function! SetUp() let g:ycm_auto_hover = 1 let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 1 let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 1 let g:ycm_log_level = 'DEBUG' call youcompleteme#test#setup#SetUp() endfunction function! TearDown() call youcompleteme#test#setup#CleanUp() endfunction function! Test_Call_Hierarchy() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) call cursor( [ 1, 5 ] ) call youcompleteme#hierarchy#StartRequest( 'call' ) call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( popup_list() ), 1 ) } ) " Check that `+Function f` is at the start of the only line in the popup. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 1 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: f', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\", "xt" ) " Check that f's callers are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 4 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: f.*:1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: h.*:9', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Check that g's callers are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 5 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: f.*:1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: h.*:8', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: h.*:9', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 5 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because h has no incoming calls. silent call feedkeys( "\\\", "xt" ) " Check that 1st h's callers are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 5 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: f.*:1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: h.*:8', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Function: h.*:9', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 5 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because h has no incoming calls. silent call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Check that 2nd h's callers are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 5 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: f.*:1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: h.*:8', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: h.*:9', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 5 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because clangd does not support outgoing calls. silent call feedkeys( "\\\\\", "xt" ) " Try to access callees of f. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 5 ) } ) call assert_match( '^-Function: f.*:1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: g.*:4', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: h.*:8', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Function: h.*:9', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 5 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because clangd does not support outgoing calls. silent call feedkeys( "\\\\\", "xt" ) " Re-root at h. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 1 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Function: h', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[0] ) " silent, because clangd does not support outgoing calls. silent call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Expansion after re-rooting works. " NOTE: Clangd does not support outgoing calls, hence, we are stuck at just h. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 1 ) } ) call assert_match( '^-Function: h', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\", "xt" ) " Make sure it is closed. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( popup_list() ), 0 ) } ) %bwipe! endfunction function! Test_Type_Hierarchy() call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} ) call cursor( [ 13, 8 ] ) call youcompleteme#hierarchy#StartRequest( 'type' ) call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( popup_list() ), 1 ) } ) " Check that `+Struct: B1` is at the start of the only line in the popup. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 1 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Struct: B1', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\", "xt" ) " Check that B1's subtypes are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 2 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because D1 has no subtypes. silent call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Try to access D1's subtypes. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 2 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Check that B1's supertypes are present. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 3 ) } ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^-Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because there are no supertypes of B0. silent call feedkeys( "\\", "xt" ) " Try to access B0's supertypes. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 3 ) } ) call assert_match( '^ -Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^-Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\", "xt" ) " Re-root at B0: supertypes->subtypes. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 4 ) } ) call assert_match( '^+Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: D0.*:15', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\\\\", "xt" ) " Re-root at D1: subtypes->supertypes. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 3 ) } ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^+Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) " silent, because there are no subtypes of D1. silent call feedkeys( "\\\", "xt" ) " Expansion after re-rooting works. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1, '$' ) ), 4 ) } ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 1 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ +Struct: B0.*:12', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 2 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^ -Struct: B1.*:13', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 3 )[ 0 ] ) call assert_match( '^-Struct: D1.*:16', getbufline( winbufnr( popup_list()[ 0 ] ), 4 )[ 0 ] ) call feedkeys( "\", "xt" ) " Make sure it is closed. call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( len( popup_list() ), 0 ) } ) %bwipe! endfunction