# # Attempt to find the python package that uses the same python executable as # `EXECUTABLE` and is one of the `SUPPORTED_VERSIONS`. # macro (find_python_from_executable EXECUTABLE SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) file(REAL_PATH ${EXECUTABLE} EXECUTABLE) set(Python_EXECUTABLE ${EXECUTABLE}) find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development.Module Development.SABIModule) if (NOT Python_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find python matching: ${EXECUTABLE}.") endif() set(_VER "${Python_VERSION_MAJOR}.${Python_VERSION_MINOR}") set(_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS_LIST ${SUPPORTED_VERSIONS} ${ARGN}) if (NOT _VER IN_LIST _SUPPORTED_VERSIONS_LIST) message(FATAL_ERROR "Python version (${_VER}) is not one of the supported versions: " "${_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS_LIST}.") endif() message(STATUS "Found python matching: ${EXECUTABLE}.") endmacro() # # Run `EXPR` in python. The standard output of python is stored in `OUT` and # has trailing whitespace stripped. If an error is encountered when running # python, a fatal message `ERR_MSG` is issued. # function (run_python OUT EXPR ERR_MSG) execute_process( COMMAND "${Python_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "${EXPR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_OUT RESULT_VARIABLE PYTHON_ERROR_CODE ERROR_VARIABLE PYTHON_STDERR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT PYTHON_ERROR_CODE EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "${ERR_MSG}: ${PYTHON_STDERR}") endif() set(${OUT} ${PYTHON_OUT} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Run `EXPR` in python after importing `PKG`. Use the result of this to extend # `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` so the torch cmake configuration can be imported. macro (append_cmake_prefix_path PKG EXPR) run_python(_PREFIX_PATH "import ${PKG}; print(${EXPR})" "Failed to locate ${PKG} path") list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${_PREFIX_PATH}) endmacro() # # Add a target named `hipify${NAME}` that runs the hipify preprocessor on a set # of CUDA source files. The names of the corresponding "hipified" sources are # stored in `OUT_SRCS`. # function (hipify_sources_target OUT_SRCS NAME ORIG_SRCS) # # Split into C++ and non-C++ (i.e. CUDA) sources. # set(SRCS ${ORIG_SRCS}) set(CXX_SRCS ${ORIG_SRCS}) list(FILTER SRCS EXCLUDE REGEX "\.(cc)|(cpp)$") list(FILTER CXX_SRCS INCLUDE REGEX "\.(cc)|(cpp)$") # # Generate ROCm/HIP source file names from CUDA file names. # Since HIP files are generated code, they will appear in the build area # `CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR` directory rather than the original kernels dir. # set(HIP_SRCS) foreach (SRC ${SRCS}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\.cu$" "\.hip" SRC ${SRC}) string(REGEX REPLACE "cuda" "hip" SRC ${SRC}) list(APPEND HIP_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SRC}") endforeach() set(CSRC_BUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kernels) add_custom_target( hipify${NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/hipify.py -p ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/kernels -o ${CSRC_BUILD_DIR} ${SRCS} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/hipify.py ${SRCS} BYPRODUCTS ${HIP_SRCS} COMMENT "Running hipify on ${NAME} extension source files.") # Swap out original extension sources with hipified sources. list(APPEND HIP_SRCS ${CXX_SRCS}) set(${OUT_SRCS} ${HIP_SRCS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # # Get additional GPU compiler flags from torch. # function (get_torch_gpu_compiler_flags OUT_GPU_FLAGS GPU_LANG) if (${GPU_LANG} STREQUAL "CUDA") # # Get common NVCC flags from torch. # run_python(GPU_FLAGS "from torch.utils.cpp_extension import COMMON_NVCC_FLAGS; print(';'.join(COMMON_NVCC_FLAGS))" "Failed to determine torch nvcc compiler flags") if (CUDA_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 11.8) list(APPEND GPU_FLAGS "-DENABLE_FP8") endif() if (CUDA_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 12.0) list(REMOVE_ITEM GPU_FLAGS "-D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__" "-D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__" "-D__CUDA_NO_BFLOAT16_CONVERSIONS__" "-D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__") endif() elseif(${GPU_LANG} STREQUAL "HIP") # # Get common HIP/HIPCC flags from torch. # run_python(GPU_FLAGS "import torch.utils.cpp_extension as t; print(';'.join(t.COMMON_HIP_FLAGS + t.COMMON_HIPCC_FLAGS))" "Failed to determine torch nvcc compiler flags") list(APPEND GPU_FLAGS "-DUSE_ROCM" "-DENABLE_FP8" "-U__HIP_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__" "-U__HIP_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__" "-fno-gpu-rdc") endif() set(${OUT_GPU_FLAGS} ${GPU_FLAGS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Macro for converting a `gencode` version number to a cmake version number. macro(string_to_ver OUT_VER IN_STR) string(REGEX REPLACE "\([0-9]+\)\([0-9]\)" "\\1.