from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, TypeVar, Callable import random import torch from aphrodite.modeling.layers.ops.sample import (get_num_triton_sampler_splits ) from aphrodite.common.sampling_params import SamplingParams, SamplingType from aphrodite.common.sequence import SequenceData from aphrodite.common.utils import is_pin_memory_available _SEED_0_REPLACEMENT = 3403598558 # chosen by fair roll of a die class PersistentMetadata: def __init__(self, metadata: Optional[Dict[int, dict]] = None): self._metadata: Dict[int, dict] = metadata or {} def get(self, seq_id: int, key, default=None): return self._metadata.get(seq_id, {}).get(key, default) class OutputMetadata(): """Not symmetrical with PersistentMetadata because the process of sampling can produce unique metadata per sample, per sequence. The appropriate conversion would be `output[seq][sample](dict)` to `persist[new_seq_for_sample](dict)`""" def __init__(self): self._metadata: Dict[int, Dict[int, dict]] = {} def add(self, seq_id: int, sample_id: int, key, val) -> None: (self._metadata.setdefault(seq_id, {}).setdefault(sample_id, {})[key]) = val def get(self, seq_id: int, sample_id: int) -> dict: return self._metadata.get(seq_id, {}).get(sample_id, {}) class SamplingMetadata: """Metadata for input sequences. Used in sampler. Args: seq_groups: List of (seq_ids, sampling_params). seq_data: Seq_id -> SequenceData. prompt_lens: Lengths of prompts. selected_token_indices: Token indices selected for sampling. categorized_sample_indices: SamplingType -> token indices to sample. generators: List of torch.Generators to use for seeded sampling perform_sampling: Whether to perform sampling. This option is used to make the sampling only happens in the driver worker, and disable sampling in other worker processes. persistent_metadata: Metadata that persists across iterations. output_metadata: the output metadata. """ def __init__( self, seq_groups: Optional[List[Tuple[List[int], SamplingParams]]], seq_data: Optional[Dict[int, SequenceData]], prompt_lens: Optional[List[int]], selected_token_indices: torch.Tensor, categorized_sample_indices: Optional[Dict[SamplingType, torch.Tensor]], generators: Optional[List[torch.Generator]] = None, perform_sampling: bool = True, persistent_metadata: Optional[PersistentMetadata] = None, output_metadata: Optional[OutputMetadata] = None, ) -> None: self.seq_groups = seq_groups self.seq_data = seq_data self.prompt_lens = prompt_lens self.selected_token_indices = selected_token_indices self.categorized_sample_indices = categorized_sample_indices self.generators = generators self.perform_sampling = perform_sampling self.persistent_metadata = persistent_metadata or PersistentMetadata() self.output_metadata = output_metadata or OutputMetadata() self.num_prompts = len(prompt_lens) if prompt_lens is not None else 0 def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "SamplingMetadata(" f"seq_groups={self.seq_groups}, " f"seq_data={self.seq_data}, " f"prompt_lens={self.prompt_lens}, " f"selected_token_indices={self.selected_token_indices}, " f"categorized_sample_indices={self.categorized_sample_indices}, " f"perform_sampling={self.perform_sampling}, " f"persistent_metadata={self.persistent_metadata}, " f"output_metadata={self.output_metadata}) ") @dataclass class SamplingTensors: """Tensors for sampling.""" temperatures: torch.Tensor top_ps: torch.Tensor top_ks: torch.Tensor top_as: torch.Tensor min_ps: torch.Tensor pres_penalties: torch.Tensor freq_penalties: torch.Tensor rep_penalties: torch.Tensor tfss: torch.Tensor eta_cutoffs: torch.Tensor epsilon_cutoffs: torch.Tensor typical_ps: torch.Tensor miro_taus: torch.Tensor miro_etas: torch.Tensor miro_mus: