from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup from .parallel_state import (get_cpu_world_group, get_pp_pynccl_communicator, get_tensor_model_parallel_group, get_tensor_model_parallel_rank, get_tensor_model_parallel_world_size, get_tp_ca_communicator, get_tp_pynccl_communicator) @dataclass class GraphCaptureContext: stream: torch.cuda.Stream @contextmanager def graph_capture(): """ `graph_capture` is a context manager which should surround the code that is capturing the CUDA graph. Its main purpose is to ensure that the some operations will be run after the graph is captured, before the graph is replayed. It returns a `GraphCaptureContext` object which contains the necessary data for the graph capture. Currently, it only contains the stream that the graph capture is running on. This stream is set to the current CUDA stream when the context manager is entered and reset to the default stream when the context manager is exited. This is to ensure that the graph capture is running on a separate stream from the default stream, in order to explicitly distinguish the kernels to capture from other kernels possibly launched on background in the default stream. """ stream = torch.cuda.Stream() graph_capture_context = GraphCaptureContext(stream) ca_comm = get_tp_ca_communicator() maybe_ca_context = nullcontext() if ca_comm is None else ca_comm.capture() with, maybe_ca_context: # In graph mode, we have to be very careful about the collective # operations. The current status is: # allreduce \ Mode | Eager | Graph | # -------------------------------------------- # custom allreduce | enabled | enabled | # PyNccl | disabled| enabled | # torch.distributed | enabled | disabled| # # Note that custom allreduce will have a runtime check, if the tensor # size is too large, it will fallback to the next available option. # In summary: When using CUDA graph, we use # either custom all-reduce kernel or pynccl. When not using CUDA # graph, we use either custom all-reduce kernel or PyTorch NCCL. # We always prioritize using custom all-reduce kernel but fall back # to PyTorch or pynccl if it is disabled or not supported. tp_pynccl_comm = get_tp_pynccl_communicator() pp_pynccl_comm = get_pp_pynccl_communicator() if not tp_pynccl_comm: maybe_tp_pynccl_context = nullcontext() else: maybe_tp_pynccl_context = tp_pynccl_comm.change_state( enable=True, stream=torch.cuda.current_stream()) if not pp_pynccl_comm: maybe_pp_pynccl_context = nullcontext() else: maybe_pp_pynccl_context = pp_pynccl_comm.change_state( enable=True, stream=torch.cuda.current_stream()) with maybe_tp_pynccl_context, maybe_pp_pynccl_context: yield graph_capture_context def tensor_model_parallel_all_reduce(input_: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """All-reduce the input tensor across model parallel group. NOTE: This operation will be applied in-place on the input tensor if disable_custom_all_reduce is set to True. Otherwise, this operation may or may not be applied in place depending on whether custom all reduce is invoked for a particular tensor, which further depends on the tensor size and GPU topology. TLDR: always assume this function modifies its input, but use the return value as the output. """ ca_comm = get_tp_ca_communicator() # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if get_tensor_model_parallel_world_size() == 1: return input_ if ca_comm is not None: out = ca_comm.custom_all_reduce(input_) if out is not None: return out pynccl_comm = get_tp_pynccl_communicator() if (pynccl_comm is not None and not pynccl_comm.disabled): pynccl_comm.all_reduce(input_) else: torch.distributed.all_reduce(input_, group=get_tensor_model_parallel_group()) return input_ def tensor_model_parallel_all_gather(input_: torch.Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: """All-gather the input tensor across model parallel group.""" world_size = get_tensor_model_parallel_world_size() # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if world_size == 1: return input_ assert -input_.dim() <= dim < input_.dim(), ( f"Invalid dim ({dim}) for input tensor with shape {input_.size()}") if dim < 0: # Convert negative dim to positive. dim += input_.dim() input_size = input_.size() # Allocate output tensor. output_tensor = torch.empty((world_size, ) + input_size, dtype=input_.dtype, device=input_.device) # All-gather. torch.distributed.all_gather_into_tensor( output_tensor, input_, group=get_tensor_model_parallel_group()) # Reshape output_tensor = output_tensor.movedim(0, dim) output_tensor = output_tensor.reshape(input_size[:dim] + (world_size * input_size[dim], ) + input_size[dim + 1:]) return output_tensor def tensor_model_parallel_gather(input_: torch.Tensor, dst: int = 0, dim: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: """Gather the input tensor across model parallel group. NOTE: We assume that the input tensor is on the same device across all the ranks. """ world_size = get_tensor_model_parallel_world_size() # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if world_size == 1: return input_ assert -input_.dim() <= dim < input_.dim(), ( f"Invalid dim ({dim}) for input tensor with shape {input_.size()}") if