@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023, Tri Dao.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// #pragma once
+#include <c10/util/BFloat16.h>
+#include <c10/util/Half.h>
+#include <c10/cuda/CUDAException.h> // For C10_CUDA_CHECK and C10_CUDA_KERNEL_LAUNCH_CHECK
+#include "fast_hadamard_transform.h"
+#include "fast_hadamard_transform_common.h"
+#include "fast_hadamard_transform_special.h"
+#include "static_switch.h"
+template<int kNThreads_, int kLogN_, typename input_t_>
+struct fast_hadamard_transform_kernel_traits {
+ using input_t = input_t_;
+ static constexpr int kNThreads = kNThreads_;
+ static constexpr int kLogN = kLogN_;
+ static constexpr int N = 1 << kLogN;
+ static constexpr int kNBytes = sizeof(input_t);
+ static_assert(kNBytes == 2 || kNBytes == 4);
+ static constexpr int kNElts = kNBytes == 4 ? 4 : 8;
+ // It's possible that we need to do 2 rounds of exchange if input_t is 16 bits
+ // (since then we'd have 8 values of float, and each round we can exchange 4 floats).
+ static constexpr int kNExchangePerVec = sizeof(float) / sizeof(input_t);
+ using vec_t = typename BytesToType<kNBytes * kNElts>::Type;
+ static constexpr int kNChunks = N / (kNElts * kNThreads);
+ // We don't want to use more than 32 KB of shared memory.
+ static constexpr int kSmemExchangeSize = std::min(N * 4, 32 * 1024);
+ static constexpr int kNExchangeRounds = N * 4 / kSmemExchangeSize;
+ static_assert(kNExchangeRounds * kSmemExchangeSize == N * 4);
+ static constexpr int kSmemSize = kSmemExchangeSize;
+template<int kNThreads_, int kLogN_, typename input_t_>
+struct fast_hadamard_transform_12N_kernel_traits {
+ using input_t = input_t_;
+ static constexpr int kNThreads = kNThreads_;
+ static constexpr int kLogN = kLogN_;
+ static constexpr int N = (1 << kLogN) * 12;
+ static_assert(N <= 12 * 1024, "fast_hadamard_transform_12 only supports dim <= 12288");
+ static constexpr int kNBytes = sizeof(input_t);
+ static_assert(kNBytes == 2 || kNBytes == 4);
+ static constexpr int kNElts = 4;
+ // It's possible that we need to do 2 rounds of exchange if input_t is 16 bits
+ // (since then we'd have 8 values of float, and each round we can exchange 4 floats).
+ static constexpr int kNExchangePerVec = sizeof(float) / sizeof(input_t);
+ using vec_t = typename BytesToType<kNBytes * kNElts>::Type;
+ static constexpr int kNChunks = N / (kNElts * kNThreads);
+ static_assert(kNChunks == 12);
+ // We don't want to use more than 24 KB of shared memory.
+ static constexpr int kSmemExchangeSize = std::min(N * 4, 24 * 1024);
+ static constexpr int kNExchangeRounds = N * 4 / kSmemExchangeSize;
+ static_assert(kNExchangeRounds * kSmemExchangeSize == N * 4);
+ static constexpr int kSmemSize = kSmemExchangeSize;
+template<int kNThreads_, int kLogN_, typename input_t_>
+struct fast_hadamard_transform_20N_kernel_traits {
+ using input_t = input_t_;
+ static constexpr int kNThreads = kNThreads_;
+ static constexpr int kLogN = kLogN_;
+ static constexpr int N = (1 << kLogN) * 20;
+ static_assert(N <= 20 * 1024, "fast_hadamard_transform_20 only supports dim <= 20480");
+ static constexpr int kNBytes = sizeof(input_t);
+ static_assert(kNBytes == 2 || kNBytes == 4);
+ static constexpr int kNElts = 4;
+ // It's possible that we need to do 2 rounds of exchange if input_t is 16 bits
+ // (since then we'd have 8 values of float, and each round we can exchange 4 floats).
