(BF16Vec8 &vec8_data) : reg((__m512i)_mm512_inserti32x4( _mm512_inserti32x4(_mm512_inserti32x4(_mm512_castsi128_si512( (__m128i)vec8_data.reg), (__m128i)vec8_data.reg, 1), (__m128i)vec8_data.reg, 2), (__m128i)vec8_data.reg, 3)) {} void save(void *ptr) const { *reinterpret_cast<__m512i *>(ptr) = reg; } }; #else struct BF16Vec32 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 32; __m256i reg_low; __m256i reg_high; explicit BF16Vec32(const void *ptr) : reg_low(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i const *)ptr)), reg_high(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i const *)ptr + 1)) {} explicit BF16Vec32(__m256i low, __m256i high) : reg_low(low), reg_high(high) {} explicit BF16Vec32(BF16Vec8 &vec8_data) : reg_low((__m256i)_mm256_inserti32x4( _mm256_castsi128_si256((__m128i)vec8_data.reg), (__m128i)vec8_data.reg, 1)), reg_high((__m256i)_mm256_inserti32x4( _mm256_castsi128_si256((__m128i)vec8_data.reg), (__m128i)vec8_data.reg, 1)) {} void save(void *ptr) const { *reinterpret_cast<__m256i *>(ptr) = reg_low; *reinterpret_cast<__m256i *>((__m256i *)ptr + 1) = reg_high; } }; #endif struct FP32Vec4 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 4; union AliasReg { __m128 reg; float values[VEC_ELEM_NUM]; }; __m128 reg; explicit FP32Vec4(float v) : reg(_mm_set1_ps(v)) {} explicit FP32Vec4() : reg(_mm_set1_ps(0.0)) {} explicit FP32Vec4(const float *ptr) : reg(_mm_loadu_ps(ptr)) {} explicit FP32Vec4(__m128 data) : reg(data) {} explicit FP32Vec4(const FP32Vec4 &data) : reg(data.reg) {} }; struct FP32Vec8 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 8; union AliasReg { __m256 reg; float values[VEC_ELEM_NUM]; }; __m256 reg; explicit FP32Vec8(float v) : reg(_mm256_set1_ps(v)) {} explicit FP32Vec8() : reg(_mm256_set1_ps(0.0)) {} explicit FP32Vec8(const float *ptr) : reg(_mm256_loadu_ps(ptr)) {} explicit FP32Vec8(__m256 data) : reg(data) {} explicit FP32Vec8(const FP32Vec8 &data) : reg(data.reg) {} #ifdef __AVX512FP16__ explicit FP32Vec8(__m128h v) : reg(_mm256_cvtph_ps(_mm_castph_si128(v))) {} #endif explicit FP32Vec8(const BF16Vec8 &v) : reg(_mm256_castsi256_ps( _mm256_bslli_epi128(_mm256_cvtepu16_epi32(v.reg), 2))) {} float reduce_sum() const { AliasReg ar; ar.reg = reg; float result = 0; unroll_loop([&result, &ar](int i) { result += ar.values[i]; }); return result; } FP32Vec8 exp() const { AliasReg ar; ar.reg = reg; return FP32Vec8(_mm256_set_ps(expf(ar.values[7]), expf(ar.values[6]), expf(ar.values[5]), expf(ar.values[4]), expf(ar.values[3]), expf(ar.values[2]), expf(ar.values[1]), expf(ar.values[0]))); } FP32Vec8 tanh() const { AliasReg ar; ar.reg = reg; return FP32Vec8(_mm256_set_ps(tanhf(ar.values[7]), tanhf(ar.values[6]), tanhf(ar.values[5]), tanhf(ar.values[4]), tanhf(ar.values[3]), tanhf(ar.values[2]), tanhf(ar.values[1]), tanhf(ar.values[0]))); } FP32Vec8 er() const { AliasReg ar; ar.reg = reg; return FP32Vec8(_mm256_set_ps(erf(ar.values[7]), erf(ar.values[6]), erf(ar.values[5]), erf(ar.values[4]), erf(ar.values[3]), erf(ar.values[2]), erf(ar.values[1]), erf(ar.values[0]))); } FP32Vec8 operator*(const FP32Vec8 &b) const { return FP32Vec8(_mm256_mul_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec8 operator+(const FP32Vec8 &b) const { return FP32Vec8(_mm256_add_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec8 operator-(const FP32Vec8 &b) const { return FP32Vec8(_mm256_sub_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec8 operator/(const FP32Vec8 &b) const { return FP32Vec8(_mm256_div_ps(reg, b.reg)); } void save(float *ptr) const { _mm256_storeu_ps(ptr, reg); } }; #ifdef __AVX512F__ struct FP32Vec16 