@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024, The vLLM team.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <torch/all.h>
+#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
+#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h>
+#include <hip/hip_bf16.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#if defined(__HIPCC__) && (defined(__gfx90a__) || defined(__gfx940__) || \
+ defined(__gfx941__) || defined(__gfx942__))
+ #define __HIP__MI300_MI250__
+#if defined(NDEBUG)
+ #undef NDEBUG
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #define UNREACHABLE_CODE assert(false);
+ #define NDEBUG
+ #define UNREACHABLE_CODE assert(false);
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(a, b) (((a) + (b) - 1) / (b))
+#define WARP_SIZE 64
+#if defined(__HIP__MI300_MI250__) // TODO: Add NAVI support
+ #define GCN_MFMA_INSTR1 __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_16x16x4f32
+ #define GCN_MFMA_INSTR __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_4x4x4f16
+using floatx4 = __attribute__((__vector_size__(4 * sizeof(float)))) float;
+using float16x4 =
+ __attribute__((__vector_size__(4 * sizeof(_Float16)))) _Float16;
+typedef float16x4 _Half4;
+typedef struct _Half8 {
+ _Half4 xy[2];
+} _Half8;
+using bit16_t = uint16_t;
+using bit16x4 = __attribute__((__vector_size__(4 * sizeof(uint16_t)))) uint16_t;
+typedef bit16x4 _B16x4;
+typedef struct _B16x8 {
+ _B16x4 xy[2];
+} _B16x8;
+////// Non temporal load stores ///////
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ T load(T* addr) {
+ return addr[0];
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ void store(T value, T* addr) {
+ addr[0] = value;
+template <typename T, int absz, int cbid, int blgp>
+__device__ __forceinline__ floatx4 gcn_mfma_instr(const _B16x4& inpA,
+ const _B16x4& inpB,
+ const floatx4& inpC) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same<T, _Float16>::value) {
+ return __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_4x4x4f16(inpA, inpB, inpC, absz, cbid,
+ blgp);
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, __hip_bfloat16>::value) {
+ return __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_4x4x4bf16_1k(inpA, inpB, inpC, absz, cbid,
+ blgp);
+ } else {
+ static_assert(false, "unsupported 16b dtype");
+ }
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ float to_float(const T& inp) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same<T, _Float16>::value) {
+ return (float)inp;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, __hip_bfloat16>::value) {
+ return __bfloat162float(inp);
+ } else {
+ static_assert(false, "unsupported 16b dtype");
+ }
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ T from_float(const float& inp) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same<T, _Float16>::value) {
+ return (_Float16)inp;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, __hip_bfloat16>::value) {
+ return __float2bfloat16(inp);
+ } else {
+ static_assert(false, "unsupported 16b dtype");
+ }
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ _B16x4 from_floatx4(const floatx4& inp) {
+ union tmpcvt {
+ uint16_t u;
+ _Float16 f;
+ __hip_bfloat16 b;
+ } t16;
+ _B16x4 ret;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same<T, _Float16>::value) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ t16.f = (_Float16)inp[i];
+ ret[i] = t16.u;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, __hip_bfloat16>::value) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ t16.b = __float2bfloat16(inp[i]);
+ ret[i] = t16.u;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ static_assert(false, "unsupported 16b dtype");
+ }
+template <typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ _B16x4 addx4(const _B16x4& inp1,
+ const _B16x4& inp2) {
+ union tmpcvt {
+ uint16_t u;
+ _Float16 f;
+ __hip_bfloat16 b;
+ } t1, t2, res;
+ _B16x4 ret;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same<T, _Float16>::value) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ t1.u = inp1[i];
+ t2.u = inp2[i];
+ res.f = t1.f + t2.f;
+ ret[i] = res.u;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, __hip_bfloat16>::value) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ t1.u = inp1[i];
+ t2.u = inp2[i];
+ res.b = t1.b + t2.b;
+ ret[i] = res.u;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ static_assert(false, "unsupported 16b dtype");
+ }
+// grid (num_seqs, num_partitions,num_heads/gqa_ratio)
+// block (partition size)
