@@ -226,6 +226,18 @@ class RayGPUExecutor(DistributedGPUExecutor):
for node_id, gpu_ids in node_gpus.items():
node_gpus[node_id] = sorted(gpu_ids)
+ all_ips = set(worker_ips + [driver_ip])
+ n_ips = len(all_ips)
+ n_nodes = len(node_workers)
+ if n_nodes != n_ips:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Every node should have a unique IP address. Got {n_nodes}"
+ f" nodes with node ids {list(node_workers.keys())} and "
+ f"{n_ips} unique IP addresses {all_ips}. Please check your"
+ " network configuration. If you set `APHRODITE_HOST_IP` or "
+ "`HOST_IP` environment variable, make sure it is unique for"
+ " each node.")
APHRODITE_INSTANCE_ID = get_aphrodite_instance_id()
# Set environment variables for the driver and workers.