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 16; union AliasReg { __m512 reg; float values[VEC_ELEM_NUM]; }; __m512 reg; explicit FP32Vec16(float v) : reg(_mm512_set1_ps(v)) {} explicit FP32Vec16() : reg(_mm512_set1_ps(0.0)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const float *ptr) : reg(_mm512_loadu_ps(ptr)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(__m512 data) : reg(data) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &data) : reg(data.reg) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec4 &data) : reg((__m512)_mm512_inserti32x4( _mm512_inserti32x4( _mm512_inserti32x4(_mm512_castsi128_si512((__m128i)data.reg), (__m128i)data.reg, 1), (__m128i)data.reg, 2), (__m128i)data.reg, 3)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec8 &data) : reg((__m512)_mm512_inserti32x8( _mm512_castsi256_si512((__m256i)data.reg), (__m256i)data.reg, 1)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const BF16Vec16 &v) : reg(_mm512_castsi512_ps( _mm512_bslli_epi128(_mm512_cvtepu16_epi32(v.reg), 2))) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const BF16Vec8 &v) : FP32Vec16(FP32Vec8(v)) {} FP32Vec16 operator*(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm512_mul_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec16 operator+(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm512_add_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec16 operator-(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm512_sub_ps(reg, b.reg)); } FP32Vec16 operator/(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm512_div_ps(reg, b.reg)); } float reduce_sum() const { return _mm512_reduce_add_ps(reg); } template float reduce_sub_sum(int idx) { static_assert(VEC_ELEM_NUM % group_size == 0); constexpr uint32_t base_mask = (0xFFFF >> (16 - group_size)); __mmask16 mask = _cvtu32_mask16(base_mask << (idx * group_size)); return _mm512_mask_reduce_add_ps(mask, reg); } void save(float *ptr) const { _mm512_storeu_ps(ptr, reg); } }; #else struct FP32Vec16 : public Vec { constexpr static int VEC_ELEM_NUM = 16; union AliasReg { __m256 reg; float values[8]; }; __m256 reg_low; __m256 reg_high; explicit FP32Vec16(float v) : reg_low(_mm256_set1_ps(v)), reg_high(_mm256_set1_ps(v)) {} explicit FP32Vec16() : reg_low(_mm256_set1_ps(0.0)), reg_high(_mm256_set1_ps(0.0)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const float *ptr) : reg_low(_mm256_loadu_ps(ptr)), reg_high(_mm256_loadu_ps(ptr + 8)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(__m256 low, __m256 high) : reg_low(low), reg_high(high) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &data) : reg_low(data.reg_low), reg_high(data.reg_high) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec4 &data) : reg_low((__m256)_mm256_inserti128_si256( _mm256_castsi128_si256((__m128i)data.reg), (__m128i)data.reg, 1)), reg_high((__m256)_mm256_inserti128_si256( _mm256_castsi128_si256((__m128i)data.reg), (__m128i)data.reg, 1)) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const FP32Vec8 &data) : reg_low(data.reg), reg_high(data.reg) {} explicit FP32Vec16(const BF16Vec16 &v) { __m128i low = _mm256_extractf128_si256(v.reg, 0); __m128i high = _mm256_extractf128_si256(v.reg, 1); __m256i v_low_epi32 = _mm256_cvtepu16_epi32(low); __m256i v_high_epi32 = _mm256_cvtepu16_epi32(high); __m256i v_low_shifted = _mm256_bslli_epi128(v_low_epi32, 2); __m256i v_high_shifted = _mm256_bslli_epi128(v_high_epi32, 2); reg_low = _mm256_castsi256_ps(v_low_shifted); reg_high = _mm256_castsi256_ps(v_high_shifted); } explicit FP32Vec16(const BF16Vec8 &v) : FP32Vec16(FP32Vec8(v)) {} FP32Vec16 