123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
- #
- # This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
- #
- # YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- import vim
- import os
- import json
- from ycm.utils import ToUtf8IfNeeded
- from ycm import user_options_store
- BUFFER_COMMAND_MAP = { 'same-buffer' : 'edit',
- 'horizontal-split' : 'split',
- 'vertical-split' : 'vsplit',
- 'new-tab' : 'tabedit' }
- def CurrentLineAndColumn():
- """Returns the 0-based current line and 0-based current column."""
- # See the comment in CurrentColumn about the calculation for the line and
- # column number
- line, column = vim.current.window.cursor
- line -= 1
- return line, column
- def CurrentColumn():
- """Returns the 0-based current column. Do NOT access the CurrentColumn in
- vim.current.line. It doesn't exist yet when the cursor is at the end of the
- line. Only the chars before the current column exist in vim.current.line."""
- # vim's columns are 1-based while vim.current.line columns are 0-based
- # ... but vim.current.window.cursor (which returns a (line, column) tuple)
- # columns are 0-based, while the line from that same tuple is 1-based.
- # vim.buffers buffer objects OTOH have 0-based lines and columns.
- # Pigs have wings and I'm a loopy purple duck. Everything makes sense now.
- return vim.current.window.cursor[ 1 ]
- def TextAfterCursor():
- """Returns the text after CurrentColumn."""
- return vim.current.line[ CurrentColumn(): ]
- # Note the difference between buffer OPTIONS and VARIABLES; the two are not
- # the same.
- def GetBufferOption( buffer_object, option ):
- # NOTE: We used to check for the 'options' property on the buffer_object which
- # is available in recent versions of Vim and would then use:
- #
- # buffer_object.options[ option ]
- #
- # to read the value, BUT this caused annoying flickering when the
- # buffer_object was a hidden buffer (with option = 'ft'). This was all due to
- # a Vim bug. Until this is fixed, we won't use it.
- to_eval = 'getbufvar({0}, "&{1}")'.format( buffer_object.number, option )
- return GetVariableValue( to_eval )
- def BufferModified( buffer_object ):
- return bool( int( GetBufferOption( buffer_object, 'mod' ) ) )
- def GetUnsavedAndCurrentBufferData():
- buffers_data = {}
- for buffer_object in vim.buffers:
- if not ( BufferModified( buffer_object ) or
- buffer_object == vim.current.buffer ):
- continue
- buffers_data[ GetBufferFilepath( buffer_object ) ] = {
- 'contents': '\n'.join( buffer_object ),
- 'filetypes': FiletypesForBuffer( buffer_object )
- }
- return buffers_data
- def GetBufferNumberForFilename( filename, open_file_if_needed = True ):
- return GetIntValue( "bufnr('{0}', {1})".format(
- os.path.realpath( filename ),
- int( open_file_if_needed ) ) )
- def GetCurrentBufferFilepath():
- return GetBufferFilepath( vim.current.buffer )
- def BufferIsVisible( buffer_number ):
- if buffer_number < 0:
- return False
- window_number = GetIntValue( "bufwinnr({0})".format( buffer_number ) )
- return window_number != -1
- def GetBufferFilepath( buffer_object ):
- if buffer_object.name:
- return buffer_object.name
- # Buffers that have just been created by a command like :enew don't have any
- # buffer name so we use the buffer number for that.
- return os.path.join( os.getcwd(), str( buffer_object.number ) )
- # NOTE: This unplaces *all* signs in a buffer, not just the ones we placed. We
- # used to track which signs we ended up placing and would then only unplace
- # ours, but that causes flickering Vim since we have to call
- # sign unplace <id> buffer=<buffer-num>
- # in a loop. So we're forced to unplace all signs, which might conflict with
- # other Vim plugins.
