function! s:AssertInfoPopupNotVisible() call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_true( \ popup_findinfo() == 0 || \ !popup_getpos( popup_findinfo() ).visible ) } ) endfunction function! s:AssertInfoPopupVisible() call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_true( \ popup_findinfo() != 0 && \ !empty( popup_getpos( popup_findinfo() ) ) && \ popup_getpos( popup_findinfo() ).visible ) } ) endfunction function! SetUp() let g:ycm_use_clangd = 1 let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0 let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 1 let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 1 let g:ycm_log_level = 'DEBUG' let g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt = 'popup' let g:ycm_enable_semantic_highlighting = 1 call youcompleteme#test#setup#SetUp() endfunction function! TearDown() call youcompleteme#test#setup#CleanUp() endfunction exe 'source' expand( ":p:h" ) .. '/completion.common.vim' function! Test_Using_Ondemand_Resolve() let debug_info = split( execute( 'YcmDebugInfo' ), "\n" ) enew setf cpp call assert_equal( '', &completefunc ) for line in debug_info if line =~# "^-- Resolve completions: " let ver = substitute( line, "^-- Resolve completions: ", "", "" ) call assert_equal( 'On demand', ver, 'API version' ) return endif endfor call assert_report( "Didn't find the resolve type in the YcmDebugInfo" ) endfunction function! Test_ResolveCompletion_OnChange() call SkipIf( !exists( '*popup_findinfo' ), 'no popup_findinfo' ) " Only the java completer actually uses the completion resolve call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/java/testdata/simple_eclipse_project' . \ '/src/com/test/', { 'delay': 15 } ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 6, 21 ] ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call s:AssertInfoPopupNotVisible() call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2', [ 0 ] ) ) endfunction let found_getAString = 0 function! Check2( counter, id ) closure call WaitForCompletion() call s:AssertInfoPopupVisible() let info_popup_id = popup_findinfo() let compl = complete_info() let selected = compl.items[ compl.selected ] " All items should be resolved " NOTE: Even after resolving the item still has this as there's no way to " update the user data of the item at this point (need a vim change to do " that) call assert_true( has_key( json_decode( selected.user_data ), \ 'resolve' ) ) if selected.word ==# 'getAString' " It's line 5 because we truncated the signature to fit it in call WaitForAssert( { -> \ assert_equal( [ 'MethodsWithDocumentation.getAString() : String', \ '', \ 'getAString() : String', \ '', \ 'Single line description.', \ ], \ getbufline( winbufnr( info_popup_id ), '1', '5' ) ) \ } ) let found_getAString += 1 endif if a:counter < 10 call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2', [ a:counter + 1 ] ) ) else call feedkeys( "\" ) endif endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'cw', funcref( 'Check1' ) ) call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call assert_equal( 1, found_getAString ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_Resolve_FixIt() call SkipIf( !exists( '*popup_findinfo' ), 'no popup_findinfo' ) " Only the java completer actually uses the completion resolve call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/java/testdata/simple_eclipse_project' . \ '/src/com/test/', { 'delay': 15 } ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCurrentLine( ' Tes' ) call CheckCompletionItemsHasItems( [ 'Test - com.youcompleteme' ] ) let tabs = IndexOfCompletionItemInList( 'Test - com.youcompleteme' ) + 1 let tabs = repeat( "\", tabs ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( tabs, funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCompletionItemsHasItems( [ 'Test - com.youcompleteme' ] ) call CheckCurrentLine( ' Test' ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check3' ) ) endfunction function! Check3( id ) call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) } ) call CheckCurrentLine( ' Test' ) call assert_equal( 'import com.youcompleteme.Test;', getline( 3 ) ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call setpos( '.', [ 0, 7, 1 ] ) call FeedAndCheckMain( "oTes\", funcref( 'Check1' ) ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction function! Test_DontResolveCompletion_AlreadyResolved() call SkipIf( !exists( '*popup_findinfo' ), 'no popup_findinfo' ) " Only the java completer actually uses the completion resolve call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( \ '/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/java/testdata/simple_eclipse_project' . \ '/src/com/test/', { 'delay': 15 } ) call setpos( '.', [ 0, 7, 12 ] ) " Required to trigger TextChangedI " call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 ) function! Check1( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call CheckCompletionItemsContainsExactly( [ 'hashCode' ], 'word' ) call s:AssertInfoPopupNotVisible() call assert_equal( -1, complete_info().selected ) let compl = complete_info() let hashCode = compl.items[ 0 ] call assert_equal( 1, len( compl.items ) ) call assert_equal( 'hashCode', hashCode.word ) call assert_false( has_key( json_decode( hashCode.user_data ), \ 'resolve' ) ) call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\", funcref( 'Check2' ) ) endfunction function! Check2( id ) call WaitForCompletion() call s:AssertInfoPopupVisible() let compl = complete_info() let selected = compl.items[ 0 ] call assert_equal( 1, len( compl.items ) ) call assert_equal( 'hashCode', selected.word ) call assert_false( has_key( json_decode( selected.user_data ), \ 'resolve' ) ) call feedkeys( "\" ) endfunction call FeedAndCheckMain( 'C', funcref( 'Check1' ) ) call assert_false( pumvisible(), 'pumvisible()' ) call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) endfunction