@@ -1,23 +1,9 @@
-import random
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
-import numpy
import torch
from aphrodite import _custom_ops as ops
-from aphrodite.quantization.utils.format_24 import (
- mask_creator, sparse_semi_structured_from_dense_cutlass)
-from aphrodite.quantization.utils.marlin_24_perms import (
- marlin_24_perm, marlin_24_scale_perm, marlin_24_scale_perm_single)
-from aphrodite.quantization.utils.marlin_perms import (marlin_perm,
- marlin_scale_perm,
- marlin_scale_perm_single
- )
-from aphrodite.quantization.utils.quant_utils import (get_pack_factor,
- quantize_weights,
- sort_weights)
from aphrodite.platforms import current_platform
-from aphrodite.common.utils import print_warning_once
@@ -27,135 +13,110 @@ GPTQ_MARLIN_MAX_PARALLEL = 16
-def is_marlin_supported():
- capability = current_platform.get_device_capability()
- return capability[0] >= 8
-def apply_fp8_marlin_linear(
- input: torch.Tensor,
- weight: torch.Tensor,
- weight_scale: torch.Tensor,
- workspace: torch.Tensor,
- size_n: int,
- size_k: int,
- bias: Optional[torch.Tensor],
-) -> torch.Tensor:
- # For GPUs that lack FP8 hardware support, we can leverage the
- # Marlin kernel for fast weight-only FP8 quantization
- reshaped_x = input.reshape(-1, input.shape[-1])
- out_shape = input.shape[:-1] + (size_n, )
- output = ops.fp8_marlin_gemm(
- a=reshaped_x,
- b_q_weight=weight,
- b_scales=weight_scale,
- workspace=workspace,
- num_bits=8,
- size_m=reshaped_x.shape[0],
- size_n=size_n,
- size_k=size_k,
- )
- if bias is not None:
- output.add_(bias) # In-place add
- return output.reshape(out_shape)
-def prepare_fp8_layer_for_marlin(layer: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
- print_warning_once(
- "Your GPU does not have native support for FP8 computation but "
- "FP8 quantization is being used. Weight-only FP8 compression will "
- "be used leveraging the Marlin kernel. This may degrade "
- "performance for compute-heavy workloads.")
- part_size_n = layer.output_size_per_partition
- part_size_k = layer.input_size_per_partition
- device = layer.weight.device
- # Repack weights to gptq format (packed int32 elements)
- packed_gptq_qweight = pack_fp8_to_int32(layer.weight)
- # Repack weights to marlin format
- marlin_qweight = ops.gptq_marlin_repack(
- b_q_weight=packed_gptq_qweight,
- perm=torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int, device=device),
- size_k=part_size_k,
- size_n=part_size_n,
- num_bits=8,
- )
- layer.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(marlin_qweight, requires_grad=False)
- # Currently Marlin doesn't support per-tensor scales, so we
- # expand it to channelwise
- scales = layer.weight_scale.repeat(1, part_size_n).to(
- layer.orig_dtype).to(device)
- # Permute scales
- num_bits = 8
- marlin_scales = marlin_permute_scales(
- s=scales,
- size_k=part_size_k,
- size_n=part_size_n,
- group_size=-1,
- scale_perm=marlin_scale_perm[num_bits],
- scale_perm_single=marlin_scale_perm_single[num_bits])
- layer.weight_scale = torch.nn.Parameter(marlin_scales, requires_grad=False)
- # Allocate marlin workspace
- max_workspace_size = (part_size_n //
+def check_marlin_supported(num_bits: int, group_size: int, is_sym: bool,
+ min_capability: int) -> bool:
+ # If the capability of the device is too low, cannot convert.
+ major, minor = current_platform.get_device_capability()
+ device_capability = major * 10 + minor
+ if device_capability < min_capability:
+ return False
+ return (device_capability >= min_capability
+def verify_marlin_supported(num_bits: int, group_size: Optional[int],
+ is_sym: bool) -> None:
+ if num_bits not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Marlin does not support weight_bits = {num_bits}. "
+ f"Only weight_bits = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_NUM_BITS} "
+ "are supported.")