- def UnplaceAllSignsInBuffer( buffer_number ):
- if buffer_number < 0:
- return
- vim.command( 'sign unplace * buffer={0}'.format( buffer_number ) )
- def PlaceSign( sign_id, line_num, buffer_num, is_error = True ):
- sign_name = 'YcmError' if is_error else 'YcmWarning'
- vim.command( 'sign place {0} line={1} name={2} buffer={3}'.format(
- sign_id, line_num, sign_name, buffer_num ) )
- def ClearYcmSyntaxMatches():
- matches = VimExpressionToPythonType( 'getmatches()' )
- for match in matches:
- if match[ 'group' ].startswith( 'Ycm' ):
- vim.eval( 'matchdelete({0})'.format( match[ 'id' ] ) )
- # Returns the ID of the newly added match
- # Both line and column numbers are 1-based
- def AddDiagnosticSyntaxMatch( line_num,
- column_num,
- line_end_num = None,
- column_end_num = None,
- is_error = True ):
- group = 'YcmErrorSection' if is_error else 'YcmWarningSection'
- if not line_end_num:
- line_end_num = line_num
- line_num, column_num = LineAndColumnNumbersClamped( line_num, column_num )
- line_end_num, column_end_num = LineAndColumnNumbersClamped( line_end_num,
- column_end_num )
- if not column_end_num:
- return GetIntValue(
- "matchadd('{0}', '\%{1}l\%{2}c')".format( group, line_num, column_num ) )
- else:
- return GetIntValue(
- "matchadd('{0}', '\%{1}l\%{2}c\_.*\%{3}l\%{4}c')".format(
- group, line_num, column_num, line_end_num, column_end_num ) )
- # Clamps the line and column numbers so that they are not past the contents of
- # the buffer. Numbers are 1-based.
- def LineAndColumnNumbersClamped( line_num, column_num ):
- new_line_num = line_num
- new_column_num = column_num
- max_line = len( vim.current.buffer )
- if line_num and line_num > max_line:
- new_line_num = max_line
- max_column = len( vim.current.buffer[ new_line_num - 1 ] )
- if column_num and column_num > max_column:
- new_column_num = max_column
- return new_line_num, new_column_num
- def SetLocationList( diagnostics ):
- """Diagnostics should be in qflist format; see ":h setqflist" for details."""
- vim.eval( 'setloclist( 0, {0} )'.format( json.dumps( diagnostics ) ) )
- def ConvertDiagnosticsToQfList( diagnostics ):
- def ConvertDiagnosticToQfFormat( diagnostic ):
- # see :h getqflist for a description of the dictionary fields
- # Note that, as usual, Vim is completely inconsistent about whether
- # line/column numbers are 1 or 0 based in its various APIs. Here, it wants
- # them to be 1-based.
- location = diagnostic[ 'location' ]
- return {
- 'bufnr' : GetBufferNumberForFilename( location[ 'filepath' ] ),
- 'lnum' : location[ 'line_num' ] + 1,
- 'col' : location[ 'column_num' ] + 1,
- 'text' : ToUtf8IfNeeded( diagnostic[ 'text' ] ),
- 'type' : diagnostic[ 'kind' ],
- 'valid' : 1
- }
- return [ ConvertDiagnosticToQfFormat( x ) for x in diagnostics ]
- # Given a dict like {'a': 1}, loads it into Vim as if you ran 'let g:a = 1'
- # When |overwrite| is True, overwrites the existing value in Vim.
- def LoadDictIntoVimGlobals( new_globals, overwrite = True ):
- extend_option = '"force"' if overwrite else '"keep"'
- # We need to use json.dumps because that won't use the 'u' prefix on strings
- # which Vim would bork on.
- vim.eval( 'extend( g:, {0}, {1})'.format( json.dumps( new_globals ),
- extend_option ) )
- # Changing the returned dict will NOT change the value in Vim.
- def GetReadOnlyVimGlobals( force_python_objects = False ):
- if force_python_objects:
- return vim.eval( 'g:' )
- try:
- # vim.vars is fairly new so it might not exist
- return vim.vars
- except:
- return vim.eval( 'g:' )
- def VimExpressionToPythonType( vim_expression ):
- result = vim.eval( vim_expression )
- if not isinstance( result, basestring ):
- return result
- try:
- return int( result )
- except ValueError:
- return result
- # Both |line| and |column| need to be 1-based
- def JumpToLocation( filename, line, column ):
- # Add an entry to the jumplist
- vim.command( "normal! m'" )
- if filename != GetCurrentBufferFilepath():
- # We prefix the command with 'keepjumps' so that opening the file is not
- # recorded in the jumplist. So when we open the file and move the cursor to
- # a location in it, the user can use CTRL-O to jump back to the original
- # location, not to the start of the newly opened file.
