@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <torch/custom_class.h>
+namespace aphrodite {
+// ScalarType can represent a wide range of floating point and integer types,
+// in particular it can be used to represent sub-byte data types (something
+// that torch.dtype currently does not support).
+// ScalarTypeTorch is a subclass of ScalarType that is compatible with
+// TORCH_LIBRARY, making it accessible from Python as well meaning this class
+// can be used as a argument for custom operators, helping to simplify these
+// interfaces.
+// The type definitions on the Python side can be found in: aphrodite/_core_ext.pyi
+// these type definitions should be kept up to date with any Python API changes
+// here.
+class ScalarType {
+ public:
+ enum NanRepr : int64_t {
+ NAN_NONE = 0, // nans are not supported
+ NAN_IEEE_754 = 1, // nans are: exp all 1s, mantissa not all 0s
+ NAN_EXTD_RANGE_MAX_MIN = 2, // nans are: exp all 1s, mantissa all 1s
+ };
+ constexpr ScalarType(bool signed_, int64_t exponent, int64_t mantissa,
+ int64_t bias, bool finite_values_only = false,
+ NanRepr nan_repr = NAN_IEEE_754)
+ : exponent(exponent),
+ mantissa(mantissa),
+ bias(bias),
+ signed_(signed_),
+ finite_values_only(finite_values_only),
+ nan_repr(nan_repr){};
+ static constexpr ScalarType int_(int64_t size_bits, int64_t bias = 0) {
+ return ScalarType(true, 0, size_bits - 1, bias);
+ }
+ static constexpr ScalarType uint(int64_t size_bits, int64_t bias = 0) {
+ return ScalarType(false, 0, size_bits, bias);
+ }
+ // IEEE 754 compliant floating point type
+ static constexpr ScalarType float_IEEE754(int64_t exponent,
+ int64_t mantissa) {
+ TORCH_CHECK(mantissa > 0 && exponent > 0);
+ return ScalarType(true, exponent, mantissa, 0, false, NAN_IEEE_754);
+ }
+ // IEEE 754 non-compliant floating point type
+ static constexpr ScalarType float_(int64_t exponent, int64_t mantissa,
+ bool finite_values_only,
+ NanRepr nan_repr) {
+ TORCH_CHECK(nan_repr < NAN_REPR_ID_MAX, "Invalid NanRepr");
+ TORCH_CHECK(mantissa > 0 && exponent > 0);
+ TORCH_CHECK(nan_repr != NAN_IEEE_754,
+ "use `float_IEEE754` constructor for floating point types that "
+ "follow IEEE 754 conventions");
+ return ScalarType(true, exponent, mantissa, 0, finite_values_only,
+ nan_repr);
+ }
+ int64_t const exponent; // size of the exponent field (0 for integer types)
+ int64_t const mantissa; // size of the mantissa field (size of the integer
+ // excluding the sign bit for integer types)
+ int64_t const bias; // stored values equal value + bias,
+ // used for quantized type
+ bool const signed_; // flag if the type supports negative numbers (i.e. has a
+ // sign bit)
+ // Extra Floating point info
+ bool const finite_values_only; // i.e. no +/-inf if true
+ NanRepr const nan_repr; // how NaNs are represented
+ // (not applicable for integer types)
+ int64_t size_bits() const { return mantissa + exponent + is_signed(); }
+ bool is_signed() const { return signed_; }
+ bool is_integer() const { return exponent == 0; }
+ bool is_floating_point() const { return exponent > 0; }
+ bool is_ieee_754() const {
+ return is_floating_point() && finite_values_only == false &&
