import enum from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import torch from loguru import logger from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter from aphrodite import _custom_ops as ops from aphrodite.modeling.layers.linear import (LinearBase, LinearMethodBase, set_weight_attrs) from aphrodite.quantization.base_config import QuantizationConfig GPTQ_MARLIN_TILE = 16 GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_N = 64 GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_K = 128 GPTQ_MARLIN_MAX_PARALLEL = 16 GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS = [4, 8] GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES = [-1, 32, 64, 128] GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM = [True] # Permutations for Marlin scale shuffling def get_scale_perms(num_bits): scale_perm = [] for i in range(8): scale_perm.extend([i + 8 * j for j in range(8)]) scale_perm_single = [] for i in range(4): scale_perm_single.extend( [2 * i + j for j in [0, 1, 8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25]]) return scale_perm, scale_perm_single def get_pack_factor(num_bits): assert (num_bits in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS ), f"Unsupported num_bits = {num_bits}" return 32 // num_bits def marlin_permute_scales(s, size_k, size_n, group_size, num_bits): scale_perm, scale_perm_single = get_scale_perms(num_bits) if group_size < size_k and group_size != -1: s = s.reshape((-1, len(scale_perm)))[:, scale_perm] else: s = s.reshape((-1, len(scale_perm_single)))[:, scale_perm_single] s = s.reshape((-1, size_n)).contiguous() return s class GPTQMarlinConfig(QuantizationConfig): """Config class for GPTQ Marlin""" def __init__(self, weight_bits: int, group_size: int, desc_act: bool, is_sym: bool) -> None: if desc_act and group_size == -1: # In this case, act_order == True is the same as act_order == False # (since we have only one group per output channel) desc_act = False self.weight_bits = weight_bits self.group_size = group_size self.desc_act = desc_act self.is_sym = is_sym # Verify if self.weight_bits not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS: raise ValueError( f"Marlin does not support weight_bits = {self.weight_bits}. " f"Only weight_bits = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS} " "are supported.") if self.group_size not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES: raise ValueError( f"Marlin does not support group_size = {self.group_size}. " f"Only group_sizes = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES} " "are supported.") if self.is_sym not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM: raise ValueError( f"Marlin does not support is_sym = {self.is_sym}. " f"Only sym = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM} are supported.") # Init self.pack_factor = get_pack_factor(weight_bits) self.tile_size = GPTQ_MARLIN_TILE self.min_thread_n = GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_N self.min_thread_k = GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_K self.max_parallel = GPTQ_MARLIN_MAX_PARALLEL def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f"GPTQMarlinConfig(weight_bits={self.weight_bits}, " f"group_size={self.group_size}, " f"desc_act={self.desc_act})") @classmethod def get_name(cls) -> str: return "gptq_marlin" @classmethod def get_supported_act_dtypes(cls) -> List[torch.dtype]: return [torch.half, torch.bfloat16] @classmethod def get_min_capability(cls) -> int: return 80 @classmethod def get_config_filenames(cls) -> List[str]: return ["quantize_config.json"] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "GPTQMarlinConfig": weight_bits = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["bits"]) group_size = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["group_size"]) desc_act = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["desc_act"]) is_sym = cls.get_from_keys(config, ["sym"]) return cls(weight_bits, group_size, desc_act, is_sym) @classmethod def override_quantization_method(cls, hf_quant_cfg, user_quant) -> Optional[str]: can_convert = cls.is_marlin_compatible(hf_quant_cfg) is_valid_user_quant = (user_quant is None or user_quant == "marlin") if can_convert and is_valid_user_quant: msg = ("The model is convertible to {} during runtime." " Using {} kernel.".format(cls.get_name(), cls.get_name())) return cls.get_name() if can_convert and user_quant == "gptq":"Detected that the model can run with gptq_marlin" ", however you specified quantization=gptq explicitly," " so forcing gptq. Use quantization=gptq_marlin for" " faster inference") return None def get_quant_method( self, layer: torch.nn.Module) -> Optional["GPTQMarlinLinearMethod"]: if isinstance(layer, LinearBase): return GPTQMarlinLinearMethod(self) return None def get_scaled_act_names(self) -> List[str]: return [] @classmethod def is_marlin_compatible(cls, quant_config: Dict[str, Any]): # Extract data from quant config. num_bits = quant_config.get("bits", None) group_size = quant_config.get("group_size", None) sym = quant_config.get("sym", None) desc_act = quant_config.get("desc_act", None) # If we cannot find the info needed in the config, cannot convert. if (num_bits is None or group_size is None or sym is None or desc_act is None): return False # If the capability of the device is too low, cannot convert. major, minor = torch.cuda.get_device_capability() device_capability = major * 10 + minor if device_capability < cls.get_min_capability(): return False # Otherwise, can convert if model satisfies marlin constraints. return (num_bits in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS and group_size in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES and sym in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM) class GPTQMarlinState(Enum): REPACK = READY = class GPTQMarlinLinearMethod(LinearMethodBase): """Linear method for GPTQ Marlin. Args: quant_config: The GPTQ Marlin quantization config. """ def __init__(self, quant_config: GPTQMarlinConfig) -> None: self.quant_config = quant_config def create_weights( self, layer: torch.nn.Module, input_size_per_partition: int, output_partition_sizes: List[int], input_size: int, output_size: int, params_dtype: torch.dtype, **extra_weight_attrs, ) -> None: del output_size # Normalize group_size if self.quant_config.group_size != -1: group_size = self.quant_config.group_size else: group_size = input_size # Validate dtype if params_dtype not in [torch.float16, torch.bfloat16]: raise ValueError(f"The params dtype must be float16 " f"or bfloat16, but got {params_dtype}") # Validate output_size_per_partition output_size_per_partition = sum(output_partition_sizes) if output_size_per_partition % self.quant_config.min_thread_n != 0: raise ValueError( f"Weight output_size_per_partition = " f"{output_size_per_partition} is not divisible by " f" min_thread_n = {self.quant_config.min_thread_n}.") # Validate input_size_per_partition if input_size_per_partition % self.quant_config.min_thread_k != 0: raise ValueError( f"Weight input_size_per_partition = " f"{input_size_per_partition} is not divisible " f"by min_thread_k = {self.quant_config.min_thread_k}.") if (group_size < input_size and input_size_per_partition % group_size != 0): raise ValueError( f"Weight input_size_per_partition = {input_size_per_partition}" f" is not divisible by group_size = {group_size}.") # Detect sharding of scales/zp # By default, no sharding over "input dim" scales_and_zp_size = input_size // group_size scales_and_zp_input_dim = None if self.quant_config.desc_act: # Act-order case assert self.quant_config.group_size != -1 is_k_full = input_size_per_partition == input_size else: # No act-order case # K is always full due to full alignment with # group-size and shard of scales/zp is_k_full = True # If this is a row-parallel case, then shard scales/zp if (input_size != input_size_per_partition and self.quant_config.group_size != -1): scales_and_zp_size = input_size_per_partition // group_size scales_and_zp_input_dim = 0 # Init buffers # Quantized weights qweight = Parameter( torch.empty( input_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.pack_factor, output_size_per_partition, dtype=torch.int32, ), requires_grad=False, ) set_weight_attrs( qweight, { **extra_weight_attrs, "input_dim": 0, "output_dim": 1, "packed_dim": 0, "pack_factor": self.quant_config.pack_factor, }) # Activation order g_idx = Parameter( torch.empty( input_size_per_partition, dtype=torch.int32, ), requires_grad=False, ) # Ignore warning from fused linear layers such as QKVParallelLinear. set_weight_attrs(g_idx, { **extra_weight_attrs, "input_dim": 0, "ignore_warning": True }) g_idx_sort_indices = torch.empty( g_idx.shape, dtype=torch.int32, ) # Scales scales = Parameter( torch.empty( scales_and_zp_size, output_size_per_partition, dtype=params_dtype, ), requires_grad=False, ) set_weight_attrs( scales, { **extra_weight_attrs, "input_dim": scales_and_zp_input_dim, "output_dim": 1, }) # Quantized zero-points qzeros = Parameter( torch.empty(scales_and_zp_size, output_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.pack_factor, dtype=torch.int32, device="meta"), requires_grad=False, ) set_weight_attrs( qzeros, { **extra_weight_attrs, "input_dim": scales_and_zp_input_dim, "output_dim": 1, "packed_dim": 1, "pack_factor": self.quant_config.pack_factor, }) # Allocate marlin workspace max_workspace_size = ( output_size_per_partition // self.quant_config.min_thread_n) * self.quant_config.max_parallel workspace = torch.zeros(max_workspace_size,, requires_grad=False) layer.register_parameter("qweight", qweight) layer.register_parameter("g_idx", g_idx) layer.register_parameter("scales", scales) layer.register_parameter("qzeros", qzeros) layer.g_idx_sort_indices = g_idx_sort_indices layer.workspace = workspace layer.input_size_per_partition = input_size_per_partition layer.output_size_per_partition = output_size_per_partition layer.input_size = input_size layer.is_k_full = is_k_full layer.marlin_state = GPTQMarlinState.REPACK def apply( self, layer: torch.nn.Module, x: torch.Tensor, bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: reshaped_x = x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]) size_m = reshaped_x.shape[0] part_size_n = layer.output_size_per_partition part_size_k = layer.input_size_per_partition full_size_k = layer.input_size out_shape = x.shape[:-1] + (part_size_n, ) if layer.marlin_state == GPTQMarlinState.REPACK: layer.marlin_state = GPTQMarlinState.READY # Newly generated tensors need to replace existing tensors that are # already registered as parameters by Aphrodite (and won't be # freed) def replace_tensor(name, new_t): # It is important to use resize_() here since it ensures # the same buffer is reused getattr(layer, name).resize_(new_t.shape) getattr(layer, name).copy_(new_t) del new_t cur_device = layer.qweight.device # Process act_order if self.quant_config.desc_act: # Get sorting based on g_idx g_idx_sort_indices = torch.argsort(layer.g_idx).to( sorted_g_idx = layer.g_idx[g_idx_sort_indices] replace_tensor("g_idx", sorted_g_idx) replace_tensor("g_idx_sort_indices", g_idx_sort_indices) else: # Reset g_idx related tensors layer.g_idx = Parameter(torch.empty(0,, device=cur_device), requires_grad=False) layer.g_idx_sort_indices = Parameter(torch.empty( 0,, device=cur_device), requires_grad=False) # Repack weights marlin_qweight = ops.gptq_marlin_repack( layer.qweight, layer.g_idx_sort_indices, part_size_k, part_size_n, self.quant_config.weight_bits, ) replace_tensor("qweight", marlin_qweight) # Permute scales scales_size_k = part_size_k scales_size_n = part_size_n if self.quant_config.desc_act: scales_size_k = full_size_k marlin_scales = marlin_permute_scales( layer.scales, scales_size_k, scales_size_n, self.quant_config.group_size, self.quant_config.weight_bits, ) replace_tensor("scales", marlin_scales) output = ops.gptq_marlin_gemm( reshaped_x, layer.qweight, layer.scales, layer.g_idx, layer.g_idx_sort_indices, layer.workspace, self.quant_config.weight_bits, size_m, part_size_n, part_size_k, layer.is_k_full, ) if bias is not None: output.add_(bias) # In-place add return output.reshape(out_shape)