.gitignore 954 B

  1. # Compiled Object files
  2. *.slo
  3. *.lo
  4. *.o
  5. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  6. *.dll
  7. *.so
  8. *.dylib
  9. # Compiled Static libraries
  10. *.lai
  11. *.la
  12. *.a
  13. # CMake
  14. CMakeCache.txt
  15. CMakeFiles
  16. Makefile
  17. cmake_install.cmake
  18. install_manifest.txt
  19. # Python
  20. *.py[cod]
  21. # Installer logs
  22. pip-log.txt
  23. # Unit test / coverage reports
  24. .coverage
  25. cover/
  26. .tox
  27. nosetests.xml
  28. .noseids
  29. #Translations
  30. *.mo
  31. #Mr Developer
  32. .mr.developer.cfg
  33. # custom
  34. ycm_core_tests
  35. # When we use the bcp tool to copy over the parts of boost we care about, it
  36. # also copies some cruft files we don't need; this ignores them
  37. cpp/BoostParts/libs/*/build
  38. cpp/BoostParts/libs/*/test
  39. # These folders in cpp/llvm contain lots of upstream cruft we don't care
  40. # about and would rather not have in our tree...
  41. cpp/llvm/docs/*
  42. cpp/llvm/tools/clang/www/*
  43. # ... but excluding these LLVMBuild.txt files breaks the build so we need to
  44. # explicitely include them
  45. !LLVMBuild.txt
  46. # Exclude auto generated vim doc tags.
  47. doc/tags