operator*(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm256_mul_ps(reg_low, b.reg_low), _mm256_mul_ps(reg_high, b.reg_high)); } FP32Vec16 operator+(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm256_add_ps(reg_low, b.reg_low), _mm256_add_ps(reg_high, b.reg_high)); } FP32Vec16 operator-(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm256_sub_ps(reg_low, b.reg_low), _mm256_sub_ps(reg_high, b.reg_high)); } FP32Vec16 operator/(const FP32Vec16 &b) const { return FP32Vec16(_mm256_div_ps(reg_low, b.reg_low), _mm256_div_ps(reg_high, b.reg_high)); } float reduce_sum() const { FP32Vec8 low = FP32Vec8(reg_low); FP32Vec8 high = FP32Vec8(reg_high); return low.reduce_sum() + high.reduce_sum(); } template float reduce_sub_sum(int idx) { float sum = 0.0; static_assert(VEC_ELEM_NUM % group_size == 0); constexpr uint32_t base_mask = (0xFFFF >> (16 - group_size)); uint32_t mask = base_mask << (idx * group_size); AliasReg ar; auto func = [&sum, &mask, &ar](int i) { int flag = mask & 0x1; mask = mask >> 1; if (flag != 0) sum += ar.values[i]; }; ar.reg = reg_low; unroll_loop(func); ar.reg = reg_high; unroll_loop(func); return sum; } void save(float *ptr) const { _mm256_storeu_ps(ptr, reg_low); _mm256_storeu_ps(ptr + 8, reg_high); } }; #endif template struct VecType { using vec_type = void; }; template using vec_t = typename VecType::vec_type; template <> struct VecType { using vec_type = FP32Vec8; }; #ifdef __AVX512FP16__ template <> struct VecType { using vec_type = FP16Vec16; }; #endif template <> struct VecType { using vec_type = BF16Vec8; }; template void storeFP32(float v, T *ptr) { *ptr = v; } #ifdef __AVX512FP16__ template <> inline void storeFP32(float v, c10::Half *ptr) { *reinterpret_cast<_Float16 *>(ptr) = v; } #endif inline void fma(FP32Vec16 &acc, FP32Vec16 &a, FP32Vec16 &b) { acc = acc + a * b; } #ifdef __AVX512BF16__ template <> inline void storeFP32(float v, c10::BFloat16 *ptr) { *reinterpret_cast<__bfloat16 *>(ptr) = _mm_cvtness_sbh(v); } inline BF16Vec8::BF16Vec8(const FP32Vec8 &v) : reg((__m128i)_mm256_cvtneps_pbh(v.reg)) {} inline BF16Vec16::BF16Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &v) : reg((__m256i)_mm512_cvtneps_pbh(v.reg)) {} inline void fma(FP32Vec16 &acc, BF16Vec32 &a, BF16Vec32 &b) { acc.reg = _mm512_dpbf16_ps(acc.reg, (__m512bh)a.reg, (__m512bh)b.reg); } #else template <> inline void storeFP32(float v, c10::BFloat16 *ptr) { c10::BFloat16 __attribute__((__may_alias__)) *v_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&v); *ptr = *(v_ptr + 1); } #ifdef __AVX512F__ inline BF16Vec8::BF16Vec8(const FP32Vec8 &v) : reg(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi16( _mm256_bsrli_epi128(_mm256_castps_si256(v.reg), 2))) {} inline BF16Vec16::BF16Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &v) : reg(_mm512_cvtepi32_epi16( _mm512_bsrli_epi128(_mm512_castps_si512(v.reg), 2))) {} #else namespace{ __m128i FP32Vec8_to_BF16Vec8_avx2(__m256 a) { __m256i ai = _mm256_castps_si256(a); ai = _mm256_srli_epi32(ai, 16); ai = _mm256_packus_epi32(ai, ai); ai = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(ai, 0b00111001); return _mm256_extracti128_si256(ai, 0); } } inline BF16Vec8::BF16Vec8(const FP32Vec8 &v) : reg(FP32Vec8_to_BF16Vec8_avx2(v.reg)) {} inline BF16Vec16::BF16Vec16(const FP32Vec16 &v) { BF16Vec8 low = BF16Vec8(FP32Vec8(v.reg_low)); BF16Vec8 high = BF16Vec8(FP32Vec8(v.reg_high)); reg = _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(low.reg), high.reg, 1); } #endif // __AVX512F__ #endif // __AVX512BF16__ inline void prefetch(const void *addr) { _mm_prefetch(addr, _MM_HINT_T1); } }; // namespace vec_op #endif