+ static constexpr int kNExchangePerVec = sizeof(float) / sizeof(input_t);
+ using vec_t = typename BytesToType<kNBytes * kNElts>::Type;
+ static constexpr int kNChunks = N / (kNElts * kNThreads);
+ static_assert(kNChunks == 20);
+ // We don't want to use more than 40 KB of shared memory.
+ static constexpr int kSmemExchangeSize = std::min(N * 4, 40 * 1024);
+ static constexpr int kNExchangeRounds = N * 4 / kSmemExchangeSize;
+ static_assert(kNExchangeRounds * kSmemExchangeSize == N * 4);
+ static constexpr int kSmemSize = kSmemExchangeSize;
+template<int kNThreads_, int kLogN_, typename input_t_>
+struct fast_hadamard_transform_28N_kernel_traits {
+ using input_t = input_t_;
+ static constexpr int kNThreads = kNThreads_;
+ static constexpr int kLogN = kLogN_;
+ static constexpr int N = (1 << kLogN) * 28;
+ static_assert(N <= 28 * 1024, "fast_hadamard_transform_28 only supports dim <= 28672");
+ static constexpr int kNBytes = sizeof(input_t);
+ static_assert(kNBytes == 2 || kNBytes == 4);
+ static constexpr int kNElts = 4;
+ // It's possible that we need to do 2 rounds of exchange if input_t is 16 bits
+ // (since then we'd have 8 values of float, and each round we can exchange 4 floats).
+ static constexpr int kNExchangePerVec = sizeof(float) / sizeof(input_t);
+ using vec_t = typename BytesToType<kNBytes * kNElts>::Type;
+ static constexpr int kNChunks = N / (kNElts * kNThreads);
+ static_assert(kNChunks == 28);
+ // We don't want to use more than 28 KB of shared memory.
+ static constexpr int kSmemExchangeSize = std::min(N * 4, 28 * 1024);
+ static constexpr int kNExchangeRounds = N * 4 / kSmemExchangeSize;
+ static_assert(kNExchangeRounds * kSmemExchangeSize == N * 4);
+ static constexpr int kSmemSize = kSmemExchangeSize;
+template <int kNChunks>
+__device__ __forceinline__ void hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_12(float x[kNChunks][12]) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int c = 0; c < kNChunks; ++c) { hadamard_mult_thread_12(x[c]); }
+template <int kNChunks>
+__device__ __forceinline__ void hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_20(float x[kNChunks][20]) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int c = 0; c < kNChunks; ++c) { hadamard_mult_thread_20(x[c]); }
+template <int kNChunks>
+__device__ __forceinline__ void hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_28(float x[kNChunks][28]) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int c = 0; c < kNChunks; ++c) { hadamard_mult_thread_28(x[c]); }
+template<typename Ktraits>
+__global__ __launch_bounds__(Ktraits::kNThreads)
+void fast_hadamard_transform_kernel(HadamardParamsBase params) {
+ constexpr int kNThreads = Ktraits::kNThreads;
+ constexpr int kNElts = Ktraits::kNElts;
+ constexpr int kNExchangePerVec = Ktraits::kNExchangePerVec;
+ constexpr int kNExchangeRounds = Ktraits::kNExchangeRounds;
+ constexpr int kNChunks = Ktraits::kNChunks;
+ using input_t = typename Ktraits::input_t;
+ using vec_t = typename Ktraits::vec_t;
+ constexpr int kLogNElts = cilog2(Ktraits::kNElts);
+ static_assert(1 << kLogNElts == kNElts, "kNElts must be a power of 2");
+ constexpr int kWarpSize = std::min(kNThreads, 32);
+ constexpr int kLogWarpSize = cilog2(kWarpSize);
+ static_assert(1 << kLogWarpSize == kWarpSize, "Warp size must be a power of 2");
+ constexpr int kNWarps = kNThreads / kWarpSize;
+ constexpr int kLogNWarps = cilog2(kNWarps);
+ static_assert(1 << kLogNWarps == kNWarps, "kNWarps must be a power of 2");
+ constexpr int kLoadsPerExchange = Ktraits::kSmemExchangeSize / (sizeof(vec_t) * kNThreads);
+ static_assert(kLoadsPerExchange * sizeof(vec_t) * kNThreads == Ktraits::kSmemExchangeSize, "kSmemExchangeSize should be a power of 2");
+ static_assert(kNExchangeRounds * kLoadsPerExchange * sizeof(vec_t) == kNChunks * kNElts * sizeof(float));
+ constexpr int kChunksPerExchange = Ktraits::kSmemExchangeSize / (sizeof(vec_t) * kNExchangePerVec * kNThreads);
+ static_assert(kChunksPerExchange * sizeof(vec_t) * kNExchangePerVec * kNThreads == Ktraits::kSmemExchangeSize);
+ constexpr int kNExchanges = kNChunks / kChunksPerExchange;
+ static_assert(kNExchanges * kChunksPerExchange == kNChunks);
+ // Shared memory.