+template <typename scalar_t, int BLOCK_SIZE, int HEAD_SIZE, int NUM_THREADS,
+ int GQA_RATIO>
+__global__ __launch_bounds__(NUM_THREADS) void paged_attention_ll4mi_QKV_kernel(
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ q, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ k_cache, // [num_blocks, num_kv_heads,
+ // head_size/x, block_size, x]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ v_cache, // [num_blocks, num_kv_heads,
+ // head_size, block_size]
+ const int num_kv_heads, const float scale,
+ const int* __restrict__ block_tables, // [num_seqs, max_num_blocks_per_seq]
+ const int* __restrict__ context_lens, // [num_seqs]
+ const int max_num_blocks_per_seq,
+ const float* __restrict__ alibi_slopes, // [num_heads]
+ const int q_stride, const int kv_block_stride, const int kv_head_stride,
+ float* __restrict__ exp_sums, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions]
+ float* __restrict__ max_logits, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions,
+ // head_size]
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ final_out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ #if 0
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ qk_out, // [num_heads, num_seqs, max_ctx_blocks,block_size]
+ #endif
+ int max_ctx_blocks) {
+ constexpr int NWARPS = NUM_THREADS / WARP_SIZE;
+ const int warpid = threadIdx.x / WARP_SIZE;
+ const int laneid = threadIdx.x % WARP_SIZE;
+ const int lane4id = laneid % 4;
+ const int seq_idx = blockIdx.x;
+ const int partition_idx = blockIdx.y;
+ const int partition_size = blockDim.x;
+ const int max_num_partitions = gridDim.y;
+ const int context_len = context_lens[seq_idx];
+ const int partition_start_token_idx = partition_idx * partition_size;
+ // exit if partition is out of context for seq
+ if (partition_start_token_idx >= context_len) {
+ return;
+ }
+ constexpr int QHLOOP =
+ DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(GQA_RATIO, 4); // each 4 lanes fetch 4 different qheads,
+ // total qheads =8, so qhloop is 2
+ constexpr int GQA_RATIO4 = 4 * QHLOOP;
+ __shared__ float shared_qk_max[NWARPS][GQA_RATIO4 + 1];
+ __shared__ float shared_exp_sum[NWARPS][GQA_RATIO4 + 1];
+ _B16x8 Qlocal[QHLOOP];
+ constexpr int x = 16 / sizeof(scalar_t);
+ constexpr int KHELOOP = HEAD_SIZE / x;
+ _B16x8 Klocal[KHELOOP];
+ constexpr int VHELOOP =
+ WARP_SIZE; // v head_size dimension is distributed across lanes
+ constexpr int VTLOOP = 8; // 16 separate 4xtokens across warp -> 16/2
+ // 8xtokens
+ _B16x8 Vlocal[VHELOOP][VTLOOP];
+ floatx4 dout[QHLOOP];
+ float qk_max[QHLOOP];
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ dout[h] = {0};
+ qk_max[h] = -FLT_MAX;
+ }
+ const int wg_start_head_idx = blockIdx.z * GQA_RATIO;
+ const int wg_start_kv_head_idx = blockIdx.z;
+ const int warp_start_token_idx =
+ partition_start_token_idx + warpid * WARP_SIZE;
+ if (warp_start_token_idx >= context_len) { // warp out of context
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < GQA_RATIO4; h++) {
+ shared_qk_max[warpid][h] = -FLT_MAX;
+ shared_exp_sum[warpid][h] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ } else { // warp within context
+ const int num_context_blocks = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(context_len, BLOCK_SIZE);
+ const int last_ctx_block = num_context_blocks - 1;
+ const int* block_table = block_tables + seq_idx * max_num_blocks_per_seq;
+ const int local_token_idx = threadIdx.x;
+ const int global_token_idx = partition_start_token_idx + local_token_idx;
+ const int block_idx = (global_token_idx < context_len)
+ ? global_token_idx / BLOCK_SIZE
+ : last_ctx_block;
+ // fetch block number for q and k
+ // int32 physical_block_number leads to overflow when multiplied with
+ // kv_block_stride
+ const int64_t physical_block_number =
+ static_cast<int64_t>(block_table[block_idx]);
+ // fetch vphysical block numbers up front
+ constexpr int VBLOCKS = 8 * VTLOOP / BLOCK_SIZE;
+ int vphysical_blocks[VBLOCKS];
+ const int warp_start_block_idx = warp_start_token_idx / BLOCK_SIZE;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int b = 0; b < VBLOCKS; b++) {
+ const int vblock_idx = warp_start_block_idx + b;
+ const int vblock_idx_ctx =
+ (vblock_idx <= last_ctx_block) ? vblock_idx : last_ctx_block;
+ vphysical_blocks[b] = block_table[vblock_idx_ctx];
+ }
+ // each 4 lanes fetch 8 helems, so warp fetches 8*16 = 128 helems
+ const scalar_t* q_ptr =
+ q + seq_idx * q_stride + wg_start_head_idx * HEAD_SIZE;
