scriptencoding utf-8 function! Test_Compl_After_Trigger() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 11, 6 ] ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) " Must do the checks in a timer callback because we need to stay in insert " mode until done. function! Check( id ) closure call WaitForCompletion() call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'cl.', funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Force_Semantic_TopLevel() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 17, 5 ] ) function! Check( id ) cal WaitForCompletion() let items = complete_info( [ 'items' ] )[ 'items' ] call assert_equal( 1, len( filter( items, 'v:val.abbr ==# "Foo"' ) ), \ 'Foo should be in the suggestions' ) let items = complete_info( [ 'items' ] )[ 'items' ] call assert_equal( 1, \ len( filter( items, 'v:val.word ==# "__FUNCTION__"' ) ), \ '__FUNCTION__ should be in the suggestions' ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( "i\", funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Select_Next_Previous() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 11, 6 ] ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.c' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.x' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\y", funcref( 'Check4' ) ) endfunction function! Check4( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.y' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'y' ] ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'cl.', funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Enter_Delete_Chars_Updates_Filter() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ 'test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 23, 31 ] ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'colourOfLine', 'lengthOfLine' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ \ 'operator=(…)', \ 'colourOfLine', \ 'lengthOfLine', \ 'RED_AND_YELLOW' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'w', funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'RED_AND_YELLOW' ] ) " now type something that doesnt match call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'this_does_not_match', funcref( 'Check4' ) ) endfunction function! Check4( id ) call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_false( pumvisible() ) } ) call CheckCurrentLine( \ ' p->line.colourOfLine = Line::owthis_does_not_match' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [] ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'cl:ol', funcref( 'Check1' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! SetUp_Test_Compl_No_Filetype() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist', { \ '*': 1, \ 'ycm_nofiletype': 1 \ } ) call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_blacklist', {} ) endfunction function! Test_Compl_No_Filetype() call assert_false( has_key( g:ycm_filetype_blacklist, 'ycm_nofiletype' ) ) enew call setline( '.', 'hello this is some text ' ) " Even when fileytpe is set to '', the filetype autocommand is triggered, but " apparently, _not_ within this function. doautocmd FileType call assert_equal( 1, b:ycm_completing ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) " Must do the checks in a timer callback because we need to stay in insert " mode until done. function! Check( id ) closure call assert_equal( getline( '2' ), 'hell' ) call WaitForCompletion() let items = complete_info().items call map( items, {index, value -> value.word} ) call assert_equal( [ 'hello' ], items ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'ohell', funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) delfunc! Check endfunction function! TearDown_Test_Compl_No_Filetype() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist' ) call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_blacklist' ) endfunction function! Test_Compl_No_Filetype_Blacklisted() call assert_true( has_key( g:ycm_filetype_blacklist, 'ycm_nofiletype' ) ) enew call setline( '.', 'hello this is some text ' ) " Even when fileytpe is set to '', the filetype autocommand is triggered, but " apparently, _not_ within this function. doautocmd FileType call assert_false( exists( 'b:ycm_completing' ) ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) " Must do the checks in a timer callback because we need to stay in insert " mode until done. function! Check( id ) closure call assert_false( pumvisible() ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'ohell', funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) delfunc! Check endfunction function! OmniFuncTester( findstart, query ) if a:findstart return s:omnifunc_start_col endif return s:omnifunc_items endfunction function! SetUp_Test_OmniComplete_Filter() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_semantic_triggers', { \ 'omnifunc_test': [ ':', '.' ] \ } ) endfunction function! Test_OmniComplete_Filter() enew setf omnifunc_test set omnifunc=OmniFuncTester let s:omnifunc_start_col = 3 let s:omnifunc_items = [ 'test', 'testing', 'testy' ] function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'te:te' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'test', 'testy', 'testing' ], \ 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'y', funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'te:tey' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'te:testy' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check4' ) ) endfunction function! Check4( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'te:tey' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call setline(1, 'te:' ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 1, 3 ] ) call FeedAndCheckMain( 'ate', 'Check1' ) endfunction function! TearDown_Test_OmniComplete_Filter() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_semantic_triggers' ) endfunction function! Test_OmniComplete_Force() enew setf omnifunc_test set omnifunc=OmniFuncTester let s:omnifunc_start_col = 0 let s:omnifunc_items = [ 'test', 'testing', 'testy' ] function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'te' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'test', 'testy', 'testing' ], \ 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'y', funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'tey' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'testy' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check4' ) ) endfunction function! Check4( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'tey' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'testy' ], 'word' ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call setline(1, 'te' ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 1, 3 ] ) call FeedAndCheckMain( "a\", 'Check1' ) endfunction function! Test_Completion_FixIt() " There's a bug in clangd where you have to open a file which includes the " file you want to auto-include before it will actually auto-include that " file, auto_include_workaround #includes auto_include.h, so that clangd knows " about it call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ 'test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ 'test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'do_a' ) call CheckCompletionItemsHasItems( [ 'do_a_thing(Thing thing)', \ 'do_another_thing()' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\" , funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( 'do_a_thing' ) call CheckCompletionItemsHasItems( [ 'do_a_thing(Thing thing)', \ 'do_another_thing()' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( '(' , funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) } ) call CheckCurrentLine( 'do_a_thing(' ) call assert_equal( '#include "auto_include.h"', getline( 1 ) ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call setpos( '.', [ 0, 3, 1 ] ) call FeedAndCheckMain( "Ado_a\", funcref( 'Check1' ) ) endfunction function! Test_Select_Next_Previous_InsertModeMapping() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 11, 6 ] ) inoremap " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.c' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.x' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'c', 'x', 'y' ] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\a", funcref( 'Check4' ) ) endfunction function! Check4( id ) call CheckCurrentLine( ' foo.a' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [] ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check5' ) ) endfunction function! Check5( id ) " The last ctrl-n moved to the next line call CheckCurrentLine( '}' ) call assert_equal( [ 0, 12, 2, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [] ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'cl.', funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) iunmap endfunction function! Test_Completion_WorksWithoutMovingCursor() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ 'test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) function! Check( id ) call WaitForCompletion() " We don't care about completion " items, just that we didn't error " while opening the completion pum " without typing anything first. call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call setpos( '.', [ 0, 3, 1 ] ) call FeedAndCheckMain( "i\", funcref( 'Check' ) ) endfunction function! SetUp_Test_Manual_Trigger() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_auto_trigger', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Manual_Trigger() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 11, 6 ] ) imap (YCMComplete) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' tfthne' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ \ 'test_function_that_has_no_errors' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' tfthn' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ \ 'test_function_that_has_no_errors' ], 'word' ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( "Otfthne\", funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) iunmap endfunction function! TearDown_Test_Manual_Trigger() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_auto_trigger' ) endfunction function! SetUp_Test_Manual_Trigger_CompleteFunc() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_auto_trigger', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Manual_Trigger_CompleteFunc() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/clangd/testdata/basic.cpp', {} ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 11, 6 ] ) set completefunc=youcompleteme#CompleteFunc " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' tfthne' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ \ 'test_function_that_has_no_errors' ], 'word' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' tfthn' ) call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ \ 'test_function_that_has_no_errors' ], 'word' ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( "Otfthne\\", funcref( 'Check' ) ) " Checks run in insert mode, then exit insert mode. call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) set completefunc= endfunction function! TearDown_Test_Manual_Trigger_CompleteFunc() call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_auto_trigger' ) endfunction