- # Sadly this fails on random occasions and the undesired jump remains in the
- # jumplist.
- user_command = user_options_store.Value( 'goto_buffer_command' )
- command = BUFFER_COMMAND_MAP.get( user_command, 'edit' )
- if command == 'edit' and BufferModified( vim.current.buffer ):
- command = 'split'
- vim.command( 'keepjumps {0} {1}'.format( command, filename ) )
- vim.current.window.cursor = ( line, column - 1 )
- # Center the screen on the jumped-to location
- vim.command( 'normal! zz' )
- def NumLinesInBuffer( buffer_object ):
- # This is actually less than obvious, that's why it's wrapped in a function
- return len( buffer_object )
- # Calling this function from the non-GUI thread will sometimes crash Vim. At the
- # time of writing, YCM only uses the GUI thread inside Vim (this used to not be
- # the case).
- def PostVimMessage( message ):
- vim.command( "echohl WarningMsg | echom '{0}' | echohl None"
- .format( EscapeForVim( str( message ) ) ) )
- # Unlike PostVimMesasge, this supports messages with newlines in them because it
- # uses 'echo' instead of 'echomsg'. This also means that the message will NOT
- # appear in Vim's message log.
- def PostMultiLineNotice( message ):
- vim.command( "echohl WarningMsg | echo '{0}' | echohl None"
- .format( EscapeForVim( str( message ) ) ) )
- def PresentDialog( message, choices, default_choice_index = 0 ):
- """Presents the user with a dialog where a choice can be made.
- This will be a dialog for gvim users or a question in the message buffer
- for vim users or if `set guioptions+=c` was used.
- choices is list of alternatives.
- default_choice_index is the 0-based index of the default element
- that will get choosen if the user hits <CR>. Use -1 for no default.
- PresentDialog will return a 0-based index into the list
- or -1 if the dialog was dismissed by using <Esc>, Ctrl-C, etc.
- See also:
- :help confirm() in vim (Note that vim uses 1-based indexes)
- Example call:
- PresentDialog("Is this a nice example?", ["Yes", "No", "May&be"])
- Is this a nice example?
- [Y]es, (N)o, May(b)e:"""
- to_eval = "confirm('{0}', '{1}', {2})".format( EscapeForVim( message ),
- EscapeForVim( "\n" .join( choices ) ), default_choice_index + 1 )
- return int( vim.eval( to_eval ) ) - 1
- def Confirm( message ):
- return bool( PresentDialog( message, [ "Ok", "Cancel" ] ) == 0 )
- def EchoText( text, log_as_message = True ):
- def EchoLine( text ):
- command = 'echom' if log_as_message else 'echo'
- vim.command( "{0} '{1}'".format( command, EscapeForVim( text ) ) )
- for line in str( text ).split( '\n' ):
- EchoLine( line )
- # Echos text but truncates it so that it all fits on one line
- def EchoTextVimWidth( text ):
- vim_width = GetIntValue( '&columns' )
- truncated_text = ToUtf8IfNeeded( text )[ : int( vim_width * 0.9 ) ]
- truncated_text.replace( '\n', ' ' )
- old_ruler = GetIntValue( '&ruler' )
- old_showcmd = GetIntValue( '&showcmd' )
- vim.command( 'set noruler noshowcmd' )
- EchoText( truncated_text, False )
- vim.command( 'let &ruler = {0}'.format( old_ruler ) )
- vim.command( 'let &showcmd = {0}'.format( old_showcmd ) )
- def EscapeForVim( text ):
- return text.replace( "'", "''" )
- def CurrentFiletypes():
- return vim.eval( "&filetype" ).split( '.' )
- def FiletypesForBuffer( buffer_object ):
- # NOTE: Getting &ft for other buffers only works when the buffer has been
- # visited by the user at least once, which is true for modified buffers
- return GetBufferOption( buffer_object, 'ft' ).split( '.' )
- def GetVariableValue( variable ):
- return vim.eval( variable )
- def GetBoolValue( variable ):
- return bool( int( vim.eval( variable ) ) )
- def GetIntValue( variable ):
- return int( vim.eval( variable ) )