Boris Staletic hat diese Seite bearbeitet vor 2 Jahren


If you're having problems, check the README first, then these resources:

  • [[FAQ]]
  • [Troubleshooting steps for ycmd server SHUT DOWN]


NOTE: Almost all installation problems are caused by not using install.py. Please use it.

  • [[Minimising Installation Size]]
  • [Full Installation Guide]
  • [[Full installation on CentOS]]
  • [[Windows Installation Guide for Unix‐like Environments]]

If you aren't running the Vim version mentioned in the Requirements section, you'll need to build Vim from source. We recommend Vim 8.2 or later.

  • [Building Vim From source]

Deprecated features

These features are legacy and only maintained so as not to break existing users. They may also offer benefits the defaults don't in rare cases.

  • [[JavaScript Semantic Completion through Tern]]
  • [[C family Semantic Completion through libclang]]
  • [[Python 2]]