#include #include #include #include #include "cuda_compat.h" #include "dispatch_utils.h" #include "../../reduction.cuh" #ifndef USE_ROCM using FP8_TYPE = c10::Float8_e4m3fn; C10_HOST_DEVICE constexpr auto FP8_E4M3_MAX = std::numeric_limits::max(); #else #include "amd/hip_float8.h" using FP8_TYPE = c10::Float8_e4m3fnuz; // Using the default max value from pytorch (240.0) will cause accuracy // issue when running dynamic quantization. Here use 224.0f for rocm. constexpr auto FP8_E4M3_MAX = 224.0f; #endif namespace aphrodite { __device__ __forceinline__ float atomicMaxFloat(float* addr, float value) { float old; old = (value >= 0) ? __int_as_float(atomicMax((int*)addr, __float_as_int(value))) : __uint_as_float( atomicMin((unsigned int*)addr, __float_as_uint(value))); return old; } template __device__ __forceinline__ FP8_TYPE scaled_fp8_conversion(float const val, float const scale) { float x = 0.0f; if constexpr (is_scale_inverted) { x = val * scale; } else { x = val / scale; } float r = fmax(-FP8_E4M3_MAX, fmin(x, FP8_E4M3_MAX)); #ifndef USE_ROCM return static_cast(r); #else // Use hardware cvt instruction for fp8 on rocm return c10::Float8_e4m3fnuz(hip_fp8(r).data, c10::Float8_e4m3fnuz::from_bits()); #endif } // Compute the absolute maximum m of the input tensor and store // m / float8_e4m3::max() in *scale. Each thread block performs a // reduction tree and the memory in scale is atomically updated. // So to get the right answer, *scale needs to be initialized to // a value <= 0.0 and we need to wait for all thread blocks to // finish before consuming *scale. template __global__ void segmented_max_reduction(float* __restrict__ scale, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, int64_t num_elems) { __shared__ float cache[1024]; int64_t i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // First store maximum for all values processes by // the current thread in cache[threadIdx.x] scalar_t tmp = 0.0; while (i < num_elems) { float x = static_cast(input[i]); tmp = max(tmp, fabs(x)); i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x; } cache[threadIdx.x] = tmp; __syncthreads(); // Now perform parallel reduction within the thread block int ib = blockDim.x / 2; while (ib != 0) { if (threadIdx.x < ib && cache[threadIdx.x + ib] > cache[threadIdx.x]) { cache[threadIdx.x] = cache[threadIdx.x + ib]; } __syncthreads(); ib /= 2; } // Finally, since cache[0] contains the maximum for this thread block, // atomically write the max to the target location if (threadIdx.x == 0) { atomicMaxFloat(scale, cache[0] / FP8_E4M3_MAX); } } template struct __align__(8) vec4_t { scalar_t x; scalar_t y; scalar_t z; scalar_t w; }; typedef struct __align__(4) { FP8_TYPE x; FP8_TYPE y; FP8_TYPE z; FP8_TYPE w; } float8x4_t; template __device__ float thread_max_vec(scalar_t const* __restrict__ input, int64_t const num_elems, int const tid, int const step) { // Vectorized input/output to better utilize memory bandwidth. vec4_t const* vectorized_in = reinterpret_cast const*>(input); int64_t const num_vec_elems = num_elems >> 2; float absmax_val = 0.0f; #pragma unroll 4 for (int64_t i = tid; i < num_vec_elems; i += step) { vec4_t in_vec = vectorized_in[i]; absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(in_vec.x)); absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(in_vec.y)); absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(in_vec.z)); absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(in_vec.w)); } // Handle the remaining elements if num_elems is not divisible by 4 for (int64_t i = num_vec_elems * 4 + tid; i < num_elems; i += step) { absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(input[i])); } return absmax_val; } template __device__ void scaled_fp8_conversion_vec(FP8_TYPE* __restrict__ out, scalar_t const* __restrict__ input, float const scale, int64_t const num_elems, int const tid, int const step) { // Vectorized input/output to better utilize memory bandwidth. vec4_t const* vectorized_in = reinterpret_cast const*>(input); float8x4_t* vectorized_out = reinterpret_cast(out); int64_t const num_vec_elems = num_elems >> 2; #pragma unroll 4 for (int64_t i = tid; i < num_vec_elems; i += step) { vec4_t in_vec = vectorized_in[i]; float8x4_t out_vec; out_vec.x = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(in_vec.x), scale); out_vec.y = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(in_vec.y), scale); out_vec.z = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(in_vec.z), scale); out_vec.w = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(in_vec.w), scale); vectorized_out[i] = out_vec; } // Handle the remaining elements if num_elems is