/* * Adapted from https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM/blob/v0.7.1/cpp/tensorrt_llm/kernels/mixtureOfExperts/moe_kernels.cu * Copyright (c) 2024, The PygmalionAI team. * Copyright (c) 2024, The vLLM team. * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../cuda_compat.h" namespace aphrodite { namespace moe { static constexpr int WARP_SIZE = 32; // Aligned array type template class alignas(Alignment) AlignedArray { float data[N]; }; // We have our own implementation of softmax here so we can support transposing the output // in the softmax kernel when we extend this module to support expert-choice routing. template __launch_bounds__(TPB) __global__ void moeSoftmax(const float* input, const bool* finished, float* output, const int num_cols) { using BlockReduce = cub::BlockReduce; __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage tmpStorage; __shared__ float normalizing_factor; __shared__ float float_max; const int thread_row_offset = blockIdx.x * num_cols; cub::Sum sum; float threadData(-FLT_MAX); // Don't touch finished rows. if ((finished != nullptr) && finished[blockIdx.x]) { return; } for (int ii = threadIdx.x; ii < num_cols; ii += TPB) { const int idx = thread_row_offset + ii; threadData = max(static_cast(input[idx]), threadData); } const float maxElem = BlockReduce(tmpStorage).Reduce(threadData, cub::Max()); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { float_max = maxElem; } __syncthreads(); threadData = 0; for (int ii = threadIdx.x; ii < num_cols; ii += TPB) { const int idx = thread_row_offset + ii; threadData += exp((static_cast(input[idx]) - float_max)); } const auto Z = BlockReduce(tmpStorage).Reduce(threadData, sum); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { normalizing_factor = 1.f / Z; } __syncthreads(); for (int ii = threadIdx.x; ii < num_cols; ii += TPB) { const int idx = thread_row_offset + ii; const float val = exp((static_cast(input[idx]) - float_max)) * normalizing_factor; output[idx] = val; } } template __launch_bounds__(TPB) __global__ void moeTopK(const float* inputs_after_softmax, const bool* finished, float* output, int* indices, int* source_rows, const int num_experts, const int k, const int start_expert, const int end_expert) { using cub_kvp = cub::KeyValuePair; using BlockReduce = cub::BlockReduce; __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage tmpStorage; cub_kvp thread_kvp; cub::ArgMax arg_max; const int num_rows = gridDim.x; const int block_row = blockIdx.x; const bool row_is_active = finished ? !finished[block_row] : true; const int thread_read_offset = blockIdx.x * num_experts; for (int k_idx = 0; k_idx < k; ++k_idx) { thread_kvp.key = 0; thread_kvp.value = -1.f; // This is OK because inputs are probabilities cub_kvp inp_kvp; for (int expert = threadIdx.x; expert < num_experts; expert += TPB) { const int idx = thread_read_offset + expert; inp_kvp.key = expert; inp_kvp.value = inputs_after_softmax[idx]; for (int prior_k = 0; prior_k < k_idx; ++prior_k) { const int prior_winning_expert = indices[k * block_row + prior_k]; if (prior_winning_expert == expert) { inp_kvp = thread_kvp; } } thread_kvp = arg_max(inp_kvp, thread_kvp); } const cub_kvp result_kvp = BlockReduce(tmpStorage).Reduce(thread_kvp, arg_max); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { // Ignore experts the node isn't responsible for with expert parallelism const int expert = result_kvp.key; const bool node_uses_expert = expert >= start_expert && expert < end_expert; const bool should_process_row = row_is_active && node_uses_expert; const int idx = k * block_row + k_idx; output[idx] = result_kvp.value; indices[idx] = should_process_row ? (expert - start_expert) : num_experts; assert(indices[idx] >= 0); source_rows[idx] = k_idx * num_rows + block_row; } __syncthreads(); } } // Top-K template __launch_bounds__(WARPS_PER_CTA* WARP_SIZE) __global__ void topkGatingSoftmax(const float* input, const bool* finished, float* output, const int num_rows, int* indices, int* source_rows, const int k, const int start_expert, const int end_expert) { // We begin by enforcing compile time assertions and setting up