+ const _B16x8* q_ptrh8 = reinterpret_cast<const _B16x8*>(q_ptr);
+ const int qhead_elemh8 = laneid / 4;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP - 1; h++) {
+ const int qhead_idx = h * 4 + lane4id;
+ Qlocal[h] = q_ptrh8[qhead_idx * HEAD_SIZE / 8 + qhead_elemh8];
+ }
+ const int final_qhead_idx = 4 * (QHLOOP - 1) + lane4id;
+ if (final_qhead_idx < GQA_RATIO) {
+ Qlocal[QHLOOP - 1] =
+ q_ptrh8[final_qhead_idx * HEAD_SIZE / 8 + qhead_elemh8];
+ } else {
+ Qlocal[QHLOOP - 1].xy[0] = {0};
+ Qlocal[QHLOOP - 1].xy[1] = {0};
+ }
+ const scalar_t* k_ptr = k_cache + physical_block_number * kv_block_stride +
+ wg_start_kv_head_idx * kv_head_stride;
+ const int physical_block_offset =
+ local_token_idx % BLOCK_SIZE; // since x=half8, physical_block_offset
+ // is already cast as _H8
+ const _B16x8* k_ptrh8 = reinterpret_cast<const _B16x8*>(k_ptr);
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int d = 0; d < KHELOOP; d++) {
+ Klocal[d] = k_ptrh8[d * BLOCK_SIZE + physical_block_offset];
+ }
+ float alibi_slope[QHLOOP];
+ if (alibi_slopes != nullptr) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ const int qhead_idx = h * 4 + lane4id;
+ alibi_slope[h] = (qhead_idx < GQA_RATIO)
+ ? alibi_slopes[wg_start_head_idx + qhead_idx]
+ : 0.f;
+ }
+ }
+ const scalar_t* v_ptr = v_cache + wg_start_kv_head_idx * kv_head_stride;
+ const _B16x8* v_ptrh8 = reinterpret_cast<const _B16x8*>(v_ptr);
+ // iterate over each v block
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int b = 0; b < VBLOCKS; b++) {
+ // int32 physical_block_number leads to overflow when multiplied with
+ // kv_block_stride
+ const int64_t vphysical_block_number =
+ static_cast<int64_t>(vphysical_blocks[b]);
+ const _B16x8* v_ptrh8b =
+ v_ptrh8 + (vphysical_block_number * kv_block_stride) / 8;
+ // iterate over each head elem (within head_size)
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < VHELOOP; h++) {
+ const int head_size_elem = h * WARP_SIZE + laneid;
+ const _B16x8* v_ptrh8be = v_ptrh8b + head_size_elem * BLOCK_SIZE / 8;
+ // iterate over all velems within block
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int d = 0; d < BLOCK_SIZE / 8; d++) {
+ Vlocal[h][b * BLOCK_SIZE / 8 + d] = v_ptrh8be[d];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 0, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[0].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 0, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[0].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 1, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[1].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 1, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[1].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 2, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[2].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 2, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[2].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 3, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[3].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 3, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[3].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 4, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[4].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 4, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[4].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 5, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[5].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 5, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[5].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 6, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[6].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 6, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[6].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 7, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[7].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 7, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[7].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ if constexpr (KHELOOP > 8) {
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 8, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[8].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 8, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[8].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 9, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[9].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 9, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[9].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 10, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[10].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 10, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[10].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 11, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[11].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 11, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[11].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 12, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[12].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 12, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[12].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 13, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[13].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 13, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[13].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 14, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[14].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 14, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[14].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 15, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[0],
+ Klocal[15].xy[0], dout[h]);
+ dout[h] = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 15, 0>(Qlocal[h].xy[1],
+ Klocal[15].xy[1], dout[h]);
+ } // KHELOOP>8
+ dout[h] *= scale;
+ }
+ // transpose dout so that 4 token ids are in each lane, and 4 heads are across
+ // 4 lanes
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ floatx4 tmp = {0};
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ const float B = (lane4id == i) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
+ // const float A = (global_token_idx < context_len) ? dout[h][i] : 0.0f;
+ tmp = __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_4x4x1f32(dout[h][i], B, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
+ // tmp = __builtin_amdgcn_mfma_f32_4x4x1f32(A, B, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ dout[h] = tmp;
+ }
+ const int lane4_token_idx = 4 * (global_token_idx >> 2);
+ const int alibi_offset = lane4_token_idx - context_len + 1;
+ if (alibi_slopes != nullptr) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ dout[h][i] += alibi_slope[h] * (alibi_offset + i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ qk_max[h] = -FLT_MAX;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ qk_max[h] = (lane4_token_idx + i < context_len)
+ ? fmaxf(qk_max[h], dout[h][i])
+ : qk_max[h];
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int mask = WARP_SIZE / 2; mask >= 4; mask /= 2) {
+ qk_max[h] = fmaxf(qk_max[h], __shfl_xor(qk_max[h], mask));
+ }
+ }
+ float exp_sum[QHLOOP];
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ exp_sum[h] = 0.0f;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ dout[h][i] = (lane4_token_idx + i < context_len)
+ ? __expf(dout[h][i] - qk_max[h])
+ : 0.0f;
+ exp_sum[h] += dout[h][i];
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int mask = WARP_SIZE / 2; mask >= 4; mask /= 2) {
+ exp_sum[h] += __shfl_xor(exp_sum[h], mask);
+ }
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ const int head_idx = 4 * h + lane4id;
+ shared_qk_max[warpid][head_idx] = qk_max[h];
+ shared_exp_sum[warpid][head_idx] = exp_sum[h];
+ }
+ } // warp within context
+ __syncthreads();
+ const int num_heads = gridDim.z * GQA_RATIO;
+ float* max_logits_ptr =
+ max_logits + seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions + partition_idx;
+ float* exp_sums_ptr =
+ exp_sums + seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions + partition_idx;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ float global_qk_max = -FLT_MAX;
+ float warp_qk_max[NWARPS];
+ const int head_idx = 4 * h + lane4id;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int w = 0; w < NWARPS; w++) {
+ warp_qk_max[w] = shared_qk_max[w][head_idx];
+ global_qk_max = fmaxf(global_qk_max, warp_qk_max[w]);
+ }
+ float global_exp_sum = 0.0f;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int w = 0; w < NWARPS; w++) {
+ global_exp_sum +=
+ shared_exp_sum[w][head_idx] * __expf(warp_qk_max[w] - global_qk_max);
+ }
+ if (head_idx < GQA_RATIO) {
+ max_logits_ptr[(wg_start_head_idx + head_idx) * max_num_partitions] =
+ global_qk_max;
+ exp_sums_ptr[(wg_start_head_idx + head_idx) * max_num_partitions] =
+ global_exp_sum;
+ }
+ const float global_inv_sum_scale = __fdividef(1.f, global_exp_sum + 1e-6f) *
+ __expf(qk_max[h] - global_qk_max);
+ dout[h] *= global_inv_sum_scale;
+ }
+ // logits[h] -> every 4 lanes hold 4 heads, each lane holds 4 tokens, there
+ // are 4x16 tokens across warp
+ _B16x4 logits[QHLOOP];
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int h = 0; h < QHLOOP; h++) {
+ logits[h] = from_floatx4<scalar_t>(dout[h]);
+ }
+ __shared__ _B16x4 vout_shared[QHLOOP][VHELOOP][WARP_SIZE][NWARPS + 1];
+ if (warp_start_token_idx >= context_len) { // warp out of context
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int qh = 0; qh < QHLOOP; qh++) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int vh = 0; vh < VHELOOP; vh++) {
+ vout_shared[qh][vh][laneid][warpid] = {0};
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // warp in context
+ // iterate across heads
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int qh = 0; qh < QHLOOP; qh++) {
+ // iterate over each v head elem (within head_size)
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int vh = 0; vh < VHELOOP; vh++) {
+ floatx4 acc = {0};
+ // iterate over tokens
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 0, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][0].xy[0],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 1, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][0].xy[1],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 2, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][1].xy[0],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 3, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][1].xy[1],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 4, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][2].xy[0],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 5, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][2].xy[1],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 6, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][3].xy[0],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 7, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][3].xy[1],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 8, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][4].xy[0],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 9, 0>(logits[qh], Vlocal[vh][4].xy[1],
+ acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 10, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][5].xy[0], acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 11, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][5].xy[1], acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 12, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][6].xy[0], acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 13, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][6].xy[1], acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 14, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][7].xy[0], acc);
+ acc = gcn_mfma_instr<scalar_t, 4, 15, 0>(logits[qh],
+ Vlocal[vh][7].xy[1], acc);
+ vout_shared[qh][vh][laneid][warpid] = from_floatx4<scalar_t>(acc);
+ }
+ }
+ } // warp in context
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (warpid == 0) {
+ _B16x4 vout[QHLOOP][VHELOOP];
+ // iterate across heads
+ scalar_t* out_ptr;
+ int out_num_partitions;
+ if (context_len > partition_size) {
+ out_num_partitions = max_num_partitions;
+ out_ptr = out + seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions * HEAD_SIZE +
+ partition_idx * HEAD_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ out_num_partitions = 1;
+ out_ptr = final_out + seq_idx * num_heads * HEAD_SIZE;
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int qh = 0; qh < QHLOOP; qh++) {
+ // iterate over each v head elem (within head_size)
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int vh = 0; vh < VHELOOP; vh++) {
+ vout[qh][vh] = {0};
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int w = 0; w < NWARPS; w++) {
+ vout[qh][vh] =
+ addx4<scalar_t>(vout[qh][vh], vout_shared[qh][vh][laneid][w]);
+ }
+ const int head_size_elem = vh * WARP_SIZE + laneid;
+ bit16_t* out_ptr_b16 = reinterpret_cast<bit16_t*>(out_ptr);
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ const int head_idx = 4 * qh + i;
+ if (head_idx < GQA_RATIO) {
+ out_ptr_b16[(wg_start_head_idx + head_idx) * out_num_partitions *
+ head_size_elem] = vout[qh][vh][i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Grid: (num_heads, num_seqs).