+ extern __shared__ char smem_[];
+ vec_t *smem_exchange = reinterpret_cast<vec_t *>(smem_);
+ const int batch_id = blockIdx.x;
+ input_t *x = reinterpret_cast<input_t *>(params.x_ptr) + batch_id * params.x_batch_stride;
+ input_t *out = reinterpret_cast<input_t *>(params.out_ptr) + batch_id * params.out_batch_stride;
+ float x_vals[kNChunks][kNElts];
+ load_input<kNChunks, kNElts, input_t>(x, x_vals, params.dim);
+ hadamard_mult_thread<kLogNElts, kNChunks>(x_vals);
+ hadamard_mult_warp<kLogWarpSize, 0, kNChunks, kNElts>(x_vals);
+ if constexpr (kNWarps > 1) {
+ exchange_smem_pre<kNChunks, kChunksPerExchange, kNElts, kWarpSize, kNWarps, true, vec_t>(x_vals, smem_exchange);
+ hadamard_mult_warp<kLogNWarps, 0, kNChunks, kNElts>(x_vals);
+ exchange_smem_pre<kNChunks, kChunksPerExchange, kNElts, kWarpSize, kNWarps, false, vec_t>(x_vals, smem_exchange);
+ }
+ if constexpr (kNChunks > 1) {
+ float x_vals_transposed[kNElts][kNChunks];
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int c = 0; c < kNChunks; ++c) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNElts; ++i) { x_vals_transposed[i][c] = x_vals[c][i]; }
+ }
+ if constexpr (kNChunks == 12) {
+ hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_12<kNElts>(x_vals_transposed);
+ } else if constexpr (kNChunks == 20) {
+ hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_20<kNElts>(x_vals_transposed);
+ } else if constexpr (kNChunks == 28) {
+ hadamard_mult_thread_chunk_28<kNElts>(x_vals_transposed);
+ } else {
+ constexpr int kLogNChunks = cilog2(kNChunks);
+ static_assert(1 << kLogNChunks == kNChunks, "kNChunks must be a power of 2");
+ hadamard_mult_thread<kLogNChunks, kNElts>(x_vals_transposed);
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int c = 0; c < kNChunks; ++c) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNElts; ++i) { x_vals[c][i] = x_vals_transposed[i][c]; }
+ }
+ }
+ store_output<kNChunks, kNElts, input_t>(out, x_vals, params.dim, params.scale);
+template<int kNThreads, int kLogN, typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_launch(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ using Ktraits = fast_hadamard_transform_kernel_traits<kNThreads, kLogN, input_t>;
+ constexpr int kSmemSize = Ktraits::kSmemSize;
+ dim3 grid(params.batch);
+ auto kernel = &fast_hadamard_transform_kernel<Ktraits>;
+ if (kSmemSize >= 48 * 1024) {
+ C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaFuncSetAttribute(
+ kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, kSmemSize));
+ }
+ kernel<<<grid, Ktraits::kNThreads, kSmemSize, stream>>>(params);
+template<typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_cuda(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ if (params.log_N == 3) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<1, 3, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 4) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<2, 4, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 5) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<4, 5, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 6) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<8, 6, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 7) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<16, 7, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 8) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<32, 8, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 9) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<32, 9, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 10) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<128, 10, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 11) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<256, 11, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 12) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<256, 12, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 13) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<256, 13, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 14) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<256, 14, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 15) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_launch<256, 15, input_t>(params, stream);
+ }
+template<int kNThreads, int kLogN, typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ using Ktraits = fast_hadamard_transform_20N_kernel_traits<kNThreads, kLogN, input_t>;
+ constexpr int kSmemSize = Ktraits::kSmemSize;
+ dim3 grid(params.batch);
+ auto kernel = &fast_hadamard_transform_kernel<Ktraits>;
+ if (kSmemSize >= 48 * 1024) {
+ C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaFuncSetAttribute(
+ kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, kSmemSize));
+ }
+ kernel<<<grid, Ktraits::kNThreads, kSmemSize, stream>>>(params);