compile time constants. static_assert(VPT == (VPT & -VPT), "VPT must be power of 2"); static_assert(NUM_EXPERTS == (NUM_EXPERTS & -NUM_EXPERTS), "NUM_EXPERTS must be power of 2"); static_assert(BYTES_PER_LDG == (BYTES_PER_LDG & -BYTES_PER_LDG), "BYTES_PER_LDG must be power of 2"); static_assert(BYTES_PER_LDG <= 16, "BYTES_PER_LDG must be leq 16"); // Number of bytes each thread pulls in per load static constexpr int ELTS_PER_LDG = BYTES_PER_LDG / sizeof(float); static constexpr int ELTS_PER_ROW = NUM_EXPERTS; static constexpr int THREADS_PER_ROW = ELTS_PER_ROW / VPT; static constexpr int LDG_PER_THREAD = VPT / ELTS_PER_LDG; // more compile-time assertions based on the previous section static_assert(VPT % ELTS_PER_LDG == 0, "The elements per thread must be a multiple of the elements per ldg"); static_assert(WARP_SIZE % THREADS_PER_ROW == 0, "The threads per row must cleanly divide the threads per warp"); static_assert(THREADS_PER_ROW == (THREADS_PER_ROW & -THREADS_PER_ROW), "THREADS_PER_ROW must be power of 2"); static_assert(THREADS_PER_ROW <= WARP_SIZE, "THREADS_PER_ROW can be at most warp size"); static constexpr int ELTS_PER_WARP = WARP_SIZE * VPT; static constexpr int ROWS_PER_WARP = ELTS_PER_WARP / ELTS_PER_ROW; static constexpr int ROWS_PER_CTA = WARPS_PER_CTA * ROWS_PER_WARP; static_assert(ELTS_PER_WARP % ELTS_PER_ROW == 0, "The elts per row must cleanly divide the total elts per warp"); // let's finally compute runtime variables // compute CTA and warp rows. we pack multiple rows into a single warp, and a block contains WARPS_PER_CTA warps. // each block processes a chunk of rows. Start by computing the start row for each block. const int cta_base_row = blockIdx.x * ROWS_PER_CTA; // now, using the base row per thread block, compute the base row per warp const int warp_base_row = cta_base_row + threadIdx.y * ROWS_PER_WARP; // the threads in a warp are split into sub-groups that will work in a row. // compute row offset for each thread sub-group const int thread_row_in_warp = threadIdx.x / THREADS_PER_ROW; const int thread_row = warp_base_row + thread_row_in_warp; // threads with indices out of bounds should early exit here if (thread_row >= num_rows) { return; } const bool row_is_active = finished ? !finished[thread_row] : true; // finally start setting up the read pointers for each thread. // first, each thread jumps to the start of the row it'll read const float* thread_row_ptr = input + thread_row * ELTS_PER_ROW; // now we compute the group each thread belongs to in order to determine the // first column to start loads const int thread_group_idx = threadIdx.x % THREADS_PER_ROW; const int first_elt_read_by_thread = thread_group_idx * ELTS_PER_LDG; const float* thread_read_ptr = thread_row_ptr + first_elt_read_by_thread; // determine the pointer type to use to read in the data depending on the // BYTES_PER_LDG template parameter // this should support all powers of 2 up to 16 // NOTE: the original TensorRT-LLM implementation uses CUTLASS aligned arrays here // we define our own aligned array and use it here to avoid using CUTLASS using AccessType = AlignedArray; // finally, we put in the data from global memory float row_chunk[VPT]; AccessType* row_chunk_vec_ptr = reinterpret_cast(row_chunk); const AccessType* vec_thread_read_ptr = reinterpret_cast(thread_read_ptr); #pragma unroll for (int ii = 0; ii < LDG_PER_THREAD; ++ii) { row_chunk_vec_ptr[ii] = vec_thread_read_ptr[ii * THREADS_PER_ROW]; } // first, we perform a max reduce within the thread. we can do the max in fp16 // safely ( i think) and just convert to float afterwards for the exp + sum reduction float thread_max = row_chunk[0]; #pragma unroll for (int ii = 1; ii < VPT; ++ii) { thread_max = max(thread_max, row_chunk[ii]); } // now, we find the max within the thread group and distribute among the threads. we use the butterfly // all-reduce algorithm #pragma unroll for (int mask = THREADS_PER_ROW / 2; mask > 0; mask /= 2) { thread_max = max(thread_max, __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, thread_max, mask, THREADS_PER_ROW)); } // from this point, thread max in all the threads have