+ nan_repr == NAN_IEEE_754;
+ }
+ bool has_nans() const { return is_floating_point() && nan_repr != NAN_NONE; }
+ bool has_infs() const {
+ return is_floating_point() && finite_values_only == false;
+ }
+ bool has_bias() const { return bias != 0; }
+ private:
+ double _floating_point_max() const {
+ TORCH_CHECK(mantissa <= 52 && exponent <= 11,
+ "Cannot represent max/min as a double for type ", str());
+ uint64_t max_mantissa = (uint64_t(1) << mantissa) - 1;
+ if (nan_repr == NAN_EXTD_RANGE_MAX_MIN) {
+ max_mantissa -= 1;
+ }
+ uint64_t max_exponent = (uint64_t(1) << exponent) - 2;
+ if (nan_repr == NAN_EXTD_RANGE_MAX_MIN || nan_repr == NAN_NONE) {
+ TORCH_CHECK(exponent < 11,
+ "Cannot represent max/min as a double for type ", str());
+ max_exponent += 1;
+ }
+ // adjust the exponent to match that of a double
+ // for now we assume the exponent bias is the standard 2^(e-1) -1, (where e
+ // is the exponent bits), there is some precedent for non-standard biases,
+ // example `float8_e4m3b11fnuz` here: https://github.com/jax-ml/ml_dtypes
+ // but to avoid premature over complication we are just assuming the
+ // standard exponent bias until there is a need to support non-standard
+ // biases
+ uint64_t exponent_bias = (uint64_t(1) << (exponent - 1)) - 1;
+ uint64_t exponent_bias_double = (uint64_t(1) << 10) - 1; // double e = 11
+ uint64_t max_exponent_double =
+ max_exponent - exponent_bias + exponent_bias_double;
+ // shift the mantissa into the position for a double and
+ // the exponent
+ uint64_t double_raw =
+ (max_mantissa << (52 - mantissa)) | (max_exponent_double << 52);
+ return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&double_raw);
+ }
+ std::variant<int64_t, double> _raw_max() const {
+ if (is_floating_point()) {
+ return {_floating_point_max()};
+ } else {
+ TORCH_CHECK(size_bits() < 64 || size_bits() == 64 && is_signed(),
+ "Cannot represent max as a int64_t");
+ return {(int64_t(1) << mantissa) - 1};
+ }
+ }
+ std::variant<int64_t, double> _raw_min() const {
+ if (is_floating_point()) {
+ TORCH_CHECK(is_signed(),
+ "We currently assume all floating point types are signed");
+ constexpr uint64_t sign_bit_double = (uint64_t(1) << 63);
+ double max = _floating_point_max();
+ uint64_t max_raw = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&max);
+ uint64_t min_raw = max_raw | sign_bit_double;
+ return {*reinterpret_cast<double*>(&min_raw)};
+ } else {
+ TORCH_CHECK(!is_signed() || size_bits() <= 64,
+ "Cannot represent min as a int64_t");
+ if (is_signed()) {
+ // set the top bit to 1 (i.e. INT64_MIN) and the rest to 0
+ // then perform an arithmetic shift right to set all the bits above
+ // (size_bits() - 1) to 1
+ return {INT64_MIN >> (64 - size_bits())};
+ } else {
+ return {int64_t(0)};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ // Max representable value for this scalar type.
+ // (accounting for bias if there is one)
+ std::variant<int64_t, double> max() const {
+ return std::visit(
+ [this](auto x) -> std::variant<int64_t, double> { return {x - bias}; },
+ _raw_max());
+ }
+ // Min representable value for this scalar type.
