.travis.yml 1.4 KB

  1. language: generic
  2. os:
  3. - linux
  4. - osx
  5. sudo: false
  6. before_install:
  7. - git submodule update --init --recursive
  8. install:
  9. # source because it sets up env vars on some platforms
  10. - source ci/travis/travis_install.sh
  11. script: ./run_tests.py
  12. after_success:
  13. - codecov
  14. env:
  15. global:
  16. # Travis can run out of RAM, so we need to be careful here.
  17. - YCM_CORES=3
  18. - COVERAGE=true
  19. matrix:
  23. matrix:
  24. exclude:
  25. - os: osx
  26. env: YCM_PYTHON_VERSION=2.6
  27. addons:
  28. apt:
  29. sources:
  30. # The Travis apt source whitelist can be found here:
  31. # https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-source-whitelist/blob/master/ubuntu.json
  32. - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test # for new libstdc++
  33. - george-edison55-precise-backports # for a more recent version of cmake (3.2.3)
  34. packages:
  35. - cmake-data
  36. - cmake
  37. # 4.9 is the first version of GCC with good enough C++11 support to build
  38. # ycmd.
  39. - g++-4.9
  40. - ninja-build
  41. # Everything below is a Python build dep (though it depends on Python
  42. # version). We need them because pyenv builds Python.
  43. - libssl-dev
  44. - zlib1g-dev
  45. - libbz2-dev
  46. - libreadline-dev
  47. - libsqlite3-dev
  48. - wget
  49. - curl
  50. - llvm
  51. - libncurses5-dev
  52. - libncursesw5-dev
  53. cache:
  54. directories:
  55. - $HOME/.cache/pip # Python packages from pip
  56. - $HOME/.pyenv # pyenv