+template <typename scalar_t, int HEAD_SIZE, int NUM_THREADS,
+__launch_bounds__(NUM_THREADS) void paged_attention_ll4mi_reduce_kernel(
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ const float* __restrict__ exp_sums, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ const float* __restrict__ max_logits, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ tmp_out, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions, head_size]
+ const int* __restrict__ context_lens, // [num_seqs]
+ const int max_num_partitions) {
+ const int num_heads = gridDim.x;
+ const int head_idx = blockIdx.x;
+ const int seq_idx = blockIdx.y;
+ const int context_len = context_lens[seq_idx];
+ const int num_partitions = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(context_len, PARTITION_SIZE);
+ if (num_partitions == 1) {
+ // if num_partitions==1, main kernel will write to out directly, no work in
+ // reduction kernel
+ return;
+ }
+ constexpr int NUM_WARPS = NUM_THREADS / WARP_SIZE;
+ const int warpid = threadIdx.x / WARP_SIZE;
+ const int laneid = threadIdx.x % WARP_SIZE;
+ __shared__ float shared_global_exp_sum;
+ __shared__ float shared_exp_sums[2 * WARP_SIZE];
+ if (warpid == 0) {
+ const float* max_logits_ptr = max_logits +
+ seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions +
+ head_idx * max_num_partitions;
+ // valid partition is the last valid partition in case threadid > num
+ // partitions
+ const int valid_partition =
+ (threadIdx.x < num_partitions) ? threadIdx.x : num_partitions - 1;
+ const int valid_partition2 = (WARP_SIZE + threadIdx.x < num_partitions)
+ ? WARP_SIZE + threadIdx.x
+ : num_partitions - 1;
+ float reg_max_logit = max_logits_ptr[valid_partition];
+ float reg_max_logit2 = max_logits_ptr[valid_partition2];
+ float max_logit = fmaxf(reg_max_logit, reg_max_logit2);
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int mask = WARP_SIZE / 2; mask >= 1; mask /= 2) {
+ max_logit = fmaxf(max_logit, __shfl_xor(max_logit, mask));
+ }
+ const float* exp_sums_ptr = exp_sums +
+ seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions +
+ head_idx * max_num_partitions;
+ float global_exp_sum = 0.0f;
+ float rescaled_exp_sum = exp_sums_ptr[valid_partition];
+ float rescaled_exp_sum2 = exp_sums_ptr[valid_partition2];
+ rescaled_exp_sum *=
+ (threadIdx.x < num_partitions) ? expf(reg_max_logit - max_logit) : 0.0f;
+ rescaled_exp_sum2 *= (threadIdx.x + WARP_SIZE < num_partitions)
+ ? expf(reg_max_logit2 - max_logit)
+ : 0.0f;
+ global_exp_sum += rescaled_exp_sum + rescaled_exp_sum2;
+ shared_exp_sums[threadIdx.x] = rescaled_exp_sum;
+ shared_exp_sums[threadIdx.x + WARP_SIZE] = rescaled_exp_sum2;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int mask = WARP_SIZE / 2; mask >= 1; mask /= 2) {
+ global_exp_sum += __shfl_xor(global_exp_sum, mask);
+ }
+ if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
+ shared_global_exp_sum = global_exp_sum;
+ }
+ } // warpid == 0
+ const scalar_t* tmp_out_ptr =
+ tmp_out + seq_idx * num_heads * max_num_partitions * HEAD_SIZE +
+ head_idx * max_num_partitions * HEAD_SIZE + threadIdx.x;
+ constexpr int MAX_NPAR = 64;
+ scalar_t tmps[MAX_NPAR];
+ const float dzero = 0.0f;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NPAR; j++) {
+ tmps[j] = from_float<scalar_t>(dzero);
+ }
+ const int last_partition_offset = (num_partitions - 1) * HEAD_SIZE;
+ const int num_partition_offset = (num_partitions)*HEAD_SIZE;
+ int idx = 0;
+ constexpr int JCHUNK = 16;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 0; j < JCHUNK * HEAD_SIZE; j += HEAD_SIZE) {
+ // lastj is last valid partition
+ const int lastj_offset =
+ (j < num_partition_offset) ? j : last_partition_offset;
+ tmps[idx] = tmp_out_ptr[lastj_offset];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (num_partitions > JCHUNK) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = JCHUNK * HEAD_SIZE; j < 2 * JCHUNK * HEAD_SIZE;
+ j += HEAD_SIZE) {
+ const int lastj_offset =
+ (j < num_partition_offset) ? j : last_partition_offset;
+ tmps[idx] = tmp_out_ptr[lastj_offset];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (num_partitions > 2 * JCHUNK) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 2 * JCHUNK * HEAD_SIZE; j < MAX_NPAR * HEAD_SIZE;
+ j += HEAD_SIZE) {
+ const int lastj_offset =
+ (j < num_partition_offset) ? j : last_partition_offset;
+ tmps[idx] = tmp_out_ptr[lastj_offset];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // num_partitions > JCHUNK
+ // Aggregate tmp_out to out.
