@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import json
-import os
-from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict
-from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, Depends, Header, FastAPI, HTTPException, Request
-from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, Response, StreamingResponse
-import uvicorn
-from aphrodite.engine.args_tools import AsyncEngineArgs, EngineArgs
-from aphrodite.engine.async_aphrodite import AsyncAphrodite
-from aphrodite.common.sampling_params import SamplingParams
-from aphrodite.common.utils import random_uuid
-TIMEOUT_KEEP_ALIVE = 5 # seconds.
-user_tokens: Dict[str, str] = {}
-app = FastAPI()
-engine = None
-def get_token(authorization: str = Header(None)):
- if authorization is None or not authorization.startswith("Bearer "):
- raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized access.")
- token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "")
- if token != SECRET_TOKEN:
- raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized access.")
- return True
-async def generate(request: Request, token: bool = Depends(get_token)) -> Response:
- """Generate completion for the request.
- The request should be a JSON object with the following fields:
- - prompt: the prompt to use for the generation.
- - stream: whether to stream the results or not.
- - other fields: the sampling parameters (See `SamplingParams` for details).
- """
- request_dict = await request.json()
- prompt = request_dict.pop("prompt")
- stream = request_dict.pop("stream", False)
- sampling_params = SamplingParams(**request_dict)
- request_id = random_uuid()
- results_generator = engine.generate(prompt, sampling_params, request_id)
- # Streaming case
- async def stream_results() -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]:
- async for request_output in results_generator:
- prompt = request_output.prompt
- text_outputs = [
- prompt + output.text for output in request_output.outputs
- ]
- ret = {"text": text_outputs}
- yield (json.dumps(ret) + "\0").encode("utf-8")
- async def abort_request() -> None:
- await engine.abort(request_id)
- if stream:
- background_tasks = BackgroundTasks()
- # Abort the request if the client disconnects.
- background_tasks.add_task(abort_request)
- return StreamingResponse(stream_results(), background=background_tasks)
- # Non-streaming case
- final_output = None
- async for request_output in results_generator:
- if await request.is_disconnected():
- # Abort the request if the client disconnects.
- await engine.abort(request_id)
- return Response(status_code=499)
- final_output = request_output
- assert final_output is not None
- prompt = final_output.prompt
- text_outputs = [prompt + output.text for output in final_output.outputs]
- ret = {"text": text_outputs}
- return JSONResponse(ret)
-async def get_model_name(token: bool = Depends(get_token)) -> JSONResponse:
- """Return the model name based on the EngineArgs configuration."""
- if engine is not None:
- model_name = engine_args.model
- result = {"result": model_name}
- return JSONResponse(content=result)
- else:
- return JSONResponse(content={"result": "Read Only"}, status_code=500)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, default="localhost")
- parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=2242)
- parser = AsyncEngineArgs.add_cli_args(parser)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- engine_args = AsyncEngineArgs.from_cli_args(args)
- engine = AsyncAphrodite.from_engine_args(engine_args)
- uvicorn.run(app,
- host=args.host,
- port=args.port,
- log_level="debug",
- timeout_keep_alive=TIMEOUT_KEEP_ALIVE)