\\2" ${OUT_VER} ${IN_STR}) endmacro() # # Override the GPU architectures detected by cmake/torch and filter them by # `GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES`. Sets the final set of architectures in # `GPU_ARCHES`. # # Note: this is defined as a macro since it updates `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS`. # macro(override_gpu_arches GPU_ARCHES GPU_LANG GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES) set(_GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES_LIST ${GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES} ${ARGN}) message(STATUS "${GPU_LANG} supported arches: ${_GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES_LIST}") if (${GPU_LANG} STREQUAL "HIP") # # `GPU_ARCHES` controls the `--offload-arch` flags. # `CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES` is set up by torch and can be controlled # via the `PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH` env variable. # # # Find the intersection of the supported + detected architectures to # set the module architecture flags. # set(${GPU_ARCHES}) foreach (_ARCH ${CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES}) if (_ARCH IN_LIST _GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES_LIST) list(APPEND ${GPU_ARCHES} ${_ARCH}) endif() endforeach() if(NOT ${GPU_ARCHES}) message(FATAL_ERROR "None of the detected ROCm architectures: ${CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES} is" " supported. Supported ROCm architectures are: ${_GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES_LIST}.") endif() elseif(${GPU_LANG} STREQUAL "CUDA") # # Setup/process CUDA arch flags. # # The torch cmake setup hardcodes the detected architecture flags in # `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS`. Since `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS` is a "global" variable, it # can't modified on a per-target basis, e.g. for the `punica` extension. # So, all the `-gencode` flags need to be extracted and removed from # `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS` for processing so they can be passed by another method. # Since it's not possible to use `target_compiler_options` for adding target # specific `-gencode` arguments, the target's `CUDA_ARCHITECTURES` property # must be used instead. This requires repackaging the architecture flags # into a format that cmake expects for `CUDA_ARCHITECTURES`. # # This is a bit fragile in that it depends on torch using `-gencode` as opposed # to one of the other nvcc options to specify architectures. # # Note: torch uses the `TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST` environment variable to override # detected architectures. # message(DEBUG "initial CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS: ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}") # Extract all `-gencode` flags from `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS` string(REGEX MATCHALL "-gencode arch=[^ ]+" _CUDA_ARCH_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}) # Remove all `-gencode` flags from `CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS` since they will be modified # and passed back via the `CUDA_ARCHITECTURES` property. string(REGEX REPLACE "-gencode arch=[^ ]+ *" "" CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}) # If this error is triggered, it might mean that torch has changed how it sets # up nvcc architecture code generation flags. if (NOT _CUDA_ARCH_FLAGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find any architecture related code generation flags in " "CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS. (${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS})") endif() message(DEBUG "final CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS: ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}") message(DEBUG "arch flags: ${_CUDA_ARCH_FLAGS}") # Initialize the architecture lists to empty. set(${GPU_ARCHES}) # Process each `gencode` flag. foreach(_ARCH ${_CUDA_ARCH_FLAGS}) # For each flag, extract the version number and whether it refers to PTX # or native code. # Note: if a regex matches then `CMAKE_MATCH_1` holds the binding # for that match. string(REGEX MATCH "arch=compute_\([0-9]+a?