name: CI on: workflow_dispatch: pull_request: push: branches: - master jobs: python-tests: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: runs-on: [ ubuntu-20.04, macos-12, windows-2019 ] python-arch: [ 'x64' ] python-version: [ '3.8' ] include: - runs-on: windows-2019 python-arch: 'x86' python-version: '3.9' - runs-on: windows-2019 python-arch: 'x64' python-version: '3.9' exclude: - runs-on: windows-2019 python-arch: 'x64' python-version: '3.8' env: COVERAGE: true name: "${{ matrix.runs-on }} - Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} ${{ matrix.python-arch }}" runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs-on }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 - name: Install Python uses: actions/setup-python@v3 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} architecture: ${{ matrix.python-arch }} - name: Run pip run: python3 -m pip install -r python/test_requirements.txt - name: Run tests run: python3 --quiet python/ycm/tests - name: summarise coverage run: coverage xml - name: Upload coverage data uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3 with: name: "${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ matrix.python-arch }}" token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} vim-tests: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: vim: [ 'new', 'old' ] arch: [ 'x86_64' ] runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 container: 'youcompleteme/ycm-vim-${{ matrix.arch }}-py3:test' env: COVERAGE: true YCM_TEST_STDOUT: true name: "Vim tests - ${{ matrix.vim }}" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 - name: Install dependencies run: sudo -H pip3 install -r python/test_requirements.txt - name: Install Java uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: java-version: 17 distribution: 'temurin' - name: Build ycmd run: python3 ./ --force-sudo --ts-completer --clangd-completer --java-completer - name: Run tests in old vim # System vim should be oldest supported. if: matrix.vim == 'old' run: ./test/run_vim_tests --vim /usr/bin/vim - name: Run tests in new vim if: matrix.vim == 'new' run: ./test/run_vim_tests - name: Combine and summarise coverage run: coverage combine && coverage xml - name: Upload coverage data uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3 with: name: "vim-tests-${{ matrix.vim }}" token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}