torch.Tensor miro_indices: torch.Tensor miro_seqids: List[int] # state writeback done CPU side dynatemp_mins: torch.Tensor dynatemp_maxs: torch.Tensor dynatemp_exps: torch.Tensor smoothing_indices: torch.Tensor smoothing_factors: torch.Tensor smoothing_curves: torch.Tensor seed_indices: torch.Tensor seed_transpose: torch.Tensor extra_seed_transpose: Optional[torch.Tensor] prompt_tokens: torch.Tensor output_tokens: torch.Tensor do_temperatures: bool do_dynatemps: bool do_penalties: bool do_top_ks: bool do_top_ps: bool do_top_as: bool do_min_ps: bool do_tfss: bool do_eta_cutoffs: bool do_epsilon_cutoffs: bool do_typical_ps: bool do_quadratic: bool do_mirostat: bool @classmethod def from_sampling_metadata( cls, sampling_metadata: "SamplingMetadata", vocab_size: int, tgt_device: torch.device, float_dtype: torch.dtype, *, extra_seeds_to_generate: int = 0, extra_entropy: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None) -> "SamplingTensors": prompt_lens = sampling_metadata.prompt_lens or [] groups = sampling_metadata.seq_groups or [] seq_data = sampling_metadata.seq_data or {} persistent = sampling_metadata.persistent_metadata extra_entropy = extra_entropy or () # Flattened list of (params, sid) matching the logits tensor. # `sid < 0` implies a prompt seq. unrolled_seqs: List[Tuple[SamplingParams, int]] = [] group_plens = prompt_lens + [0] * (len(groups) - len(prompt_lens)) for (ids, params), prompt_len in zip(groups, group_plens): if prompt_len and params.prompt_logprobs is not None: unrolled_seqs.extend([(params, -1)] * (prompt_len - 1)) unrolled_seqs.extend([(params, sid) for sid in ids]) T = TypeVar('T') def _unroll(fn_val: Callable[[SamplingParams], T], prompt: Optional[T] = None) -> List[T]: """`fn_val` for every seq, with an override for prompt seqs.""" return [ prompt if sid < 0 and prompt is not None else fn_val(p) for p, sid in unrolled_seqs ] def _index(fn_mask: Callable[[SamplingParams], bool], prompt: Optional[bool] = None) -> List[int]: """Index for every seq where `fn_mask` is true, with an override for prompt seqs.""" return [ i for i, (p, sid) in enumerate(unrolled_seqs) if (fn_mask(p) if prompt is None else ( prompt if sid < 0 else fn_mask(p))) ] def _filter(arr: List[T], indices: List[int]) -> List[T]: """Return only the elements of `arr` accessed by `indices`.""" return [arr[i] for i in indices] miro_inds = _index(lambda p: p.mirostat_mode == 2, prompt=False) _miro_seqs = _filter(unrolled_seqs, miro_inds) quad_inds = _index(lambda p: p.smoothing_factor != 0) _quad_seqs = _filter(unrolled_seqs, quad_inds) # We need one base seed per Triton slice. triton_sampler_splits = get_num_triton_sampler_splits(vocab_size) n_seeds = triton_sampler_splits + extra_seeds_to_generate # Sequences get seeds. Prompt "sequences" do not. seed_indices = _index(lambda p: True, prompt=False) sampling_seeds = [ cls._get_sequence_seeds(p.seed, n_seeds, p.sampling_type == SamplingType.GREEDY, seq_data[sid].get_len(), *extra_entropy, sid) for p, sid in _filter(unrolled_seqs, seed_indices) ] fvars = { # noqa "temperatures": _unroll(lambda p: p.temperature), "top_ps": _unroll(lambda p: p.top_p), "top_as": _unroll(lambda p: p.top_a), "min_ps": _unroll(lambda p: p.min_p), "tfss": _unroll(lambda p: p.tfs, prompt=1), "eta_cutoffs": _unroll(lambda p: p.eta_cutoff * 1e-4, prompt=0), "epsilon_cutoffs": _unroll(lambda p: p.epsilon_cutoff * 1e-4, 0), "typical_ps": _unroll(lambda p: p.typical_p, prompt=1), "pres_penalties": _unroll(lambda p: p.presence_penalty, prompt=0), "freq_penalties": _unroll(lambda p: p.frequency_penalty, prompt=0), "rep_penalties": _unroll(lambda p: p.repetition_penalty, prompt=1), "dynatemp_mins": _unroll(lambda p: p.dynatemp_min), "dynatemp_maxs": _unroll(lambda p: p.dynatemp_max), "dynatemp_exps": _unroll(lambda p: p.dynatemp_exponent), "miro_taus": [p.mirostat_tau for p, _ in _miro_seqs], "miro_etas": [p.mirostat_eta for p, _ in _miro_seqs], "miro_mus": [persistent.get(sid, "miro_mu", p.mirostat_tau * 2) for p, sid in _miro_seqs], "smoothing_factors": [p.smoothing_factor for p, _ in _quad_seqs], "smoothing_curves": [p.smoothing_curve for p, _ in _quad_seqs], } ivars = { # noqa "top_ks": _unroll(lambda p: vocab_size if p.top_k == -1 else min(p.top_k, vocab_size)), "miro_indices": miro_inds, "smoothing_indices": quad_inds, "seed_indices": seed_indices, } prompt_tokens = [[] if sid < 0 else seq_data[sid].prompt_token_ids for _, sid in unrolled_seqs] output_tokens = [[] if sid < 0 else seq_data[sid].output_token_ids for _, sid in unrolled_seqs] # need to transpose and make contiguous to copy the tensor correctly. # [batch_size, n_seeds] -> [n_seeds, batch_size] seeds_transpose = list(map(list, zip(*sampling_seeds))) seeds_gpu = seeds_transpose[:triton_sampler_splits] extra_seeds_gpu = seeds_transpose[triton_sampler_splits:] or None # Note that the performance will be very bad without pinned memory. # Pinned memory allows non-blocking transfers to device. pin_memory = is_pin_memory_available() def _tensor(contents: list, dtype) -> torch.Tensor: loc_t = torch.tensor(contents, dtype=dtype, device="cpu", pin_memory=pin_memory) return, non_blocking=True) def _unjagged(arrs: List[List[T]], padval: T) -> List[List[T]]: max_len = max(len(arr) for arr in arrs) return [arr + [padval] * (max_len - len(arr)) for arr in arrs] return cls( # Flags and non-tensor fields do_temperatures=any(x != 1 for x in fvars["temperatures"]), do_dynatemps=(any(fvars["dynatemp_mins"]) or any(fvars["dynatemp_maxs"])), do_top_ks=any(x != vocab_size for x in ivars["top_ks"]), do_top_ps=any(x != 1 for x in fvars["top_ps"]), do_top_as=any(fvars["top_as"]), do_min_ps=any(fvars["min_ps"]), do_tfss=any(x != 1 for x in fvars["tfss"]), do_eta_cutoffs=any(fvars["eta_cutoffs"]), do_epsilon_cutoffs=any(fvars["epsilon_cutoffs"]), do_typical_ps=any(x != 1 for x in fvars["typical_ps"]), do_penalties=(any(fvars["pres_penalties"]) or any(fvars["freq_penalties"]) or any(x != 1 for x in fvars["rep_penalties"])), do_quadratic=len(quad_inds) > 0, do_mirostat=len(miro_inds) > 0, miro_seqids=_filter([s for _, s in unrolled_seqs], miro_inds), # Float tensors **{n: _tensor(vals, float_dtype) for n, vals in fvars.items()}, # Integer tensors **{n: _tensor(vals, for n, vals in ivars.items()}, # Token ID tensors prompt_tokens=_tensor(_unjagged(prompt_tokens, vocab_size), torch.long), output_tokens=_tensor(_unjagged(output_tokens, vocab_size), torch.long), # Seeds (only for triton, though?) seed_transpose=_tensor(seeds_gpu, torch.long), extra_seed_transpose=(_tensor(extra_seeds_gpu, torch.long) if extra_seeds_gpu else None), ) @staticmethod def _get_sequence_seeds( seed: Optional[int], seeds_to_generate: int, is_greedy: bool, *extra_entropy: int, ): """Get `seeds_to_generate` child seeds from `seed` and extra entropy.""" if is_greedy: # For the kernel, seed == 0 means greedy decoding. return [0] * seeds_to_generate if seed is None: randint_fn = random.randint else: randint_fn = random.Random(str((seed, ) + extra_entropy)).randint lo, hi = torch.iinfo(torch.long).min, torch.iinfo(torch.long).max # If the user/random sets seed = 0 but request should # have sampling, we need to change it to something # else. We use a constant in that case. # This way we don't need to create and load a bool # matrix in the sampling kernel, which reduces CPU # overhead and latency. return [ randint_fn(lo, hi) or _SEED_0_REPLACEMENT for _ in range(seeds_to_generate) ]