+ if (group_size is None
+ or group_size not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Marlin does not support group_size = {group_size}. "
+ f"Only group_sizes = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_GROUP_SIZES} "
+ "are supported.")
+ if is_sym not in GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Marlin does not support is_sym = is_sym. "
+ f"Only sym = {GPTQ_MARLIN_SUPPORTED_SYM} are supported.")
+def verify_marlin_supports_shape(output_size_per_partition: int,
+ input_size_per_partition: int,
+ input_size: int, group_size: int) -> None:
+ # Validate output_size_per_partition
+ if output_size_per_partition % GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_N != 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"Weight output_size_per_partition = "
+ f"{output_size_per_partition} is not divisible by "
+ f" min_thread_n = {GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_N}. "
+ "Consider reducing tensor_parallel_size or running "
+ "with --quantization gptq.")
+ # Validate input_size_per_partition
+ if input_size_per_partition % GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_K != 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"Weight input_size_per_partition = "
+ f"{input_size_per_partition} is not divisible "
+ f"by min_thread_k = {GPTQ_MARLIN_MIN_THREAD_K}. "
+ "Consider reducing tensor_parallel_size or running "
+ "with --quantization gptq.")
+ if (group_size < input_size
+ and input_size_per_partition % group_size != 0):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Weight input_size_per_partition = {input_size_per_partition}"
+ f" is not divisible by group_size = {group_size}."
+ "Consider reducing tensor_parallel_size or running "
+ "with --quantization gptq.")
+def marlin_make_workspace(output_size_per_partition: int,
+ device: torch.device) -> torch.Tensor:
+ max_workspace_size = (output_size_per_partition //
- workspace = torch.zeros(max_workspace_size,
- dtype=torch.int,
- device=device,
- requires_grad=False)
- layer.workspace = workspace
-def marlin_permute_weights(q_w, size_k, size_n, perm, tile=GPTQ_MARLIN_TILE):
- assert q_w.shape == (size_k, size_n)
- assert size_k % tile == 0, f"size_k = {size_k}, tile = {tile}"
- assert size_n % tile == 0, f"size_k = {size_n}, tile = {tile}"
- # Permute weights to 16x64 marlin tiles
- q_w = q_w.reshape((size_k // tile, tile, size_n // tile, tile))
- q_w = q_w.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))
- q_w = q_w.reshape((size_k // tile, size_n * tile))
- q_w = q_w.reshape((-1, perm.numel()))[:, perm].reshape(q_w.shape)
+ return torch.zeros(max_workspace_size,
+ dtype=torch.int,
+ device=device,
+ requires_grad=False)
- return q_w
+def marlin_make_empty_g_idx(device: torch.device) -> torch.Tensor:
+ return torch.nn.Parameter(torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int, device=device),
+ requires_grad=False)
-def marlin_weights(q_w, size_k, size_n, num_bits, perm):
- # Permute
- q_w = marlin_permute_weights(q_w, size_k, size_n, perm)
- # Pack
- pack_factor = get_pack_factor(num_bits)
- orig_device = q_w.device
+def marlin_sort_g_idx(
+ g_idx: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+ g_idx_sort_indices = torch.argsort(g_idx).to(torch.int)