\)" _COMPUTE ${_ARCH}) if (_COMPUTE) set(_COMPUTE ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif() string(REGEX MATCH "code=sm_\([0-9]+a?\)" _SM ${_ARCH}) if (_SM) set(_SM ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif() string(REGEX MATCH "code=compute_\([0-9]+a?\)" _CODE ${_ARCH}) if (_CODE) set(_CODE ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif() # Make sure the virtual architecture can be matched. if (NOT _COMPUTE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine virtual architecture from: ${_ARCH}.") endif() # One of sm_ or compute_ must exist. if ((NOT _SM) AND (NOT _CODE)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine a codegen architecture from: ${_ARCH}.") endif() if (_SM) # -real suffix let CMake to only generate elf code for the kernels. # we want this, otherwise the added ptx (default) will increase binary size. set(_VIRT "-real") set(_CODE_ARCH ${_SM}) else() # -virtual suffix let CMake to generate ptx code for the kernels. set(_VIRT "-virtual") set(_CODE_ARCH ${_CODE}) endif() # Check if the current version is in the supported arch list. string_to_ver(_CODE_VER ${_CODE_ARCH}) if (NOT _CODE_VER IN_LIST _GPU_SUPPORTED_ARCHES_LIST) message(STATUS "discarding unsupported CUDA arch ${_VER}.") continue() endif() # Add it to the arch list. list(APPEND ${GPU_ARCHES} "${_CODE_ARCH}${_VIRT}") endforeach() endif() message(STATUS "${GPU_LANG} target arches: ${${GPU_ARCHES}}") endmacro() # # Define a target named `GPU_MOD_NAME` for a single extension. The # arguments are: # # DESTINATION - Module destination directory. # LANGUAGE - The GPU language for this module, e.g CUDA, HIP, # etc. # SOURCES - List of source files relative to CMakeLists.txt # directory. # # Optional arguments: # # ARCHITECTURES - A list of target GPU architectures in cmake # format. # Refer `CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES` documentation # and `CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES` for more info. # ARCHITECTURES will use cmake's defaults if # not provided. # COMPILE_FLAGS - Extra compiler flags passed to NVCC/hip. # INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES - Extra include directories. # LIBRARIES - Extra link libraries. # WITH_SOABI - Generate library with python SOABI suffix name. # USE_SABI - Use python stable api # # Note: optimization level/debug info is set via cmake build type. # function (define_gpu_extension_target GPU_MOD_NAME) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 GPU "WITH_SOABI" "DESTINATION;LANGUAGE;USE_SABI" "SOURCES;ARCHITECTURES;COMPILE_FLAGS;INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES;LIBRARIES") # Add hipify preprocessing step when building with HIP/ROCm. if (GPU_LANGUAGE STREQUAL "HIP") hipify_sources_target(GPU_SOURCES ${GPU_MOD_NAME} "${GPU_SOURCES}") endif() if (GPU_WITH_SOABI) set(GPU_WITH_SOABI WITH_SOABI) else() set(GPU_WITH_SOABI) endif() if (GPU_USE_SABI) Python_add_library(${GPU_MOD_NAME} MODULE USE_SABI ${GPU_USE_SABI} ${GPU_WITH_SOABI} "${GPU_SOURCES}") else() Python_add_library(${GPU_MOD_NAME} MODULE ${GPU_WITH_SOABI} "${GPU_SOURCES}") endif() if (GPU_LANGUAGE STREQUAL "HIP") # Make this target dependent on the hipify preprocessor step. add_dependencies(${GPU_MOD_NAME} hipify${GPU_MOD_NAME}) endif() if (GPU_ARCHITECTURES) set_target_properties(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PROPERTIES ${GPU_LANGUAGE}_ARCHITECTURES "${GPU_ARCHITECTURES}") endif() set_property(TARGET ${GPU_MOD_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 20) target_compile_options(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE $<$:${GPU_COMPILE_FLAGS}>) target_compile_definitions(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE "-DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=${GPU_MOD_NAME}") target_include_directories(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE kernels ${GPU_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) target_link_libraries(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE torch ${torch_python_LIBRARY} ${GPU_LIBRARIES}) # Don't use `TORCH_LIBRARIES` for CUDA since it pulls in a bunch of # dependencies that are not necessary and may not be installed. if (GPU_LANGUAGE STREQUAL "CUDA") target_link_libraries(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE ${CUDA_CUDA_LIB} ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}) else() target_link_libraries(${GPU_MOD_NAME} PRIVATE ${TORCH_LIBRARIES}) endif() install(TARGETS ${GPU_MOD_NAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${GPU_DESTINATION}) endfunction()