cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.26) project(aphrodite_extensions LANGUAGES CXX) # CUDA by default, can be overridden by using -DAPHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE=... (used by set(APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE "cuda" CACHE STRING "Target device backend for Aphrodite") message(STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") message(STATUS "Target device: ${APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE}") include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/utils.cmake) # Suppress potential warnings about unused manually-specified variables set(ignoreMe "${APHRODITE_PYTHON_PATH}") # # Supported python versions. These versions will be searched in order, the # first match will be selected. These should be kept in sync with # set(PYTHON_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS "3.8" "3.9" "3.10" "3.11" "3.12") # Supported NVIDIA architectures. set(CUDA_SUPPORTED_ARCHS "6.0;6.1;7.0;7.5;8.0;8.6;8.9;9.0") # Supported AMD GPU architectures. set(HIP_SUPPORTED_ARCHS "gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101") # # Supported/expected torch versions for CUDA/ROCm. # # Currently, having an incorrect pytorch version results in a warning # rather than an error. # # Note: the CUDA torch version is derived from pyproject.toml and various # requirements.txt files and should be kept consistent. The ROCm torch # versions are derived from Dockerfile.rocm # set(TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_CUDA "2.4.0") set(TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_ROCM "2.5.0") # # Try to find python package with an executable that exactly matches # `APHRODITE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` and is one of the supported versions. # if (APHRODITE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) find_python_from_executable(${APHRODITE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "${PYTHON_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Please set APHRODITE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to the path of the desired python version" " before running cmake configure.") endif() # # Update cmake's `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` with torch location. # append_cmake_prefix_path("torch" "torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path") # Ensure the 'nvcc' command is in the PATH find_program(NVCC_EXECUTABLE nvcc) if (CUDA_FOUND AND NOT NVCC_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "nvcc not found") endif() # # Import torch cmake configuration. # Torch also imports CUDA (and partially HIP) languages with some customizations, # so there is no need to do this explicitly with check_language/enable_language, # etc. # find_package(Torch REQUIRED) if(MSVC) find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED) # Add cuBLAS to the list of libraries to link against list(APPEND LIBS CUDA::cublas) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # Replace -std=c++20 with -std=c++17 in APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "CUDA") list(APPEND APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS "--std=c++17" "-Xcompiler -Wno-return-type") endif() endif() # # Add the `default` target which detects which extensions should be # built based on platform/architecture. This is the same logic that # uses to select which extensions should be built and should # be kept in sync. # # The `default` target makes direct use of cmake easier since knowledge # of which extensions are supported has been factored in, e.g. # # mkdir build && cd build # cmake -G Ninja -DAPHRODITE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python3` -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=../aphrodite .. # cmake --build . --target default # add_custom_target(default) message(STATUS "Enabling core extension.") # Define _core_C extension # built for (almost) every target platform, (excludes TPU and Neuron) set(APHRODITE_EXT_SRC "kernels/core/torch_bindings.cpp") define_gpu_extension_target( _core_C DESTINATION aphrodite LANGUAGE CXX SOURCES ${APHRODITE_EXT_SRC} COMPILE_FLAGS ${CXX_COMPILE_FLAGS} USE_SABI 3 WITH_SOABI) add_dependencies(default _core_C) # # Forward the non-CUDA device extensions to external CMake scripts. # if (NOT APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE STREQUAL "cuda" AND NOT APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE STREQUAL "rocm") if (APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE STREQUAL "cpu") include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/cpu_extension.cmake) else() return() endif() return() endif() # # Set up GPU language and check the torch version and warn if it isn't # what is expected. # if (NOT HIP_FOUND AND CUDA_FOUND) set(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG "CUDA") if (NOT Torch_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL ${TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_CUDA}) message(WARNING "Pytorch version ${TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_CUDA} " "expected for CUDA build, saw ${Torch_VERSION} instead.") endif() elseif(HIP_FOUND) set(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG "HIP") # Importing torch recognizes and sets up some HIP/ROCm configuration but does # not let cmake recognize .hip files. In order to get cmake to understand the # .hip extension automatically, HIP must be enabled explicitly. enable_language(HIP) # ROCm 5.X and 6.X if (ROCM_VERSION_DEV_MAJOR GREATER_EQUAL 5 AND NOT Torch_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL ${TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_ROCM}) message(WARNING "Pytorch version >= ${TORCH_SUPPORTED_VERSION_ROCM} " "expected for ROCm build, saw ${Torch_VERSION} instead.") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find CUDA or HIP installation.") endif() # # Override the GPU architectures detected by cmake/torch and filter them by # the supported versions for the current language. # The final set of arches is stored in `APHRODITE_GPU_ARCHES`. # override_gpu_arches(APHRODITE_GPU_ARCHES ${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG} "${${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG}_SUPPORTED_ARCHS}") # # Query torch for additional GPU compilation flags for the given # `APHRODITE_GPU_LANG`. # The final set of arches is stored in `APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS`. # get_torch_gpu_compiler_flags(APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS ${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG}) # # Set nvcc parallelism. # if(NVCC_THREADS AND APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "CUDA") list(APPEND APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS "--threads=${NVCC_THREADS}") endif() # # Define other extension targets # # # _C extension # set(APHRODITE_EXT_SRC "kernels/" "kernels/attention/" "kernels/" "kernels/" "kernels/" "kernels/quantization/squeezellm/" "kernels/quantization/gptq/" "kernels/quantization/compressed_tensors/" "kernels/quantization/fp8/" "kernels/" "kernels/moe/" "kernels/prepare_inputs/" "kernels/torch_bindings.cpp") if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "CUDA") list(APPEND APHRODITE_EXT_SRC "kernels/quantization/fp6/" "kernels/mamba/mamba_ssm/" "kernels/mamba/causal_conv1d/" "kernels/quantization/aqlm/" "kernels/quantization/awq/" "kernels/quantization/quip/" "kernels/quantization/gptq_marlin/" "kernels/quantization/gptq_marlin/" "kernels/quantization/marlin/dense/" "kernels/quantization/marlin/sparse/" "kernels/quantization/marlin/qqq/" "kernels/quantization/gguf/" "kernels/quantization/gptq_marlin/" "kernels/quantization/fp8/" "kernels/all_reduce/" "kernels/" "kernels/sampling/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" "kernels/flash_attn/" ) if(NOT MSVC) # Include CUTLASS only when needed include(FetchContent) SET(CUTLASS_ENABLE_HEADERS_ONLY=ON) FetchContent_Declare( cutlass GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG v3.5.1 GIT_PROGRESS TRUE # Speed up CUTLASS download by retrieving only the specified GIT_TAG instead of the history. # Important: If GIT_SHALLOW is enabled then GIT_TAG works only with branch names and tags. # So if the GIT_TAG above is updated to a commit hash, GIT_SHALLOW must be set to FALSE GIT_SHALLOW TRUE ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(cutlass) list(APPEND APHRODITE_EXT_SRC "kernels/quantization/cutlass_w8a8/" "kernels/quantization/cutlass_w8a8/" "kernels/quantization/cutlass_w8a8/") # Enable sm90a for Hopper CUTLASS kernels when using newer CUDA if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER 12.0) set_source_files_properties( "kernels/quantization/cutlass_w8a8/" "kernels/quantization/cutlass_w8a8/" PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-gencode arch=compute_90a,code=sm_90a -Wno-psabi") endif() endif() # # Machete kernels # The machete kernels only work on hopper and require CUDA 12.0 or later. if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER 12.0) # # For the Machete kernels we automatically generate sources for various # preselected input type pairs and schedules. # Generate sources: execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env PYTHONPATH=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/kernels/cutlass_extensions/:${CUTLASS_DIR}/python/:${APHRODITE_PYTHON_PATH}:$PYTHONPATH ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/kernels/quantization/machete/ RESULT_VARIABLE machete_generation_result OUTPUT_VARIABLE machete_generation_output OUTPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/machete_generation.log ERROR_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/machete_generation.log ) if (NOT machete_generation_result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Machete generation failed." " Result: \"${machete_generation_result}\"" "\nCheck the log for details: " "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/machete_generation.log") else() message(STATUS "Machete generation completed successfully.") endif() # Add machete generated sources file(GLOB MACHETE_GEN_SOURCES "kernels/quantization/machete/generated/*.cu") list(APPEND APHRODITE_EXT_SRC ${MACHETE_GEN_SOURCES}) message(STATUS "Machete generated sources: ${MACHETE_GEN_SOURCES}") set_source_files_properties( ${MACHETE_GEN_SOURCES} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-gencode arch=compute_90a,code=sm_90a") endif() # Add pytorch binding for machete (add on even CUDA < 12.0 so that we can # raise an error if the user that this was built with an incompatible # CUDA version) list(APPEND APHRODITE_EXT_SRC kernels/quantization/machete/ endif() define_gpu_extension_target( _C DESTINATION aphrodite LANGUAGE ${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG} SOURCES ${APHRODITE_EXT_SRC} COMPILE_FLAGS ${APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS} ARCHITECTURES ${APHRODITE_GPU_ARCHES} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${CUTLASS_INCLUDE_DIR} LIBRARIES ${LIBS} USE_SABI 3 WITH_SOABI) # If CUTLASS is compiled on NVCC >= 12.5, it by default uses # cudaGetDriverEntryPointByVersion as a wrapper to avoid directly calling the # driver API. This causes problems when linking with earlier versions of CUDA. # Setting this variable sidesteps the issue by calling the driver directly. target_compile_definitions(_C PRIVATE CUTLASS_ENABLE_DIRECT_CUDA_DRIVER_CALL=1) # # _moe_C extension # set(APHRODITE_MOE_EXT_SRC "kernels/moe/torch_bindings.cpp" "kernels/moe/") if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "CUDA") list(APPEND APHRODITE_MOE_EXT_SRC "kernels/moe/") endif() define_gpu_extension_target( _moe_C DESTINATION aphrodite LANGUAGE ${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG} SOURCES ${APHRODITE_MOE_EXT_SRC} COMPILE_FLAGS ${APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS} ARCHITECTURES ${APHRODITE_GPU_ARCHES} USE_SABI 3 WITH_SOABI) if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "HIP") # # _rocm_C extension # set(APHRODITE_ROCM_EXT_SRC "kernels/rocm/torch_bindings.cpp" "kernels/rocm/") define_gpu_extension_target( _rocm_C DESTINATION aphrodite LANGUAGE ${APHRODITE_GPU_LANG} SOURCES ${APHRODITE_ROCM_EXT_SRC} COMPILE_FLAGS ${APHRODITE_GPU_FLAGS} ARCHITECTURES ${APHRODITE_GPU_ARCHES} USE_SABI 3 WITH_SOABI) endif() if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "CUDA" OR APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "HIP") message(STATUS "Enabling C extension.") add_dependencies(default _C) message(STATUS "Enabling moe extension.") add_dependencies(default _moe_C) endif() if(APHRODITE_GPU_LANG STREQUAL "HIP") message(STATUS "Enabling rocm extension.") add_dependencies(default _rocm_C) endif()