+ float acc = 0.0f;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 0; j < JCHUNK; j++) {
+ acc += to_float<scalar_t>(tmps[j]) * shared_exp_sums[j];
+ }
+ if (num_partitions > JCHUNK) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = JCHUNK; j < 2 * JCHUNK; j++) {
+ acc += to_float<scalar_t>(tmps[j]) * shared_exp_sums[j];
+ }
+ if (num_partitions > 2 * JCHUNK) {
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 2 * JCHUNK; j < MAX_NPAR; j++) {
+ acc += to_float<scalar_t>(tmps[j]) * shared_exp_sums[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_partitions > MAX_NPAR) {
+ idx = 0;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = MAX_NPAR * HEAD_SIZE; j < 2 * MAX_NPAR * HEAD_SIZE;
+ j += HEAD_SIZE) {
+ // lastj is last valid partition
+ const int lastj_offset =
+ (j < num_partition_offset) ? j : last_partition_offset;
+ tmps[idx] = tmp_out_ptr[lastj_offset];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NPAR; j++) {
+ acc += to_float<scalar_t>(tmps[j]) * shared_exp_sums[j + MAX_NPAR];
+ }
+ }
+ const float inv_global_exp_sum =
+ __fdividef(1.0f, shared_global_exp_sum + 1e-6f);
+ acc *= inv_global_exp_sum;
+ scalar_t* out_ptr =
+ out + seq_idx * num_heads * HEAD_SIZE + head_idx * HEAD_SIZE;
+ out_ptr[threadIdx.x] = from_float<scalar_t>(acc);
+#else // !defined(__HIP__MI300_MI250__) TODO: Add NAVI support
+template <typename scalar_t, int BLOCK_SIZE, int HEAD_SIZE, int NUM_THREADS,
+ int GQA_RATIO>
+__global__ __launch_bounds__(NUM_THREADS) void paged_attention_ll4mi_QKV_kernel(
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ q, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ k_cache, // [num_blocks, num_kv_heads,
+ // head_size/x, block_size, x]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ v_cache, // [num_blocks, num_kv_heads,
+ // head_size, block_size]
+ const int num_kv_heads, const float scale,
+ const int* __restrict__ block_tables, // [num_seqs, max_num_blocks_per_seq]
+ const int* __restrict__ context_lens, // [num_seqs]
+ const int max_num_blocks_per_seq,
+ const float* __restrict__ alibi_slopes, // [num_heads]
+ const int q_stride, const int kv_block_stride, const int kv_head_stride,
+ float* __restrict__ exp_sums, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions]
+ float* __restrict__ max_logits, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions,
+ // head_size]
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ final_out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ #if 0
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ qk_out, // [num_heads, num_seqs, max_ctx_blocks,block_size]
+ #endif
+ int max_ctx_blocks) {
+// Grid: (num_heads, num_seqs).
+template <typename scalar_t, int HEAD_SIZE, int NUM_THREADS,
+__launch_bounds__(NUM_THREADS) void paged_attention_ll4mi_reduce_kernel(
+ scalar_t* __restrict__ out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ const float* __restrict__ exp_sums, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ const float* __restrict__ max_logits, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions]
+ const scalar_t* __restrict__ tmp_out, // [num_seqs, num_heads,
+ // max_num_partitions, head_size]
+ const int* __restrict__ context_lens, // [num_seqs]
+ const int max_num_partitions){UNREACHABLE_CODE}
+#endif // defined(__HIP__MI300_MI250__) TODO: Add NAVI support
+ paged_attention_ll4mi_QKV_kernel<T, BLOCK_SIZE, HEAD_SIZE, NTHR, GQA_RATIO> \
+ <<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>( \
+ query_ptr, key_cache_ptr, value_cache_ptr, num_kv_heads, scale, \
+ block_tables_ptr, context_lens_ptr, max_num_blocks_per_seq, \
+ alibi_slopes_ptr, q_stride, kv_block_stride, kv_head_stride, \
+ exp_sums_ptr, max_logits_ptr, tmp_out_ptr, out_ptr, max_ctx_blocks);
+template <typename T, int BLOCK_SIZE, int HEAD_SIZE, int PARTITION_SIZE = 256>
+void paged_attention_custom_launcher(
+ torch::Tensor& out, torch::Tensor& exp_sums, torch::Tensor& max_logits,
+ torch::Tensor& tmp_out, torch::Tensor& query, torch::Tensor& key_cache,
+ torch::Tensor& value_cache, const int num_kv_heads, float scale,
+ torch::Tensor& block_tables, torch::Tensor& context_lens,
+ int max_context_len,
+#if 0
+ torch::Tensor& qk_out,
+ torch::Tensor& softmax_out,
+ const c10::optional<torch::Tensor>& alibi_slopes) {
+ int num_seqs = query.size(0);
+ int num_heads = query.size(1);
+ int head_size = query.size(2);
+ int max_num_blocks_per_seq = block_tables.size(1);
+ int q_stride = query.stride(0);
+ int kv_block_stride = key_cache.stride(0);
+ int kv_head_stride = key_cache.stride(1);
+ // NOTE: alibi_slopes is optional.