dim < 0: # Convert negative dim to positive. dim += input_.dim() # Allocate output tensor. if get_tensor_model_parallel_rank() == dst: gather_list = [torch.empty_like(input_) for _ in range(world_size)] else: gather_list = None # Gather. torch.distributed.gather(input_, gather_list, dst=dst, group=get_tensor_model_parallel_group()) if get_tensor_model_parallel_rank() == dst: output_tensor =, dim=dim) else: output_tensor = None return output_tensor def broadcast(input_: torch.Tensor, src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None): """Broadcast the input tensor.""" group = group or ranks = torch.distributed.get_process_group_ranks(group) assert src in ranks, f"Invalid src rank ({src})" # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size(group=group) if world_size == 1: return input_ # Broadcast. torch.distributed.broadcast(input_, src=src, group=group) return input_ def broadcast_object_list(obj_list: List[Any], src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None): """Broadcast the input object list.""" group = group or ranks = torch.distributed.get_process_group_ranks(group) assert src in ranks, f"Invalid src rank ({src})" # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size(group=group) if world_size == 1: return obj_list # Broadcast. torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(obj_list, src=src, group=group) return obj_list TensorMetadata = namedtuple("TensorMetadata", ["device", "dtype", "size"]) def _split_tensor_dict( tensor_dict: Dict[Any, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]] ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, Any]], List[torch.Tensor]]: """Split the tensor dictionary into two parts: 1. A list of (key, value) pairs. If the value is a tensor, it is replaced by its metadata. 2. A list of tensors. """ metadata_list = [] tensor_list = [] for key, value in tensor_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): # NOTE: we cannot use `value.device` here, # because it contains not only the device type but also the device # index (e.g. "cuda:0"). We only need the device type. # receiving side will set the device index. device = "cpu" if value.is_cpu else "cuda" metadata_list.append( (key, TensorMetadata(device, value.dtype, value.size()))) tensor_list.append(value) else: metadata_list.append((key, value)) return metadata_list, tensor_list def broadcast_tensor_dict( tensor_dict: Optional[Dict[Any, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]] = None, src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, metadata_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None ) -> Optional[Dict[Any, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]]: """Broadcast the input tensor dictionary. `group` is used to broadcast the tensors, while `metadata_group` is used to broadcast the metadata of the dict (e.g. dict structure, tensor sizes, dtypes). """ # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if (not torch.distributed.is_initialized() or torch.distributed.get_world_size(group=group) == 1): return tensor_dict group = group or metadata_group = metadata_group or get_cpu_world_group() ranks = torch.distributed.get_process_group_ranks(group) assert src in ranks, f"Invalid src rank ({src})" rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() if rank == src: metadata_list: List[Tuple[Any, Any]] = [] assert isinstance( tensor_dict, dict), (f"Expecting a dictionary, got {type(tensor_dict)}") metadata_list, tensor_list = _split_tensor_dict(tensor_dict) # `metadata_list` lives in CPU memory. # `broadcast_object_list` involves serialization and deserialization, # all happening on CPU. Therefore, we can use the CPU group. torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list([metadata_list], src=src, group=metadata_group) async_handles = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if tensor.numel() == 0: # Skip broadcasting empty tensors. continue if tensor.is_cpu: # use metadata_group for CPU tensors handle = torch.distributed.broadcast(tensor, src=src, group=metadata_group, async_op=True) else: # use group for GPU tensors handle = torch.distributed.broadcast(tensor, src=src, group=group, async_op=True) async_handles.append(handle) for async_handle in async_handles: async_handle.wait() else: recv_metadata_list = [None] torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(recv_metadata_list, src=src, group=metadata_group) assert recv_metadata_list[0] is not None tensor_dict = {} async_handles = [] for key, value in recv_metadata_list[0]: if isinstance(value, TensorMetadata): tensor = torch.empty(value.size, dtype=value.dtype, device=value.device) if tensor.numel() == 0: # Skip broadcasting empty tensors. tensor_dict[key] = tensor continue if tensor.is_cpu: # use metadata_group for CPU tensors handle = torch.distributed.broadcast(tensor, src=src, group=metadata_group, async_op=True) else: # use group for GPU tensors handle = torch.distributed.broadcast(tensor, src=src, group=group, async_op=True) async_handles.append(handle) tensor_dict[key] = tensor else: tensor_dict[key] = value for async_handle in async_handles: async_handle.wait() return tensor_dict