not divisible by 4 for (int64_t i = num_vec_elems * 4 + tid; i < num_elems; i += step) { out[i] = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(input[i]), scale); } } template __global__ void scaled_fp8_quant_kernel(FP8_TYPE* __restrict__ out, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const float* __restrict__ scale, int64_t num_elems) { int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // Invert the scale so that we can use multiplications to avoid expensive // division. const float inverted_scale = 1.0f / (*scale); scaled_fp8_conversion_vec( out, input, inverted_scale, num_elems, tid, blockDim.x * gridDim.x); } template __global__ void dynamic_per_token_scaled_fp8_quant_kernel( FP8_TYPE* __restrict__ out, float* __restrict__ scale, scalar_t const* __restrict__ input, float const* __restrict__ scale_ub, const int hidden_size) { float const min_scaling_factor = 1.0f / (FP8_E4M3_MAX * 512.f); int const tid = threadIdx.x; int const token_idx = blockIdx.x; scalar_t const* __restrict__ token_input = &input[token_idx * hidden_size]; FP8_TYPE* __restrict__ token_output = &out[token_idx * hidden_size]; // For vectorization, token_input and token_output pointers need to be // aligned at 8-byte and 4-byte addresses respectively. bool const can_vectorize = hidden_size % 4 == 0; float absmax_val = 0.0f; if (can_vectorize) { absmax_val = thread_max_vec(token_input, hidden_size, tid, blockDim.x); } else { for (int i = tid; i < hidden_size; i += blockDim.x) { float const x = static_cast(token_input[i]); absmax_val = max(absmax_val, fabs(x)); } } float const block_absmax_val_maybe = blockReduceMax(absmax_val); __shared__ float token_scale; if (tid == 0) { if (scale_ub) { token_scale = min(block_absmax_val_maybe, *scale_ub); } else { token_scale = block_absmax_val_maybe; } // token scale computation token_scale = max(token_scale / FP8_E4M3_MAX, min_scaling_factor); scale[token_idx] = token_scale; } __syncthreads(); // Note that we don't use inverted scales so we can match FBGemm impl. if (can_vectorize) { scaled_fp8_conversion_vec( token_output, token_input, token_scale, hidden_size, tid, blockDim.x); } else { for (int i = tid; i < hidden_size; i += blockDim.x) { token_output[i] = scaled_fp8_conversion( static_cast(token_input[i]), token_scale); } } } } // namespace aphrodite void static_scaled_fp8_quant(torch::Tensor& out, // [..., d] torch::Tensor const& input, // [..., d] torch::Tensor const& scale) // [1] { int64_t num_tokens = input.numel() / input.size(-1); int64_t num_elems = input.numel(); dim3 grid(num_tokens); dim3 block(1024); const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input)); const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); APHRODITE_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES( input.scalar_type(), "scaled_fp8_quant_kernel", [&] { aphrodite::scaled_fp8_quant_kernel <<>>(out.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), scale.data_ptr(), num_elems); }); } void dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant(torch::Tensor& out, // [..., d] torch::Tensor const& input, // [..., d] torch::Tensor& scale) // [1] { int64_t num_tokens = input.numel() / input.size(-1); int64_t num_elems = input.numel(); dim3 grid(num_tokens); dim3 block(1024); const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input)); const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); APHRODITE_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES( input.scalar_type(), "scaled_fp8_quant_kernel", [&] { aphrodite::segmented_max_reduction <<>>(scale.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), num_elems); aphrodite::scaled_fp8_quant_kernel <<>>(out.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), scale.data_ptr(), num_elems); }); } void dynamic_per_token_scaled_fp8_quant( torch::Tensor& out, // [..., d] torch::Tensor const& input, // [..., d] torch::Tensor& scales, std::optional const& scale_ub) { TORCH_CHECK(input.is_contiguous()); TORCH_CHECK(out.is_contiguous()); int const hidden_size = input.size(-1); int const num_tokens = input.numel() / hidden_size; dim3 const grid(num_tokens); dim3 const block(std::min(hidden_size, 1024)); const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input)); const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); APHRODITE_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES( input.scalar_type(), "dynamic_per_token_scaled_fp8_quant_kernel", [&] { aphrodite::dynamic_per_token_scaled_fp8_quant_kernel <<>>( out.data_ptr(), scales.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), scale_ub.has_value() ? scale_ub->data_ptr() : nullptr, hidden_size); }); }