the max within the row. // now, we subtract the max from each element in the thread and take the exp. // we also compute the thread local sum float row_sum = 0; #pragma unroll for (int ii = 0; ii < VPT; ++ii) { row_chunk[ii] = exp(row_chunk[ii] - thread_max); row_sum += row_chunk[ii]; } // now we perform a sum reduction within the thread group // we use the butterfly all-reduce algorithm #pragma unroll for (int mask = THREADS_PER_ROW / 2; mask > 0; mask /= 2) { row_sum += __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, row_sum, mask, THREADS_PER_ROW); } // from this point, all threads have the max and the sum for their rows in the // thread_max and thread_sum variables respectively // finally, we can scale the rows for the softmax. technically, for top-k gating // we don't need to compute the entire softmax row. we can likely look at the // maxes and only compute for the top-k values in the row. // this kernel will likely not be a bottleneck const float reciprocal_row_sum = 1.f / row_sum; #pragma unroll for (int ii = 0; ii < VPT; ++ii) { row_chunk[ii] = row_chunk[ii] * reciprocal_row_sum; } // now, softmax_res contains the softmax of the row chunk. now, let's find the // top-k elements in each row, along with the max index int start_col = first_elt_read_by_thread; static constexpr int COLS_PER_GROUP_LDG = ELTS_PER_LDG * THREADS_PER_ROW; for (int k_idx = 0; k_idx < k; ++k_idx) { // first each thread does the local argmax float max_val = row_chunk[0]; int expert = start_col; #pragma unroll for (int ldg = 0, col = start_col; ldg < LDG_PER_THREAD; ++ldg, col += COLS_PER_GROUP_LDG) { #pragma unroll for (int ii = 0; ii < ELTS_PER_LDG; ++ii) { float val = row_chunk[ldg * ELTS_PER_LDG + ii]; // no check on the experts here since columns with the smallest index are processed // first and only updated if > (not >=) if (val > max_val) { max_val = val; expert = col + ii; } } } // now pwe perform the argmax reduce. we use the butterfly pattern again so threads reach // consensus about the max. this will be useful for K > 1 so that the threads can agree on "who" // had the max value. that thread can then blank out their max with -inf and the warp can run // more iterations #pragma unroll for (int mask = THREADS_PER_ROW / 2; mask > 0; mask /= 2) { float other_max = __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, max_val, mask, THREADS_PER_ROW); int other_expert = __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, expert, mask, THREADS_PER_ROW); // we want lower indices to "win" in every thread so we break ties this way if (other_max > max_val || (other_max == max_val && other_expert < expert)) { max_val = other_max; expert = other_expert; } } // write the max for this k iteration to global memory if (thread_group_idx == 0) { // add a guard to ignore experts not included by this node const bool node_uses_expert = expert >= start_expert && expert < end_expert; const bool should_process_row = row_is_active && node_uses_expert; // this lead thread from each sub-group will write out the final results to global memory // (This will be a single) thread per row of the input/output matrices const int idx = k * thread_row + k_idx; output[idx] = max_val; indices[idx] = should_process_row ? (expert - start_expert) : NUM_EXPERTS; source_rows[idx] = k_idx * num_rows + thread_row; } // finally, we clear the value in the thread with the current max if there is another iteration // to run if (k_idx + 1 < k) { const int ldg_group_for_expert = expert / COLS_PER_GROUP_LDG; const int thread_to_clear_in_group = (expert / ELTS_PER_LDG) % THREADS_PER_ROW; // only the thread in the group which produced the max will reset the "winning" // value to -inf if (thread_group_idx == thread_to_clear_in_group) { const int offset_for_expert = expert % ELTS_PER_LDG; // safe to set to any negative value since row_chunk values must be between 0 and 1 row_chunk[ldg_group_for_expert * ELTS_PER_LDG + offset_for_expert] = -10000.f; } } } } namespace detail { // constructs some constants needed to partition the work across threads at compile time template struct TopkConstants { static constexpr int