123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416 |
- " This script is sourced while editing the .vim file with the tests.
- " When the script is successful the .res file will be created.
- " Errors are appended to the test.log file.
- "
- " To execute only specific test functions, add a second argument. It will be
- " matched against the names of the Test_ funtion. E.g.:
- " ../vim -Nu NONE vimrc -S lib/run_test.vim test_channel.vim open_delay
- " The output can be found in the "messages" file.
- "
- " The test script may contain anything, only functions that start with
- " "Test_" are special. These will be invoked and should contain assert
- " functions. See test_assert.vim for an example.
- "
- " It is possible to source other files that contain "Test_" functions. This
- " can speed up testing, since Vim does not need to restart. But be careful
- " that the tests do not interfere with each other.
- "
- " If an error cannot be detected properly with an assert function add the
- " error to the v:errors list:
- " call add(v:errors, 'test foo failed: Cannot find xyz')
- "
- " If preparation for each Test_ function is needed, define a SetUp function.
- " It will be called before each Test_ function.
- "
- " If cleanup after each Test_ function is needed, define a TearDown function.
- " It will be called after each Test_ function.
- "
- " When debugging a test it can be useful to add messages to v:errors:
- " call add(v:errors, "this happened")
- "
- " But for real debug logging:
- " call ch_log( ",,,message..." )
- " Then view it in 'debuglog'
- " Let a test take up to 1 minute
- let s:single_test_timeout = 60000
- " Restrict the runtimepath to the exact minimum needed for testing
- let &rtp = getcwd() . '/lib'
- set rtp +=$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after
- call ch_logfile( 'debuglog', 'w' )
- " For consistency run all tests with 'nocompatible' set.
- " This also enables use of line continuation.
- set nocp
- " Use utf-8 by default, instead of whatever the system default happens to be.
- " Individual tests can overrule this at the top of the file.
- set encoding=utf-8
- " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt
- set nomore
- " Output all messages in English.
- lang messages C
- " Always use forward slashes.
- set shellslash
- func s:TestFailed()
- if pyxeval( '"ycm_state" in globals()' )
- let logs = pyxeval( 'ycm_state.GetLogfiles()' )
- for log_name in sort( keys( logs ) )
- let log = readfile( logs[ log_name ] )
- let logfile = s:testid_filesafe . '_' . log_name . '.testlog'
- call writefile( log, logfile, 's' )
- call add( s:messages,
- \ 'Wrote '
- \ . log_name
- \ . ' log for failed test: '
- \ . logfile )
- call add( s:messages, '**** LOG FILE ' . log_name . ' ****' )
- call extend( s:messages, log )
- endfor
- endif
- endfunc
- func! Abort( timer_id )
- call assert_report( 'Test timed out!!!' )
- qa!
- endfunc
- func RunTheTest(test)
- echo 'Executing ' . a:test
- " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt
- set nomore
- " Avoid a three second wait when a message is about to be overwritten by the
- " mode message.
- set noshowmode
- " Clear any overrides.
- call test_override('ALL', 0)
- " Some tests wipe out buffers. To be consistent, always wipe out all
- " buffers.
- %bwipe!
- " The test may change the current directory. Save and restore the
- " directory after executing the test.
- let save_cwd = getcwd()
- if exists("*SetUp_" . a:test)
- try
- exe 'call SetUp_' . a:test
- catch
- call add(v:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception in SetUp_' . a:test . ' before '
- \ . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . v:exception
- \ . ' @ '
- \ . g:testpath
- \ . ':'
- \ . v:throwpoint)
- endtry
- endif
- if exists("*SetUp")
- try
- call SetUp()
- catch
- call add(v:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception in SetUp() before '
- \ . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . v:exception
- \ . ' @ '
- \ . g:testpath
- \ . ':'
- \ . v:throwpoint)
- endtry
- endif
- call add(s:messages, 'Executing ' . a:test)
- let s:done += 1
- let timer = timer_start( s:single_test_timeout, funcref( 'Abort' ) )
- try
- let s:test = a:test
- let s:testid = g:testpath . ':' . a:test
- let test_filesafe = substitute( a:test, '[)(,:]', '_', 'g' )
- let s:testid_filesafe = g:testpath . '_' . test_filesafe
- au VimLeavePre * call EarlyExit(s:test)
- call ch_log( 'StartTest: ' . a:test )
- messages clear
- exe 'call ' . a:test
- " We require that tests either don't make errors or that they call messages
- " clear
- call assert_true(
- \ empty( execute( 'messages' ) ),
- \ 'Test '
- \ .. a:test
- \ .. ' produced unexpected messages output '
- \ .. string( execute( 'messages' ) )
- \ .. ' (hint: call :messages clear if this is expected, '
- \ .. 'or use :silent)' )
- call ch_log( 'EndTest: ' . a:test )
- au! VimLeavePre
- catch /^\cskipped/
- let v:errors = []
- call ch_log( 'Skipped: ' . a:test )
- call add(s:messages, ' Skipped')
- call add(s:skipped,
- \ 'SKIPPED ' . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . substitute(v:exception, '^\S*\s\+', '', ''))
- catch
- call ch_log( 'Catch: ' . a:test )
- call add(v:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception in ' . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . v:exception
- \ . ' @ '
- \ . g:testpath
- \ . ':'
- \ . v:throwpoint)
- call s:TestFailed()
- endtry
- call timer_stop( timer )
- " In case 'insertmode' was set and something went wrong, make sure it is
- " reset to avoid trouble with anything else.