+template<typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_12N_cuda(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<1, 2, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<2, 3, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 4) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<4, 4, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 5) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<8, 5, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 6) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<16, 6, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 7) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<32, 7, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 8) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<64, 8, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 9) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<128, 9, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 10) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_12N_launch<256, 10, input_t>(params, stream);
+ }
+template<int kNThreads, int kLogN, typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ using Ktraits = fast_hadamard_transform_20N_kernel_traits<kNThreads, kLogN, input_t>;
+ constexpr int kSmemSize = Ktraits::kSmemSize;
+ dim3 grid(params.batch);
+ auto kernel = &fast_hadamard_transform_kernel<Ktraits>;
+ if (kSmemSize >= 48 * 1024) {
+ C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaFuncSetAttribute(
+ kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, kSmemSize));
+ }
+ kernel<<<grid, Ktraits::kNThreads, kSmemSize, stream>>>(params);
+template<typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_20N_cuda(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<1, 2, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<2, 3, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 4) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<4, 4, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 5) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<8, 5, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 6) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<16, 6, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 7) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<32, 7, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 8) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<64, 8, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 9) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<128, 9, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 10) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_20N_launch<256, 10, input_t>(params, stream);
+ }
+template<int kNThreads, int kLogN, typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ using Ktraits = fast_hadamard_transform_28N_kernel_traits<kNThreads, kLogN, input_t>;
+ constexpr int kSmemSize = Ktraits::kSmemSize;
+ dim3 grid(params.batch);
+ auto kernel = &fast_hadamard_transform_kernel<Ktraits>;
+ if (kSmemSize >= 48 * 1024) {
+ C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaFuncSetAttribute(
+ kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, kSmemSize));
+ }
+ kernel<<<grid, Ktraits::kNThreads, kSmemSize, stream>>>(params);
+template<typename input_t>
+void fast_hadamard_transform_28N_cuda(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream) {
+ if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<1, 2, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 2) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<2, 3, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 4) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<4, 4, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 5) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<8, 5, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 6) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<16, 6, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 7) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<32, 7, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 8) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<64, 8, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 9) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<128, 9, input_t>(params, stream);
+ } else if (params.log_N == 10) {
+ fast_hadamard_transform_28N_launch<256, 10, input_t>(params, stream);
+ }
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_cuda<float>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_cuda<at::Half>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_cuda<at::BFloat16>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_12N_cuda<float>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_12N_cuda<at::Half>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_12N_cuda<at::BFloat16>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_20N_cuda<float>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_20N_cuda<at::Half>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_20N_cuda<at::BFloat16>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_28N_cuda<float>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_28N_cuda<at::Half>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);
+template void fast_hadamard_transform_28N_cuda<at::BFloat16>(HadamardParamsBase ¶ms, cudaStream_t stream);