@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+import asyncio
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
+import traceback
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from multiprocessing import Queue
+from multiprocessing.connection import wait
+from multiprocessing.process import BaseProcess
+from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, TextIO,
+ TypeVar, Union)
+from loguru import logger
+T = TypeVar('T')
+_TERMINATE = "TERMINATE" # sentinel
+# ANSI color codes
+CYAN = '\033[1;36m'
+RESET = '\033[0;0m'
+# Use dedicated multiprocess context for workers.
+# Both spawn and fork work
+mp_method = os.getenv("APHRODITE_WORKER_MULTIPROC_METHOD", "spawn")
+mp = multiprocessing.get_context(mp_method)
+class Result(Generic[T]):
+ """Result of task dispatched to worker"""
+ task_id: uuid.UUID
+ value: Optional[T] = None
+ exception: Optional[BaseException] = None
+class ResultFuture(threading.Event, Generic[T]):
+ """Synchronous future for non-async case"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.result: Optional[Result[T]] = None
+ def set_result(self, result: Result[T]):
+ self.result = result
+ self.set()
+ def get(self) -> T:
+ self.wait()
+ assert self.result is not None
+ if self.result.exception is not None:
+ raise self.result.exception
+ return self.result.value # type: ignore[return-value]
+def _set_future_result(future: Union[ResultFuture, asyncio.Future],
+ result: Result):
+ if isinstance(future, ResultFuture):
+ future.set_result(result)
+ return
+ loop = future.get_loop()
+ if result.exception is not None:
+ loop.call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_exception, result.exception)
+ else:
+ loop.call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_result, result.value)
+class ResultHandler(threading.Thread):
+ """Handle results from all workers (in background thread)"""
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__(daemon=True)
+ self.result_queue = mp.Queue()
+ self.tasks: Dict[uuid.UUID, Union[ResultFuture, asyncio.Future]] = {}
+ def run(self):
+ for result in iter(self.result_queue.get, _TERMINATE):
+ future = self.tasks.pop(result.task_id)
+ _set_future_result(future, result)
+ # Ensure that all waiters will receive an exception
+ for task_id, future in self.tasks.items():
+ _set_future_result(
+ future,
+ Result(task_id=task_id,
+ exception=ChildProcessError("worker died")))
+ def close(self):
+ self.result_queue.put(_TERMINATE)
+class WorkerMonitor(threading.Thread):
+ """Monitor worker status (in background thread)"""
+ def __init__(self, workers: List['ProcessWorkerWrapper'],
+ result_handler: ResultHandler):
+ super().__init__(daemon=True)
+ self.workers = workers
+ self.result_handler = result_handler
+ self._close = False
+ def run(self) -> None:
+ # Blocks until any worker exits
+ dead_sentinels = wait([w.process.sentinel for w in self.workers])
+ if not self._close:
+ self._close = True
+ # Kill / cleanup all workers
+ for worker in self.workers:
+ process = worker.process
+ if process.sentinel in dead_sentinels:
+ process.join(JOIN_TIMEOUT_S)
+ if process.exitcode is not None and process.exitcode != 0:
+ logger.error("Worker %s pid %s died, exit code: %s",
+ process.name, process.pid, process.exitcode)
+ # Cleanup any remaining workers
+ logger.info("Killing local Aphrodite worker processes")
+ for worker in self.workers:
+ worker.kill_worker()
+ # Must be done after worker task queues are all closed
+ self.result_handler.close()
+ for worker in self.workers:
+ worker.process.join(JOIN_TIMEOUT_S)
+ def close(self):
+ if self._close:
+ return
+ self._close = True
+ logger.info("Terminating local Aphrodite worker processes")
+ for worker in self.workers:
+ worker.terminate_worker()
+ # Must be done after worker task queues are all closed
+ self.result_handler.close()
+class ProcessWorkerWrapper:
+ """Local process wrapper for aphrodite.task_handler.Worker,
+ for handling single-node multi-GPU tensor parallel."""
+ def __init__(self, result_handler: ResultHandler,
+ worker_factory: Callable[[], Any]) -> None:
+ self._task_queue = mp.Queue()
+ self.result_queue = result_handler.result_queue
+ self.tasks = result_handler.tasks
+ self.process: BaseProcess = mp.Process( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ target=_run_worker_process,
+ name="AphroditeWorkerProcess",
+ kwargs=dict(
+ worker_factory=worker_factory,
+ task_queue=self._task_queue,
+ result_queue=self.result_queue,
+ ),
+ daemon=True)
+ self.process.start()
+ def _enqueue_task(self, future: Union[ResultFuture, asyncio.Future],
+ method: str, args, kwargs):
+ task_id = uuid.uuid4()
+ self.tasks[task_id] = future
+ try:
+ self._task_queue.put((task_id, method, args, kwargs))
+ except BaseException as e:
+ del self.tasks[task_id]
+ raise ChildProcessError("worker died") from e
+ def execute_method(self, method: str, *args, **kwargs):
+ future: ResultFuture = ResultFuture()
+ self._enqueue_task(future, method, args, kwargs)
+ return future
+ async def execute_method_async(self, method: str, *args, **kwargs):
+ future = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+ self._enqueue_task(future, method, args, kwargs)
+ return await future
+ def terminate_worker(self):
+ try:
+ self._task_queue.put(_TERMINATE)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.process.kill()
+ self._task_queue.close()
+ def kill_worker(self):
+ self._task_queue.close()
+ self.process.kill()
+def _run_worker_process(
+ worker_factory: Callable[[], Any],
+ task_queue: Queue,
+ result_queue: Queue,
+) -> None:
+ """Worker process event loop"""
+ # Add process-specific prefix to stdout and stderr
+ process_name = mp.current_process().name
+ pid = os.getpid()
+ _add_prefix(sys.stdout, process_name, pid)
+ _add_prefix(sys.stderr, process_name, pid)
+ # Initialize worker
+ worker = worker_factory()
+ del worker_factory
+ # Accept tasks from the engine in task_queue
+ # and return task output in result_queue
+ logger.info("Worker ready; awaiting tasks")
+ try:
+ for items in iter(task_queue.get, _TERMINATE):
+ output = None
+ exception = None
+ task_id, method, args, kwargs = items
+ try:
+ executor = getattr(worker, method)
+ output = executor(*args, **kwargs)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ tb = traceback.format_exc()
+ logger.error(
+ "Exception in worker %s while processing method %s: %s, %s",
+ process_name, method, e, tb)
+ exception = e
+ result_queue.put(
+ Result(task_id=task_id, value=output, exception=exception))
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ except Exception:
+ logger.exception("Worker failed")
+ logger.info("Worker exiting")
+def _add_prefix(file: TextIO, worker_name: str, pid: int) -> None:
+ """Prepend each output line with process-specific prefix"""
+ prefix = f"{CYAN}({worker_name} pid={pid}){RESET} "
+ file_write = file.write
+ def write_with_prefix(s: str):
+ if not s:
+ return
+ if file.start_new_line: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ file_write(prefix)
+ idx = 0
+ while (next_idx := s.find('\n', idx)) != -1:
+ next_idx += 1
+ file_write(s[idx:next_idx])
+ if next_idx == len(s):
+ file.start_new_line = True # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ return
+ file_write(prefix)
+ idx = next_idx
+ file_write(s[idx:])
+ file.start_new_line = False # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ file.start_new_line = True # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ file.write = write_with_prefix # type: ignore[method-assign]