+ // (accounting for bias if there is one)
+ std::variant<int64_t, double> min() const {
+ return std::visit(
+ [this](auto x) -> std::variant<int64_t, double> { return {x - bias}; },
+ _raw_min());
+ }
+ std::string str() const {
+ /* naming generally follows: https://github.com/jax-ml/ml_dtypes
+ * for floating point types (leading f) the scheme is:
+ * `float<size_bits>_e<exponent_bits>m<mantissa_bits>[flags]`
+ * flags:
+ * - no-flags: means it follows IEEE 754 conventions
+ * - f: means finite values only (no infinities)
+ * - n: means nans are supported (non-standard encoding)
+ * for integer types the scheme is:
+ * `[u]int<size_bits>[b<bias>]`
+ * - if bias is not present it means its zero
+ */
+ if (is_floating_point()) {
+ auto ret = "float" + std::to_string(size_bits()) + "_e" +
+ std::to_string(exponent) + "m" + std::to_string(mantissa);
+ if (!is_ieee_754()) {
+ if (finite_values_only) {
+ ret += "f";
+ }
+ if (nan_repr != NAN_NONE) {
+ ret += "n";
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ auto ret = ((is_signed()) ? "int" : "uint") + std::to_string(size_bits());
+ if (has_bias()) {
+ ret += "b" + std::to_string(bias);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ bool operator==(ScalarType const& other) const {
+ return mantissa == other.mantissa && exponent == other.exponent &&
+ bias == other.bias && signed_ == other.signed_ &&
+ finite_values_only == other.finite_values_only &&
+ nan_repr == other.nan_repr;
+ }
+// Create a TORCH_LIBRARY compatible version of ScalarType (i.e. inherit from
+// torch::CustomClassHolder), we use multiple inheritance here since we cannot
+// have ScalarType inherit from torch::CustomClassHolder and have a constexpr
+// constructor at the same time (torch::CustomClassHolder does not have a
+// constexpr destructor)
+class ScalarTypeTorch : public torch::CustomClassHolder, public ScalarType {
+ public:
+ ScalarTypeTorch(int64_t exponent, int64_t mantissa, int64_t bias,
+ bool _signed)
+ : ScalarType(exponent, mantissa, bias, _signed){};
+ ScalarTypeTorch(ScalarType type) : ScalarType(type){};
+ using Base = ScalarType;
+ using Self = ScalarTypeTorch;
+ using SelfPtr = c10::intrusive_ptr<Self>;
+ static SelfPtr int_(int64_t size_bits, c10::optional<int64_t> bias) {
+ return c10::make_intrusive<Self>(
+ ScalarType::int_(size_bits, bias.value_or(0)));
+ }
+ static SelfPtr uint(int64_t size_bits, c10::optional<int64_t> bias) {
+ return c10::make_intrusive<Self>(
+ ScalarType::uint(size_bits, bias.value_or(0)));
+ }
+ static SelfPtr float_IEEE754(int64_t exponent, int64_t mantissa) {
+ return c10::make_intrusive<Self>(
+ ScalarType::float_IEEE754(exponent, mantissa));
+ }
+ static SelfPtr float_(int64_t exponent, int64_t mantissa,
+ bool finite_values_only, int64_t nan_repr) {
+ return c10::make_intrusive<Self>(ScalarType::float_(
+ exponent, mantissa, finite_values_only, NanRepr(nan_repr)));
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static void bind_readonly_property(torch::class_<Self>& cls,
+ std::string const& name, T Base::*field) {
+ auto getter_func = [field = std::move(field)](SelfPtr const& self) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(field)>) {
+ return (self.get()->*field)();
+ } else {
+ return self.get()->*field;
+ }
+ };
+ cls.def_property(name, getter_func);
+ }
+ template <typename MemberFunc, typename Cls>
+ static void bind_function(torch::class_<Self>& cls, const std::string& name,
+ MemberFunc Cls::*member) {
+ cls.def(name, [member = std::move(member)](SelfPtr const& self) {
+ return (self.get()->*member)();
+ });
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ static void bind_function(torch::class_<Self>& cls, const std::string& name,
+ Func func) {
+ cls.def(name, func);
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ static void bind_static_function(torch::class_<Self>& cls,
+ const std::string& name, Func func) {
