@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ from aphrodite.modeling.sampling_metadata import (SamplingMetadata,
# (num_token_ids, num_parent_ids) per sequence group.
SampleResultType = List[Tuple[List[int], List[int]]]
+# There isn't a "safe" temperature range for fp16 logits.
+# This value was chosen because 1/2e-5 is just under the 65k fp16 max, meaning
+# that this temperature well-uses the fp16 space after the logits are offset.
class Sampler(nn.Module):
"""Samples the next tokens from the model's outputs.
@@ -318,12 +323,16 @@ def _apply_temperatures(
normalized_entropies = dynatemp_entropies.div_(dynatemp_max_entropies)
dyn_temp = (dynatemp_mins + (dynatemp_maxs - dynatemp_mins) *
temperatures[dynatemp_mask] = dyn_temp
- temperatures[temperatures <= 0.0] = 1.0
- # Use float32 to apply temp.
- # Use in-place division to avoid creating a new tensor.
- logits = logits.to(torch.float)
+ temperatures[temperatures.isnan()] = _TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM
+ temperatures[temperatures <= _TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM] = _TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM
+ # To prevent saturation of top logits, we shift the range to [-inf, 1]
+ # Why align to 1, instead of 0? Because [0, 1] holds 25% of all floats.
+ # Why mask? So we aren't potentially discarding data in milder temps.
+ low_temps = temperatures < 0.1
+ logits[low_temps] -= logits.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values[low_temps] - 1