# Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. # 2016 YouCompleteMe contributors # # This file is part of YouCompleteMe. # # YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see . from ycm.tests.test_utils import MockVimModule MockVimModule() import os from hamcrest import assert_that, contains_inanyorder, has_item, has_items from unittest import TestCase from ycm import syntax_parse from ycmd.utils import ReadFile def ContentsOfTestFile( test_file ): dir_of_script = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) full_path_to_test_file = os.path.join( dir_of_script, 'testdata', test_file ) return ReadFile( full_path_to_test_file ) class SyntaxTest( TestCase ): def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_PythonSyntax( self ): expected_keywords = ( 'bytearray', 'IndexError', 'all', 'help', 'vars', 'SyntaxError', 'global', 'elif', 'unicode', 'sorted', 'memoryview', 'isinstance', 'except', 'nonlocal', 'NameError', 'finally', 'BytesWarning', 'dict', 'IOError', 'pass', 'oct', 'bin', 'SystemExit', 'return', 'StandardError', 'format', 'TabError', 'break', 'next', 'not', 'UnicodeDecodeError', 'False', 'RuntimeWarning', 'list', 'iter', 'try', 'reload', 'Warning', 'round', 'dir', 'cmp', 'set', 'bytes', 'UnicodeTranslateError', 'intern', 'issubclass', 'yield', 'Ellipsis', 'hash', 'locals', 'BufferError', 'slice', 'for', 'FloatingPointError', 'sum', 'VMSError', 'getattr', 'abs', 'print', 'import', 'True', 'FutureWarning', 'ImportWarning', 'None', 'EOFError', 'len', 'frozenset', 'ord', 'super', 'raise', 'TypeError', 'KeyboardInterrupt', 'UserWarning', 'filter', 'range', 'staticmethod', 'SystemError', 'or', 'BaseException', 'pow', 'RuntimeError', 'float', 'MemoryError', 'StopIteration', 'globals', 'divmod', 'enumerate', 'apply', 'LookupError', 'open', 'basestring', 'from', 'UnicodeError', 'zip', 'hex', 'long', 'IndentationError', 'int', 'chr', '__import__', 'type', 'Exception', 'continue', 'tuple', 'reduce', 'reversed', 'else', 'assert', 'UnicodeEncodeError', 'input', 'with', 'hasattr', 'delattr', 'setattr', 'raw_input', 'PendingDeprecationWarning', 'compile', 'ArithmeticError', 'while', 'del', 'str', 'property', 'def', 'and', 'GeneratorExit', 'ImportError', 'xrange', 'is', 'EnvironmentError', 'KeyError', 'coerce', 'SyntaxWarning', 'file', 'in', 'unichr', 'ascii', 'any', 'as', 'if', 'OSError', 'DeprecationWarning', 'min', 'UnicodeWarning', 'execfile', 'id', 'complex', 'bool', 'ValueError', 'NotImplemented', 'map', 'exec', 'buffer', 'max', 'class', 'object', 'repr', 'callable', 'ZeroDivisionError', 'eval', '__debug__', 'ReferenceError', 'AssertionError', 'classmethod', 'UnboundLocalError', 'NotImplementedError', 'lambda', 'AttributeError', 'OverflowError', 'WindowsError' ) assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( ContentsOfTestFile( 'python_syntax' ) ), contains_inanyorder( *expected_keywords ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_CppSyntax( self ): expected_keywords = ( 'int_fast32_t', 'FILE', 'size_t', 'bitor', 'typedef', 'const', 'struct', 'uint8_t', 'fpos_t', 'thread_local', 'unsigned', 'uint_least16_t', 'do', 'intptr_t', 'uint_least64_t', 'return', 'auto', 'void', '_Complex', 'break', '_Alignof', 'not', 'using', '_Static_assert', '_Thread_local', 'public', 'uint_fast16_t', 'this', 'continue', 'char32_t', 'int16_t', 'intmax_t', 'static', 'clock_t', 'sizeof', 'int_fast64_t', 'mbstate_t', 'try', 'xor', 'uint_fast32_t', 'int_least8_t', 'div_t', 'volatile', 'template', 'char16_t', 'new', 'ldiv_t', 'int_least16_t', 'va_list', 'uint_least8_t', 'goto', 'noreturn', 'enum', 'static_assert', 'bitand', 'compl', 'imaginary', 'jmp_buf', 'throw', 'asm', 'ptrdiff_t', 'uint16_t', 'or', 'uint_fast8_t', '_Bool', 'int32_t', 'float', 'private', 'restrict', 'wint_t', 'operator', 'not_eq', '_Imaginary', 'alignas', 'union', 'long', 'uint_least32_t', 'int_least64_t', 'friend', 'uintptr_t', 'int8_t', 'else', 'export', 'int_fast8_t', 'catch', 'true', 'case', 'default', 'double', '_Noreturn', 'signed', 'typename', 'while', 'protected', 'wchar_t', 'wctrans_t', 'uint64_t', 'delete', 'and', 'register', 'false', 'int', 'uintmax_t', 'off_t', 'char', 'int64_t', 'int_fast16_t', 'DIR', '_Atomic', 'time_t', 'xor_eq', 'namespace', 'virtual', 'complex', 'bool', 'mutable', 'if', 'int_least32_t', 'sig_atomic_t', 'and_eq', 'ssize_t', 'alignof', '_Alignas', '_Generic', 'extern', 'class', 'typeid', 'short', 'for', 'uint_fast64_t', 'wctype_t', 'explicit', 'or_eq', 'switch', 'uint32_t', 'inline' ) assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( ContentsOfTestFile( 'cpp_syntax' ) ), contains_inanyorder( *expected_keywords ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_JavaSyntax( self ): expected_keywords = ( 'code', 'text', 'cols', 'datetime', 'disabled', 'shape', 'codetype', 'alt', 'compact', 'style', 'valuetype', 'short', 'finally', 'continue', 'extends', 'valign', 'bordercolor', 'do', 'return', 'rel', 'rules', 'void', 'nohref', 'abbr', 'background', 'scrolling', 'instanceof', 'name', 'summary', 'try', 'default', 'noshade', 'coords', 'dir', 'frame', 'usemap', 'ismap', 'static', 'hspace', 'vlink', 'for', 'selected', 'rev', 'vspace', 'content', 'method', 'version', 'volatile', 'above', 'new', 'charoff', 'public', 'alink', 'enum', 'codebase', 'if', 'noresize', 'interface', 'checked', 'byte', 'super', 'throw', 'src', 'language', 'package', 'standby', 'script', 'longdesc', 'maxlength', 'cellpadding', 'throws', 'tabindex', 'color', 'colspan', 'accesskey', 'float', 'while', 'private', 'height', 'boolean', 'wrap', 'prompt', 'nowrap', 'size', 'rows', 'span', 'clip', 'bgcolor', 'top', 'long', 'start', 'scope', 'scheme', 'type', 'final', 'lang', 'visibility', 'else', 'assert', 'transient', 'link', 