+ return g_idx[g_idx_sort_indices], g_idx_sort_indices
- q_w = q_w.cpu().numpy().astype(numpy.uint32)
- q_packed = numpy.zeros((q_w.shape[0], q_w.shape[1] // pack_factor),
- dtype=numpy.uint32)
- for i in range(pack_factor):
- q_packed |= q_w[:, i::pack_factor] << num_bits * i
+def get_scale_perms():
+ scale_perm: List[int] = []
+ for i in range(8):
+ scale_perm.extend([i + 8 * j for j in range(8)])
+ scale_perm_single: List[int] = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ scale_perm_single.extend(
+ [2 * i + j for j in [0, 1, 8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25]])
+ return scale_perm, scale_perm_single
- q_packed = torch.from_numpy(q_packed.astype(numpy.int32)).to(orig_device)
- return q_packed
+def marlin_permute_scales(s: torch.Tensor, size_k: int, size_n: int,
+ group_size: int) -> torch.Tensor:
-def marlin_permute_scales(s, size_k, size_n, group_size, scale_perm,
- scale_perm_single):
+ scale_perm, scale_perm_single = get_scale_perms()
if group_size < size_k and group_size != -1:
s = s.reshape((-1, len(scale_perm)))[:, scale_perm]
@@ -165,180 +126,44 @@ def marlin_permute_scales(s, size_k, size_n, group_size, scale_perm,
return s
-def marlin_quantize(
- w: torch.Tensor,
- num_bits: int,
- group_size: int,
- act_order: bool,
- size_k, size_n = w.shape
- # Normalize group_size
- if group_size == -1:
- group_size = size_k
- assert group_size <= size_k
- # Quantize (and apply act_order if provided)
- w_ref, q_w, s, g_idx, rand_perm = quantize_weights(w, num_bits, group_size,
- act_order)
- # For act_order, sort the "weights" and "g_idx" so that group ids are
- # increasing
- sort_indices = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int, device=w.device)
- if act_order:
- q_w, g_idx, sort_indices = sort_weights(q_w, g_idx)
- # Reformat to marlin
- marlin_q_w = marlin_weights(q_w, size_k, size_n, num_bits,
- marlin_perm[num_bits])
- marlin_s = marlin_permute_scales(s, size_k, size_n, group_size,
- marlin_scale_perm[num_bits],
- marlin_scale_perm_single[num_bits])
- # Create result
- res_list = [w_ref, marlin_q_w, marlin_s, g_idx, sort_indices, rand_perm]
- for i in range(len(res_list)):
- res_list[i] = res_list[i].to(w.device)
- return res_list
-def inject_24(w, size_k, size_n):
- assert w.shape == (size_k, size_n)
- mask = mask_creator(w.t()).t().cuda().bool()
- return (mask * w).contiguous(), mask.contiguous()
-def check_24(w, num_rows_to_sample=50, _verbose=False):
- w = w.t().contiguous()
- print("check_24: w.shape = {}".format(w.shape))
- num_rows, num_cols = w.shape
- sampled_row_idxs = random.choices(range(num_rows), k=num_rows_to_sample)
- if _verbose:
- print(f"Sampled row idxs = {sampled_row_idxs}")
- total_segments = 0
- non_24_segments = 0
- for i in sampled_row_idxs:
- for j in range(0, num_cols - BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
- total_segments += 1
- block = w[i, j:j + BLOCK_SIZE]
- num_nonzero = torch.count_nonzero(block)
- if num_nonzero > MAX_NON_ZEROS:
- print("i = {} j = {} block = {}".format(i, j, block))
- non_24_segments += 1
- print(f"{non_24_segments} / {total_segments} do not have 2:4 structure.")