- set noinsertmode
- if exists("*TearDown")
- try
- call TearDown()
- catch
- call add(v:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception in TearDown() after ' . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . v:exception
- \ . ' @ '
- \ . g:testpath
- \ . ':'
- \ . v:throwpoint)
- endtry
- endif
- if exists("*TearDown_" . a:test)
- try
- exe 'call TearDown_' . a:test
- catch
- call add(v:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception in TearDown_' . a:test . ' after ' . a:test
- \ . ': '
- \ . v:exception
- \ . ' @ '
- \ . g:testpath
- \ . ':'
- \ . v:throwpoint)
- endtry
- endif
- " Clear any autocommands
- au!
- call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipe!
- " Close any extra tab pages and windows and make the current one not modified.
- while tabpagenr('$') > 1
- quit!
- endwhile
- while 1
- let wincount = winnr('$')
- if wincount == 1
- break
- endif
- bwipe!
- if wincount == winnr('$')
- " Did not manage to close a window.
- only!
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- exe 'cd ' . save_cwd
- endfunc
- func AfterTheTest()
- if len(v:errors) > 0
- let s:fail += 1
- call s:TestFailed()
- call add(s:errors, 'Found errors in ' . s:testid . ':')
- call extend(s:errors, v:errors)
- let v:errors = []
- endif
- endfunc
- func EarlyExit(test)
- " It's OK for the test we use to test the quit detection.
- call add(v:errors, 'Test caused Vim to exit: ' . a:test)
- call FinishTesting()
- endfunc
- " This function can be called by a test if it wants to abort testing.
- func FinishTesting()
- call AfterTheTest()
- " Don't write viminfo on exit.
- set viminfo=
- if s:fail == 0
- " Success, create the .res file so that make knows it's done.
- call writefile( [], g:testname . '.res', 's' )
- endif
- if len(s:errors) > 0
- " Append errors to test.log
- let l = []
- if filereadable( 'test.log' )
- let l = readfile( 'test.log' )
- endif
- call writefile( l->extend( [ '', 'From ' . g:testpath . ':' ] )
- \ ->extend( s:errors ),
- \ 'test.log',
- \ 's' )
- endif
- if s:done == 0
- let message = 'NO tests executed'
- else
- let message = 'Executed ' . s:done . (s:done > 1 ? ' tests' : ' test')
- endif
- echo message
- call add(s:messages, message)
- if s:fail > 0
- let message = s:fail . ' FAILED:'
- echo message
- call add(s:messages, message)
- call extend(s:messages, s:errors)
- endif
- " Add SKIPPED messages
- call extend(s:messages, s:skipped)
- " Append messages to the file "messages"
- let l = []
- if filereadable( 'messages' )
- let l = readfile( 'messages' )
- endif
- call writefile( l->extend( [ '', 'From ' . g:testpath . ':' ] )
- \ ->extend( s:messages ),
- \ 'messages',
- \ 's' )
- if exists( '$COVERAGE' ) && pyxeval( '_cov is not None' )
- pyx _cov.stop()
- pyx _cov.save()
- endif
- if s:fail > 0
- cquit!
- else
- qall!
- endif
- endfunc
- " Source the test script. First grab the file name, in case the script
- " navigates away. g:testname can be used by the tests.
- let g:testname = expand('%')
- let g:testpath = expand('%:p')
- let s:done = 0
- let s:fail = 0
- let s:errors = []
- let s:messages = []
- let s:skipped = []
- try
- source %
- catch
- let s:fail += 1
- call add(s:errors,
- \ 'Caught exception: ' .
- \ v:exception .
- \ ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
- endtry
- " Locate Test_ functions and execute them.
- redir @q
- silent function /^Test_
- redir END
- let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k*()\)', '\1', 'g'))
- " If there is an extra argument filter the function names against it.
- if argc() > 1
- let s:tests = filter(s:tests, 'v:val =~ argv(1)')
- endif
- pyx <<EOF
- def _InitCoverage():
- try:
- import coverage
- except ImportError:
- return None
- cov = coverage.Coverage( data_file='.coverage.python', data_suffix = True )
- cov.start()
- return cov
- import os
- if 'COVERAGE' in os.environ:
- _cov = _InitCoverage()
- " Init covimerage
- if exists( '$COVERAGE' )
- profile start .vim_profile
- exe 'profile! file */youcompleteme.vim'
- exe 'profile! file */youcompleteme/**.vim'
- endif
- " Execute the tests in alphabetical order.
- for s:test in sort(s:tests)
- " Silence, please!
- set belloff=all
- call RunTheTest(s:test)
- " Repeat a flaky test. Give up when:
- " - $TEST_NO_RETRY is not empty
- " - $TEST_NO_RETRY is not 0
- " - it fails five times
- if len(v:errors) > 0
- \ && ( $TEST_NO_RETRY == '' || $TEST_NO_RETRY == '0' )
- for retry in range( 10 )
- call add( s:messages, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . '. Retrying.' )
- call extend( s:messages, v:errors )
- sleep 2
- let v:errors = []
- call RunTheTest(s:test)
- if len(v:errors) == 0
- " Test passed on rerun.
- break
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- call AfterTheTest()
- endfor
- call FinishTesting()
- " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab