# Copyright 2009 Brian Quinlan. All Rights Reserved.
#   Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
# Copyright (C) 2013  Google Inc.
#   Changes to this file are licensed under the same terms as the original file
#   (the Python Software Foundation License).

import threading
import weakref
import sys

from concurrent.futures import _base

  import queue
except ImportError:
  import Queue as queue

# This file provides an UnsafeThreadPoolExecutor, which operates exactly like
# the upstream Python version of ThreadPoolExecutor with one exception: it
# doesn't wait for worker threads to finish before shutting down the Python
# interpreter.
# This is dangerous for many workloads, but fine for some (like when threads
# only send network requests). The YCM workload is one of those workloads where
# it's safe (the aforementioned network requests case).

class _WorkItem:
  def __init__( self, future, fn, args, kwargs ):
    self.future = future
    self.fn = fn
    self.args = args
    self.kwargs = kwargs

  def run( self ):
    if not self.future.set_running_or_notify_cancel():

      result = self.fn( *self.args, **self.kwargs )
    except BaseException:
      e = sys.exc_info()[ 1 ]
      self.future.set_exception( e )
      self.future.set_result( result )

def _worker( executor_reference, work_queue ):
    while True:
      work_item = work_queue.get( block=True )
      if work_item is not None:
      executor = executor_reference()
      # Exit if:
      #   - The executor that owns the worker has been collected OR
      #   - The executor that owns the worker has been shutdown.
      if executor is None or executor._shutdown:
        # Notice other workers
        work_queue.put( None )
      del executor
  except BaseException:
    _base.LOGGER.critical( 'Exception in worker', exc_info=True )

class UnsafeThreadPoolExecutor( _base.Executor ):
  def __init__( self, max_workers ):
    """Initializes a new ThreadPoolExecutor instance.

        max_workers: The maximum number of threads that can be used to
            execute the given calls.
    self._max_workers = max_workers
    self._work_queue = queue.Queue()
    self._threads = set()
    self._shutdown = False
    self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock()

  def submit( self, fn, *args, **kwargs ):
    with self._shutdown_lock:
      if self._shutdown:
        raise RuntimeError( 'cannot schedule new futures after shutdown' )

      f = _base.Future()
      w = _WorkItem( f, fn, args, kwargs )

      self._work_queue.put( w )
      return f
  submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__

  def _adjust_thread_count( self ):
    # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up
    # the worker threads.
    def weakref_cb( _, q=self._work_queue ):
      q.put( None )
    # TODO(bquinlan): Should avoid creating new threads if there are more
    # idle threads than items in the work queue.
    if len( self._threads ) < self._max_workers:
      t = threading.Thread( target=_worker,
                            args=( weakref.ref( self, weakref_cb ),
                                   self._work_queue ) )
      t.daemon = True
      self._threads.add( t )

  def shutdown( self, wait=True ):
    with self._shutdown_lock:
      self._shutdown = True
      self._work_queue.put( None )
    if wait:
      for t in self._threads:
  shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__