-def compress_quantized_24_weight(q_24, size_k, size_n, num_bits):
- assert q_24.shape == (size_k, size_n)
- # Remove zp to normalize over 0
- max_q_val = (1 << num_bits) - 1
- zp = (max_q_val + 1) // 2
- q_24_no_zp = q_24 - zp
- # Compress
- q_24_no_zp = q_24_no_zp.t().contiguous()
- q_24_no_zp_comp, meta = sparse_semi_structured_from_dense_cutlass(
- q_24_no_zp)
- q_24_no_zp_comp = q_24_no_zp_comp.t().contiguous()
- # Restore zp
- q_24_comp = q_24_no_zp_comp + zp
- # Resize meta to its actual shape (without moving any data)
- meta = meta.resize_(meta.shape[1] // 2, meta.shape[0] * 2)
- return q_24_comp, meta
-def marlin_24_quantize(
- w: torch.Tensor,
- num_bits: int,
- group_size: int,
- size_k, size_n = w.shape
- # Normalize group_size
- if group_size == -1:
- group_size = size_k
- assert group_size <= size_k
- # Inject 2:4 sparsity
- w_24, mask_24 = inject_24(w, size_k, size_n)
- # Quantize
- w_24_ref, q_w_24, s, g_idx, rand_perm = quantize_weights(w_24,
- num_bits,
- group_size,
- act_order=False)
- # Compress quantized weight
- q_w_24_comp, meta = compress_quantized_24_weight(q_w_24, size_k, size_n,
- num_bits)
- size_k_comp = size_k // 2
- # Reformat to marlin
- marlin_24_q_w_comp = marlin_weights(q_w_24_comp, size_k_comp, size_n,
- num_bits, marlin_24_perm[num_bits])
- marlin_24_s = marlin_permute_scales(s, size_k, size_n, group_size,
- marlin_24_scale_perm[num_bits],
- marlin_24_scale_perm_single[num_bits])
- # Create result
- res_list = [w_24_ref, marlin_24_q_w_comp, meta, marlin_24_s]
- for i in range(len(res_list)):
- res_list[i] = res_list[i].to(w.device)
- return res_list
-def compute_max_diff(output, output_ref):
- return torch.mean(torch.abs(output - output_ref)) / torch.mean(
- torch.abs(output_ref))
-class MarlinWorkspace:
- def __init__(self, out_features, min_thread_n, max_parallel):
- assert (out_features % min_thread_n == 0), (
- "out_features = {} is undivisible by min_thread_n = {}".format(
- out_features, min_thread_n))
- max_workspace_size = ((out_features // min_thread_n) * max_parallel)
- self.scratch = torch.zeros(max_workspace_size,
- dtype=torch.int,
- device="cuda")
-def pack_fp8_to_int32(fp8_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """
- Repack FP8 weights to gptq format (packed int32 elements)
- """
- assert fp8_tensor.dtype == torch.float8_e4m3fn
- assert fp8_tensor.shape[0] % 4 == 0
- # Reshape to prepare for packing
- reshaped = fp8_tensor.reshape(-1, 4, *fp8_tensor.shape[1:])
- # Convert fp8 to uint8 (byte) representation
- byte_tensor = reshaped.view(torch.uint8)
+# Newly generated tensors need to replace existing tensors that are
+# already registered as parameters by vLLM (and won't be freed)
+def replace_tensor(layer: torch.nn.Module, name: str,
+ new_t: torch.Tensor) -> None:
+ # It is important to use resize_() here since it ensures
+ # the same buffer is reused
+ getattr(layer, name).resize_(new_t.shape)
+ getattr(layer, name).copy_(new_t)
+ del new_t
+def apply_marlin_linear(input: torch.Tensor,
+ weight: torch.Tensor,
+ weight_scale: torch.Tensor,
+ g_idx: torch.Tensor,
+ g_idx_sort_indices: torch.Tensor,
+ workspace: torch.Tensor,
+ num_bits: int,
+ output_size_per_partition: int,
+ input_size_per_partition: int,
+ is_k_full: bool,
+ bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
+ reshaped_x = input.reshape(-1, input.shape[-1])
+ out_shape = input.shape[:-1] + (output_size_per_partition, )
+ output = ops.gptq_marlin_gemm(reshaped_x,
+ weight,
+ weight_scale,
+ g_idx,
+ g_idx_sort_indices,
+ workspace,
+ num_bits,
+ size_m=reshaped_x.shape[0],
+ size_n=output_size_per_partition,
+ size_k=input_size_per_partition,
+ is_k_full=is_k_full)
- # Pack 4 uint8 values into one int32
- packed = (byte_tensor[:, 0].to(torch.int32) |
- (byte_tensor[:, 1].to(torch.int32) << 8) |
- (byte_tensor[:, 2].to(torch.int32) << 16) |
- (byte_tensor[:, 3].to(torch.int32) << 24))
+ if bias is not None:
+ output.add_(bias) # In-place add
- return packed.view(fp8_tensor.shape[0] // 4,
- *fp8_tensor.shape[1:]).contiguous()
+ return output.reshape(out_shape)