+ const float* alibi_slopes_ptr =
+ alibi_slopes
+ ? reinterpret_cast<const float*>(alibi_slopes.value().data_ptr())
+ : nullptr;
+ T* out_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(out.data_ptr());
+ float* exp_sums_ptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(exp_sums.data_ptr());
+ float* max_logits_ptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(max_logits.data_ptr());
+ T* tmp_out_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(tmp_out.data_ptr());
+ T* query_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(query.data_ptr());
+ T* key_cache_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(key_cache.data_ptr());
+ T* value_cache_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(value_cache.data_ptr());
+ int* block_tables_ptr = block_tables.data_ptr<int>();
+ int* context_lens_ptr = context_lens.data_ptr<int>();
+#if 0
+ T* qk_out_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(qk_out.data_ptr());
+ T* softmax_out_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(softmax_out.data_ptr());
+ const int max_ctx_blocks = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(max_context_len, BLOCK_SIZE);
+ const int max_num_partitions =
+ const int gqa_ratio = num_heads / num_kv_heads;
+ assert(num_heads % num_kv_heads == 0);
+ assert(head_size == HEAD_SIZE);
+ assert(max_num_partitions <= 128);
+ constexpr int NTHR = PARTITION_SIZE;
+ dim3 grid(num_seqs, max_num_partitions, num_kv_heads);
+ dim3 block(NTHR);
+ const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(query));
+ const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ switch (gqa_ratio) {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ break;
+ default:
+ TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported gqa ratio: ", gqa_ratio);
+ break;
+ }
+ // dim3 grid2(num_heads,num_seqs,head_size/HEAD_ELEMS_PER_WG);
+ // dim3 block2(1024);
+ // reduction kernel is only required if max_context_len > partition size,
+ // otherwise main kernel writes directly to final output
+ // note there are cases with graphing where max_context_len is the max
+ // supported by graphing, not the actual max among all the sequences: in that
+ // case reduction kernel will still run but return immediately
+ if (max_context_len > PARTITION_SIZE) {
+ dim3 reduce_grid(num_heads, num_seqs);
+ dim3 reduce_block(head_size);
+ paged_attention_ll4mi_reduce_kernel<T, HEAD_SIZE, HEAD_SIZE, PARTITION_SIZE>
+ <<<reduce_grid, reduce_block, 0, stream>>>(
+ out_ptr, exp_sums_ptr, max_logits_ptr, tmp_out_ptr,
+ context_lens_ptr, max_num_partitions);
+ }
+ paged_attention_custom_launcher<T, BLK_SIZE, HEAD_SIZE>( \
+ out, exp_sums, max_logits, tmp_out, query, key_cache, value_cache, \
+ num_kv_heads, scale, block_tables, context_lens, max_context_len, \
+ alibi_slopes);
+ switch (block_size) { \
+ case 16: \
+ break; \
+ case 32: \
+ break; \
+ default: \
+ TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported block size: ", block_size); \
+ break; \
+ }
+ switch (head_size) { \
+ case 64: \
+ break; \
+ case 128: \
+ break; \
+ default: \
+ TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported head size: ", head_size); \
+ break; \
+ }
+void paged_attention(
+ torch::Tensor& out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ torch::Tensor& exp_sums, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions]
+ torch::Tensor& max_logits, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions]
+ torch::Tensor&
+ tmp_out, // [num_seqs, num_heads, max_num_partitions, head_size]
+ torch::Tensor& query, // [num_seqs, num_heads, head_size]
+ torch::Tensor&
+ key_cache, // [num_blocks, num_heads, head_size/x, block_size, x]
+ torch::Tensor&
+ value_cache, // [num_blocks, num_heads, head_size, block_size]
+ int64_t num_kv_heads, double scale,
+ torch::Tensor& block_tables, // [num_seqs, max_num_blocks_per_seq]
+ torch::Tensor& context_lens, // [num_seqs]
+ int64_t block_size, int64_t max_context_len,
+ const c10::optional<torch::Tensor>& alibi_slopes,
+ const std::string& kv_cache_dtype) {
+ assert(kv_cache_dtype == "auto");
+ const int head_size = query.size(2);
+ if (query.dtype() == at::ScalarType::Half) {
+ } else if (query.dtype() == at::ScalarType::BFloat16) {
+ } else {
+ TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported data type: ", query.dtype());
+ }
+#undef WARP_SIZE
+#undef MAX
+#undef MIN