+ cls.def_static(name, func);
+ }
+ static void bind_class(torch::Library& lib) {
+ auto cls = lib.class_<ScalarTypeTorch>("ScalarType")
+ .def(torch::init<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, bool>());
+ // Bind Properties
+ bind_readonly_property(cls, "mantissa", &Base::mantissa);
+ bind_readonly_property(cls, "exponent", &Base::exponent);
+ bind_readonly_property(cls, "bias", &Base::bias);
+ bind_readonly_property(cls, "signed", &Base::is_signed);
+ bind_readonly_property(cls, "size_bits", &Base::size_bits);
+ // Bind member functions
+ bind_function(cls, "is_signed", &Base::is_signed);
+ bind_function(cls, "is_integer", &Base::is_integer);
+ bind_function(cls, "is_floating_point", &Base::is_floating_point);
+ bind_function(cls, "is_ieee_754", &Base::is_ieee_754);
+ bind_function(cls, "has_nans", &Base::has_nans);
+ bind_function(cls, "has_infs", &Base::has_infs);
+ bind_function(cls, "has_bias", &Base::has_bias);
+ bind_function(cls, "max", [](SelfPtr const& self) {
+ return std::visit([](auto arg) { return c10::IValue(arg); },
+ self.get()->max());
+ });
+ bind_function(cls, "min", [](SelfPtr const& self) {
+ return std::visit([](auto arg) { return c10::IValue(arg); },
+ self.get()->min());
+ });
+ bind_function(cls, "__str__", &Base::str);
+ bind_function(cls, "__eq__", [](SelfPtr const& self, SelfPtr const& other) {
+ return *self == *other;
+ });
+ bind_function(cls, "__repr__", [](SelfPtr const& self) {
+ return "ScalarType." + self.get()->str();
+ });
+ // Bind static functions (convenience constructors)
+ bind_static_function(cls, "int_", &ScalarTypeTorch::int_);
+ bind_static_function(cls, "uint", &ScalarTypeTorch::uint);
+ bind_static_function(cls, "float_IEEE754", &ScalarTypeTorch::float_IEEE754);
+ bind_static_function(cls, "float_", &ScalarTypeTorch::float_);
+ }
+using ScalarTypeTorchPtr = c10::intrusive_ptr<ScalarTypeTorch>;
+// "rust style" names generally following:
+// https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/6d9f74f0af54751311f0dd71f7e5c01a93260ab3/torch/csrc/api/include/torch/types.h#L60-L70
+static inline constexpr auto kS4 = ScalarType::int_(4);
+static inline constexpr auto kU4 = ScalarType::uint(4);
+static inline constexpr auto kU4B8 = ScalarType::uint(4, 8);
+static inline constexpr auto kS8 = ScalarType::int_(8);
+static inline constexpr auto kU8 = ScalarType::uint(8);
+static inline constexpr auto kU8B128 = ScalarType::uint(8, 128);
+static inline constexpr auto kFE3M2f =
+ ScalarType::float_(3, 2, true, ScalarType::NAN_NONE);
+static inline constexpr auto kFE4M3fn =
+ ScalarType::float_(4, 3, true, ScalarType::NAN_EXTD_RANGE_MAX_MIN);
+static inline constexpr auto kFE5M2 = ScalarType::float_IEEE754(5, 2);
+static inline constexpr auto kFE8M7 = ScalarType::float_IEEE754(8, 7);
+static inline constexpr auto kFE5M10 = ScalarType::float_IEEE754(5, 10);
+// Fixed width style names, generally following:
+// https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/6d9f74f0af54751311f0dd71f7e5c01a93260ab3/torch/csrc/api/include/torch/types.h#L47-L57
+static inline constexpr auto kInt4 = kS4;
+static inline constexpr auto kUint4 = kU4;
+static inline constexpr auto kUint4b8 = kU4B8;
+static inline constexpr auto kInt8 = kS8;
+static inline constexpr auto kUint8 = kU8;
+static inline constexpr auto kUint8b128 = kU8B128;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat6_e3m2f = kFE3M2f;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat8_e4m3fn = kFE4M3fn;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat8_e5m2 = kFE5M2;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat16_e8m7 = kFE8M7;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat16_e5m10 = kFE5M10;
+// colloquial names
+static inline constexpr auto kHalf = kFE5M10;
+static inline constexpr auto kFloat16 = kHalf;
+static inline constexpr auto kBFloat16 = kFE8M7;
+}; // namespace aphrodite