ELTS_PER_LDG = BYTES_PER_LDG / sizeof(float); static_assert(EXPERTS / (ELTS_PER_LDG * WARP_SIZE) == 0 || EXPERTS % (ELTS_PER_LDG * WARP_SIZE) == 0, ""); static constexpr int VECs_PER_THREAD = std::max(1, EXPERTS / (ELTS_PER_LDG * WARP_SIZE)); static constexpr int VPT = VECs_PER_THREAD * ELTS_PER_LDG; static constexpr int THREADS_PER_ROW = EXPERTS / VPT; static constexpr int ROWS_PER_WARP = WARP_SIZE / THREADS_PER_ROW; }; } // namespace detail template void topkGatingSoftmaxLauncherHelper( const float* input, const bool* finished, float* output, int* indices, int* source_row, const int num_rows, const int k, const int start_expert, const int end_expert, cudaStream_t stream) { static constexpr std::size_t MAX_BYTES_PER_LDG = 16; static constexpr int BYTES_PER_LDG = std::min(MAX_BYTES_PER_LDG, sizeof(float) * EXPERTS); using Constants = detail::TopkConstants; static constexpr int VPT = Constants::VPT; static constexpr int ROWS_PER_WARP = Constants::ROWS_PER_WARP; const int num_warps = (num_rows + ROWS_PER_WARP - 1) / ROWS_PER_WARP; const int num_blocks = (num_warps + WARPS_PER_TB - 1) / WARPS_PER_TB; dim3 block_dim(WARP_SIZE, WARPS_PER_TB); topkGatingSoftmax<<>>( input, finished, output, num_rows, indices, source_row, k, start_expert, end_expert); } #define LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(NUM_EXPERTS, WARPS_PER_TB) \ topkGatingSoftmaxLauncherHelper( \ gating_output, nullptr, topk_weights, topk_indices, \ token_expert_indices, num_tokens, topk, 0, num_experts, \ stream); void topkGatingSoftmaxKernelLauncher( const float* gating_output, float* topk_weights, int* topk_indices, int* token_expert_indices, float* softmax_workspace, const int num_tokens, const int num_experts, const int topk, cudaStream_t stream) { static constexpr int WARPS_PER_TB = 4; switch (num_experts) { case 1: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(1, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 2: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(2, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 4: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(4, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 8: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(8, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 16: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(16, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 32: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(32, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 64: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(64, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 128: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(128, WARPS_PER_TB); break; case 256: LAUNCH_SOFTMAX(256, WARPS_PER_TB); break; default: { TORCH_CHECK(softmax_workspace != nullptr, "softmax_workspace must be provided for num_experts that aren't a power of 2."); static constexpr int TPB = 256; moeSoftmax<<>>( gating_output, nullptr, softmax_workspace, num_experts); moeTopK<<>>( softmax_workspace, nullptr, topk_weights, topk_indices, token_expert_indices, num_experts, topk, 0, num_experts); } } } } // namespace moe } // namespace aphrodite void topk_softmax( torch::Tensor& topk_weights, torch::Tensor& topk_indices, torch::Tensor& token_expert_indices, torch::Tensor& gating_output) { const int num_experts = gating_output.size(-1); const int num_tokens = gating_output.numel() / num_experts; const int topk = topk_weights.size(-1); const bool is_pow_2 = (num_experts != 0) && ((num_experts & (num_experts - 1)) == 0); const bool needs_workspace = !is_pow_2 || num_experts > 256; const int64_t workspace_size = needs_workspace ? num_tokens * num_experts : 0; const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(gating_output)); const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); torch::Tensor softmax_workspace = torch::empty({workspace_size}, gating_output.options()); aphrodite::moe::topkGatingSoftmaxKernelLauncher( gating_output.data_ptr(), topk_weights.data_ptr(), topk_indices.data_ptr(), token_expert_indices.data_ptr(), softmax_workspace.data_ptr(), num_tokens, num_experts, topk, stream); }