'catch', 'true', 'serializable', 'target', 'lowsrc', 'this', 'double', 'align', 'value', 'cite', 'headers', 'below', 'protected', 'declare', 'classid', 'defer', 'false', 'synchronized', 'int', 'abstract', 'accept', 'hreflang', 'char', 'border', 'id', 'native', 'rowspan', 'charset', 'archive', 'strictfp', 'readonly', 'axis', 'cellspacing', 'profile', 'multiple', 'object', 'action', 'pagex', 'pagey', 'marginheight', 'data', 'class', 'frameborder', 'enctype', 'implements', 'break', 'gutter', 'url', 'clear', 'face', 'switch', 'marginwidth', 'width', 'left' ) assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( ContentsOfTestFile( 'java_syntax' ) ), contains_inanyorder( *expected_keywords ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_PhpSyntax_ContainsFunctions( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( ContentsOfTestFile( 'php_syntax' ) ), has_items( 'array_change_key_case' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_PhpSyntax_ContainsPreProc( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( ContentsOfTestFile( 'php_syntax' ) ), has_items( 'skip', 'function' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_Basic( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ foogroup xxx foo bar zoo goo links to Statement""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_Function( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ foogroup xxx foo bar zoo goo links to Function""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_ContainedArgAllowed( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ phpFunctions xxx contained gzclose yaz_syntax html_entity_decode fbsql_read_blob png2wbmp mssql_init cpdf_set_title gztell fbsql_insert_id empty cpdf_restore mysql_field_type closelog swftext ldap_search curl_errno gmp_div_r mssql_data_seek getmyinode printer_draw_pie mcve_initconn ncurses_getmaxyx defined contained replace_child has_attributes specified insertdocument assign node_name hwstat addshape get_attribute_node html_dump_mem userlist links to Function""" ), # noqa has_items( 'gzclose', 'userlist', 'ldap_search' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_JunkIgnored( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ --- Syntax items --- foogroup xxx foo bar zoo goo links to Statement Spell cluster=NONE NoSpell cluster=NONE""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_MultipleStatementGroups( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ foogroup xxx foo bar links to Statement bargroup xxx zoo goo links to Statement""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_StatementAndTypeGroups( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ foogroup xxx foo bar links to Statement bargroup xxx zoo goo links to Type""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_StatementHierarchy( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ baa xxx foo bar links to Foo Foo xxx zoo goo links to Bar Bar xxx qux moo links to Statement""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo', 'qux', 'moo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_TypeHierarchy( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ baa xxx foo bar links to Foo Foo xxx zoo goo links to Bar Bar xxx qux moo links to Type""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo', 'qux', 'moo' ) ) def test_KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput_StatementAndTypeHierarchy( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._KeywordsFromSyntaxListOutput( """ tBaa xxx foo bar links to tFoo tFoo xxx zoo goo links to tBar tBar xxx qux moo links to Type sBaa xxx na bar links to sFoo sFoo xxx zoo nb links to sBar sBar xxx qux nc links to Statement""" ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo', 'qux', 'moo', 'na', 'nb', 'nc' ) ) def test_SyntaxGroupsFromOutput_Basic( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._SyntaxGroupsFromOutput( """ foogroup xxx foo bar zoo goo links to Statement""" ), has_item( 'foogroup' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_Basic( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'foo bar', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_Commas( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'foo, bar,', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_WithLinksTo( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'foo bar', 'zoo goo', 'links to Statement' ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_KeywordStarts( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'foo bar', 'contained boo baa', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'boo', 'baa', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_KeywordMiddle( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'foo contained bar', 'zoo goo' ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'contained', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_KeywordAssign( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'nextgroup=zoo skipwhite foo bar', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_KeywordAssignAndMiddle( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'nextgroup=zoo foo skipnl bar', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'skipnl', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_KeywordWithoutNextgroup( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'skipempty foo bar', 'zoo goo', ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'skipempty', 'foo', 'bar', 'zoo', 'goo' ) ) def test_ExtractKeywordsFromGroup_ContainedSyntaxArgAllowed( self ): assert_that( syntax_parse._ExtractKeywordsFromGroup( syntax_parse.SyntaxGroup( '', [ 'contained foo zoq', 'contained bar goo', 'far' ] ) ), contains_inanyorder( 'foo', 'zoq', 'bar', 'goo', 'far' ) )